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What is there to do in Chicago?
Real question.
>Chicago: Destination Reached
>New Mission
>Survive: 23:99:97
Evanston is cozy.
See the architectural and sculptural sites, try the food and the night life, meet the locals. Same as anywhere really.
Yup. I was born there
Go to a bar that has live jazz music
The biggest thing I found interesting about chicago was the feeling of dereliction and decay. That might be because I only visited the south side and the downtown loop. Obviously the south side is bad, but downtown is also surprisingly ghetto. I'd imagine the only comfortable places in that city are the segregated white flight suburbs.
>feeling of dereliction and decay
Chicago is bustling and in a boom
Lots of good music there, specifically the shoegaze scene
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I've tested it with an EMF meter and the radiation was off the charts.

Basically everyone who lives within city limits is getting absolutely ANNIHILATED by 5G 24/7. The entire city seems like a big experiment I wouldn't be surprised if half the men are sterile by 2030.
Evanston is vacant is what it is. Talk about a ghost town.

Chicago for about two decades was the best city in the western world. Paris of the plains with grit, finance, local, and as good off art, music and theater as you’d find anywhere.

well all those old blues and jazz guys are dead, what’s left of if cultural institutions in the theater and art realms is so posed it has zero broad appeal. the city is genuinely dangerous, downtown in a vicious death spiral since nobody wants to RTO and companies are releasing. The trading floors are automated so all that can just be done in Charlotte or NYC. and the local culture is suffocated by cultural Marxism and an all consuming racial retributionist mindset. there exodus of multi generational families is staggering.

10 years ago me entire extended family lived in the city or a near-suburb. My parents, my brother, 6 aunts and uncles and seven cousins (and their young kids). all went to the same high school, same blocks, same everything going back generations. leaving the city would’ve been unthinkable even in 2015 (though cracks were definitely showing)

FF to today and everyone is gone. even my parents generation. all that’s left are my elderly grandparents in nursing homes and once they die over a century of family history in Chicago (straight off the boat on both sides) dies with them. we are not an isolated case, most the people I went to high school who had the same multi generational background are gone too. it’s a genuine exodus. the city is legitimately unrecognizable today.
Visit 10th Planet Lombard and do some Grappling. big fun.
If the weather is at all semi-decent, take the architecture tour (spring for the slightly longer one by a reputable source, skip the remodelled fireboat one). Make a reservation, or fight your way to, a rooftop bar and enjoy the views and the fancy stuff.

Beyond that, pretty much what you'd do in any other big city.
My favorite thing there was the Art Institute of Chicago and the Field Museum. You can pretty much just get lost for a day in both of them.
It's the new Detroit. The Windy City.They called it that because everyone from there where hot bags of air. Obama was from there. Soon it will only be filled with howling winds and tumbleweeds.
Lou Malnati's Pizza. I like the sausage-and-mushroom.
Nothing you can’t do elsewhere. Chicago is extremely overrated, mostly by insufferable Chicagoans. If you want to eat at Portillo or Uno you can do that everywhere.
It really was great not that long ago. I went in 2010 and it was like a movie from the 1980’s come to life. Went back post-coof and it’s like its soul was ripped out.
have different pizzas delivered to your hotel and compare them while slugging malort then walk over to the shedd
It would help if you stated your preferences, how long you're staying, and whether you're renting a car or relying on public transportation

For first-time visitors I would recommend:
>a riverboat tour
>Hancock observatory (better view than Sears)
>at least one of the museums
>outdoor festival, always one happening in the summer
>free zoo in Lincoln Park
>rent a bike and ride along the lakefront or just go for a run
>Game at Wrigley if the Cubs are playing and you're into sports
>unique local food like hot dogs, pizza and my favorite Italian beef
>ethnic food if you live in some hick town that only has Mexican and Chinese

It's hard to give specific suggestions without knowing what you like and dislike
>Stab someone
>Get stabbed by someone unrelated to your first stabbing
>Bleed out
go to the Weiner Circle
get a chicago style hotdog. go there late at night.
drink malort, ask for a chicago handshake at a bar
i recommend going down milwauke ave around north. hip spot, good food joints
I'm going there for a few days in October so I'd also like to know.
Seems like a good starting point.
I think this is a trend in all western major cities in all honesty. Although the reasons might be different. I'm from London and all my family for generations have born and died here and it is increasingly looking that is just simply no longer possible. I have a friend who is from Paris and he says the same thing. The cities have just been gutted of their history, culture and communities.

When I've been to American cities though I am truly staggered by the genuine feeling of decay.
>let parasitic Jews who fucking despise you run everything
>your nations turn to shit and your people are replaced with violent brown people
What is wrong with you retards that think a zoomer on a Taiwanese fish baiting forum has any say on matters of national affairs?

Worst of all is Americans who say this despite having guns and a constitution which defends their right to armed insurrection yet while their own country goes to shit
>a nation is not composed of it's constituents

dude will say this gay shit then go and vote lmao
Would there be any reason to move and live in Chicago or more realistically one of the burbs? Never really lived in a mega city, but after hearing all about it's decay and such maybe it is a bad choice? I am not sure honestly.
>What is there to do in Chicago?
Get shot
>What is there to do in Chicago?
Go to ORD.

it's hard to believe what people are saying int his thread. chicago was always a beautiful city, arguably the most beautiful city in america with an incredible skyline, a lakefront, the magnificient mile was very posh and when it used to have major department stores (Marshall Fields) the holiday was quite an experience. the art institute has always been top notch, the field museum is the best in the country for natural history, science and industry museum is also nice. if you like football, it's harder to get more iconic than Soldier Field. and how about Wrigley Field for the cubbies? yeah, i just don't believe people here saying chicago is a dump now. it' can't go downhill that fast.
I was wondering that myself if I should believe what people are saying, it seems like there are a lot of positives about Chicago, obviously the city has a big problem with crime and murder rate, but isn't that more or less just contained to the south side of Chicago and maybe some bad parts of downtown?
It just has fallen very hard and lost a lot of its soul. If you want real life big city living and are a little repulsed by NYC’s yuppie Disneyland then Chicago is kind of your only North American option.
>live in Chicago

even shitty houses in chicago are now going for million bucks so hope you have plenty of money
I would definitely take the trip to Milwaukee and visit Rick Tomlinson's world famous niggeroni factory
get a bottle of malort and make your friends try it, also chicago-style pizza
Normally I solo travel, but Chicago is probably the one place I would like to do in groups. Not just for safety, but also because I'm not gonna finish an entire pizza by myself.
I have a huge appetite and we couldn't even finish it between me and another fatty...
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Kit Kat Lounge & Supper Club, where dinner is served with a tableside drag show
What emf reader do you use?
At night, check out leather-theme nights at laid-backCell Block
You will find a casual and welcoming atmosphere upfront and kinkier fun farther back.
LA&M is a nice leather museum
Planning to go in August, should I wait to see if plane ticket prices go down, or is right now the cheapest I can get them?
If I wanted to walk around the city at night, what is the neighborhood where I have the least probability of being robbed or shot?
As a rule of thumb, if I see white women that don't look uncomfortable, it's a pretty safe location. They are a far bigger target than I will ever be, so if they're okay, then I'm okay.
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Incorrect. Chicago is one of the most fun summer cities in the world. Festivals, Bars, Beaches, Water. Frank Llyod Wright, Louis Sullivan, Rooftops, West Loop Food etc etc

Shit never ends.
going next week. hows the crime been downtown lately? subway/El still pretty safe? wont be out late
Don't be a retard & mind your own business and you'll be fine. And remember the further south you go the worse it gets.
bean is under construction. aquarium has a couple exhibits closed
Getting robbed
seconding the zoo
Calumet fisheries. Get some chubs

Last time I was there (about two years ago) it was eerily quiet at night on the magnificent mile.
1) leave
I live in a small city and Chicago was the first big city I went to and I remember there being a good selection of dominatrixes so if you want an attractive woman to kick you in the balls and make you lick her stinky armpits then you can go for that but be aware that it is pricey (probably like $400+ in 2024)
Pick out a slice of pizza from the selection of pies on display at Bacci Pizza
They are really big slices of pizza
Would probably put this little girl in the hospital
Same. Every city has some commercial area that's desolate at night, but Chicago feels like the entire downtown area empties out after dark except for gangbangers.
Bars and nightlife in River North were too awkwardly spread apart to feel very happening, and entering the loop after dark is begging to get robbed.
I downloaded Citizen App for the first time in years during my trip and at night it was like every fifteen minutes a robbery or shooting within a half mile.
Cities all over the US have these cycles where they're cool thriving places, word gets out and lamer and lamer people move in, or money shows up and buys the place out, making it a sterile resort for the rich, but not much for normal people (see places like Northern Liberties in philly). The people who made the place interesting get driven out and the place is left overpriced and soulless. The architecture built and businesses established when the money came in start to feel dated, gradually become more run down. Eventually poverty is the dominant culture for a while. Decades later, maybe the cycle restarts.
Chicago on the other hand just feels like a once thriving city that had a lot of history, then was flooded with black people.

Notice for as much history as it has, and for its size, you never really hear major news out of chicago (unless it's crime). Like there's never some major happening. In the 2010's, the Pope visited Philly. They hosted the DNC. They hosted the NFL draft. Comcast exploded (like them or not) HQed there. It's frequently mentioned as one of the most underrated food destinations.
But you never really hear anything cool about Chicago other than tourists going just to see it.

It's not a dump, it was an impressive city and the architecture was incredible. The mag was cool, would have been cooler if I cared about shopping.
But it does feel like a dying city.
the legends say a chosen hero will one day eat the bean and then produce the greatest gust of wind the windy city has ever witnessed
That's most US cities like the other anon said. Ever been to downtown STL after dark? Way scarier and emptier than anywhere in the Loop at night.
The further north, the safer. The loop is probably fine, just keep your wits about you. Lincoln Park is a good combination of safety, nightlife, and proximity to downtown/the lake.

Also I would avoid the Red line at night.

Yeah, most crime is contained in the south and far west sides; you won't end up there unless you intentionally make the trip. That said, things are slowly deteriorating under our pro-crime retarded mayor.

>Chicago is kind of your only North American option [for big city living]
This, unfortunately. There are a lot of cons of living here, but it sure beats living in my shithole home state Texas.
>Poland = Europe's most liveable nation
>Chicago = USA's most liveable city
Makes you wonder....
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>What is there to do in Chicago?
Like everyone esle said the Blues Brothers and Ferris Bueller days are long gone with the soul of the city.
That said, outside the city has a shit ton to do, Brookfield Zoo, Morton Arboretum, Cantigny Tank Park, Busse Woods, Woodfield Mall, etc.
IDK, I lived in center city philly and while Market and JFK become desolate at night, the rest of downtown (called center city) is happening af. Tons of people out, plenty of lively bars and restaurants. Maybe because it's an east coast city, which are denser I guess?
I have barely traveled west. Chicago's as far west as I've gone in 20 years.

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