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I just landed for a month in South Korea.
Figured we should have a South Korea thread, just in general.

Could you believe I can't even order delivery without a "residence number" or something? Ridiculous.
Why not Hong Kong or Taiwan?
that's awesome, you can get a flight to japan from there for less than 200 bucks. I recommend Osaka.
South Korea fucking blows, dude. I spent a week there and even that was too much. Complete waste of a trip.
>ordering delivery in another country
take a walk you fat lazy nigger
Certain things are just better by delivery, like packs of bottled water or bottled tea. That's just a fact.
I'm here for work but I'm trying to make the best of it.
Uber got cucked and I think grab broke down.

Honestly ordering deliver in Korea is brain dead stupid with how many shops are around

Nigger there are supermarkets EVERYWHERE. Holy shit you remind me of my coworker who went there and only shopped at CU24 and No Brand burger, not realizing 2 fucking grocery stores were right next to him,

Where are you living. Spent a few months there over the years, going back here in a month, probably doing the DN visa.

What prepaid visa/cc did you get, most those apps will show where they have deals and point out grocery stores and such
>Nigger there are supermarkets EVERYWHERE
Regardless, liquids are just better delivered because of how heavy they are. If I want a stock of bottled water, cool tea, or milk I'd have to take multiple trips to the grocery on my bike and carry it up to my room. In Japan, I could order such things and have the whole lot delivered to my doorstep where I'd lug it a short way to my apartment.

>What prepaid visa/cc did you get
Well, none. I have a prepaid currency card from back home, and I was given a T-Money card on-arrival but nothing else.
You can order delivery, just call or get the app and use a local number. If you want groceries order from the supermarket websites. I ordered all the time without a bank account, transfer money to digital wallet.
Koreans are very protectionist about apps. Whatever you're trying to do probably has a Kakao app for it (their version of Google's suite), which you'll set to english and then scratch your head while 80% of it remains in Hangul for some reason. I've heard Naver is more friendly to foreigners but didn't try it.
If you're not as much of a fat cunt as you sound like, Korea is great for hiking and being outdoors. Even the major cities often have nice accessible hiking trails, I've seen them in Seoul, Busan, and a few minutes outside Pohang.
Locals tend to be quite reserved but your best option to meet some is to go to a restaurant, eat dinner, and sit at your table drinking soju for another hour or so after dinner. Last time I did that my friend and I had three tables of drunken salarymen all come join us to talk because we were the only white devils they'd seen in Pohang during covid lockdowns. Devoted bars/pubs that don't serve food are seen as more of a western thing that you'll mostly find in devoted foreigner/expat neighborhoods, Itaewon being the most prominent.
In general, Seoul and its environs are fed up with foreigners. Outside Seoul you'll often be a bit of a novelty and will get lots of friendly smiles if you learn to say "hello" and "thank you" in Hangul, but for the most part they never had a reason to learn any English and will just shrug any attempt at that off. If you're black, you're gonna have a bad time. Many places will straight up tell you to fuck off and not even bother to make up a reason.
If anybody knows more about Busan, I'm actually about to be moved there for work and it's one place I spent very little time previously. Tell me about the neighborhoods, cool attractions, etc.
Can you explain in more detail, do seperate groceries have different apps? What digital wallet are you using?
There is EMart, HomePlus, Gmarket all have online shopping and delivery. You can set up kakaopay or go to a bank and transfer money to the account number for an ewallet which I remember doing for gmarket. So even without a Korean bank account, my account on the site let me open virtual wallets with any bank and you go to that bank and give them cash and send a transfer to your wallet, then use that to pay. You can only take money out into your bank so only add what you will spend. It's been years but it might still have this. Anyway at least get a Korean sim card. Tmoney can also be used to pay at convenience stores too like a bank card.
Where the hell can I get more protein/meat here?
I looked for a butcher but couldn't find any near me. All the meat portions at restaurants are really small too.
I swear to god, people on this board are unironically retarded. Korea is a country with one of the highest meat consumption rates on the planet and you can't find meat there. Or even walk to a convenience store, of which there are several within a 2 minute walk from wherever you are, and buy a protein shake or a boiled chicken breast snack.
Planning to spend a week during new year in korea. Anyone's got any recommendations of where to spend the eve? Mostly looking for either a pubcrawl, party or a club thing. Any recs on what to do around Seoul are appreciated too.

I've also read that its likely korean clubs will bar you for entering for being white. Is this true? Are there good, reasonable clubs to visit (not Gangnam)?
>I've also read that its likely korean clubs will bar you for entering for being white

complete fabrication, I was there for 5 months and neither me or any of my several dozen westoid friends were ever turned away for that. The only time I was every stopped from going into a club is because I was wearing joggers and a tank top, they were polite about it and simply directed me to the "hip hop" club literally next door. The only "racism" I ever saw was some drunk dickhead GI in line with me being turned away because he showed his military ID. I don't remember any of the club names as it's been several years but just hang out in Hongdae and you will find plenty along with tons of people partying and drinking in the street to chat to
Can agree with other anon, whites are fine if you dress like an adult and aren't clearly a nuisance. I have seen blacks get turned away from places though, even regular restaurants at dinnertime that had served me when I was alone.
I don't go clubbing much but Itaewon is specifically known for being filled with foreigners. That's your highest chance of finding people who speak English. Last time I went about two years ago a friend showed me a New Orleans jazz bar there called Boogie Woogie where the band were wearing 20s outfits and singing old jazz standards in great English - but when I walked up to them to say I loved it and lived in New Orleans, turns out they couldn't speak it at all, funnily enough. Very welcoming area though.
During the day the main old royal palace in Seoul is a fun visit. The US embassy is right out front between it and the metro station, I almost got pulled into a weird pro-US political rally they were doing out front by a Korean man dressed as Captain America.

What's considered Club wear there? I'm from Latin america so club wear is just jeans/joggers and a tshirt
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How hard should you looksmaxx before going to Korea? I heard that lookism is a lot harsher there then even in the western world.
Is it advisable to get a few cosmetic surgeries before going there? I'm gonna be there for a year for work.
Any particularly good local beers I should try?
I tried Cass in 2 flavors but it tasted like piss. There was another with a "lemon" flavor but it was more "lemon rind" than lemon.
Are you serious? Go to Korean barbeque. The real question is where do you find prostitutes
head to the convenience stores and check for the craft beer fridge. They will have some different types that are pretty good. Cass and Hite are both pretty blah. OB Gold is not bad as a passable lager. A good pace to look for are "Beer Marts" which will have a bunch of fridges with random bottles, a little spot for buying snacks, and then a room full of tables to enjoy. There are also a few brew pubs around that are ok that also sell food.
that has been in a huge decline as many of the old red light districts have been cleared and built into condos. Also the old double spinning barber pole places have closed up as the gals have aged out.
There has to be an app or something to meet them
if you're white and have a crew cut and beard you're golden
I have neither thougheverbeit
>if you learn to say "hello" and "thank you" in Hangul

Hangul is the script you fucking moron.
>Its been popular among ppl familiar about Korea or east asia that many foreigners won’t be back to south korea once they experience the country one time while they repeat Japan over and over again

How do you like korea so far? Do you feel you would come back to korea once again someday soon?
i wouldnt bother going back unless i had a girl who wanted to go and then i would beat it out of her and still not go
not op
i've never encounted a more boring people before. all obsessed with social media trends, being as fake as possible, and they even manage to be rude and arrogant about it all too but i guess that's just the territory of those kinds of people
Oh you're american
where every other country i have been to has interesting parts of culture and history around every corner, korea has an "instagram cafe" and a photo booth in its place instead. you can't escape the shallowness of that place
I didn't feel that way at all when I lived there (granted only six months but still). Maybe you get access to different things if you speak a little Korean?
>Why not Hong Kong or Taiwan?
globohomo shitholes, especially taiwank
I am actually living in korea right now. I fucking hate it. I hate how racist this country is and I don't understand my job. I have been told "no foreigners" at multiple places all over this country. I also got banned from reddit for calling korea a shit hole. I am not sure what kool-aid people are drinking to love this place so much because I want some. I don't want to hate Koreans or korea in general
Are you black?
I'm [spoiler]indian[/spoiler]
Blacks seem to be the exception to the racism funnily enough. Every black guy, no matter how ugly is always surrounded by at least 3 korean cuties.
no one cares about you bro ur indian. u lost the genetjc lottery, everyone hates you accept it
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Maybe it's cuz I'm working in the boonies but I find people to be pretty friendly around here.
About as friendly as random locals I'd meet around Kyoto. Nice and safe too.
Also pretty open once you speak a few licks of their language to them... I understand more than I can speak, but it's enough to chat.

There isn't much culture though. It's just a "city". A generic, non-descript city by a river. You could go all over the world and find cities exactly like it but they might speak different languages.
>water's too heavy
You sound beyond pathetic.
what's the new burning sun nowaday?
The best description I've got for South Korea is, it's like Japan and China were merged. This was the country that would be produced
alot of korean culutural heritage was destroyed in the war, the north was almost totally wiped from the map, but the south as well lost a lot of history both from the nips and the korean war. Those small villages shouldve been the kprean equivelant of some old italian village with roman ruines but its all wiped out
>probably doing the DN visa
I was considering going there for a week or two in July. Do you have some good DN resources for Seoul? Where are you staying, are you joining a coworking space, etc? Would be much appreciated as a jumping off point to research further.
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>can't even order delivery without a "residence number"
Just get a sim card with 010- number
Koreans order delivery to get some chicken from the shop is literally 5mins of walk from the apartment.
Uber is not a thing in korea. foreign apps usually get killed by korean companies. so do google map. don't use google map in south korea. it simply only can give you 40% of information compare to naver map or kakaomap.
interestingly, google map shows yongsan garrison and Paju satellite map but korean map apps don't due to security purpose lol

>being turned away because he showed his military ID
Not racism. it's blocking a retard with potential hazard. bad for that fella. because he could've be the general of the club if he was smart enough to bring his passport.

Hongdae playground is good for hanging out without entering pub or club.

foreign people all look same.

>korean cuties
That's why those blacks have them. because no one calls those 3/10s cuties.

avoid first week of july. the rainy season is just started yesterday in seoul.
hate these obnoxious retards who reply to everything without saying anything substantive
I've been there 3 times since 2016 and will be going back again next year. The first time can be a bit awkward but when you learn some basic phrases and learn how to get around easily it's great. I am a bit biased though as I went to an international school and my best friend there was Korean, so I have him as a local guide for at least a week every time I visit.
>I'm [spoiler]indian[/spoiler
You deserve all the hate you get. Go back to India and stop stinking up other countries.
white girls get really easy trip in south korea.

all they have to do is finding simps on dating apps. The Hannam will local guide her. pay for her meal and overpriced coffee.
They are the beach boys in sk.

except they pay for the pussy. unlike beach boys just drug the woman up and fuck until she leaves the country.

those Jong-ro simps and hongdae fuck-boys fit so well to the degenerate dopamine jerked whores but also many good quality young white women get wasted by them
Kek I hate white women so much it's unreal.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm not even a woman.
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certified white woman moment kek
>Posts exactly one minute apart in an otherwise dead thread
I've rarely seen more obvious samefagging
is this place famous? I remember seeing "The Host" (2006) and the big thing attacking exactly where this pic was taken
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this is some 4D aznmasculinity tactic to discredit a webm they dont want you to see
Most people limit themselves to Seoul, Busan and maybe Gyeongju, Andong or the DMZ when they visit Korea. Don't make that mistake. Here are some underrated locations that I would recommend visiting:
>Ganghwa island
>Seosan and its surrounding area
>Suncheon, especially the wetlands park
>Tongyeong and Geoje
>Gangneung and its surrounding area
Korea is the perfect country to rent a car and just drive to random locations. Every city, no matter how small, has affordable hotels where you can get a room at the last minute so you'll never get stranded anywhere without options. People are also extremely helpful and hospitable if you make even the smallest effort to speak some Korean with them.
I honestly can't tell if this is a woman or a "woman".
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Jamsoo-gyo 잠수교
It is. one of the popular Hangang park spots.
The distinction is that it has the road under the bridge which literally submerges(잠수) when the river level increasing.

It also very close to Itaewon it takes 10 mins to itaewon with 740 bus. and not that far from gangnam.
Is there anything to do during the rain besides go to boring malls?
Go to a spa, get drunk and go to karaoke, go to one of competitive Tekken arcades, go to one of the indoor archery ranges, etcetera
So no.
Explain to me why those dont count and be specific with real reasons.
Huh, an actual interesting post. Thanks anon, I will look into these as somebody who has only visited the places you mentioned.
Was pretty surprised at South Korea during my two weeks there. Seoul has some fantastic hikes but apart from that, it's like a glorified SEA country.

You can tell they've only become a wealthy country in the past few decades. Behind the high-tech facade of the big cities, it's a bit of a shithole. The streets smell like sewage, trains/subway straight out of the 60s, older generation hawking up phlegm and spitting it on the street. The older population in general seem to have that lingering peasant mindset. Genuinely felt like Thailand but with a bit more money.

It felt like
I'm not even sure what high tech facade you're talking about. IC cards for the subway? What exactly have you experienced is high tech? Rest of your post checks out with my own experience here.
he's not your therapist.
That's what I liked about it. Certain areas of Seoul and Busan have the futuristic metropolis vibe but the rest of the country feels like it's still catching up to the first world.
One more addition. If you visit Suncheon, make sure you go to Naganeupseong as well.
I mean, a bunch of buildings in Seoul are pretty futuristic, like the Lotte World tower, . Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul Floating Islands etc. And then in general there is like the business district which is very modern and stuff.
Speaking of tech... I mean that is quite literally one of South Koreas biggest money makers and claim to fame so it makes sense people might think it is high tech only to find out it is pretty rough in certain ways outside of the cities and honestly even within the cities. Your perception changes a lot once you arrive and go to the toilet for the first time...
I never understood the toilet thing that people are saying here. I travelled through South Korea for 4 weeks and there were clean public bathrooms everywhere. The only place I saw those SEA squatting toilets was in a village near Gyeongju.
>Your perception changes a lot once you arrive and go to the toilet for the first time
What are you talking about? I was in Korea and April and the bathroom situation was a lot better than in Japan for example.
>Speaking of tech... I mean that is quite literally one of South Koreas biggest money makers and claim to fame
Absolutely wild to think Samsung's revenue made up 22.4% of the entire country's GDP in 2022.
What? Bro their sewer/septic system is objectively terrible and outdated are you all crazy? Comparing it to Japan, literally the best toilets in the world?
Maybe you stayed at nice hotels, but the average Korean toilet cant even take toilet paper and you need to put your used toilet paper in a fucking garbage can in the bathroom.
The toilet in my hotel couldn't handle toilet paper, flooded, and filled the entire bathroom with my shit. This was 5 years ago so maybe Korea has advanced a lot since then. Doubt it, though
I loved in Korea as an English teacher for 18 months between early 2022 and and mid 2023. I've traveled through the whole country but never saw one of these toilets where you have to throw the paper in the garbage. The articles you posted are more than 6, years old, maybe things just got better in the meantime?
good day cunts. i'm going to korea in october and have planned the following route and timeframe:

Seoul (5-6 nights), Jeonju (3 nights), Gwangju (3 nights), Jeju (4 nights), Busan (3-4 nights), Gyeongju (3-4 nights), Andong (2-3 nights), Sokcho (3 nights) = 26 - 30 nights

What ya think? is that a good selection of places? i'd like to try and see a bit of nature, not just cities. I can do this in sokcho right? any other places good for nature? i've saved a load of places on google maps so i've got a rough idea of what i'm doing in each place. ta
I would choose Suncheon + Naganeupseong over Gwangju and Gangneung over Sokcho. Other than that, it's fine.
thanks mate. what are the advantages of suncheon & Naganeupseong over gwangju? i was planning on going to gwangju to see that bamboo forest just to the north of the city, juknokwon? Ok, gangneung is slightly less north than sokcho, which is good for me. will be able t see some nature there?
>I hate how racist this country is
people around the world see how you folk are in your homeland and want nothing to do with you. They look at you like some National Geographic exhibit. You're gonna have to looksmaxx and dress how you want to be treated. If you are going around like a generic Pajeet with sandals on, no shit people will tell you to fuck off. I thought some Indians had high IQ
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Gwangju just doesn't have much interesting things going on. It's okay for shopping, and has the bamboo forest nearby, but that's it. Suncheon has the wetlands park, some beautiful temples, a great food market and naganeupseong which is a preserved village from the Joseon era (pic related).

Sokcho is only famous for the nice beach where couples go to watch the sunset. Gangneung has equally nice beaches plus some important historical sites. Both places have some beautiful national parks nearby as well.
thanks for the info
this. fuck south k*rea. Japan is better in every way.
why does this one country cause so much seething among the weebs, lmao. no other threads get these kind of responses. you are actually, genuinely sad and pathetic human beings. is "liking japan" your whole personality?
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Incels hate Korea because western women love kpop and korean women want nothing to do with western losers.
It's literally this simple.
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Every other public toilet in Korea has a sign saying not to throw the toilet paper into the toilet because it can't handle it. Have you even actually been to the country or are you just making shit up for no reason?
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I enjoy taking photos of these signs because it's fucking ridiculous to have that in the 21st century.

I love Korea and will defend it against the seethe and bullshit spouted in these threads, but their plumbing situation is really third world tier.
Kek, maybe I just didn't notice. I've been carelessly throwing paper in the toilets the whole time.
SK is 10x the globohomo shithole compared to those
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How common are the cults really? Can one entertain them by joining one or two meetings or do they make it extremely hard to leave?
walk up and down hongdae street a bit on your own and they'll find you quickly enough. the ones that approached me wanted to take me back to their house to dress up in the traditional clothes and perform a "traditional ceremony". i figured this would mean leaving my phone, wallet, passport i had on me all out of my sight, in some random building in an unfamiliar area whilst being heavily outnumbered. if you're gonna do it then don't have anything on you that they can get your real info on and just use fake info. it does sound like good fun, just be very prepared because these kinda groups know all these little tricks and have been using them for decades, they are masters of psychology and make sure when you cut them off they don't have any forewarning or expectation that you will do that, make sure you minimum change hotels too or do it on the last day you'll be there
You think those people are actual genuine posters? Come on now anon.
I know you're probably just shitposting but as a fellow Indian don't bother with Koreans they are the most fake and disgusting worthless sacks of shit on the planet, even more than Chinese scum which is an achievement
The irony of them saying some shit to me and they see my nice watch and then treat me like God makes me laugh, the same happens to their women when I even flex a little they immediately stop being cold and then I tell them the truth
that they're disgusting whores, feels great
If you actually want a nice place to go america is pretty chill, of course the people in this thread are just useless white supremacists with no achievements in their lives so they'll disagree but the vast majority of Americans are nice
Japan is chill too, takes a while for them to warm up to you but it's not as disgustingly fake as Korea, they actually have a soul here
One of the most delusional Pajeet posts I've seen in a while.
Imagine being a 150iq master race Aryan and knowing a pajeet has more money than you lmaoooo your seethe makes my day honestly
I don't doubt that there's a handful of Pajeets that have more money than me (though not many because my family is loaded), but that doesn't take away from the fact that they are a subhuman servile race that gets imported to White countries as a form of biological warfare on the native populations.
True keep seething then, the fact that anyone makes your life more miserable makes me feel better, ty
Why do I have more money than you then, shouldn't your superior Aryan genes make you successful at any endeavor you choose?
Keep moving the goalposts tho faggot
like i said in my previous post, who gives a fuck about money? very perceptive of you, great reading comprehension mate.
Keep moving the goalposts until you find something you're better at (inb4 I'm white therefore I'm superior despite having 0 achievements)
Boo hoo who gives a shit about humanity™, Thank fucking god im native filipino feels awesome successfully flirting with 5 other women ive met abroad in a non-sexual way then written down thier numbers lol, and ive owned an OFW visa stay mad pigskins unlike you we can travel to nearby asian countries easily with minimal effort jealous much farang foreigner?

Arent you britons the ones dressing up all seductive while sneaking drugs into third world countries partying loudly with other white tourists in public venues? Jesus atleast keep that stuff in america oh wait was it western europe?
Seriously fuck off and dont bring your trailer trash habbits here why cant you just dress conservatively to blend with the rest of the locals, Dont turn us into another one of those western reality TV shows on a jewish channel.
I thought white people had very high standards on manners by default? Gee the weeb simping here does prove otherwise

I thought those were directed at rude mainland chinese? huh the US army brainwashing must be full force here i guess
How anyone can say white people are the superior race when they see British behavior is beyond me
Holy fuck this thread

Korean women:
>dress semi decently and you can attract them
>be clean shaven with a decent haircut (no balding)
>be willing to spend some won about 100 USD worth and the night is yours
>have a job and house or apartment that is 100% yours back home and it's a huge plus
There you can now fuck 80-90% of the women you come across

>korea is stupidly cheap by western standards a 1 month airbnb easily under 300/mo if you book ahead
>food is stupidly cheap just learn a few symbols or use google translate
>getting around via trains kinda sucks but uber is so fucking cheap compared to other asian countries
>bars are stupid cheap though often heavily gatekept from military/TEFL people, once they know you aren't that it's fine
>internet is rock solid but the Korean firewall is annoying without a VPN or just changing your DNS

I always love people expecting Japan 2.0 in Korea, it's not going to be it. Seoul has some decent parts but it's much more glaring of a asian country with trash, drunks, and rudeness all scattered through all parts of it. The worst part about Korea is simply how hidden every little thing is if you're a tourist it takes some time to realize how to network and be finding events. Probably the shittiest part of Korea is the weather along side the men being straight up incel tier about how korea #1, many times you will think you are talking to the asian version of pol.
this so much this
Based summary.

Korea's the only place in East Asia I've not been to yet, I get the impression it's going to be the hardest to socialise in and make friends / get laid.

I feel like the guys are super protective and it's hard to penetrate any group even if you know Korean.

I'm guessing this all depends, like Thursday Party is going to be level 1 but I think anything outside of those foreigner areas are going to be quite hard.
Thursday Party is OKAY just know it's infested with plebbitors, not joking every single TEFL is there. Itaewon isn't much better but you'll pretty much find out what bars are good, if it's a sports bar plebbit is filtered. Good pub I forgot the name of there everyone is drunk on the job cheap drinks.
Isn't like 98% of all foreigners in Korea TEFL though... You get the occasional people claiming they are models or doing social media but that's it.

Other than that it's all students.
>I get the impression it's going to be the hardest to socialise in and make friends / get laid.
I experienced the exact opposite desu. I found it much easier to make friends and get laid than in Japan for example.

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