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Old thread 404'd
Post all things Vietnam related.
Everyone tell us your favorite city or town and your favorite thing to eat here.
Got my 2nd bout of food poisoning in a month. Last one resolved overnight now I'm coughing up mucus and have night sweats so bad the whole bed is soaked. 3 days+ now I'm nervous

Looked it up and the night sweats thing means it could be tuberculosis. Fuck if I have to die in this third world shithole because Viets can't cover their mouths or engage in basic hygiene
Jesus bro do you know where you could have gotten it? I've been here a year and haven't gotten sick at all.
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Could be an undercooked burger from Burger Bros in Da Nang or it could be getting coughed on by sickly Viets/Koreans in the elevators. The hotel buffet had 'off' chicken but I spit it out immediately. I've heard hotel buffets are the worst because apparently Vietnamese don't throw old meat away if it's refrigerated.

I'm American so this whole thing feels like Moctezuma's revenge on steroids. Fortunately I travel with hardcore medicine for shit like this. With each wave of diarrhea my stomach feels better but the cough isn't budging.
I'm American too and never had an issue but that sucks ass nigga. Why not see a doctor there about the cough? It should be very cheap.
Americans in danang should be exterminated
t. aussie
hey why dont you try something, faggot?
btw Dont because i got a chinese makarov and i will fucking drop you, kangaroo fucker
>Why not see a doctor there
I don't trust doctors in America let alone Vietnam where half the medications in the pharmacies are fake/diluted. I have bought antibiotics here for other things and they didn't do anything. I brought the exact same type of antibiotics with me and they worked within a day.

You can look it up online. There are horrifying stories where many people died in Vietnam because of fake antibiotics. It's either a sugar pill or worse (and unfortunately more common), it's a blend of cheaper drugs and who knows how they might combine together.
fuck up cunt one punch to your voice box is all I want to do
Ah, you're one of those... Godspeed nigga.
>Everyone tell us your favorite city or town
Da Nang, only place in Vietnam I'd consider returning to, great for cycling.
Check the weather. Vietnam is hot as hell, oppressively humid and everyone is trying to scam you. Cities are way too busy, but food is good, nature is good, and still worth visiting for ten days or so for a cheap holiday if you keep this in mind.
I live in Hanoi and it's nice. You just got filtered is all.
karaoke is fun with vietnamese teen girls
>im 29 :)
>apartment lease ends soon
>have $10k
how long could this comfortably stretch me in vietnam if I want decent qol? specifically just decent living space/internet and easy access to grocery
I know it's nowhere near enough for years, but in months
Anyone else have issues with the air pollution in Vietnam? I've been to pretty much every other part of SEA and have never had a problem with the air quality other than in Vietnam. An hour outside and I get cold and flu symptoms that immediately subside when I go somewhere inside with air con.
You were suppose to make bank in the west then retire comfortably in SEA retards.
few months =/= retiring
I have no desire to retire right now retard
T. will be stuck flipping burgers or doing menial work while your peers climb up the corporate ladder in the west.

You guys always act like the opportunity costs/lost wages aren't a thing.
>climb up the corporate ladder
This is what I specifically don't want to do
if crypto doesn't make me a millionaire I'm cashing out and killing myself at 36 anyways
1500-2000USD per month allows a decent qol as long as you accept some inconveniences, such as non-AC transport
less is doable if you stay in a small place, don't move much and eat like a local
I'm not sensitive towards but I noticed it: wear a light shirt and take an hour motorbike trip along busy road: your shirt becomes black
millions of dirty bikes + lot of old heavy vehicles not following any pollution standards
Idk how old you are but you sound young, it all fun and games in your 20s and early 30s until you're staring at a barrel of living in poverty at old age.

Doesn't even take that much and I go travel internationally every year. At least I'll be in SEA long term in my 40s-50s.
I'm not young.
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White dork checking in.
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White dork loves Vietnamese food!
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This white dork lives in HCM. He runs a Youtube "accelerator" company.
These dudes always make me cringe HARD

It's like they're smart enough to be successful but they're too stupid to see they're going to get green carded and divorce raped the second they fly home. You can see it in their wives eyes.

It's not like we've had a near infinite examples of this happening but somehow someway these gullible fucks keep showing up
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Why is it always an ugly one?
>Youtube "accelerator" company
what the hell is that
White dorks settle for what they can.

A company that helps a youtube channel grow by better thumbnails, SEO, scriptwriting ...
Good morning I hate Vietnam

I will return to Thailand
A little less than a year. $1,000 would be enough to get by. Maybe $1,500 if you plan on traveling and going out more.
Are you a white dork? Flight ticket and visa runs will eat up your money.
Forgive white dork,. he isn't smart enough that why he running away to a third world country.

But yes visa runs/flights all this shit is gonna eat up his money.

$10k will probably last him 3 months considering white dorks habits and needs.
I’m guessing he’s already here on a work permit so doesn’t need to worry about visa runs
Hi I am an American ricel, if I go to Vietnam will I get laid?
I am 27 and still a Virgin. No success with Asian girls. I always see them with white guys.
Is vietnam my only hope?
nice larp, white dorker.
My family wouldnt approve that I date a dark skin girl. So I cant go to the Philippines
Unfortunately, I am asian. Loveless, hugless, kissless asian virgin. You dont know how much I wish I could be White
are you looking to get laid or marriage?
what kind of family restricts with whom 27yo son can have sex?
The priority is to get rid of my virginity.
Afterwards get married
then why don't get a white hooker if you're obsessed with white skin?
way cheaper and simpler
I cant pay for sex. I would make my parents embarrassed
why you need to tell details of sex life to parents?
Of course I wont tell them.
However, due to the respect I have for them I cant pay for sex
Holy shit anon.
the amount of blatant samefagging itt is hilarious
He's probably Asian. Those people really fuck with their children's heads.
Asian culture is superior.
You wouldn't get it
Sacombank credit card and uncle ho
Banh mi hawkers with coffee and pho
And uncle's best friend Vo with his bureaucrat commie army
Dunno just be a not knowing fucking tourist spend bux ok?
>He's probably Asian. Those people really fuck with their children's heads.

White parents actively encourage their children into becoming trannies. Asian parents tell their kids to study hard and become doctors, lawyers, engineers. White parents tell their kids "follow your passion". They study liberal arts and become life-long Starbucks employees.
I wish my parents were White. I am 27 years old asian virgin thanks to asian culture.
Brutal. Perhaps it’s time to take a trip to shinjuku my friend, and beg for a crum of nip pussy :)
>be me
>with my friends in Vietnam like two months ago
>we wanted to go to a karaoke
>try several in Hanoi
>all of them were whore houses
>some had extremely expensive cars outside and what looked like mafia goons
>when we told the staff that we just wanted a room to sing and get drunk, they looked at us bewildered and kept offering prostitutes
We went to like five different places and not one of them was a normal karaoke. We found all of them in Google maps. What the fuck?
>we wanted to go to a karaoke
I'm guessing you and your friends were all blancos?

>he thinks Vietnam has a culture
Vietnam is the gringo trap of legend
Yeah, we were the standard young European male pack.
We did see locals karaokeing in the street with cheap microphones and huge speakers that sounded like shit, so we assumed that karaoke was part of viet culture. Maybe the problem was us looking like walking wallets.
i give it a week tops before the food poisoning event and two weeks before your return to Thailand
That was back in may, we have already returned. We aren't the spend several months traveling kind of tourists, we are wagies with limited vacation days.
Also only one of us got food poisoning, but all of us had liquid shits at some point.
>we are wagies with limited vacation days.
my apologies
>only one of us got food poisoning
liquid shits qualifies for food poisoning. Your friend was the runt of the group. Kick his ass
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Is there a curse upon Americans who enter Vietnam?

>french friends go to Vietnam
>all report having a great time, locals are friendly, nothing bad happened
>Americans arrive in Vietnam
>instant bad vibes, like some shit has gone down
>get greeted by scammers at the airport, first meal gives you food poisoning, bad accommodations, liquid shits the entire time
>all report wanting to gtfo ASAP

I'm really starting to think there's something to this.
I'm American and I love it here.
Vietnamese here. All shop here are local, it's a minesweeper if you're new. A good rule to to eat where a lot of Vietnamese eat. Shit food don't last that long but they do pop up because of that low entry bar. Also, fuck you American for bombing/destroy a lot of our cultural stuffs, you deserved this.
what nationality should I tell Viets I am?
I'm White if it matters.
High IQ.
I'm not a gooky-eyed ricecel so they'll see right through me.
Karaoke is part of Vietnamese culture. But KTVs are as well, just like in China.
The idea is you go with a few fellow business men after signing a contract so you can enjoy yourself and get dirt on each other.
The girls are not just whores, they're entertainers
Anyways if you don't want to deal with saying no, you could go to iCOOL
I don't know how entertaining those girls can be outside of sex when nobody in the country speaks English. They may be hostesses for the rich Vietnamese guys that were there but to us tourists all they could be is prostitutes. Like seriously, 99% of the people we interacted with didn't speak a lick of English.
It felt weird because when we were in Cambodia a lot of people spoke pretty decently.
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Why do the Vietnamese and the Filipinos have such positive views of US?
Did the USA tried to kill them, in the Vietnam war and Philippine-American War?
how does this make any sense?
sources btw
It literally says gooks from America. They're the most self-hating people on the planet.
Why are they self-hating?
Have you ever met a Filipino? They all wish they white or korean, their national football team is composed of all mixed breeds. Their country is a sexpat hub. All the Viet Gooks living in the US are descended from families that suck off any and all colonizers, from the Frogs, Nips, and Mutts. Of course they'd hate the country that kicked them out for being race traitors and of course they'll keep dick riding the country that let's them live off of welfare.
Anon its actually the opposite. South Koreans do plastic surgery to look like Hapas and Latinos who live in the Philippines.

South Korea has the highest plastic surgery rates in the world. Also, Vietnamese from Vietnam are also pro American, not just Vietnamese in America. The Vietnamese hate China more than America and so look at America as a useful counterbalance against China. In Vietnam there's a saying: "We fought against America for 10 years, the French for 100 years, and against China for 1000 years."
>brownoids keep seething at the White men.
>White BVLLS live rent free in brownoids minds.
If you care so much about some random White dude and the way he dress I am sure you also care about how most vietnamese men dress, right? because the majority of vietnamese guys dress like hobos: flip flops, some old pants and some old disgusting t-shirt.
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Sorry, how the fuck are you spending $10k in 3 months?

I'm about to travel to Vietnam and I thought I could do about $300 - 400 a month. Maybe $500 a month if I'm feeling spicy. But 10k?
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I have mentioned Thailand has white chads training in Muay Thai gyms. Thailand has access to over-the-counter roids.

There is nothing to do in Vietnam. White retarded dorks come here to teach English. There's white begpackers, hippies, Russian draft dodgers, p*dos. White dorks in Vietnam are highly sus.
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You're NOT a white BVLL, you fucking dork. Chads party in Dubai, Maldives, Monaco.

You FUCKING RETARDED WHITE DORKS live in Vietnam full of short brown Vietnamese men wearing flip flops.


>Dubai, Maldives, Monaco
Absolutely soulless.
Why does it enrage you so that I have an easy chill job and swim in Vietnamese pussy?
I couldn't give a shit less about your chill job or your sex life. BUT if I see your ignorant uppity face in Bui Vien expect knocked out teeth, dork.

Words spread fast online. Vietnamese folks are sus of white dorks.
>Bui Vien
I'm a Hà Nội chad so don't worry. Also I'm not even a little bit uppity desu. I'm very chill. You are addressing some ghost of your own imagination here, not me.
I was talking to >>2673884

... if you're not him, ignore my post. If you ARE >>2673884, then you're a back-stepping faggot and I'll shit down your white dork throat.
>Oh no mr.chink is angry
Cope, seethe and dilatate hapa mutt.
I will keep on fucking asian tight pussy while you watch and seethe.
It's over for asian bois
>Burger Bros in Da Nang
My An brothers we got too cocky
>Cope, seethe and dilatate hapa mutt.

I agree wif you on this one. there is no viet ricecel on /trv/, everyone is white or a mutt.
$400 is a bit low but this thread is a giant larp by some vietcel to discourage whites from coming, DYOR and don't believe a single thing here
It’s about $400 for rent alone
Whites are so poor its unreal.


White guy here. Friendly reminder that there's plenty of us who admire your country, are diligently studying the language to have more interesting interactions with Viet locals, and don't care whether those interactions have anything to do with sex. Feel free to share stories of daily life. What did you do this weekend?

>Vietnam is filled with these pretentious real traveler-tier low value men

Good. Makes it much easier for me to throw on long pants, buttoned top and clean sneakers and instantly be treated with respect. In contrast to Thailand where armies of crypto chads high on life means I don't even get a second look.
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question... why are white women like this?
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I'm probably going to stay in a hotel for my time there. Most hotels fall in the range of 7 - 15 dollars for anything 3 star
White women are trash or at least most of them are. That's the explanation anon
make it 15-30 dollars for a decent 3 star hotel
15 dollars in small places, more in HCMC/Hanoi
I'm heading to Nha Trang. I'm honestly just going to mostly work on my projects and maybe go and swim a bit
Not really looking to do tourist shit, other than just live in a place to save money

I'm already living in new york and paying 1500 a month for a dogshit studio and I don't go out anyways
Exactly, that’s about $400 a month. So you’re just…not gonna eat any food? $1,000 a month is more realistic
you won't get any decent room in decent location in Nha Trang for $7, for $15 sure
they get brainwashed in undergrad it's like maoist cultural revolution in US universities right now
>Spends $600 a month on food
What the fuck are you eating?
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We thank ze mods for cleaning up ze trashe

>you VILL have endocrine damaze
>und you VILL be happy
ah yes, because food and hotels are the only two things he'll be spending money on. great logic anon
>Vietnamese girls in Vietnam

FB profile is prim and proper, focus on family and making Vietnamese dishes.

>Vietnamese girls outside of Vietnam

FB Profile, at Raves/Clubs, boss baby attitude, extremely materialistic.

I can see why white dorks love native girls alot.
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Whites are becoming self aware. All white expats are diseased sexpats unless proven otherwise.
What makes a person a sexpat as opposed to a normie who has sex? Where is the line? Is it hookers?
Needing to ask this question tells me you are one, but it's okay. Fuck the haters.
for ricels anyone who has sex is a degenerate sexpat
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1. Sexpat prime motive is traveling for sex
2. Can be diseased hookers or normal girls but they want sex cuz they can't get it back home
3. 99% of the time they teach english

Normies have normal career. If they decide to expat overseas, they come with their wives and kids or girlfriend.

Never trust single white males that come alone in Vietnam.
Poor ricel, White BVLLS really live rent free in your mind.
Cope and seethe riceboi
To a white dork like yourself, everything is a cope, seethe, rent free, chang. You're incapable of proper refutation. Fuck you retarded dork, go teach little kids english you dumb fuck.
Ohh look its the poor blue collar wagie that is too poor to travel.
Still feeling bitter about being too broke and retarded to get a proper white collar job?
Keep working with Juan and Pedro in burgerland thats where you will always be.
Is every English teacher a sexpat according to you?
That guy's a faggot but this post is no better.
english teachers in Asia have always been scum. White dorks in the JET program have been a laughing stock since at least the early 2000s when I was an IT contractor at Kadena in Okinawa earning six figures.
That’s because places like Japan and Korea have zero standards so the wages there are shit
Another Viet Kieu friend got engaged to a viet zoomer.

How is it so easy for them?
I could sell my paid off ranch and home here in Central Texas and after taxes and costs be holding around $1.3 million. I'm 51, wife is 43 and we have a 3 year old son. We have about $112k in savings and investments that return around $25k to $30k a year depending on performance. We pick up languages fast and my wife is already fluent in French, with a little effort I could be as well. I'm half Japanese and Dutch genetically, wife is German and Crow Native American. We make friends easily and are down with our friends when needed. How cushy would it be for us? Do Vietnamese men enjoy hunting trips into the jungle and fishing trips in the nearby oceans? If so, I'm set... Dad did two tours in Vietnam, got his records and diaries. I would love to check out the places he was during that.
>I think Gen Z like camping and fishing trips, the older generation does not because of the Vietnam war.

remember they were in the tunnels and deep in the Jungle.

Idk what hunting trips you would do in Vietnam, I would assume most big game is protected, fishing I can see work.

$25k-$30k assuming the trinity study is more than enough but it the Visa runs and not being able to buy land that will fuck you in the long-term.
Any experienced English teachers ITT?
Yea, what's up anon
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You're 51, what are you doing on 4chins? This board is full of incels.

Anyways to answer your question, Vietnam doesn't have long-term visa for tourism. They can deny you at the border anytime. Better stick to Thailand's elite visa since you have the money.

Thailand is 1000x better than Vietnam. There is a REASON why there are more tourists in Thailand than Vietnam.
>How is it so easy for them?

1. Familiarity with the culture
2. Can speak and read the language
3. Same values
4. Not a white dork

White dork can't speak Vietnamese. They use Google translate for every sentence.
Can you recommend any better places to work than Apollo? This is my first job after CELTA and I haven't gotten any serious help here and still don't really know what I'm doing. I like the job and I genuinely like most of my students but I hate management here. I just need more support from a manager who doesn't resent giving it.
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White dorks in JET program is a bygone era (2000s). 2020s, Flipppino have replaced white dork english teachers. Flips are willing to work for lower pay, they're less degenerate.

Teaching english in China and Vietnam has gone downhill. There's nowhere for the white dork to take refuge.
Why work in Vietnam? The english centers scam teachers out of their pay, holding their passport hostage. English centers are collapsing left and right.
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Vietnam has 5% tourism return rate vs Thailland's 60%.

Too many creepy white dorks in Vietnam.
what kind of retard gives their passport to employer?
English center holds the passport to fill out the TRC and such.
Is that the only answer you can give? :(
What are you doing in 4chan. I will let Mr. Shekelberg that you are not working.
Dont lie blue collar wagie.
You already posted your sob story in /pol/ about being a bitter loser in burgerland. and how it was unfair for other people to travel.
Well, blue collar wagies have to do bitch work until they die.
English centers are actually doing pretty well. And holding passport hostage? Huh? Even if you’re talking about getting a TRC, at most it takes a week to two weeks and is just standard policy.
>Vietnam has 5% tourism return rate vs Thailland's 60%.
>Too many creepy white dorks in Vietnam.
How does that follow? You didn't even bother with cherry picking and went right for the non sequitur.
Cheers buddy. Can you answer >>2675529
why would a school want to hire an ESL teacher to teach english? their students will all learn idiotic dialect and accent
>How does that follow? You didn't even bother with cherry picking and went right for the non sequitur.

White chads stay in Thailand or Bali. White dorks stay Vietnam. Thus Vietnam has a white dork problem, 5 too many. They look like (pic) >>2675525
... you must be new.

Vietnamese english centers hire slavs that speak english with a thick SLAVIC accent. I have seen them hire Russian "english teachers", and whites from Kazakhstan
I have never been to vietnam, never taught english and never been to a vietnamese teaching centre (obviously)
just shocked to hear they are hiring ESL teachers when there are tons of white native english speakers (without degree) who are barred from teaching there
personally I have a TEFL cert. but haven't put it to use because the only places worth teaching require a degree but I am a tradie
ESL describes the type of teaching, not who is teaching (e.g. I’m a white American ESL teacher)
Anon assumes Filipinos are second language learners of English, which is technically incorrect, English is an official language and lingua franca of the Philippines... sort of. English is also an official language of India and look how they speak it.
hoping you are a white person larping as an asian. this is embarassing bro. yes you can get laid if you speak the language.
YOLA might be a decent option. My girlfriend works for them as a Vietnamese teacher and it seems like they're well run and business is good. Might not be a huge upgrade over your current situation but it should be a more professional environment and you would get more PD and support.

ACET has better pay and good managers. They're hands off but will help you if you ask for it. And if you actually suck shit they'll work with you to create a plan to improve rather than fire you. Hours are unpredictable though because the timetablers are retarded and they insist on changing teachers every 5-8 weeks. No little munchkins as the classes are all teen and adult.

BC is another option. Again higher salary and nice schools overall but there's a ridiculous amount of middle mangers and they're all insufferable, incompetent cunts. Also kinda hard to get the job since they do talent pool recruiting.

Other options would be pursuing higher education, like a DELTA or DipTESOL. They're tough courses but affordable and you'll definitely know you're shit afterwards. Afterwards you can make 700k or more per hour at the above centers or 800k+ at RMIT.
Would definitely recommend RMIT even if you have just a BA and CELTA. $30+ an hour is pretty nice.
Yeah I'm fucking trash right now you guys. I know I can be better but I just need actual hands on development. I get some people can just figure shit out on their own but not me. I doubt a place like ACET would hire me or RMIT would hire me now. Apollo's pay is shit compared to what you guys are talking but that's not even my concern at this point.
that doesn't sound like food poisoning, but rather what passes for a common cold in the tropics
the more you entrap yourself in the pursuit of dollars, the more afraid you will be of jeopardizing what you already have
living at the bottom is freeing, despite the steady decline in one's funds over time
Thailand encourages vacation visits; Vietnam is a tougher country for short trips.
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White expats in Vietnam are like sewer rats. They can survive living in a backwater rice farming, basket weaving country. Chad whites live in Thailand, Bali, Singapore.
Hi wagie, why aren't you working?
I will inform mr.shekelberg about your working attitude
You're terminally online. Get a life, dork.
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wagie, I have a comfy job.
I am not a poor blue collar wagie like you that has to work with juan and pedro
so ..... the white dorker poster has been a white guy all along? i told you so! /trv/ is a 100% white board.
The white dork poster is the brown jeet which is also security fag
I miss Da Nang.
The time I spent there was top tier. Fucked around all day on my airblade, drank a ton of cheap beer every night, ate good food, played league on my laptop while sitting on the hotel's roof.
Met a bunch of digital nomad types (they are all retarded, but can be fun to hang out with)
Can't wait to go back once I am done with my current business engagements.
You owe the changs and ricel an apology then. The changs are your friend.
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Were the digital nomad degenerates? Or did they actually work? Or were they dorks playing video games all day?
Mixed bag.
Most were in the process of trying to get a business off the ground, but not as much as in Bali where literally everyone's story is "I decided to stop my 9-5, took all of my money, and came to Canggu to start a business/expand my brand"
A lot of it feels like playing pretend desu, they have business meetings in My An cafes where they "network". Most of them are usually gone within the month. I went to some of their networking events to see what it was all about and it was turbo cringe, but I kept going to them because it was the best place to pick up Russian marketing chicks. There's a whole subset of expats who make bank by providing services to the transient digital nomad crowd. Those that actually work don't fuck around with pretend-business and you mostly run into them in the evening when they are done for the day, or it's people who lazily manage passive income streams (me)
As far as degeneracy is concerned, the absolute most degenerate were the korean salarymen on vacation, but you can spot pretty much anyone doing the powerwalk of shame away from a VIP massage place.
Yeah they worked as security guards that earned minimum wage.
You should go wagie, you will fit in
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I don’t get white dorks, $750k invested in schd would get you something like $26k in divvies per year.

That not something super hard, but they would rather work as a white english teacher for $6k a year…
I am so glad to see that you took my advice and no longer say "dorker". The white man's burden is teaching third world savages how to speak properly.
Im a diff poster, but yea please explain what the point if putting your financial future ablaze?

Is it women? Because I see old men with younger girls all the time in vietnam.
>26k divvies per year
That's less than what I spend in 3 months

>I then tried my best to promote Vietnam's scenery, food and culture to persuade him to visit the country.

>In the summer six years ago, he came to visit.

>But he has never returned: he always goes to Thailand instead.

White chads in Thailand.

White dorks in Vietnam.
Lol even local English teachers make more than 6k a year. You can easily make 10 times that amount while just teaching 20 hours a week
You are too broke to go to either country wagie.
So worry not
>terminally online white dork teaching english to little kids IN A THIRD WORLD lecturing other white dorks in a first world

Kettle meet pot ...
>60k/year teaching English in Vietnam
Fucking where?
>my brand
These faggots belong in a gas chamber.
International universities (as long as you have the necessary qualifications)
You said easily. Was that the wrong choice of words?
Poor jeet faggot, he thinks that I am an English teacher.
Keep being a low wage loser
You are an English teacher, you fucking dork. What else are you doing in SEA?
Not everyone is low skilled worker like you wagie.
There are other ways of making money besides working as wagie faggot for mr.shekelstein
I will probably get memed on by retards for saying this but teaching unironically isn't low skilled work. That doesn't mean there aren't retards doing it, of course, but to do it well isn't easy.
Working 20 hours a week isn’t easy?
Yeah if sure you have the knowledge and qualifications to get the job.
Most people have a BA and CELTA. We’re not even talking about an MA, just the minimum to get a work permit.
I have those but I'm retarded and lower level teaching is confusing to me. I don't know how to make a good lesson plan or anything even after several months so I just repeat the same shit like a boring faggot.
You can become a security guard and live the dream
What dream is that?
Ask jeet jannie, he can explain you in fill detail
It’s pretty damn easy, especially considering the pay here is generous compared to other countries in Asia
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All you need is like $750k of schd to get divviets of $25k…

You guys act like that hard, but that only 10-15 years of work after college.

Me personally i’m retiring in my 40s-50s and my only job will be to mvoe money around.
40 is pretty young to retire, aren't you worried you'll be incredible bored, maybe you already have a huge family or something to keep you occupied. Right now I've got 3 months off teaching for summer and one month in and I already feel like shit from lack of physical and mental stimuli, can't imagine doing this for the rest of my life even at 38.
you aren't able to find interesting activities for yourself?? a perfect wageslave!

modern work won't provide physical stimuli anyway, so you need to figure out that yourself
What sort of hobbies are you going to do all day if you don't have a family?
Several months isn't a long time. Your first year or two will always be cringe and low quality.
what are you doing usually on weekends?
people who can't figure out what to do aren't usually on /trv/
Beer and hotpot with friends, running around doing whatever with the kids so they don't get bored, dinner with the wife if I can get a babysitter, DIY around the house, weekend trips to Vung Tau, badminton with whoever, visiting friends in other provinces, sitting on the PC, loitering in cafes, karaoke, drinking on the balcony contemplating life. I still do all these things but they are 1/10th as enjoyable compared to when I'm working, maybe you're right and I am the perfect wageslave.
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>Right now I've got 3 months off teaching for summer

White dork detected. What do you do for fun during your spare time, friend?
>I still do all these things but they are 1/10th as enjoyable compared to when I'm working

>teaching little kids english

Anon, I....
Fuck I love Vietnam so much
Except all the plastic burning
And the people
And the scams
So you love Vietnamese food, weather ... but hate the people that invented the food, the culture, who built the country?
I'm American and I find Viets generally nicer and less insane desu. I know I've paid some inflated prices here and there but I've never been outright "scammed" here.
>the people that invented the food
Why yes I do hate the french how could you tell?
Reminder that if you do not eat durian, you're a subhuman faggot.
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You're a (white) LBH (loser back home) hence YOU hiding in Asia.
Who cares what I was back home? I'm not there anymore, and here, I'm a god.
I eat durian icecream

You gave me two (You)s in this post but they're not the two that you thought.
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It doesn't matter where you go, you still exhibit the same creepy loser-back-home vibe. Same reason why you're terminally online yelling ricel, chinks, BCW, I am god. The viets know you're a weirdo but they're too nice to say something
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I am living in Asia, having a comfy life. Not hiding from anything.
On the other hand, you are a disguting pajeet living in burgerland and working as a security guard.
Guess than india is such a shithole that burgerland is a better alternative.
I guess they're also too nice not to have sex with me all the time. Truly the nicest people ever.
>I am living in Asia, having a comfy life. Not hiding from anything.

Haha, fuck off white dork. You're a loser back home, running away from your friends, family, 6-figure career. You teach english to little kids. Literal bottom of the barrel.
Smelly poojeet ... but make $100K in America coding goyslop app.

Or white dork making $2K a month teaching english in Asia?

They're both the same, more or less. They're both dorks.
Does this ever get old for you? What drives you to do it?
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Think what you want pajeet subhuman
I am living a comfy, nice life. While you are stuck in a low paid work for the rest of your life.
Based. He's literally making fun of you for being happy. The absolute state.
It never gets old bullying white dorks. I see you little dweeby faggots all the time at the english centers
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>I am living a comfy, nice life. While you are stuck in a low paid work for the rest of your life.

Projection. American coding poojeets make $100K a year. You make $2K a month teaching english in VIetnam.

Here is a literal (you) ... its Dan Hauer white dork teacher in Vietnam.
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"I'm a sex god"
"seeth, changs"
"I love living in Vietnam"

White dorks are insufferable.

Dan Hauer is literally a english teacher in Vietnam. He has a youtube channel.
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>SAAAR, we pajeets very smart SAAAR we make 100k a year.
Meanwhile you are a security guard making minimum wage.
I'm fucking your sister or mom.
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> SAAAAAAR White people ugly SAAAAR.
Jeets are somehow darker and uglier than joggers.
Its over for you brown boi
TTT is a white security guard living in America. You're a pathetic moron. Look up the archive on warosu he posted a selfie.
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>SAAAAAAR I am White.
>SAAAAAAR I am not the security guard
>SAAAAR believe me SAAAAR
kek nice try brown boi
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White dorks are disgusting. Crawl back to whatever country you're from. Why are you even living in a back water country anyways?
Because it's based.
That’s more like what ESL teachers make in Thailand, and I’m not sure why teaching English bothers you so much lol
>you'll be incredible bored
I don't understand people who like working.
This. I would be less bored just lying on my couch all day phonefagging on 4chan.
making $100K after taxes and basic living expenses or having $100K gross income? that's a huge difference

$100K gross income in major US cities will give you way lower quality of life than earning $2k per month in Vietnam, especially if you're a white man

making $100K after taxes and basic living expenses is $250K+ gross, I doubt many are earning that amount
Im a 27 yo white virgin. There are autistic virgin losers of all races.
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>I’m not sure why teaching English bothers you so much lol

Pinoy english teachers don't bother me. white english teachers are ignorant, pompous, racist. Its best to send them back home.
the problem is while you're working for $2k a month in vietnam, your peer keeps making more money and snowballing their net worth, i've known many who come to the states and work hard, they then go back home and have a western stream of income and will live like kings and queens until they die, also they are of viet descent so they can just straight up buy land instead of falling for the condo scam.
The anon who wrote >>2680272 is a pathetic English teacher. These mother fuckers "live like a king in Asia" on their "$2K a month income" ... and went broke during COVID. No real savings, no assets, no home. Begging on the streets. I give these middle aged white english teachers the stink eye every time I see them at Wall Street English, Apollo English. They're the equivalent of mall bathroom cleaners.
Picture of middle aged p*do english teacher who went broke during COVID. Vietnam needs to start banning white english teachers.
$2k a month doesn't even get you a decent car in SEA since they have double import. I'd rather work in the states, bring over my $2M - $3M portfolio, get a nice house in the gated communities and something like a ford ranger/wildtrak, then a semi-automatic motorbike, at that point you would be all set and can spend the portfolio return never working and going out, shit with that portfolio return you can easily just go to KTVs and fuck hostesses all the time.
>gated communities
Fag lmao
I've got friends like this and they all get filtered by the traffic and end up getting a personal driver after they get into their first accident.
kek no they don't
$100k gross in US is $20-40k net after taxes, rent, and car
then you need to pay for food and other stuff
most of americans aren't able to save much

how to spot a low-IQ third worlder? they are drooling after "high" american salaries completely disregarding cost of living and taxes. I've met lot of Vietnamese who think in the west we have high income and Vietnamese prices
This is some high tier cope, I make $105k base, with a company that gives RSUs.

After tax I make $60k, this is with Max 401k contributions, -$7k for roth is $53k, drive an old beater so car prices isn’t that high.

I put save close to $40k-$50k a year and I got $30k-$40k to spend for stuff every year.

How much assets do you have lmao.
Should I still consider living in VN anons?

Got an online $250k/year job right now. Been living in Thailand and Japan, but that's mainly because VN messed with their visa for a while.

VN still good for a <35 white boi?
what you are looking for? Thailand will be superior for everything except marriage
>I put save close to $40k-$50k a year and I got $30k-$40k to spend for stuff every year.
it doesn't add up and what about the rent?

>over my $2M - $3M portfolio
but still seething about english teachers?

>doesn't even get you a decent car in SEA
>drive an old beater so car prices isn’t that high
which way it is?
>Thailand will be superior for everything except marriage
That's my default opinion on this too, but I actually am looking for a potential mother of 2-4 children.

One thing I like about VN is how commonly women ride motorbikes

I'd say I'm looking for 2 things over this year: new homebase, girlfriend I could see having children with. They may or may not be the same place
>girlfriend I could see having children with
decent girls will insist on marriage before children

>One thing I like about VN is how commonly women ride motorbikes
kek just remember that lot of women are carsick! wtf?? never encountered this anywhere else in Asia

if you're in Thailand why don't come to visit for a few weeks and see yourself?
>decent girls will insist on marriage before children
of course and a fair demand
>if you're in Thailand why don't come to visit for a few weeks and see yourself?
I've already been back in 2017 with a 2019 and 2023 pop in since then. had a blast riding around the north: nam dinh, moc chau, son la, and other tier 3+ towns for a month. my last little blip visits were not of a settled in person that would have a routine + gf though.

I know people say dating has changed in VN, but they say that everywhere. I'd like to believe VN is still great for finding wife material. easily had one that got away back in 2019. I was simply too young and broke for my current family quest now
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What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Onions-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie
This thread is fucking horrible what is wrong with all of you?????
Found the butthurt filipino lol
Perfect description, exactly what Vietnam is like
Half the posts in this thread are normal which is a pretty impressive achievement for this general.
Maybe he means that's why it's so bad. I also hate normies.
I drive a beater in the states, i plan on driving a nice truck in SEA, anyways why you continue to work until old age with no assets i’m gonna be retiring pretty early in luxury.
It’s basically one guy making a bunch of posts trying to make fun of English teachers and rant about Thailand
Phan Thiet. Nice and quite. Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) is too crowded/noisy. Beach towns are cozy. Lots of pretty, friendly Vietnamese girls. Don't drink the water. I had the anti-Christ coming out of my asshole for 5 days after making that mistake.
I just asked "did you niggas do your homework?" to two 12 year olds in class today without thinking about it. Thankfully nobody else was around and they didn't seem to know what I said.
the language. you can not build a connection with a girl if you dont know the language. the same applies to all countries
You were merely following your training
>I had the anti-Christ coming out of my asshole
I hate the Antichrist
Bun Cha and the pork wrapped in betel leaves was really good.
Weird. I didn’t get sick in Vietnam at all but a few days in Thailand had it coming out both ends and I also caught a cold that persisted until I got home.
I've been here for a year eating everything except the dogs and cats and I've been fine too.
Should I still consider living in VN anons?

Got an online $500k/year job right now. Been living in Thailand and Japan, but that's mainly because VN messed with their visa for a while.

VN still good for a <35 white boi?

will $1m/year be enough to survive in Vietnam?

i know its not much, i can barely afford bread after taxes and rent in America , but maybe Vietnam will have better prospects
shal-i mean hello

im a lowly janitor making a measly $50m/year in America. I live in a van to avoid rent and sell my ass for crack. Its not much but its enough to buy a grain of rice.

I am hoping to have lots of sex with brown women and lose my meagre assets after my new wife gets the green card. Will 3 billion savings be enough ??

Gosh... I'm so pathetic. Being this poor. I can't imagine what even poorer people must feel like.
Sorry anon. Brown security guards are not allowed to leave burgerland.
You must stay in burgerland like good jeet security guards do
I didn't have a solid shit for three weeks. It was awful. I weighed myself when I got back and I had lost 5 lbs.
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Does /Vietnam/ like Xoi Chien?
I don't know about these other plebs but I do
Btw speaking of plebs, you should learn proper Vietnamese, and proceed to drown in pussy. It's xôi chiên.
>Lots of pretty, friendly Vietnamese girls.
do many speak english in phan thiet?
So are Viets so retarded that they don't realize the US was only involved there because of the French?
idk, make yourself more attractive. I had two relationships, with a Ukrainian and a Mexican girl and I didn't speak either of their languages but I was dedicated to make it happen.
1 million dollars a year? Dream on, you'll spend that much in the first few months. Vietnam is a very expensive country.
>I had two relationships
no you didn't. you only wanted sex and you made it happen. none of those women wanted something serious with you
34? he looks like he has 45
Not a /trv/fag, just here for recommendations for a cheap SEA vacation
Why the fuck is half of this thread seething about whites banging vietwomen? This is reddit levels of cope
Just Vietcels seething
I thought it was just one autistic Indian

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