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Post suggestions and recommendations for anons who don't want to party in nightclubs or hire prostitutes or be on the move nonstop.

Share experiences, destinations, and low key activity ideas for people who prefer a quiet, simple, relaxing holiday.
Is it possible to have fun on a cruise if you're under 40 and not a boomer? I wouldn't mind sitting by the pool and having meals and booze covered
some of my fave ones: exploring cities on foot, walking on trails, getting massages
Take a small suitcase and rent a car / take trains between places and go to a new place whenever you feel like without a rush. Bring a tent and find campgrounds or free camp depending on the country.
Checked. Museums are the big go to for me, especially if it also has a café where I can people watch for a while. Iceland is one of my favourite places for a relaxing holiday, especially with the hot springs and spas, you never feel rushed there, everything is done in its own time.
Definitely a resort in a tropical country. Something like Atlantis in the Bahamas. You can just chill on the beach/pool, wander the grounds, do some gambling at the casino. Now that I’m in my thirties these kind of trips are my go-to. Cruises are fun too but the crowds can be a little much. I think a resort is even more relaxing. There’s a bunch to choose from in the DR, Bahamas, Mexico etc.
Despicable advice. You sound like a fupa-first menopausal woman
>OP asks for low effort tourism
>anon gives the literal ideal response
I guarantee 95% of /trv/ don't actually solo travel and know what "low effort" actually means.
Shitposting on 4chan while sipping a pina colada on a lounger at a crystal clear white sands beach is one of life’s great pleasures. You can stick to Eastern European hostels, I’ll take the normie route every time.
This sounds great. I might go check out the Bahamas later this summer before hurricane season starts
Prob an unpopular answer but Vegas. It’s cheap if you do it right, has great food, and you can walk around, sit by the pool, get drunk, go to museums and gardens, etc without having to do all the crazy typical Vegas shit. My last trip I stayed off strip at a place with a great pool and did what the anon earlier mentioned- sipped on tropical drinks while I got sunburned and looked at gorgeous women in bikinis. It was fucking fun and relaxing
There's nothing relaxed about vegas
If you do it right Vegas can be super low key. Most people don’t go to Vegas for low key chilling by the pool and shit tho
If you’re American try Puerto Rico. Go to a resort that isn’t too expensive. PR has amazing beaches and good food
Ireland is peaceful
Yes it is. I suggest a cruise if you want to kick back, get drunk and relax
I take a lot of miscellaneous short train trips. Pick destination at short notice, sit on a train looking out of the window, get to destination, walk around a little, get a drink at a cafe and people watch or read, either get train back or sleep somewhere. This approach works best in Europe, but anywhere with rail coverage works. I do similarly aimless things in cities with metros, too—pick random stop, look around, get coffee, go back or don’t.

And obviously, I am trains, which I think matters.
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>buy 3rd class rail tickets for 8 hour plus long journey
>get a sammie and a banana and a coffee from the convenience store
>maybe an easy magazine to read in the local language
>spend 6 of the 8 hours napping anyway
>wake up as the sun is setting and watch the strange foreign land slowly roll by hill after hill
my favorite way to travel desu. spiritually I am an old man. I just want to see the nooks and crannies of the earth before I leave this planet
This sounds cool but where I live in the US it would be tough. Maybe in the NE part of the country it would be possible where there’s a town every 20 miles
i like the northern west coast like oregon or washington. weather is spotty but you can get some nice beachfront rentals and chill watching the waves roll in. my favorite is getting a place with a big ass picture window facing the pacific and watching a storm roll in. extremely cozy
The place I'm now in the Canary Islands: Fuerteventura - specifically Costa Calma in the southern part of the island (don't go north). It's so fucking goddman low-key. I've been other places in this island chain but this is the most choice spot for just fucking doing nothing, except going to a near perfect beach and 2 modern supermarkets, clean, and no negroes trying to sell you shit, like in other places. The weather all year is nearly perfect. Cigs and booze are cheap. Locals friendly.
Sounds awesome cheers anon
>This sounds cool but where I live in the US it would be tough. Maybe in the NE part of the country it would be possible where there’s a town every 20 miles
Yeah, US trains (apart from commuter rail systems in a handful of metros, also mostly in the Northeast) are mostly bigger commitments than their European counterparts just owing to the scale of the country and limited nationwide rail service. I have actually taken Amtrak coast to coast once, from MA to CA and back again, spending ~3.5 days in a chair because I was too cheap to pay for a sleeper, and I honestly enjoyed the experience. But it wasn’t something I did spontaneously, and I’m not sure how feasible it would have been to just get off somewhere in the middle for a while before getting on a later train. I did pass through a lot of Midwestern and Western towns and cities along the way, and I know there are routes across the South as well, but it could be a lot of hours before you arrived anywhere you felt like getting off.

You could probably do last-minute/spontaneous bus trips more flexibly, but that’s definitely not my idea of a relaxing or comfortable time. Budget airlines, perhaps, also, but that might not be low-energy either. I’ve flown out somewhere and back on the same day twice that I can recall, and I found it exhausting and at least a little stressful. Flying away for a single weekend is a little less brutal, but it’s still pretty draining.
>hello fellow anon
>let us discuss the transit system of America
>we can discuss anything you like
>except the obvious fact that FUCKING NIGGERS are the reason we can't have good transit
>please, don't mention the FUCKING NIGGERS, the jannies wouldn't appreciate that.
>this is a blue board! No talking about the FUCKING NIGGERS
Thank you for your racism. For what it’s worth, my cross-country Amtrak trip was mostly full of white people, as were my there-and-back-in-a-day flights (but they were San Francisco to Portland and San Francisco to Seattle, so they were also predictably Asian). And no ethnic group has ever made any of my travels more difficult, although cultures that enjoy cutting in lines or pushing have sometimes frustrated me for as much as a few minutes at airports.
go to la for month and use local transit across the city, see if you dont get stabbed. or let me guess you like your cities "gritty"
Find a cheap flight to an all inclusive beach resort in Mexico. Park your ass in the sand, get drunk, read, eat good food (off-resort) and have a relaxing time
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i did this last month at Durango in SW Vegas and enjoyed myself without any high energy Vegas shit besides gambling. Drank margaritas at the pool half the time
Rent an appalachian cabin in fall. Sit on the porch, read, go on a leisurely hike, sit by the fire, watch the fog roll in. Go to the corner bar and make friends with the locals will drinking $4 beers
my energymaxxing travel would be somewhere on a yacht with pretty 4 20yo ladies(asians) massaging(consensually) while i scroll 4chin
Your racist for getting upset about those pushing and cutting peoples
Most people that use the word racist are white and live in mostly white neighborhood
Or their black and theyre mad they got fired for being late 10 times
>Moves to 90+% white neighbourhood
>Sends kids to exclusively white schools
>Except those fucking CHINKS pushing in line and other uncivilized barbarians (who are coincidentally everyone that isn't white )
>Sits in 99% white boomer filled resort, only interacting with brown servants

White liberals are such a parody of human beings.
I lived in Portland for 4 years and can't tell you how many people I met from NYC, California, Texas, and other places who moved from super diverse areas to the whitest neighborhoods in the whitest big city in America then complained about the lack of diversity in Oregon lol
what's wrong with prostitutes?
it's much easier and relaxing to just hire a prostitute than to spend enormous amount of time and energy of trying to have sex with a non-prostitute
Simply cannot fathom paying to be the 8th guy this week inside a woman. Absolutely revolting. I'd rather never touch a woman again than pay for sex.
you think a girl that fucks a tourist on a first or second date hasn't high body count?
this thread is about simplicity and ease, what if you want to have a sex?
1. try to contact local women, despite language and culture barrier
spend lot of time and energy chatting with them after getting a contact
spend lot of time and energy on multiple dates
have to listen to their bitching
constantly stressed that you say or do the wrong thing
sometimes things don't work out so you start from zero

2. just have a prostitute, have sex, continue with other activities
I have self-respect
me too, that's why I won't waste time and money on courting low/mid-quality women
I like coastal Mexico for this. I’ve booked a few trips there following rough work stretches or family drama. That stupid Kenny Chesney song was right

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