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Considering visiting China. Quite cheap for me to get there because I am aussie. I have only solo travelled South America before. I have no Mandarin but will just get the basic phrases before I leave.

Any tips, stories, recommendations, or hidden gems? I really have no idea where to go bar Hong Kong and Shanghai and Beijing, but am currently just looking at random spots on pic rel and seeing what is interesting. Is Yan'an any good? Apparently you can partake in a mock battle in a 1940s PLA uniform which sounds fun.
commie wet dream map.
too bad in reality they cant do shit about Taiwan.
Regarding your question, you can see the great wall if you wanna see a historic landmark. Though you should avoid the parts that have been turn into amusement parks.
However, dealing with chinese is so tiring that makes it not worthy. Imaging the worst bogan in Australia now multiple its worth traits by a 100 then you have our average chinese "person". Also, if you dont speak chinese moving around is going to be a hassle as nobody will make an effort to speak to you.
>t. I was there for 2 months
Did you have a few chinese phrases you felt were most useful?
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OP here, sorry for posting a wrong map.
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Oh my god, my neovagina just exploded to this!!!
(Too bad China is a Chinese country, and not filled with mentally ill white people)
NED internship awarded
>mentally ill white people
Oh no, white people in general are mentally ill. Republicans and Democrats just fight over who loves black people the most.
>be chink White people are mentally ill.
> Same chink, I wanna go to White people country.
Poor chang crossing the Mexico- US border like a beaner
Too bad chink girls love the BWC.
Cope ricel
Just woke up what the fuck happened to my thread I just want to know what places are worth it
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>Hidden gems
Guilin bro, fucking amazing place.
Don't listen to this >>2672323 demoralisation faggot either. I spent nearly three weeks traveling from Hanoi to Shanghai overland in 2014 and survived just fine without even a translation app or Google lens on my phone.
Trains are comfy, ultra fast and well priced
Outside of Shanghai people were friendly too, drinking alone at a bar and lads would invite me to sit with them even though they spoke no English. Was nice, barely ever drank alone.
t. pale ass cunt from SW Sydney
American propoganda is ironically as or more effective than Chinese propganda nad has made dsicussing anything China related on the entire Englsih speaking internet impossible.
>noooo you can't post your travel experience in china.
Noo if you have bad experiences in china that's American propaganda.
The only person who posted about a "travel experience" was this anon
And they were positive.... Maybe try and use your analytical and critical thinking skills beofre you make dumbas posts????
And this post
Which was negative.... That is a 50/50 split. I wasn't even calling out this negative comment in my post.... Every other post in this thread but those two has been brainless /pol/ tier politcal bulshit. Fuck you.
Ok thanks for actually answering my thread. Is it the landscape that makes Guilin so special?
>outside Shanghai
Is Shanghai considered unfriendly?
Zhangjiajie is one of the most incredible places I've ever seen. Up there with Switzerland. Looking out on miles and miles of these colossal pillars is just an indescribable feeling. I've seen this kind of stuff in countless old Chinese paintings in museums, seen it on the walls of Chinese restaurants, but it's one of those things that your brain never registers as real. You think it has to be exaggerated in some way.

Then you walk into the park and these things just tower over you in all directions, streams flow through, monkeys hop around. It's one of those times where you truly feel like you're in another world.

China is incredible pretty much anywhere you go, but the nature is absolutely mindblowing. It's like nowhere else on earth.
Noted man, will definitely throw this on my list and probably cut out Yan'an. Thanks for the recommendation. Is the town itself good or is more just a day trip to the nature kind of thing?
buy train tickets on trip.com
china construction bank atms are the most friendly
setup/link wechat pay and alipay to your bank card
get a sim card ASAP, use ant maps, Google maps don't work, get a vpn before hand.

after the cutie officer uses the metal detector wand on your front turn your back to her, so she can metal detect it and finish. where you see people going through the turnstiles at railroad stations go to the one at the far right or far left and show passport to the security guard there. transportation in China is very very easy, you can cover a lot of ground
Pirate the Michel Thomas Mandarin course, it’ll allow you to have convos with locals no problem.
It's definitely not a day trip. I was in the park for 3 days and still remember thinking I wish I had more time. There's a huge lake and stuff that I didn't have time for, despite looking around from morning to night everyday. The town right near the park is pretty nice, but small. There's a segment designed like a traditional Chinese town and some night market stuff going on, but the town itself isn't worth seeing on its own. Mostly good for getting some dinner after you're done hiking each day.

Tianmenshan is also right near by, but it's a separate park. The whole area is just insane.

there is also a theatre show, called Charming Xiang, Idr the Chinese name. our tour guide got us tickets, we that it was gonna be gay and lame like Peking Opera or crappy opera in a language I don't understand. But it was actually amazing, Fuck! The Chinese Go hard. You have to go and see.
Another Aussie here - buying my tickets to China tonight. I can't believe how cheap flights are. I suppose those routes are very popular with Chinese nationals going back and forth for family reasons etc., so they can afford to keep them cheap. I've been once before in 2015 for about 5 weeks, mostly down south - can recommend the 'backpackers trail' : Kunming -> Dali -> Lijiang up to Sichuan (ignore the name, China is so sparsely touristed by westerners you're unlikely to see another backpacker). Though you might not have time or interest to cover that route, since other people have given good suggestions here.

Can echo what others have said. Chinese people are incredibly friendly and eager to help you. Outside the city centres in Beijing and Shanghai foreigners are so rare that you are making their day just by existing. There's a good chance you are one of the only white people they've ever seen in person - even in cities of many millions. I had no trouble getting around back then without translation apps - buses were tricky, but that's true in every foreign country. Some rude people, but again, no more than any other country - and far outweighed by the generosity of total strangers. Getting around would be even breezier now with all the apps.
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OP here, sorry for posting the wrong map twice - this is the correct one
Mega based
So much sugarcoating about chinese "people" when in fact they are the worst assholes on earth. chinks are entitled, arrogant and disgusting.
If you think that is based, check this out
Trip.com app to book trains. If you miss a booked train you can reschedule it for free on the same calendar day.
Airalo for data
You need your passport for everything.
Try to leave Beijing/Shanghai
I did west china this Jan, needed no Chinese although I dont eat out or talk to people.
Try not to be bitter about crowds. There are a lot of people in China and many of them like to do their tourism in large tour groups with a megaphoned leader.
I loved it. People are very proud of their country and want to show it off.
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Yeah, scenery down south was otherworldly. The Guilin/Yangshou/Xingping area was one of my favourite places out of Vietnam, China and Japan over 2 months. Maybe because I had low expectations going in ended up quite enjoying the time in the country. Nice places in the south, mostly caters to domestic tourists though so did have communication issues fairly often and basically didn't eat in restaurants without picture menus.
Took the bus from Hanoi to Nanning, then a high speed train up further to Guilin, the countryside was amazing for most of it, the Vietnamese/Chinese border was a fuckin spin out, these kids who looked about 15yo with AK47's loaded us and our luggage into golf buggies and drove us a few k's on dirt tracks over the No Man's Land area, was a surreal experience.

Everyone I know is planning Japan trips these days but I'd really like to go back and try something more inland like this anon >>2673545. Heard good things about outdoors stuff in Szechuan province and being able to go back again with google translate would be a godsend.

>Is Shanghai considered unfriendly?
It's just a big city in general, even western expats at Irish bars were grumpy fucks and hard to get along with, plus all the smog and everything costing more for no reason. It was fun to visit once but really have no real urge to go there again.
>Heard good things about outdoors stuff in Szechuan province

Can't recommend it enough - try to get as close to the Tibetan border as you can. It is truly the furthest I have felt from home in my life, just beautiful landscape and the nomads are freaky to see in person. There are plenty of towns within the Tibetan Autonomous Zone that you can go to no problems without a permit. None of it is overly far from Chengdu / Chongqing.
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>going to china
no thanks, I like having all of my organs
What's there to do in Shandong? There's a big population for the province but outside of Taishan and Qingdao I can't see much to do.
>hidden gems

Go to Jinghong in Yunnan, Lijiang, Dali, and the Tibet region is nice if you can get in there. Kashgar is probably nice if you want the old Silk Road feel.

From Jinghong you can take the train into Laos btw.
Nice. What's the usual way to get there? Bangkok -> Chengdu flight? It seems a long way from everything overland.
I see they have that new rail line through Laos now, it's not high speed but looks sorta cool, Laos and Burma are the only SEA countries I haven't visited yet so would consider it even if it takes a while.
I took a relatively unconventional route by bus over the Vietnamese border. I caught a chartered bus from Sapa to the border, then bus from the border to Kunming. From Kunming, buses from city to city until you get to Shangrila, Litang etc. which are in the Tibetan Autonomous Zones. It took a long time but back then I was in no rush.

If you have the time then the Laos border crossing could be fun. I didn't really have any issues crossing the border from Vietnam. I had my passport checked by military guys a few times. They'd ask me a string of questions in Mandarin and because I couldn't understand shit I just shrugged and they'd laugh and stamp me through lol. People were pretty helpful.

No idea what the usual way is from Australia sorry. Whatever is the cheapest way to get to Chengdu is I guess. Alternatively, if you can get to Guangzhou you could approach it from the other direction. There's different options once you're inside China.
>Is Yan'an any good? Apparently you can partake in a mock battle in a 1940s PLA uniform which sounds fun.
Yeah I have this super patriotic / loves the CCP Chinese friend who did that for his 18th birthday
They also recreated part of the long march
Yan'an is very important to the CCPs history but its modern identity is more industrial backwater
We can still balkanise more...
Independent inner Mongolia
Independent qinghai (it's enthnically Mongolian and tibetan)
Tibetan areas of Sichuan and Yunnan annexed to Tibet
Minority areas of Sichuan Yunnan guizhou independent
Guangxi independent zhuang state
China will continue to thrive and succeed. Cry harder Shaniqua.
>hoping the australia/china talks would lead to visa free travel
>actually did
fucking thank god, was going to shanghai from busan in december and I was worried about korean air arguing about my aus passport having a visa for china when the 144 hour transit thing existed, so now its way less of a hassle now thank god.
whats the change? immediately no need for a visa?
15 days free visa travel apparently. Not sure if it'll be visa on arrival though?
I imagine it will be like the other countries on the list, will get more detail soonish
How do you not eat out when in China? I thought they didn't have AirBnB so where are you cooking your food?
Apparently you are supposed to check in with the local police for the place you're staying in each night, anyone actually do that?
The 4/5 star hotels do that for you, the other hotels are too lazy to do that. If you're doing an Airbnb yeah you've gotta do that. But with China opening up more to tourists, I imagine they'll get rid of that requirement soon enough
Other than some places making a photo copy of your passport (which they do in a lot of countries) I've never had to do or even think about this.
Imagine having to go to the police after you do the check in just because commies are paranoid.
china not even once
Hotels do this for you. Just show your passport when checking in and everything will be handled. It's no different from any other country. The only time you need to do anything special is if you decide to spend a week at a friend's house or something. Even then, probably nobody will care or notice so long as you stayed at a hotel before or after.
It's all a shithole. But if you're curious, it's worth the visit. Make a tinder or tantan, and go to Sichuan or the mountains in Yunnan.

t. autistic subhuman retard who studied chinese for 5 years
Hey bros. My girlfriend has lived in Singapore her entire life and has never seen autumn or winter. We're thinking about doing taking a couple vacations so she can see the seasons this year. Planning on going to China in October or November and maybe Japan in February.

Any recommendations for places to go in the fall? We'll probably only have a week, maximum ten days, so just one or two locations to visit would be great. We were thinking about Sichuan or Yunnan but neither of know much about the country (although my girlfriend speaks Chinese).
Sichuan and Yunnan are both nice in those months, weather-wise. Not sure what else to tell you, but the air is clear and the weather is comfortable.
Ok more detail - Kunming is a nice, surprisingly clean city. Nothing particularly special though there are some nice public parks and temples. Liajiang and Dali have nice historic towns, though they're all rebuilt so not authentic. Still, they're nice places and they don't feel overcrowded. Chengdu is Chengdu and Chongqing is Chongqing.

If you want something special see the pandas in Chengdu or do a daytrip to Leshan to see the giant Buddha. If you can be bothered you can do Emi Shan though you might decide its not worth it on a 10 day itinerary. Chongqing is cool just for the city itself and of course hotpot.
Apparently the best blowjobs are in Shanghai. I used to work in an office where they took on a guy from Shanghai. He used to come to work drunk or hangover and he would be coked out of his mind. One of the directors overlooked it for well over a year and he was a huge fan of Shanghai. Guaranteed he got the blowjob of his life in Shanghai. Four staff resigned because of that drunkard cokehead.
How good can a blowjob be?
So good that a former banker would overlook and vouch for drunkard cockhead from Shanghai while four staff resign.
Anyone got any experience travelling China solo? Do you think I have a decent chance of meeting other travellers / even making friends with locals for a night? I don't mind at all if the answer is a firm no, I'm just curious.

Whenever I have travelled solo through the rest of Asia I have no issue meeting people to travel with, but the vibe I am getting from China is that it does not have the same kind of hostel scene - for obvious reasons. Still, am curious.
They changed the rules now.
meet other travelers in hostals.
Can a China thread ever be about traveling in China?
No, the travelers you meet in the hotels in china are either retarded boomers, leftoids or chinese "people".
so no, you should look in other Asian countries
I do eat at restaurants but the foodie lifestyle is not me. I generally buy food at grocery stores, simple stuff that doesnt need to be prepared. I’m Veg so I also dont want the hassle of going to a place and ordering “no meat” only to get seafood. Frankly I ate a lot of junk food which is autist behavior that I’m mostly over now.
Its done to psychologically control you.
Its done to instill the idea that you are being watched at all times.
cope harder sperggie
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>nooooooooo,dont insult chinkland .
chinks tongue my anus.
xi the faggot tongue my anus
It's the same rules in Thailand and do you see anyone giving the slightest of fucks about "being watched at all times"?
No one visiting the country checks in with the fucking police and I doubt you've even got a passport
I can't wait for the elections to be over so all the redditor trumptards fuck off back to their containment chamber.
Trump loves China (and whoever pays him enough)
Biden: I will sign the bill to ban tiktok
Trump: I will never ban tiktok
>commie wet dream map
>the exact current borders of the PRC (minus Taiwan)

Hotels (ALL hotels) do this for you. Airbnbs or friend's/relative's apartment, you will need to do yourself, but can now be done online in most major cities. Yes you do actually have to do it as it can be used as a reason to deny future entry or visas if you don't. Any answer in this thread that's not exactly what I just wrote (rules changed, only some hotels do it, etc.) is WRONG and must be ignored
nta, but it is indeed a commie wet dream map, even including parts totally under control of India where China never get to set foot after occupying Tibet
>Hotels (ALL hotels) do this for you.
It used to be that only a few hotels did that for you, anything cheap usually required a Chinese ID or residence card.
Now it seems that Beijing has declared that all hotels need to do it.
I stayed in some cheap ass hostels a decade ago and all they did was scan my passport.
Maybe filled in the form but unlikely they cared that much.
Have people not been to other asian countries? People generally don't give a shit about laws until the cops harass them, then they just pay on the spot and the cops go away.
>they just scanned my passport
that means they did the registration

ah kek fair enough then

All hotels were required to, but some hotels refused foreign guests because they didn't want to or didn't know how to do it. Now Beijing said, stop being lazy, you have to do it
I'm going this summer. I've already been 10 years ago,apparently VPNs don't work as well now?
Astrill works fine
interesting. im a bong and we're still stuck with the 144 hour transit visas but i assumed we weren't ever gonna get the visa free because of political shit they've obviously singled us out for. maybe it will change too then but to be honest im not that interested in more than a few day stop over in a city anyway
I have a question for people familiar with china about the chinese outlook on life. This is something Ive felt in the back of my head for a while and I want to know if I'm right.

Basically, I feel that chinese people are materialists when it comes to humans in a deep sense. We westerners pretend to be materialists, but secretly we inherited most of our assumptions about life and people from christianity. So for example, we assume that not only does every person have a soul, but also a unique essence which is a genuine deep unchangeable part of who they are. Yet despite this, we believe in equality of birth. We assume everyone has the natural means to obtain what they want in life, and it must be their fault if that fails to happen. The most obvious example is incels. It's not that society loathes sexless men in particular, but that the redpill/blackpill violates this axiom of equality so everyone responds with vitriol to them. It undermines the western perspective on life.

China seems to be the opposite of this. They believe that, not only is life unfair, but humans don't even have distinct souls or essences. What you are is nothing more than an aggregation of all your parts, like your net worth, your looks, sense of humor, your assets, your age. It's why China appears vain and materialist from an outsider perspective. They're actually just being honest about how humans see reality. I think westerners work the same way deep down, but we have to lie and tell ourselves it's deeper than looks or humor or assets. The Chinese world view feels cruel and "stings" you at first contact, but it's actually pretty impartial and wholesome. It says the bar to being a great person is actually just looks+status+wealth and anyone who can game that system wins. Whereas in the west our world view looks very wholesome at first, but we're really looks+status+wealth too and constantly trying to pretend otherwise. This was a bit of a ramble but hope someone gets me
Yes I did it once when I visited my the fiancés family in 2019. Small city and didn’t stay at a hotel. I stayed with them for 3-4 days. The process wasn’t long.
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Those of you that learned Mandarin, what level are you at, and was it worth your time?
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Plap plap plap
I am fluent, it took 3-4 years, and it was worth it but only because I live in China (also the only thing that makes it POSSIBLE)
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>makes some generalised shit up in his head about how 1 in 5 people on Earth are
You do realise how big a number 1.5 billion is right?
People of a culture are very similar to one another
I remember old /trv/ was capable of talking about anthropology a bit. Guess those days are long gone
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Nigger don't pretend like you some sort of scholar, half the country can't even speak the same language to each other and you are here claiming it's all the same shit while saying you want a discussion on anthropology like the complete fuckin pseud you are.
You are an utter dumbfuck if you think Southern China is anything like the NE or far west.
Crawl back in your cave, I doubt you even have a passport.
>We assume everyone has the natural means to obtain what they want in life, and it must be their fault if that fails to happen.
I think by American in this context, you really mean to say American conservatives or perhaps libertarians. Liberals don't think this way.
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8 years of study , really takes a full year of study before you don’t feel lost anymore , absolutely worth it if you live there , not a must but will improve your experience by 6-8 times over , also depends on what you do with it , i went to school for it and now my girlfriend / probably future wife is Chinese and getting started on import from factories so yeah it has changed my life desu

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