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Which country has the worst food?
My experience is:

1- Australia/NZ
2- Colombia
3- Brazil
4- Indonesia
5- Chile
Food in Germany is pretty dismal
what makes food in australia so bad? outside of multicultural suburbs like cabramatta or something? Its just westernised fast food basically with small startups here and there
Definitely Philippines.
Best in the world is probably the USA. They somehow even make the food of other nations taste better.
Finland, next question
Maldives. You can get world-class international cuisine at the resorts, but if you actually try to eat like a local, you will be sorely disappointed.
Faroe Islands
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1. Every sub-saharran African country minus Ethiopia
2. Cuba
3. Philippines
4. Colombia
5. Cambodia
1. All nordcuck countries
2. Germany
3. Colombia
4. Spain (overrated salty oily shit)
5. Philippines (saved only by Jollibee lmao)
In my experience it was Taiwan
that's disappointing
was hoping on traveling there and enjoying some good cuisine
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If you can't read Chinese, or don't have friends to share a table with at the high-end places, it's tough to delve into quality Taiwanese cuisine. You can eat surprisingly cheap there, considering the local spending power, but it is not good quality, fresh ingredients, made from scratch kinda meals. Teriyaki style salty brown sauce slathered on everything, so flavor is very one-dimensional. My gut was in a constant state of irritation from eating the cheap food there.
how so? I live here and can get japanese, thai, chinese, afghani, ethiopian, jamaican, vietnamese, malaysian, greek, italian etc. and good quality too
maybe some small towns it sucks but come to Vancouver
Notice how every cuisine you've listed is foreign. Native Canadian cuisine isn't nearly as good. It's even worse if you really try to dig deep and look for uniquely Canadian creations that have no ties to other countries.
the US also has no such dishes. the only food not from another cuisine is native food, most of which surviving today is still post colonial (bannock etc.)
Philippines is nothing but slop
lmfao. Canadian culture is virtue signaling and worshipping third worlders. Then they come on here and cry like little bitches when Indians form their own country and start singing O Canada in Punjabi. Canadian """cuisine""" is french fries and chicken wings.
1. India
2. South east asia
3. China (real chinese not westernised chinese food which is nice)
4. Sub-saharan Africa
5. Latin America
t. most bland boiled-potato eating caucasian
This has to be bait/trolling
America and Poland have never heard of spices
If you want to talk "never heard of spices" countries you can do a LOT worse than the US. Like literally most of South America and most of Europe
>most of Europe
I agree with eastern Europe and the Baltics but south America definitely knows how to make food that isn't bland
Colombia sure as fuck doesn't
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The average arepa has more spices in it than an entire Eastern European or Midwestern American would eat in a year
Not even true, lots of southern food for example is unquestionably american. So are hamburgers
if you are a tourist in the Netherlands, and if you are not an extremely seasoned and smart urban traveler, there is literally no way you'll have access to decent food

AMS has decent restaurants but you wont be able to find them if you just do touristic shit
Are you retarded?
Is it from Germany? Then tell me where in Germany I can find authentic German hamburgers?
Cuba, hands down
So you are retarded
>southern food
french, african, mexican
think of why it's called a hamburger and come back to me
Bait kek
Am Colombian and can confirm the food sucks

>always room temperature
>no seasoning
>everything is a poor attempt at copying American
>literally nobody cooks and they survive off frozen dinners and Billy's frozen pizza
>restaurants care more about the plating then what's on the plate
>consider butter a condiment
spices suck. fuck spicy food. i don't want my mouth on fire when i'm trying to enjoy a meal.
You are stupid
>Muh seasoning
Imagine not knowing how to use ingredients, so you just douse everything in random spices then overcook it, kek.
>spices suck
Flyovers are never beating the allegations kek
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Southeast Asian food is so varied that lumping it together likes that does it a disservice.

Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia actually has good food.
Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines has shit food.
Any flavor is bad in its extreme.
>fuck sweet food. i don't want to get type 2 diabetes when i'm trying to enjoy a meal.
>fuck salty food. i don't want my kidneys shutting down when i'm trying to enjoy a meal.
>fuck sour food. i don't want my mouth shriveling up when i'm trying to enjoy a meal.

Problem is, a lot of people who don't like spices don't know how to use ingredients either.
I did not care for Scandinavian cuisine or Spanish cuisine. Pretty much everywhere else in Europe is great. I even liked UK food. Bangers & mash, fish & chips, shepherds pies, meat pies. Shit is cash
Just out of curiosity, what were some of the things you ate in Spain?
You're crazy. Prague has become a really good culinary destination. The city has so much tourist money and rental space is so cheap that a lot of world renowned chefs from around the world open restaurants there. Even the inexpensive places are good because they have to be with all the competition. There's a lot of variety too. If you had bad meals in Prague, you didn't do your research.

The answer to who has the worst food is pretty much any rural area in the midwestern US. People in places like Perry Oklahoma only eat fast food and in terrible diners. Fine dining is Panda Express.

+1 for Canada. Really, really, really bad.
The US
The food is literally pumped full of poison that is meant to kill you
I am the anon you're respondng to and yes I agree, there is no native canadian cuisine really, there isn't much of a culture outside of being polite, it's just a mixed up cesspool of ethnicities because we've welcomed in everyone, same as NZ and australia don't really have their own cuisine
regardless of that this thread is just about which countries have worst foods, it's easy to get good food in canada, nobody said anything about ethnic cuisine
I've traveled to many countries and am mostly disappointed by the food there because I've been spoiled by vancouver. I can choose literally any fuckin ethnicity and get the food made by people from that country and it's damn good, usually better than the average restaurant from the country itself
But I love Lumpia, Pancit, and Longaniza
>Philippines is nothing but slop
until you start slapping down $10-20 per dish, yes

Good food does exist within PH, but not for poorfags and most of the country is a poorfag.

This is why it's important to specify the question. are we talking about:
1. The general dining scene of the country in general?
2. Upper mid to high end dining scene of the country specifically?
3. The dishes specific to that culture and NOT, for example, japanese food in Canada

These are all different things

90 to 95% of PH is slop. Other 5% is just fine, but typically gonna pay for it.
Fuck off cunt, Australia has great food
Mongolia. It's mostly inedible cuts of meat.
These are all memes.
kek even students can afford 10$ tards, you guys haven't tried actual Filipino cuisine. You come into this country, fuck/marry some ugly whore in poverty, see a few sights, then think you know all about it. It would be best if you remembered why you came in the first place, you're a nobody in your own country. I thought westards would spend more on food here, but it seems you guys only have access to the shit women and food lmao
a lot of this is the fact that the FDA makes you list everything, while EU nutrition labels aren't so strict
Spanish cuisine is fucking dogshit lol. So much of it is deep-fried slop. Then you have:

lol, pilav

>patatas bravas
lol, chips with ketchup

lol, tomato soup cba to cook

lol, pepper

lol, toast

Tortilla is a based breakfast staple though. As are the hams.
>trying to defend colombia
>posts venezuelan arepas
Where the fuck do you niggers get le no spice meme anyway? The US is one of the biggest consumers of hot sauce in the world.
>culinary destination
>world renowned chains
wew lad. looks like megacorps and international banks have done you in.
can confirm this, spain is beyond overrated and their food is absolute slop. the whole country is worse than france in terms of tourism, and it's nowhere as cheap as it used to be. same thing is happening with portugal and the south of france
>1- Australia/NZ
this but unironically
>EU nutrition labels aren't so strict
bullshit, although that also depends on the country, still, in most EU countries they require you to list every single thing
If anybody's got any more of these infographics, I'd be VERY interested in seeing them. Tried doing the same in /ck/, but they seem like fags

I don’t like Scandinavian food either, although there are obviously a handful of hot-shit fancy restaurants that do interesting stuff, most famously in Copenhagen. And I find Spanish food pretty boring, especially any and all tapas, but their seafood can be very good if you’re near the coast.

Swiss food sucks. Excellent chocolate and among the world’s finest cheese, but no cuisine worth mentioning and outrageous prices in restaurants. The best meals to be had in Switzerland are French, Italian, or immigrant cooking, at twice the price of any of the neighboring countries.
>Where the fuck do you niggers get le no spice meme anywa
Because the Midwest has the worst food in the world
Papua New Guinea. Their staple food looks like fucking jizz.
pleb: filtered
I'd suggest starting in Hamburg
>1. Every sub-saharran African country minus Ethiopia

What country did you go to and what did you eat?
Mongolian cuisine is literally just mutton, bread, horse meat, and milk. If it's a good day, they'll make dumplings or stew with them, but that's really it. They don't even have regular access to vegetables or spices throughout the year.
Isn’t PNG one of the most undeveloped and savage countries outside of Africa
Most of the staples. Several types of paella, tons of jamon, papas bravas, lots of soft cheeses and baguettes. Seafood almost every day for 20 days. Even the paella we had (both homemade and from different restaurants) was mid at best. Pretty bland food all around. I lost 7lbs in the 20 days cuz of walking 5-10 miles a day and not wanting to eat lol
That's what I'm told and it sounds like pure kino. I want to go impregnate a bunch of ugly abos with my white seed.
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.....You're one of those.
Do you really think chain restaurants are better? Not him btw, just trying to make sense of your reply.
He didn’t say a word about chain restaurants. Schizoanon here just plucked that out of thin air.
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This. Just go to chains everyone and save money. Works for the Midwest
>Spanish cuisine
Isn't great at all but your list is tourist food. Cooking yourself (Apartment and rented car) is way better. Lot of fantastic food in the (super)markets easy to get. Except vegetables, They seem to allergic to it.

> terms of tourism
Depends, the typical consumer tourist (Museums, Buildings, Food) has limited options. If you travel and open minded it's nice.
The reason is Europe is superior and muttland is inferior. R u mad?
That pic is photoshopped, sweaty
I've been there...
I had amazing meals in Barcelona. There are awesome deals to be found, but you have to do some research because of the sheer volume of places to eat in the city. And the really good places usually require a reservation in the busy season. It's definitely more expensive than the rest of Spain to eat out, but you're absolutely wrong if you think the food in Barcelona is bad. One of the best meals I've ever eaten in Europe was a tapas place in Barcelona called El Pintxo. The chefs would just prepare random creations and send them out.

I could see how someone with very little money to spend and who's a picky eater might not like Barcelona. My friend's 8 year old son was very afraid to try tapas and he complained every time they took him out.
>very afraid to try tapas
What does this even mean? Tapas can be anything.
Not knocking on the cuisines themselves but
>Germans willingly remove most or all spices even from even foreign dishes, never had as much bland food as in Germany and I have visited most of Scandinavia
>Americans somehow manage to prepare almost any dish with too much fat and salt
>Central Asia puts most of the world to shame when it comes to food poisoning, might even give India a run for its money
>remote isolated communities are always eye-opening, I once spent two weeks hiking in the Afghan Wakhan eating nothing but bread, rice, tea and dairy (and the onions I had purchased before setting out), and there's people there who live out their lives on nothing but that

Also hearing a (very friendly) Liberian woman say that 'sausages aren't meat' was hilariously puzzling.
I was going to say Africa.

currently live with a Nigerian housemate. her food is disgusting. some of it is ok. but majority is disgusting
What's wrong with it?
God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He'll give you eternal life.
Off topic shitpost.
Wtf is wrong with Americans high fructose corn syrup is in every fucking thing??
Embargo with Cuba forced us to switch from sugar cane to HCFS due to price and availability.
Honestly am so glad I live in a first world country
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Nordic countries are shockingly bad for their food. I don't just mean their native dishes but even when they're cooking foreign food. I'm not including Iceland in this, which has amazing food.
Bear in mind that he said this was his friend's 8-year old son. To a kid, anything IS a bad thing. Kid probably only wanted chicken tendies.
disgusting ingredients like goat skin and dried fish infested with Beatles and caterpillars, smells like shit, tastes like shit. bad texture

I'm not even being racist this is just what I've seen

shes also caused 3 bug infestations within less than 6 months
My very limited experience with Nigerian food in restaurants in the west has been totally positive. Like I have actually thought it might be tragically underrated. Explain the beetles and caterpillars?
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>Nordic countries are shockingly bad for their food. I don't just mean their native dishes but even when they're cooking foreign food.
Exhibit A: Norwegian tacos.
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Exhibit B: Swedish pizza.
>Then tell me where in Germany I can find authentic German hamburgers
Say that again slower retard
No it's not I've been
Exactly. It was a huge variety of dishes. Shrimp, cheeses, vegetable, ham, steak, etc. They did a caviar and shrimp dish at Pintxo that was fucking amazing. But like I said, if you're going out with 5 euros in your bank account looking for chicken tendies, the good places in Barcelona are going to be out of your league. Compared to other places in western Europe, it was still cheap. For 2 people and drinks, I think we spent around 60 euros for 2 people with 2 drinks each there.

One of the best bars I've been to in Europe, Creps al Born, was also in Barcelona. I've never had better cocktails anywhere.
sweden, norway, germany, finland... they eat bland expensive mush and the entire plate is gray
>For 2 people and drinks, I think we spent around 60 euros for 2 people with 2 drinks each there
Did you get plenty to eat? If you ate until you were full on this then that's great. My thing with meals like this is that I have a big appetite so many small plates adds up to a lot.
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That is an abomination. I honestly want to take a bite of that, but I know I would regret it.
To be fair, I was in Chamonix this winter and ate this potato pizza and it was incredible despite the fact that it sounded questionable on the menu. I saw someone eating it in the restaurant and had to order it.
Retarded take.

The US is 20 times larger than Spain and 30 times larger than Germany. The US has infinitely more variety than Germany because of the diversity in climates and regions. Germany is one of the least diverse countries for food I've ever visited. The Germans eat almost exclusively sausage, pretzels and chicken that they smash with a hammer, then bread and fry. You can get more diversity in your average NY Deli than the entire country of Germany.
> Indonesia
Indonesia has some of the most underrated cuisines in the world? Are you talking about the street food being unsanitary or the overall tastiness of the cuisine?
no she's literally from Africa. nigeria

first there were caterpillars and Beatles showing up in the kitchen and for weeks I couldn't figure out why.

then I heard some crinkling noises in the kitchen when it was quiet

turns out she left dried fish heads in the pantry for months and they were reproducing living and eating the fish heads for months. just in an open bag. I even offered her Ziploc bags

but she chose to dry it outside which led to more bugs getting in the food. she was looking around for random shit of mine to put it in and close but I told her I have nothing and to buy an air tight container.

she now stores it in the back yard. and it's going to be summer soon so idk what the fuck is going to happen

another time there were a bunch of small bugs flying and crawling around for weeks and turns out she left a bag of tortilla chips open in the pantry which I again had to deduce

she's also afraid of mosquitoes here bc she thinks that have malaria, we live in the US. she also has tuberculosis idk what the duck else she has but God damn I'm gonna die of something I swear
>she's also afraid of mosquitoes here bc she thinks that have malaria
So she's afraid to catch a disease spread by insects, but won't do anything to mitigate the spread of insects themselves. No wonder the average IQ of Nigeria is somewhere between 67 and 84.
Jesus Christ man. I refuse to believe that they don't know how to keep pests away from food in Nigeria. I think your roommate is just fucking gross. Either way though, condolences.
Damn a real life seething Asian masculinity sea Asian.
>Food in Germany is pretty dismal
You have pure, absolute, dogshit ass taste if you think this.
hows HRT going?
Is German food a tranny meme or something? I don't get it.
That's not true. You haven't lived until you've eaten sausage salad (literally shredded sausage lmao), fried potatoes, coleslaw and bibiliskaas in the foothills of the Black Forest. It sounds basic but that shit was amazing.
NZ has way worse food than Aus. Aus food is only shit in the countryside
I find that Spanish ex-colonies are proficient seethers. They always put on a tough-guy facade that is hilarious at the best of times, and pathetic at the worst of times. It's not just Filipinos that do this, Mexicans and Argies are notorious for this. I've even seen Puerto Ricans and Colombians throw temper tantrums.

What the fuck did the Spaniards do to these people?
Finland, too damn much foul smelling pickled fish or things made out of foul smelling pickled fish
Good pastries, tho
I know 4 people who did study abroad programs or worked temporarily in Spain and they all were lukewarm at best on Spanish food. It's not the worst cuisine out there but it sure ain't the best
Just to change it up, my favorite dishes and booze I've ever had traveling were tacos in Mexico, French bakeries and Czech beer.
>Except vegetables, They seem to allergic to it.
Spain is the biggest producer of vegetables in the EU. If you live anywhere in Europe, chances are you are eating Spanish produce daily. Most of the traditional cuisine is straight up vegetarian, and there's fruit and vegetable shops in every second corner. There's plenty to criticize about Spanish food but idk what you are on about.
Undoubtedly Scandi countries. As for anything dairy, East Asia sucks ass. Their milk is tolerable at best, their cheese is boring and their butter is rancid.
Don't know where you ate, Taiwan was good for me.
Foul smelling pickled fish is delicious though.
Arepas are absolutely S-tier and I hope they replace tacos as the go-to latin american food
I invite you to try cajun/creole food in Louisiana. It's some of the most flavorful shit you'll ever try
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And? Amerilardia is very big, their cuisine is not represented by just a few states. I am sure Midwestern cucks douse their McDominos Cheeza in Carolina reaper sauce anyway, because hot chili spicy burning fire black molten lava sauce is literally the only fucking flavor americucks know.

I truly don't fucking understand where people got that whitoids can't stand spiciness/heat.
Feds? What the fuck, just because you're an easily impressionable boomer tourist doesn't mean Spanish food is suddenly good.
>The food in these countries is 100x better than in canada/US.
You speak as if that was an achievement. But no, I'm not saying North Afromerica is any better, you fucking retard.
How exactly is food in Australia/NZ that different than other multi-cultural Anglo countries?

Agreed on Colombia
>What the fuck did the Spaniards do to these people?
Bringing civilization to their brown asses.
They are not the least bit civil today, so that didn't work out.
nigger, colombian arepas are extremely bland compared to venezuelan arepas lmao
t. colombian
They'd still be literally flinging shit otherwise.
is Colombia really that bad? I'm going there soon, what makes their food so bad? What specific dishes should I avoid and which are acceptable?
Colombian food in Miami is great. I would go there and order whatever looked good, personally
>food is 100x better than in the US
US literally has every kind of food on earth (except endangered meats and house pet meat) and has hundreds of world class restaurants including 200 Michelin star restaurants. To say USA has shit food is fucking retarded. You could go to a dump like Fresno and find great food
>US literally has every kind of food on earth
That must include the worst food then.
One problem that Europeans have coming to the US, especially in NYC and in LA, is that they go to the wrong restaurants. They end up at places like ESPN Zone and Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. You wouldn't go to Rome and eat at a tourist trap next to the Coliseum, so why are you eating at Ruby Tuesdays in Time's Square? 9 times out of 10, terrible planning is the reason you have a bad meal in any city. I also notice a lot that budget is a problem for European tourists. If your food budget is less than $60/day, New York City is not the place to be eating out. Just get a pizza or go somewhere else. Again, bad planning.
So far it has been Costa Rica. I don’t recall one meal that was legitimately good. The local food was bland overall and generally low quality. Stayed near Chinatown in San Jose. I didn’t have high expectations but that was without a doubt the worst Chinese food I’ve eaten.
Colombian, now expat here

The crime of our food it's not that is bad, you will be fine eating anything. The problem is that is BORING. You will be craving stuff you didn't even know you missed
I dated a second generation Ukrainian. When her relatives came to visit they went out of their way to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and shop in outlet malls. Lol fucking europeans, man.
imo - Croatia, around Dalmatia/Split. Staff doesn't give a fuck. Stay away from any Asian fusion bullshit - the cooks learned everything they know from watching Youtube. Order a burger - it's fucking half beef and half pork. They put catchup on their pizza that by the slice is always tepid. Whole strips of bacon on pizza that you can't bite through so it drags all the cheese off. Tuna tacos - just no! Their famous local shit is basically super salty and fatty sausage called, Cevapi, painful to eat without a liter of water. The fish you get in restaurants so saturated with butter it basically tastes like fish flavored butter. And oh god the Lamb is just to die for! No, it's always tough and overcooked, burned quickly over coals. The only think that's good is their steaks, because you can't buy a steak in the supermarket or butcher that isn't mostly gristle. All the good beef goes to the restaurants first. And you'd think you could buy fresh fish in the supermarkets - no. They have open-air fishmarkets that all smell like death.
ive never been to the phillipines, but tried some here in canada and it was really tasty. t. really experienced in cookinf qnd lived in korea for 10 years. my knowledge of how foreigners live in asia and that 90% of 4chan posts are 90% blatant lies leads me to believe you are accurate. and becsuse of this im gonna go eat filipino food this week for lunch
Spain is mostly true for the bland food, but I felt like the canaries have great food and high quality produce.

Heard good things about northern parts of Spain too.

Poland and Germany have shitty food aswell. Germany gets saved in some parts by turks and bavarian food, but otherwise it's bland as fuck.

I've heard dutch is even worse.
>I've heard dutch is even worse.
I think Dutch food is just a little like English food, in that it was historically abysmal and many nasty traditions survive, but has improved just a bit, in fits and starts, in recent decades, and there’s some good stuff to be found. When I was last in Amsterdam I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of multple simple café meals; it was nothing fancy, but it was sandwiches and salads and suchlike that were noticeably not disgusting.

But Dutch staples and the average Dutch palate are indeed foul—forgettable cheese, krokett (AKA deep-fried lumps of crap), potato potato potato, herring. I will concede that they do a decent pea soup. Otherwise, all the tasty food in the Netherlands is from former colonies. And most of my Dutch friends agree with me on that.
Comparing food in America and Poland is retarded. Poland is about the size of Wyoming. The distance from New York to LA is the same as Moscow to Lisbon Portugal. How many restaurants did you try on your little two week vacation, maybe 10? Did you go to Applebee's and TGIFRidays? I bet you did.
Produce in Spain was very good, I’ll admit that. The food I had in restaurants was 7/10 at best and usually 5/10. It was fine, not great
I unironically enjoy Applebees. Their bourbon chicken & shrimp skillet is great
I wrote that post and I actually like TGIFriday's. LOL. The sizzling chicken is fucking amazing. But I wouldn't fly from Europe and get that as my meal.
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I’d assume it be a lot of seafood like most tropical island nations?

Christ arse so black I thought she was wearing lycra
>Laos has food?
Not a single food you listed is "Canadian". Being able to eat good foreign food is nothing special. Any big city is like this. I can eat good Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, Chinese, American and Italian food in Seoul (where I am now). Does Canada have good food? NO.
Jesus Christ that Nigerian pussy better be worth it.
>she's also afraid of mosquitoes here bc she thinks that have malaria, we live in the US.
I think that’s rational, living in a area where the bugs give you super AIDS leaves a deep mark
>she also has tuberculosis
Christ have mercy
Based beyond belief.
West Virginia. There are a lot of rural areas in the US that have a local specialty food like BBQ in the deep south, Seafood on the east coast, fried chicken, creole, etc. West Virginia has Mountain Dew. They literally don't eat in restaurants. In most towns, they eat frozen pizzas from the gas station. If you pull into any random town, the only "restaurant" is inside a truck stop. You'll be lucky to get a meal without being food poisoned. Your best bet in West Virginia is to eat some chicken nuggets from Mcdonald's and keep driving.
West Virginia is the state that time forgot. Morgantown is fairly nice. The rest of the state is drug addicts living on disability from snapping their spines in the coal mines 40 years ago
if you faggots cannot even appreciate a meal without drowning it in spices then it's more of a (you) problem than a European/American problem
Danish food is very meh and their trademark sweets are disgusting. Thankfully the kebabs there are great.
Latvian food is just shitter versions of Lithuanian food.
Russian food is depressing and mostly nasty.
I don't get the America hate. Not counting Korean, American BBQ was the best I've eaten.
UK by far.
Even beef wellington is underwhelming compared to other "national dishes"
Can't be the worst if there isn't any.
Holy shit, it really was amazing how half the menu in any restaurant therewasn't actually in stock
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Come on man Cuban food is amazing. I could eat ropa vieja, platanos, and black beans every day
Any of the really brown South American countries. Ecuador, Peru, Colombia - it's just bland, all carbs, and so on. And if there is any meat, it's all bones and I am too first world to enjoy that.

Unfortunately this is very true. Went to a fucking hospital in West Virginia and the only beverages were soda and that weird syrupy kool aid that never gets cool no matter how long you refrigerate, and then they had dispensers for M&Ms and gummy bears and those were the only snacks. And everyone was morbidly obese.
Vatican City - all they had were these bland soggy crackers and sour wine. Tasted like flesh and blood. 0/10 never again.
I want to use this utter unfunny shitpost to highlight that the best pasta place I had in Rome was one block away from the Vatican.
Only 5 seats, most people sit out on the sidewalk, not a secret so a big line, but so good and relatively cheap. Google that if youre heading that way

sorry to trigger you
Pastaciutta. Its not a block away its literally across the road from the Vatican and yes, its that good

>t. Italian
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pic related is the national dish
I studied abroad in France for a year and visited Germany and Austria a few times. I was always underwhelmed by the food over there. They have a saying in Germany that you eat like a king in France. There's a reason for that.
Philippines is one of the best breakfast countries in the world. Their deserts are also awesome. Dinner courses tend to be oily, though. Too much oil. I think that's what turns people off so much.
That arctic trout or whatever it's called is awesome. I had a lot of that up there. Nothing else sticks in my memory but I wasn't disappointed.
This is in Pennsylvania, not the midwest. This is where interstates 70 and 76 meet, but there's no direct off/onramp from one to the other. Instead, you have this short stretch of road between the two in the pic. Of course, it's all gas stations, fast food, and cheap hotels. That's what makes sense there.
>They have a saying in Germany that you eat like a king in France.
this is a funny phrase as most of french "high cuisine" these days is dishes that peasants used to eat during famines
>meat and vegetables on top of rice
So unique
Arctic char, when smoked it is astounding. I also liked the smoked lamb sandwiches you can buy in any petrol station, combination of pungent lamb and smooth mild salad worked very well.

Food in Iceland was always very good desu, even if it was just burgers or fried fish and chips (a lingering British influence from when they occupied the country in ww2). The fermented shark meme food is disgusting of course

Yeah I’ve never understood why French cuisine is held in such high regard. It’s just basic cooking done well. Patisserie is very good though
Why do people shit on Colombian food all the time? It aint gourmet but its comfy af mountain food and usually fresh from a paisa farm
A lot of the best seafood like octopus, any shellfish, etc is not halal. Maldivian cooking, due to the geography of the islands, depends a lot on boiling and steaming and preserving vegetables by pickling or only growing long-lasting ones. This means a lot of native cuisine is mushy, soft, and monotextured.
Sorry Jamal, I'm not putting curry powder in my tater tot hot dish.
Now go wash your chicken with soap.

NIGGER, saying "arepa" is just like saying "bread", you can stuff it or use it any way you want. For Venecos, stuffed arepa is the main course but even so is very easy to find stuffed arepas in Colombia. For Colombians is just a side dish to eat with some broth, or with eggs or whatever. I eat cheese arepa with chocolate and eggs for breakfast.

the problem is also that most foreigners visit Medellin, which has one of the worst cuisines. For one, Paisa arepas are the worst arepas, not even close.
>usually fresh from a paisa farm
see, it's exactly waht I just said. Foreigners don't even know Paisa is a relatively small region of Colombia, not the whole country.
Literally every meal on Earth can be broken down to meat, vegetables, and some form of starch.
Troll post. Or wait, you are an american right?
So that would explain why you think size being bigger means better, same reason why you mutts love those huge vehicles to compensate for your tiny dicks.

Learn what population density is. Russia is bigger than USA but it is even sparser. Even a small nation like Bangladesh has more variety in food and culture in general than USA, due to higher population density.
This has to be an American trolling lol
You have zero idea what you're talking about. There are 23,000 restaurants in New York City alone representing just about every region on earth. There are more Zagat rated restaurants in New York City alone than in the entire countries of Germany and Austria combined.

People in Bangladesh are so fucking poor that they eat shoe leather.
>Diversity in dead formerly white country :O
>Diversity in living brown country >:(
Why are leftists like this? Why is Bangladesh so great in the USA, but Bangladesh in Bangladesh so bad?
Infinitely more fast food restaurants per square kilometer. That does not and will never equal quality fatburger.
I am only replying to let you know you are boring, unfunny, stupid, and gay
went to a niceish looking restaurant in iceland, menu said they served "seasoned tortilla chips" THEY WERE DORITOS
One nice thing about eating foreign cuisine in the US is that they have health inspectors to inspect their restaurants. The beef is actually beef in the US, and not rat like in Bangladesh. Those poor fuckers in Bangladesh wipe their ass with their hands and can't afford soap. It's the same with pretty much every place in SEA, India, Pakistan, Africa, and the Muslim areas in the Balkans. Even the Dutch are fucking famous for not washing their god damned hands. I'm not eating anything in those shithole 3rd world countries.
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I miss the chain processed foods I had in flyover states in America.
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Which countries are people often food
Bingo. That's exactly it with Colombian food. I've been all over Colombia and the food is well prepared with nice, fresh ingredients everywhere but the palate is very meat and potatoes. I enjoyed it, but I was having some serious spicy food cravings.
UK/Ireland by far. Italy, Spain and France the best in my experience. Eastern Europe is great too IMHO.
There's way more to Spanish cuisine than those things. What a lot of retarded tourists will do is eat at shitty tourist traps where all the food is microwaved and overpriced to shit. If the place isn't 90% local get the fuck out of there.
When we talk about general everyday slop it's hands down cuba.
Go on then, enlighten us. Lived in Andalucia for a year, and desu, it's mostly that.
Deep fried shit everywhere. Such a waste of fresh goods.
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Reminds me of this ftira I ate in Malta. I was apprehensive when the guy told me it had potatoes on it and was like a pizza but I don’t regret it at all, I would smash one of those right now
That looks fucking delicious.
You know, I don't even dislike deep-fried food, but I was insulted when I ordered deep-fried mussels. They battered & fried the whole entire thing, including the shell. What the hell, Spain?
lol. lmao even. the difference is that the EU doesn't put tons of unnecessary additives to the food. they are both strict in different ways.
1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Finland
4. Denmark
5. UK
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>They somehow even make the food of other nations taste better.
It's like with everything else. People who are really good at something move to the US because that's where you can make the most money
>No don't insult my chain restaurants!!!
Can you even point out what is bad with Colombian food?
They're allergic to spices just like central Americans
Philippines breakfast food is pretty decent. Influence of the US where you get a variety of options and the garlic rice is across the board good. Main meals though become heavily lacking.. most stuff tends to be sweet or salty and not enough acidity etc to balance it out. Adobo is an excellent sauce.
Dried fish heads? Nigerians are addicted to something called "stockfish" from when they had a famine. It's used a lot to give Nigerian dishes their essential fishy flavour kinda like Japan and dashi.
>Danish food is very meh
yeah, fair enough
>their trademark sweets are disgusting
that's just wrong
>Thankfully the kebabs there are great
greatest junk food here
none. you can find good restaurants anywhere
>lol, tomato soup cba to cook

Confirmed tourist slop. This poor nigga never tried salmorejo

Spanish food is amazing

I agree on Colombian food being super bland. "Here's your giant potato/bread/pancake thing with every meal, enjoy. Here's a fried banana/plantain that tastes like nothing but is hard to put down."

The one exception I found was Chicharrón, which is fucking delicious.
>the canaries have great food
What the fuck is wrong with your palate?
>and high quality produce
I mean, if you're going to fucking Africa, what were you expecting?

All you people are the reason Spain is so overrated. It has nice architecture, and the weather is sort of okay when it's not sweltering hot, but that's it.
Please shut the fuck up about Spain already.
Salmorejo is just thicker gazpacho. It is slightly better, but would you go to a desert just to have soup?
They rarely age their beef, they deep fry everything, their cheese and bread selection are noticeably inferior than their French and Italian counterparts, they use olive oil in recipes where butter is clearly better... why do you people defend Spanish cuisine so fiercely?

If anything, you're the tourist here.
literally all countries have pork rinds lmao

>is very easy to find stuffed arepas in Colombia
usually staffed by venecos too lmao, you're just proving my point

>Paisa arepas are the worst arepas,
do you also eat wheat/corn tortillas with nothing else on top?
i agree that they are plain, and paisas are dumb for having them without anything else, but you can solve this easily if you see them as a base and not as the end goal

>saying "arepa" is just like saying "bread"
what? do you actually call sandwiches "bread"? either way, listing arepas as an example of spice is fucking retarded. colombian/venezuelan cuisine barely use any spices when compared to peru or mexico
hot carolina jalapeno fire reaper is not a spice, cletus rodriguez
-Cuba (Sadly, but what choice do they have)

Those saying Philippines and Colombia don't know what to order or have babby taste buds.

Surprisingly good
-Italian Food in China
I believe it. Their best dish basically amounts to a ham sandwich, and even then, it's not even technically Cuban, it's Floridian.
I see that I hit a nerve, flip monkey. I have tried nearly every Chinese restaurant in Manila from Banawe to Binondo and not a single one of them tastes better than basic Panda Express in the USA. For the “Oldest Chinatown” in the world they seem to never learned out to make decent Chinese food.
>Those saying Philippines and Colombia don't know what to order or have babby taste buds

So babby taste buds mean banana ketchup is supposed to be a substitute for pasta/pizza sauce? No, I think you are all just retarded, backward, monkeys.
Hey fuck you. It's a damn good ham sandwich.
I never said it isn't. It's one of the best damn ham sandwiches I've ever had, but if that's the best they can do, Jesus Christ...
He said chefs, not chains. You're not only mentally ill but also illiterate, and you should commit suicide.
True. I moved to the upper midwest and tried their "super hot sauce". It was 99% crushed jalapeno.
The rest of the US loves flavor.
>A lot of the best seafood like octopus, any shellfish, etc is not halal.
False—anything that comes from the sea is halal as long as it isn’t poisonous or intoxicating. It’s Jews who can’t eat shellfish; not sure if they forbid octopus, but perhaps they do because IIRC they can’t eat fish without scales.
no opinion on Aus but NZ had terrific food compared to England. Similar foods but they actually knew how to season and cook them properly
There's a North/South divide of decent and terrible food in Europe, not much need to specify different countries in the Baltic area
>I don't get the America hate
I mean it should be obvious, some people seethe at American food for the same reasons they seethe at American anything. Any objective tasteful person who's been to the US in their travels should be able to recognize how good the food generally is there
That Cuban looks tastier than any I've had irl

Anyway I wasn't exactly blown away by the food in Colombia or UK
>really try to dig deep and look for uniquely Canadian creations
we can only eat food that was developed in one nation and not adopted by another nation
I stopped at a Chinese restaurant in Canada a few years ago on vacation while we were driving to Vancouver. I ordered a sweet and sour chicken and the lady brought me fried chicken with Nestle Quick Strawberry syrup on top.

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