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POLAND is so fucking *in* NOW!
It’s not
Not a fan of the adult nightlife personally. Too scammy and sketchy. No reason for that bullshit.
Nerd alert
I'm a nerd because I don't want to get scammed for 800 euros at a gang run strip club then beat up if I dont pay? Fine, I'm a nerd then.
fucking gay nerd stay in america
you would only get scammed there if your IQ is 50 or not far from it
polish government is running a massive astroturfing campaign, similar to portugal
buy an ad tomasz
Are you American and if not, why are you going to strip clubs like one?
Smells like Poorland in here gross. sage
>similar to portugal
meds, take them
you forgot to add that airport security plied you with drugs and sentenced to gay rape
poland is 1,000,000 times better than any SEA shithole
I'm not hopping on a slow ass train and riding 9 hours to see some Polish third world city with food and beer that's 1/10th as good as Czech or Germany. The whole country listens to electronic music, so if you go out at night, you end up listening to a bunch of faggy dance music played at full volume. There is literally no reason to visit Poland over any other country in Europe. The bar scams are rampant. The weather sucks. The literal only reason people visit is because it's cheap and the backpackers can stay for next to nothing. As an adult with a bank account, I'm going to Croatia instead every time.
you forgot to add that airport security plied you with drugs and sentenced to gay rape
This. Personally I prefer child nightlife.
No, he's right. Strip clubs are really shady here, especially in Krakow.
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nah, you are a smart guy. even locals get scammed in these joints. one polish businessman got roofied and 150 bottles of champagne were put on his card for a total of 1 million PLN (~$250k).
this. solution is simple: just don't go there! don't get lured inside by one of those umbrella-wielding whores.
t. lives in Krakow
after that British guy died in the strip club I started thinking they probably made him drink 22 shots in 90 minutes to justify overpriced bill and killed him by overdose. And now I don't wanna try their adult services coz you already had a body once there, fuck that shit I'd rather hold and go for any strip club in Sweden. Swedens by the way their border neighbour so safety is just one airport away without people trying to fuck you over for basic adult needs. Junkies sucker punch sleeping people btw so if there's a heroin addict and you take a nap, you're fucked.
I went to a strip club in Krakow and paid like 9PLN for beers all night. Got the promoter to come in and confirm at the bar the costs. Ended up all good. Was on Plac Nowy.
>going to a strip club
>basic adult need
>9PLN for beers all night
when was that? 1990? you can't get a beer for 9 PLN around here even in a shittiest pub.
Must've been just before Covid.
today you will be lucky to find a place with beer under 15 PLN around here, realistically closer to 20 PLN. I recently found a rock/punk pub with 12 PLN beer, but the place was pretty grimy.
Dekafencja still had 9pln beer a few months back. (yup, one of those nights).
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>(yup, one of those nights)
kek, been there done that
lmao even
the only point of strip clubs in eastern Europe is to rob foreigners
and no one will warn you because what kind of asshole goes to strip clubs in the first place?
always funny to hear tourist experiences with strip clubs in Croatia
hope the bouncers made you shit yourself
Can people at least speak basic English in most Polish cities?
Yeah, in restaurants, pubs and sightseeing places they generally speak English.
But don't expect English from a 50 year old cashier in a grocery store or similar.
learn to read

>The literal only reason people visit is because it's cheap
It hasn't been cheap for years
So basically the same as every other country that has seen any amount of tourism.
Visiting Krakow this weekend. Is Wieliczka salt mines worth the visit?
yeah, it's pretty cool.
looks absolutely beautiful and weirdly Italian, where is it?
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Alright broskis, currently on a Europe trip and will definitely be adding Poland too my trip, I got a few questions (I haven't done very much of Europe yet fyi)

- Hows the safety
- Whats the cost of living in Poland
- Is Poland /out/ (I have been hiring cars & sleeping in my tent)
- Is it only good for city metropolises?
- Whats the nightlife vibe
- Is it hard to get on?
- Whats everyone thoughts on their national flag?
>- Hows the safety
Generally, it's safer than most Western Europe. Stay clear of strip clubs, and you will be fine.
>- Whats the cost of living in Poland
These days, it's marginally cheaper than Western Europe.
>- Is Poland /out/ (I have been hiring cars & sleeping in my tent)
I barely leave the city, but I don't think you can camp around here outside of designated campsites. My gf sometimes goes camping with her dog on weekends, so that's definitely a thing around here.
>- Is it only good for city metropolises?
Outside of big cities you are likely to hit language barrier.
>- Whats the nightlife vibe
>- Is it hard to get on?
I am too old to comment on that, lol.
wow and that's in EASTERN POLAND
just wow
Poland is GOATed to me now

cost of living in Poland:
this costs the equivalent of 75€
don't listen to the old whiner above
what are the trains like in Poland? are they nice?
He's somewhat right though. Yeah, groceries are pretty damn cheap, especially at a discount in Biedronka. Might be some of the cheapest in the whole of Eastern Europe, in fact.
But who the fuck is going to be buying a cartload of them on a trip? That's a miniscule part of your expenses as a tourist. You want hotels, transport, restaurants, entry fees. Of these, I'd say only hotels are very noticeably cheaper, the rest is as at a ~20% discount tops compared to most of Western Europe.
>Hows the safety
Don't be retarded and you can do whatever. By far your biggest threat are random drunks looking for a fight at 3AM on Saturday.
>Is Poland /out/
It's no Norway. Every inch of land is someone's property and there's no general right to camp. Technically, you'll be trespassing. Practically, doubt anyone gives a shit. Recently a part of the state-owned forests has been officially marked as legal to camp in, these are the orange spots on the map: https://www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl/portal/mapy?t=0&ll=19.412949%2C52.001221&scale=4622324&map=8%2C0.7&layers=76%2C77&basemap=2&extwms=&hist=
>Is it only good for city metropolises?
Tatra mountains in the South aren't super tall but they're Alpine, pretty picturesque. There's a lot of other smaller ranges along that border. North-East corner has a yachting Mecca in the form of a large lake network. The Baltic beaches are pretty but the place is packed in the summer and the weather capricious.
>Whats the nightlife vibe
>Is it hard to get on?
No idea, I've always hated clubbing. They used to be full of subhumans back in the days, but it's probably gotten better. Pubs are fine but nothing to write home about.
>Whats everyone thoughts on their national flag?
Boring as shit but at least it's not a blue/white/red tricolor.
>what are the trains like in Poland? are they nice?
All modern. Regional railway companies often run better trains than the main national carrier. Not particularly punctual.
What way do the trains work in Poland anyway? There's like 10 different sites and they all have differing train times on offer. How the fuck do I know which site to book my tickets from?
>poland is 1,000,000 times better than any SEA shithole
I'm also curious on a true comparative analysis.

Surely presence of ANY winter is a polarizing factor on its own.
https://portalpasazera.pl or https://rozklad-pkp.pl/
Buying a ticket through their search will redirect you to the appropriate carrier's site.
Or koleo.pl. They're technically a middleman, but the tickets are priced the same anyway. Has an app too.
Poland is especially going to be in when A Real Pain (2024) drops. Jews will finally stop hating on Poland and will learn to love it again
oh its IN alright...
IN-sufferable. AM I RIGHT?
oh no, it's very sufferable!
>heh, you like young, attractive women getting naked and dancing on your lap?
>you are an asshole who deserves to be robbed!
idk if you're a nerd but you're definitely a faggot
he's also right
I guarantee nothing bullshit happened at Bulgarian strip club they did their ho stuff and got paid, no safety issues whatsoever. Idk why polish clubs wanna drug people to OD if they don't pay overcharged bills but fuck that shit legit just means I would never buy a house from there coz you can't even trust your hooker or banker.
Speaking of bankers they're full of shit over there, don't speak English and lie to you then if you complain all they're gonna say is come back in four weeks so I can say I didn't do anything to solve your problem.
Fucking retards can't handle hustle or cash.

Final words: At least when Auschwitz was open they were in a work camp, now these bum ass losers are just getting drunk in the park benches like bunch of losers. You're nothing without Hitler except tourist babysitters and skinhead larpers.
it's cuz Poland is a 1st world country and if u think it's 3rd world, you do deserve to get robbed of ur life's savings :3
impeccable brown logic that you'd usually hear from latin americans
like it or not, but in Poland any kind of sex work is still pretty taboo and generally shunned. strip clubs are run by lowlifes and attract lowlifes. don't expect any pity if you get ripped off in one of those joints. this applies to locals and tourists alike. if you're into sex tourism, go somewhere else. if you're not a scumbag, you will likely have a good time around here.
What are some good places in Gdansk to visit?
Gdansk town hall
Gdansk post office
Gdsank fire station
Gdansk museum
The Old Town is an obvious recommendation. If you played Witcher 3, you will see what Novigrad was inspired by. Westerplatte is where WW2 (kind of) started. The truth is that recently it was found out that some bombs fell in Western Poland like half an hour before the attack on Westerplatte, but it's still an important place. Check out Sopot for parties and Gdynia for the Naval Forces and modernist architecture from the 20s. Also, DO TRY TO VISIT MALBORK. The biggest castle in the world is located there. When in Gdańsk, keep an eye out for the street art. It's really cool, abundant and impressive, and it has a long tradition.
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Poland is motherfucking IN do you not get it yet, fuckers?

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