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Yeah Asia has white boy fatigue.
Japan has it
Korea has it
Philippines has it.
Thailand has it.
I’ve lived here for 12 years and it is disgusting seeing throngs of dorks with bad physiques and backpacks and bad haircuts everywhere now.
Damn, I got smoked. My thinking is to fall back to Cambodia in the next decade
disgusting seeing throngs of dorks with bad physiques and backpacks and bad haircuts everywhere now.

This has nothing to do with passportbros, it's just that western culture in general is in decline. Hollywood isn't cool or novel anymore.
>throngs of dorks with bad physiques and backpacks and bad haircuts
Good. I've always hated those rats. I'm better than them and do just fine as a result.

Good. My disgust of Hollywood and modern western culture is a part of why I travel in the first place. Getting away from this garbage. More of the world should revolt and mock this trash.
How many different ways can you rehash a show about a rich cute gook boy who is inheriting immense wealth? Asians are so fucking superficial and stupid.

I’m 33. Asia is supposed to be my trusted cum dump for the next 30 years. At this rate I’m gonna be forced to go to Madagascar or something
It’s because white guys somehow haven’t evolved beyond the solipsism of “just showing up and being white”

No style, no swagger, no sharpness, just low resolution everything. Clothes that don’t fit, no effort to put a solid outfit together, wearing fucking nike trainers or those dork maxxed “on cloud” shoes “ (see them fucking everywhere)

White dudes just have this default obliviousness that’s outdated relative to the entitlement they used to be due. There should’ve been a generational meme like “uhh hey guys so it’s time to lil peepmax or die in a fire” and nobody got it.

Yes I’m dead serious. lil peep was the last stylish white guy and he was snuffed out
This ricel cope.
Asia is one huge whorehouse for White guys.
Your dick will get tired after getting so much Asian pussy.
T. White guy with a pale skin, big ass Taiwanese gf
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Whites peaked in Asia during 1990s, early 2000s. Information travels too fast on the internet. Whites are now known as sexpests, p*dos, dorks, begpackers etc
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ok dork. picrel, your very buttiful girlfriend.
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What is the last remaining "just be white" country? Africa?
Keep posting that faggot, you will still be a disgusting asian ricel.
"your" women openly mock you and you can only seethe.
Btw I am dating a Taiwanese not a sea monkey, so that photo means nothing to me
Bet she’s mid
This is literally every white dude in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Some fucking donkey faced DORK with a polo, khaki shorts, nike golf shoes, and of course his fucking MID brown village dog gf/companion. Even his fucking hair doesn’t save him
Tbh I don’t know, it’s too depressing to think about. Fuck Asians for turning their backs on us
Think what you want ricel.
Just a small hint, she used to date asian dicklets only before being my gf.
> White guys are dorks yet the get all the Asian pussy.
Either Asians are retarded or Asian guys are so lame that White dorks are a better alternative
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Shut the fuck up, white dork. You're hiding in Asia cuz you couldn't cut it back home. picrel, its you and your "thicc ass taiwan gf"
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In Asia, I have not yet encountered a white Chad. All I've seen are ESL teacher white dorks, henched back software developer-cel, hippy begpackers. I have described (you), you fucking white dork.

White chads stay home and work in finance, sales. They marry Stacies.
Believe what you want rice boy.
> You will never be happy
> You will always be a ricel
> You will never get laid
>says the white dork that abandoned his friends, family and career, who travels across the world to find romance

my. fucking. sides.

white dorks like (you) get bullied.
>Leddit spacing.
> ohh no chang small dick gets angry at me. Its over
Look chang believe what you want.
>White BVLLS will get Asian girls and you will remain a virgin
You’re getting table scraps my boy, whether you want to admit it or not.
This is total bullshit. I’ve seen 6’2 British chads with full heads of hair, excellent physiques, booming, masculine voices, and probably 8inch, girthy cocks in Bangkok and pattaya. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Ive seen dudes who look like male models.

They usually larp as digital entrepreneurs but are just rich kids with daddy’s money.
Sure ricel
Keep coping.
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Should I be flattered that you think I’m Asian? I’m just a conscious white guy that wants my fellow white guys to step it up a little when they’re in Asia.

We need more ambassadors like this boy god. Literally the delight of entire world. Just look at him. He is a god
i disagree with the rest but he's spot on about korea, the sheer amount of korean girls with army nigs i saw in itaewon was astounding
>In Asia, I have not yet encountered a white Chad.
WTF, have you not walked around say Terminal 21 in Bangkok? Or seen the model tier/pro athlete looking dudes running laps around Lumpini Park at lunch time? Or been to Fitness St in Phuket? There are hordes of white gigachads everywhere, though admittedly 90% are with white Stacies.
Holy shit this is so fucking depressing
>Look chang believe what you want.
>>White BVLLS will get Asian girls and you will remain a virgin

Asian population outnumbers whites, globally. You're a fucking white dork and your race is dying. So much for being a white bvll, huh?
All Asian countries have a massive fertility rate issue.
Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan.
The Philippines is doing well though
> White people are dying, s-stop fucking Asian girls please!
We, White BVLLS are all alright ricel.
You should be more concerned about being an eternal virgin
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>We, White BVLLS are all alright ricel.

Yes, white dork, of course. Is that why, in order to have sex, you have to travel across the globe? You're not fooling anyone.
It's more a conquering of your woman and mogging and exploiting your local currency and economy. That's why I do this shit chang. And I'm a chad that gets white woman, but it's still fun to plunder the poorer communities of the world
The Korea one is completely true. If you think nigger worship in America is bad, it has nothing on Korea.
Please stop I can’t take it
Fake. I get 400 likes on dating apps in asia in 1 hour. and half of them are eager to meet irl. Many of them directly want to come to my apartment. In west*rn countries 2 likes in a day and those 2 girls don't reply. And yes irl is easier in western countries but girls want multiple dates before sexo. Unless you are an ultimate Chad. Somehow girls in western countries think they deserve a Chad because couple years ago they fucked with a chad. Now that's their standard and thats what they deserve according to their little mind. They can't realize that that Chad just used them for sexo.
Post matches lmao
I delete my dating accounts after leaving Asia. I also delete my line and I get new one when arrive there. I met 30+ girls so far in the last 8 years and I have no contacts with them right. I don't even remember their faces or names. I always use condoms btw. Never fuck anyone without condoms.
Yea I might delete my line too. I’m tempted to bone a few of my regulars before dipping into new tail cuz I haven’t had sex since march 2022
China and Indonesia aren't full of degen because of shitty laws.
Both Chinese and Indonesian women are as easy as Thais or Filipinos.
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r/aznfemininity fantasy
>koreans fuck nigger army men

That’s hot. I’d love to kpop type gooks riding a big nigger cock, tongue kissing black as night muscular niggers and cucking korean males
>Lil Peep
How did White MEN fall off so hard?
>whoremongering until you die
literally the only reason anyone comes
Oh no
Guess I will never travel again and become a plapjack
>it's yet another /trv/ demoralisation thread full of poverty stricken third worlders pretending they are white
Like clockwork
the brics bunkertroons really need their own containment board (/pol/ apparently wasn't enough for them)
Sure thing, IT white dork. You fantasize endlessly for your next 2-week vacation. You spend your vacation days in a SEA backwater shithole drinking $1 Chang beer.

Rich Chads spend their time in Dubai, Monaco, Maldives. Retard white dorks like you spend time in Thailand, Philippines, Colombia fucking HIV ridden whores.
All I see is White guys getting all the best Asian ladies. While asian men do menial work or work for uber jeets.
Lol you’re not one of those rich chads so pipe down twerp

Also most rich people I’ve encountered are stuff little faggots threatened by any kind of unpredictable prole behavior. They’re all like little hogwarts faggots that scoff and leer outside their bubble.

I went to a party in the hamptons and fucked a med school jewess twice, are all the leftover steak, and never saw her again. Fuck rich people lmao
There’s some element of truth to what the ricecel is saying but he’s exaggerating it to infinity in order to cope. I was in PH last month (not a coomer, I went diving in Northern Palawan). I spent a day in Manila before flying back and went to the Greenhills shopping center and in Poblacion at night, I saw a bunch of regular white dudes that were dressing like the zoomer sexpats you see on YT (kurt caz) and not a single “dorker”. Saw a bunch of niggers as well, surprisingly. I did see a bunch of dorkers and boomers in the puerto princesa mall when I was waiting for my flight back to Manila however
>saw a bunch of niggers
I screamed at a nigger across the street from 808 at the top of my lungs “FUCK YOU” several times and then sped off on the back of a moto taxi and he was within arms reach or snatching me off the back and probably beating me to death on soi 15 off walking street.

I saw him arguing with a Thai girl (I had drank almost an entire bottle of sang som earlier in the night) and I literally went into psychosis and uncontrollable rage. I completely lost my grip on reality seeing this fucking ape in my playground

I hate them so much I might actually wind up killing one overseas under the right conditions.
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>All I see is White guys getting all the best Asian ladies.

Yes. Picrel, its (you)
>Lol you’re not one of those rich chads so pipe down twerp

I don't have a smug superiority complex like you, white dork. Show some humility before you get your head kicked in like those Pattaya boomers.
Holy fucking mid
I’m not a dork, you ferret. I’m a prole striver. A man of the soil and toil.
Keep coping ricel.
White BVLLS will keep coming to Asia and using Asian women as cum dumpsters.
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>White BVLLS will keep coming to Asia and using Asian women as cum dumpsters.

I used to be like this, got a bunch of african friends, learned about style and masculinity. Shit has paid out dividends like crazy. I get smiles everytime I go out, and oddly enough, attract girls who are into black guys usually (as they say) so its not all about race at all.
oh and ofcourse, the importance of maintaining a good physique and stop eating processed slop entirely. Which I didnt think to mention because it is so automatic for me
Unless something as seriously changed in the year it's been since I was in Seoul I'm calling bullshit.

I didn't see one black male with a native Korean girl, and I was there for 2 weeks going out almost every night. Were you in some hip hop club containment zone for the African refugees?
He's just trolling. When I was stationed in Korea all the niggers on base endlessly complained about Koreans being super racist and none of the chicks wanting to talk to them. They coped by fucking filipina juicy girls.
Yet they still slay more Asian pussy than the local men. What does that tell you about Asian "men"?
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>Yet they still slay more Asian pussy than the local men. What does that tell you about Asian "men"?

1. White dorks scrape for the BOTTOM of the barrel. They date hookers, single moms, post 30 year old women.

2. White dorks use currency arbitrage. They become paypigs. Girl have sick buffalo? Time to send money.

Asia has the world's BIGGEST POPULATION, it is evident that local men are doing well.

However, white dorks are in difficulty, so they travel ACROSS THE GLOBE to find love.

> White dorks scrape for the BOTTOM of the barrel. They date hookers, single moms, post 30 year old women.

Sounds like you are just making shit up at this point.

Oh well, whatever helps you cope.
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>Sounds like you are just making shit up at this point.

Its a known stereotype whites date the UGLIEST SEA monkey. Ask anyone, dork.

> Its a known stereotype

Known to who? To one of the ricecel/aznidentity forums you visit?

Anyway why do you care so much though what white dorks do lol.

Do whites live rent free in your head or something?
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I'm Arab with a PR and biz in Thailand, you white dork.

Changs/ricecel live rent-free in your head.

The first wave of Westerners to arrive in Thailand was the US military in the '60s who used the country as a base. They made a positive impression, pumping serious money in to the country, building roads and airports and improving infrastructure.

Two generations later and the impression modern day Thais have of Westerners in Thailand is shaped by reports showing outsiders less favourably. Just yesterday the front page of Thai Rath, the nation's biggest daily, featured a mentally disturbed Swiss citizen who put a bullet in his Western-educated, high-society Thai wife's head before turning the gun on himself.

Parts of late-night downtown Bangkok are an open air whorehouse as white men carouse with country girls in makeshift streetside bars, all in breach of various laws.
Once seen by Thais as wealthy, worldly and sophisticated, today whitey is viewed in a different light. Depraved, uncouth, argumentative and with little regard for his personal reputation, many Thais see the armies of white men in the country as barbarians out of control. Farang fatigue has well and truly set in.

Some recent law amendments are distinctly anti-foreigner, from the tightening up of company registration laws, to onerous labour laws and now an increasingly restrictive immigration policy.

Its over for white dorks.
Vietnam's farang ghetto of Pham Ngu Lao may not be the hustle and bustle of Khao San Road, but the backpacker crowd is every bit as disrespectful to the local culture in Vietnam as they are in Khao San and elsewhere across the region.

Some policies in Vietnam make one wonder how much they want foreigners involved in the country as the government tries to bring Viet Q (overseas-born Vietnamese or returnees) back to Vietnam, to reduce the reliance on foreigners. However, talented Vietnamese doing well abroad often don't want to return as opportunities are greater elsewhere.

And let's not forget that it's just a few years since Cambodia put in place the rule where foreigners aged 50+ may not be allowed to marry a Cambodian, and foreigners aged below 50 can only marry a local if they can show an income in excess of $2,500 per month.
M-me Arab,p-please believe me.
Nobody believes your bullshit chink faggot that keeps on leddit spacing.
Go back to /aznmasculinity and cope with your fellow chink on being a forever virgin.
>Be person in Thailand with your girlfriend that you love
>Be extremely happy you finally found someone that you’re compatible with and treats you right
>Some autistic retard on 4chan is crying that you’re not having sex with whores that are more attractive
You guys are pathetic lmao
Bro you are retarded. They just expanded tourism by a huge margin. Western countries now get free 60 day visa free stays, and they announced a new type of multi entry visa that lets you stay in the country for 6 months for like $500
>is crying that you’re not having sex with whores that are more attractive

Literally where you fuckin dingo. I just pointed out how MID “may” was (or maybe her nickname is poo). Get a grip chud
This entire thread is you seething about some random white dude and his girlfriend and saying his girlfriend is ugly, as if that means anything to anyone. Mid girls from Asia are actually amazing because they know they’re ugly and they compensate for that by being extremely loving, understanding, empathetic, and actually try to fulfill every feminine role in the relationship. They treat their man well because they know they’ll have an extremely difficult time finding another worthy man. Retards like you look at these couples and go “wow I could have gotten a whore with a better face, what an idiot!” When the only idiot is fucking you. Then you come on here that Asian women are all serial cheaters that hate white men and just see them as a paycheck.
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>Go back to /aznmasculinity and cope with your fellow chink on being a forever virgin.

Look at the chud. The white dork has to travel across land and sea for love BECAUSE WHITE WOMEN ARE DISGUSTING. YOUR CULTURE IS DYSFUNCTIONAL. Go fix yourself before you project into others.
Why don't you date women women?
I have an extremely loving girlfriend that sucks my cock every single day, and when she’s sucking my cock I can literally see her pussy dripping. I’m in a happy relationship with a “woman woman” friend.
I mean why don't you date white women?
Because white women are the most spoiled women on the planet. The 2s think they’re 10s. At least in Asia the 2s know they’re 2s, and the 5s also think they’re 2s
White men spoiled white women. And now you'll spread your cultural disease to other countries?
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Poor ricel not only he cant get laid in his homeland even if he travels he cant get laid.
You will die as a virgin in an asian beta style
>Then you come on here that Asian women are all serial cheaters that hate white men and just see them as a paycheck.
You’re putting so many words in my mouth that I’ve literally never said lmao. Dude, I’m sorry, but I would be embarrassed to be seen with that girl in public. She’s got that indigenous hill people backwater “table face” (flat), with a dull brown skin tone. I would lay down some groundwork to do a little better, or I simply wouldn’t be out in public with her.

It’s fucking embarrassing, even in a red light area like pattaya, because the obvious implication is “why the fuck are you with *that,* in this place, when you can buy vastly higher quality? It’s simply fucking undignified dude. It shows a complete obliviousness to Thai society and I really turn my nose up contemptuously at bumbling white faggots that don’t feel ashamed for such a violation. Have some godamn dignity. If you’ve got a ooga booga urge to bang something like that, keep it the fuck out of the public eye
Based dorker collaborator. Keep the up the pressure

Bottom line. Have some fucking dignity. Wear a button down shirt, look after your appearance. Keep the company of a bitch that will get you the adoration of Thais and one who holds up a mirror of shame to the farang with their low effort dogs
>keep the pressure up fellow ricel
> we ricels still virgin but at least we can seethe about random White dudes
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You’re coping your balls off so hard. Neither of us are fucking Asian

Now shut the fuck up, put on a button down shirt, and stop fucking may mids

> me hapa mutt me White.
Now it all makes sense, you are hapa abomination thats why you seethe so much at White dudes.
> you will never be White
Hahahah cope your balls off, donkey face
I guess I strike a nerve.
> White BVLSS will keep on making hapas just for the sake of it. You can only seethe
> You will always be a hapa abomination
> You will never be White
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>Philippines has it.
Wrong. Here's my Filipina gf who I met at St. Luke's Medical Center in BGC.
>Thailand has it.
Wrong. They love white men above all else just like Philippines.
Mm mmm mmm just look at that husky mama *licks lips* haha
Lol based washed up bar manager poster. Wonder if he’s a cool guy irl tho. I’ve seen him around never met him tho
Mods keeping this thread up but removing posts in a similar vein is very telling
Kek you are funny, bug bro
>It’s fucking embarrassing, even in a red light area like pattaya, because the obvious implication is “why the fuck are you with *that,* in this place, when you can buy vastly higher quality?
Because not everyone is a fucking whoremonger like you retard. Some people form genuine relationships where looks matter way less than personality. Wow you can get an 8/10 whore that doesn’t speak English. I’d be more embarrassed walking around with a whore than an ugly girl.
>B-b-but she’s ugly
You’re quite literally the only person that cares. If that guy is happy why do you give a shit?
>Oh I get second hand embarrassment
Because you’re a fucking asshole that judges random people that you know nothing about.
None of what you posted had anything to do with what >>2673451 said:
> Its a known stereotype whites date the UGLIEST SEA monkey. Ask anyone, dork.

Maybe whites don't have the same reputation as they used to have, doesn't mean Asian women don't prefer them over their own.
and I can already tell what your brown replies will be. The entire world is the White man's domain. Cope, seethe, and clean my fucking toilet.
>white girls going black
>blacks bullying white boys
>white boys go for sea to play sugardaddy after being incel at home
>white boys want to cope by shitting asians

try to keep people away from your problems whitards
Please don't project your fetish for black men on to innocent women, thanks.
I though China and especially Korean girls were especially hard to get.
Japan too but they are less picky.
I’m literally white you faggot. I just happen to be sympathetic to Asians and their repulsion towards most white people and their behavior in their countries.

I don’t feel any kinship with the slovenly fucking losers that lumber there way into Thailand with their poorly fitting clothes,
Shitty balding, matted sweaty hair, unshaven, and demand to be treated like royalty,

Especially anglos. Mother fuck every Anglo.
Ok you're a self hating retard. I didn't read beyond the first sentence. You should kill yourself and do us all a favor you pathetic fuck.
Do you think I don't hate the insect hordes on their shit tour buses taking pictures of the Mona Lisa with a fucking iPad? Do you think every bug person is some kind of Gucci runway model? Moron.
Look who got triggered
Maybe words hit so hard
Im not self hating you dumb animal. I simply hate white dudes that try to rest on the laurels of many decades expired greatness of whites before them, and think that they can just slide around the on the deluge of colonial dominance from times past. Being white isn’t an excuse to be a slobbering, fat, unkempt, unshaven, unstylish, lumbering ogre faggot. Do it in America, not in Asian countries.

I just don’t understand how you can’t be burning with shame when you’re out in public, bumbling around with your table face mildew brown hilltribe gf, with your catshit haircut that shows how thin and brittle your hair is, the ill-fitting singlets, garbage cargo pants and flip flops.
You’re speaking specifically about working/middle class Chinese. I agree, but Japanese and Koreans aren’t like that. Thais aren’t even like that
>Thais aren’t even like that
hokay buddy have you ever been to Thailand? Or even on a plane?
Because the first thing you notice when you get to Thailand for the first time is holy shit there are way more obese motherfuckers than I ever imagined here. And the majority of them don't put thought into dress beyond the first shit they saw when they woke up. Maybe if your entire vacation consists of only walking around Emporium in Bangkok I could agree with you. But it isn't like that, Americans are not even the fattest people there, nor the worst dressed.
Also fine I sperged out way too hard on you, sorry. But. I also doubt those slobs are really putting that much thought into it as you. They just wanted to go see the Asia place.
>I just don’t understand how you can’t be burning with shame when you’re out in public, bumbling around with your table face mildew brown hilltribe gf, with your catshit haircut that shows how thin and brittle your hair is, the ill-fitting singlets, garbage cargo pants and flip flops.
A lot of people don't really care, or can't be fucked to dress up for people they will never see again in a country which is extremely humid and way hotter than anything they're used to. Local niggas can wear slacks and a dress shirt but farang is going to spontaneously combust on the sidewalk.
For what it's worth I will concede what you're saying probably has some merit.
Yeah exactly, what's up with these shitskins?

Who the hell cares what a bunch of boomers do in some third world red light district?

Shitskins behave like absolute animals in the West. They commit crime, parasite social securiry etc. But they draw a line when white people bang cheap hookers and dress casually on vacation lol.

Truly vile, hateful creatures who will be our downfall someday.
Think of it this way. Relatively, these ugly motherfuckers are putting you up on a huge pedestal if you dress and carry yourself nicely. It's really only a benefit for you. They're not grouping you in with the white athletic socks sketchers wearing mouthbreathers.
Keep your kinks on fetlife
I show up in jeans and a t-shirt with shoes from the thrift store pretty much everywhere I go

I don't need to try because I'm cooler then you
Yes. This is precisely what I’m saying.

There are plenty of white dudes who do in fact dress appropriately and they take a steaming liquid shit all over the slugs. Be one of those guys, and you can get much closer to preem Thai snatch
>A lot of people don't really care, or can't be fucked to dress up for people they will never see again.
This is flyover obese nascar retard logic >>2673835
See above
>have you ever been to Thailand?
No, he hasn’t. He’s a fucking retard that knows nothing about Asia or Asians, or the white people that travel here. I don’t know why he spends any time caring what people do, enough to shitpost on /trv/ about it. My guess is he’s crying that people are race mixing or some other /pol/ nonsense, and that we should be wasting our lives trying to marry fat white women that hate men instead.

Ten times out of ten I’d rather have a brown child with a wife that loves me than a white fat autist who grows up hating his father because his mother was a disgusting cunt.
Anon, the White dork poster is a hapa mutt abomination.
> he stills seethes at not being White.
> he stills hate his mom for fucking the BWC and creating an abomination like him
I’ve spent 2 years in Thailand you jackass, at one point 15 months consistently. I am a white guy.

I literally am just saying have dignity, dress nicely, and don’t take those fuckin village brownies out in public, and these donkey faces dorkers lose their fuckin mind and cope by saying I’m some Asian so they can write off the criticism as coming from beneath them instead of from one of their peers.

I don’t understand how 3 reasonable requests get blown out of proportion lol
I wish SEA whoremongers had a fucking crumb of self awareness
>I literally am just saying have dignity
>dress nicely
>don’t take those fuckin village brownies out in public
Thailand is a fucking SOUTH East Asian country. There are fucking brown people in this country. When you say trash like this YOU are the one giving foreigners a bad name. Fuck off with your racist shit and leave it in your own country. Don’t come to someone else’s fucking country and tell people just trying to live their own life in the country of their ancestors that they’re ugly and brown and that any white guy associating with them is a pathetic loser. Fuck off with this shit, it’s so fucking offensive I can’t even.
Yea you got a point. I should dial it back
This whole thread is 4chan losers arguing anonymously
>to try to protect their own egos and hurt others that hurt them.
You're adults and you sound like a bunch of butthurt middle schoolers.
>I need to quit this site and go back to Myspace where I belong. Tom would never spaz out like this.
China was really easy but this was 5 years ago.
>Maybe whites don't have the same reputation as they used to have, doesn't mean Asian women don't prefer them over their own.

Shut up white dork. Whites are statistically incels, not Asians.

India: 1,441,719,852
China: 1,425,178,782
Indonesia: 282,022,000
Pakistan: 251,385,000
Bangladesh: 178,793,000
Japan: 124,805,000
Philippines: 115,342,000
Viet Nam: 104,232,000
Iran: 87,985,000
Turkey: 87,847,000

Not a white country on the list.
I always dress with a bit of style and I'm in better shape that 99% of the men my age. Just that little bit of effort gets wives and GFs to flirt with me in front of their men, like they're not even there. The vast majority of white men are out of shape and boring as fuck. Their idea of fun travel is carrying their wive's purse and shopping bags and taking pictures of her in front of whatever. They do it in groups also, like personal assistants. I swear I could just take one of their wives to the toilet as they eating, fuck her and drop her back off with hubby and he wouldn't say anything.
Keep dreaming chang
Your bug like eyes and your 2 inches micro penis put you at the bottom of the dating pool.
Even "your" own asian women are repulsed by you
Yea anyone dumb enough to get married or have a gf in 2024 deserves to be a neutered pay pig who sips on other mens scuzz
this so called bwc joke is very silly now anon drop it

The fact that these countries are more populated than white countries doesn't disprove what I said, stupid brownoid. Not even going to bother explaining that to you.

Also, if Indians can get laid so easily, is that why they have to resort to gangraping endangered lizards?

But yeah keep seething about white dorks taking your women lmao. I'm sure they care what some shitskin thinks about that.
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You're a stupid white dork, so I'll spell it out for you. Due to breeding (sex), Indians and Changs have large populations. White people are incels. To find love, a white dork (you) must travel far and and wide to find love.

Got it?
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i wont bother doing one for india given how repulsive they are but it's the same anyway

The majority of white men have girlfriends from their own countries, but keep coping, shitskin.

This entire thread you are basically dissing your own race and you are too stupid to realize that.

White dorks are treated like kings in Asian countries, while white people walk in a big circle around shitskins no matter how 'nice' they dress.

Again, the fact that white dorks and greasy old boomers have the time of their life in Asia is not some sort of 'own' of white people, but rather of tiny-dicked Asian "men" that can't provide for their own women so they have to resort to prostitution.
>the fact that white dorks and greasy old boomers have the time of their life in Asia
False, boomers get what they can and dorkers have no idea how to interact with anything but their laptops. Only hungry proles who are subject to privation, struggle, and suffering know how to enjoy life. Get of my playground you fucking loser, you keep being late to the scrum meetings at 10pm, and my iPhones been a little buggy. I need you to FIX the swift code.


I see you have to make up fantasy scenarios to feel good about your race. Funny how it's usually shitskins that occupy these phone repairs stores trying to make a few bucks.

Oh well, keep hating on white people, you're an outcast for life.
Only those who've gotten some prime lizussy would understand
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>t. butthurt hapa mutt
Kek you've posted about this before and it's popped up in my head many times since. I imagine you sobering up very quickly when you saw them coming after you and you yelling at your driver ''Pai! Pai!" In a scared voice. Seems pretty funny
Yeah honestly mate, what's the point of being such a hateful wanker to your own people? A lot of guys out there struggle, OUR guys, good white "dorks" who you work with, grew up with. I've got a mate who had two girlfriends in his whole life, one when we were teenagers, the other only a few years later in his 20s. He's now 41 and will likely never know the touch of a woman again. I would love for him to go to Thailand and find happiness with one of these women you're being so mean about.

Mostly they're not bad dudes, my mate is a great guy, too much of a nice guy for sure but a good person. So why be so hellbent on shitting on an otherwise foreveralone guy for dating a less than optimum looking woman? These "dorks" are less than optimum men, at least from a woman's perspective. I still want them to be happy and most of these mixed couples, both of them seem pretty happy. Ugly girl gets a money/status boost and a guy who treats her well and loves her way more than a local guy is going to, loser guy gets a girl at all, and not only that, one who sees him with more respect than he's ever felt in his life. And let's face it, even if they're ugly, at least these Thai girls are very, very rarely fat, at worst a little thick, nothing like the hambeasts you see in the west.

My own 2c, of all my relationships (exclusively white Aussie women), the less attractive ones were the best girlfriends. At this stage I actively swipe left on any Stacey looking girl, of any ethnicity. I'd rather have a mid wife and one day I plan to.
Is Thailand even viable anymore? I was in Bangkok last month and it seemed like chad town. I can only imagine these isaan monkeys having more demands
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>Yeah honestly mate, what's the point of being such a hateful wanker to your own people?

White dorks have a propensity for racism, violence, nihilism, elitism.

They think they're above the SEA locals, but it is them, who are trying to escaping their mediocre life in search of love. It is THEM, who are trying to escape their own shit toxic culture. It is THEM, who are trying to run away from their own race.

It's best for white dorks to stay at home.
Old white boomers are out, young white Chads and Korea ajushi are in. The easy days of bagging a issan monkey gf is over.
Kek ricecels love to jump at any chance to demoralize
Most sensible Anglo I’ve ever encountered. I’m not beneath the truth, and the truth is, I’m just angry and resentful that people even have the option to live overseas “permanently” so I have to create this imagery in my head of them all being socially unskilled dorks

But here’s where it gets weird: Everytime I actually do encounter a “remote worker” they turn out to be exactly that: a fucking dork. Your anecdote is simply another in the massive pile. It’s a very odd feedback loop.
Yea cuz it’s Bangkok. Those chads wouldn’t be caught dead in pattaya except for a weekend trip to laugh at all the sexpests like a zoo exhibit (and thank god for that)
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Even the DJs are fuckin dorks LOL

If white nations are great, why are white males leaving it? Do you have a sensible answer?
We like fuccking asian pussy and cucking ricels
White BVLLS really destroyed your mind.
Cope, seethe dilatate ricel
You mean white dork. White BVLLs stay home and fuck white Stacies. I see you badly dressed, cargo pants, flip flops tank top white dorks everywhere in SEA.
We, White BVLLS fuck both Stacies and Asian fucktoys
White bvlls don't post on 4chins, (you) fucking WHITE CARGO PANTS dork.
Silence chink, go back and keep crying for being an eternal virgin
Goddamn this thread is a mess.
I'm convinced half the people here don't even have a passport.
Poor white dork. Has to travel across the globe to find love. Much sadness. How does it feel to know your country is being flooded by browns?
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White people are finished.
All women want nowadays are twink kpop chads.
We White BVLLS are fine.
However, you ricel will get no pussy ever.
You will always be a virgin cucked by White BVLSS and rejected by Asian ladies
How does it feel to be a chinkoid genetic failure?
That chink cope
> meanwhile in reality
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The WMAF cope will never not be hillarious.
It's always weak little Timmies who are mad that white women only want black man.
Sorry, but no one wants you. Women who want a masculine man will go for blacks, while women who wants a pretty boy will go for kpop chads.
There's just no place in the dating market for white men anymore. [spoiler]And that's a good thing.[/spoiler]
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>However, you ricel will get no pussy ever.

Retarded white dork can't stop lying.

Top ten most populous countries in the world:

India: 1,441,719,852
China: 1,425,178,782
Indonesia: 282,022,000
Pakistan: 251,385,000
Bangladesh: 178,793,000
Nigeria: 173,636,000
Brazil: 170,925,000
Japan: 124,805,000
Philippines: 115,342,000
Viet Nam: 104,232,000

The chinks and brownoids are breeding like crazy. The white race is dying. White dorks must travel far and wide to buy pussy. It's over for the white race.
That ricel cope. Asian ladies openly mock you.
In fact many of them state that they dont asian bois. You can only cope and seethe ricel.
>muh bbc.
weak ricel bait
My disciples have interpreted the scriptures and are setting to work against dorkery in novel ways. Wonderful
The impotent bleating of a coper inventing invisible enemies to soothe his ego. We’re all white, we’re just self aware
silence chink
look how your sisters laugh about your pathetic size
Hapa mutt abomination you are not allowed to talk.
Go back to /aznmasculinity and cry with your fellow ricels about White BVLLS
Top ten most populous countries in western Europe:

Germany: 83,783,600
France: 65,243,227
United Kingdom: 68,446,000
Italy: 60,367,477
Spain: 47,558,630
Netherlands: 17,618,299
Belgium: 11,686,140
Switzerland: 8,837,039
Austria: 9,038,970
Luxembourg: 645,845

Whites can't breed.
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I’m terribly sorry to tell you this, but no hapa had beautiful, delicate porcelain skin and lush pink fingernails quite like a white European

You should simply recuse yourself from further discourse
You are not fooling anyone hapa abomination.
go back to /aznidentity/ and keep crying about Whites
Keep coping ricel.
"Your" women are disgusted by you.
You will always be a walking pussy repellent.
You will always be a virgin
As a White Western Man, I love traveling to turdie shitholes to coom. These brics niggers are so fucking poor lmao. Even if you're fat and bald, you still mog the non-White locals. It's amazing.
>White dorks have a propensity for racism, violence, nihilism, elitism.
I know you're mostly just pisstaking throughout this thread but this is just nonsense, if you travel the world you'll come to the inescapable conclusion that white dorks from the anglosphere are the least racist, least violent ethnic group on the face of the planet. Nihilism and elitism I can't speak to but again, look at the hilarious over the top nationalism in unironic hellscapes like Columbia and compare it to how humble white dorks are about their homelands.
>They think they're above the SEA locals
Where are you getting this from? The white dorker stereotype is usually embarrassingly "noble savage" about the SEA locals.
>but it is them, who are trying to escaping their mediocre life in search of love. It is THEM, who are trying to escape their own shit toxic culture. It is THEM, who are trying to run away from their own race.
The first true words you've spoken and all of them are completely upfront and honest about it, almost too much so (the west has fallen, white women evil, yada yada yada).
>It's best for white dorks to stay at home.
Lucky it's not for you to decide what anyone else does.

I assume you're also the poster who said there were no white Chads in Asia? It just degrades any sense you do speak if you throw out idiotic and easily falsifiable statements like that. They're not the majority sure but white Chads are everywhere in Asia, go to Bali, Canggu is probably the biggest concentration of white Chads in one place anywhere on the planet.

Basically, what I'm saying is, go ahead and shit on who you want to shit on but try to be accurate please. I'm not offended, I just care about the truth.
Yeah I get what you're saying, you seem like a reasonable but hurt guy. You can lash out, I don't want you to but I guess there's no better place for it than this accursed basket weaving forum. The truth is there's all sorts of people travelling through Asia, people of every phenotype and personality you can imagine. You've got supermodel looking women with their Chad boyfriends, single Chads who love hookers, hideous degenerates who look like that one cigar smoking pepe come to life. There's also a bunch of fairly innocent normies who just like to go somewhere different and see things. I don't think it's realistic to pin down whites in Thailand to a single stereotype.

The group you describe exists though, they're just one of the many demographics. If you hate them, hate them, but they're a soft target not deserving of it if you ask me. Why hate on someone for being a loser back home? If they're a loser, they're a loser, at least this lot in Asia are taking their destiny into their own hands instead of sitting at home doing nothing and crying about it.
>Why hate on someone for being a loser back home? If they're a loser, they're a loser
Has absolutely nothing to do with it. Being a loser in America no longer has any meaning because it’s not a society worth participating in, especially if you’re a white guy.

What pisses me off is that I’ll go to a gentlemen’s club, getting engaged with drinking games, groping the girls, enjoying myself, knowing I have to tuck my tail between my legs and go home at some point, and the dorker I’m with is frigid, won’t drink, clearly uncomfortable, yet gets to indefinitely come here regularly with disposable income while I have to go back home to an open air prison with hideous people everywhere ran by life denying Jews

It’s infuriating, and the hurdled to that life is staring at a faggot computer screen looking at lines of code. There’s gotta be another way. This bottleneck of “adventure” reserved only for the most little meek twerp faggots is just unacceptable to me. It’s not the way things are supposed to be
>taking their destiny into their own hands instead of sitting at home doing nothing and crying about it.
“Taking your destiny into your own hands” used to mean something romantic, daring, and transformative.

It didn’t mean “learn to code.” It didn’t mean sit in front of a faggot laptop. This shit is honestly disgusting and anti-life. It’s gotta stop.
Ahhhh I see. You can only come to Thailand on holidays, you can't perma-semi-tourist travel through South East Asia earning the big USA bucks while living it up at third world prices. Yeah man, I agree, that fucking sucks. And from your perspective there's a lot of undeserving cunts getting what you want who aren't as worthy of it as you. I can feel that for sure, I just think at some point you have to move past resentment. You know the old saying, everybody in the world has someone better than them and someone worse than them with only two exceptions.

There is another way than remote worker - property owner. Pretty much everyone I met living in Bali owns an airbnb either there or in their home country. If your home country is as fucked as mine for property (Australia) then you can pull it off with a lot less investment in Bali. They allow you to invest in property by starting a company and partnering with a local. I know this one Aussie girl, she partnered with a local architecture firm and he organised construction workers from some backwater of Indonesia to work on building her apartment complex for $10/day. I saw videos of the construction, these cunts were sleeping on site, a literal half constructed building site, just living there. Shit is wild.

And don't think it's all white dorkers either, met another bloke, a former semi-pro rugby player from England, covered in tattoos, worked construction his whole life, proper Chad there training MMA full time, slaying like a celebrity and his deal was exactly the same. Had saved up enough over 16 years in construction, in his 30s now and was running an airbnb over there. Can live that life forever and will never have to work again.

Taking the risk of going to another country and set up a new life there is pretty romantic, daring and transformative if you ask me.
true. the image of a the white man has changed in the minds of asian western media consumers. they have higher standards of what is acceptable and while you are still able to get the dregs if you are the dregs, if you want quality then you need to be of a standard.
western fat yellow fever gamers are not going to get anything but their equivalent level of asian.
quality gets quality.
the OP picture anon is not in the right circles to get anything but low tier normies.
Lol poor fag
>stay in burgerland and don't forget to tip mr.shekelberg when you pay your taxes
WITNESS that STUBBY, PASTY, UGLY, SOFT, OVER MOISTURIZED excuse for a hand. The DISGUSTING poorly trimmed nails. BUILT for typing up DORKER Swift code or TWIDDLING around shit posting on a phone. And LOL at those unfinished BASEMENT walls. The BALCONY is a LARP. You live in a MOLDY UNFINISHED basement in the barrio, TTT Chud. KEK!!!

> I’m just angry and resentful that bla bla bla

Boohoohoo nigger, keep seething and coping. This is not a therapy session. We are not your therapists.


Your mommy took BWC that's why you look like that. Doesn't make you white.
I am white and wear a backpack and pick up Russians in China very easily. The local guys look like shit even if they have money. Just be white theory.
>Your mommy took BWC that's why you look like that. Doesn't make you white.

White males are obsessed with dicks. You can't stop looking at black dicks. The size. The girth. White women love sucking black dicks. They let their girlfriends fuck black dicks. Everyone knows about big black dicks but not big white dicks ... cause its a myth.
>The size. The girth.

It's funny that you think YOU drooling over black dicks is some sort of insult lmao.

You're an angry little manchild making an ass of himself.
Again, keep it to fetlife
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It's truly over for white people
Why couldnt I have been born as dome K-pop chad...?
It's not fair...
Korea has some of the highest incel rates in the developed world, more than half their male youth population rots playing gatcha games with no future. Only like the top 10-20% of above average pretty boy surgery maxxers are getting smv boosts. Although inkwelldom is not the same as in the west, most are shameless based coomers and don’t sit around on PSL forums all day
Yeah and from what I've head Korean women don't exactly make the best girlfriends/wives, very bossy, materialistic and demanding.
Chang is coming in hot, and desu he's probably right. Incels going abroad for pussy has probably nuked the experience a genuine businessman in Japan had back in the 90s. That easy niche will never come back.
Wigger thuggmaxxing

Crazy how thugmaxxing works the same for everyone worldwide. This is why women shou;dn't get to chose. They'd choose societal collapse every time.
I'm okay with this, poor people shouldn't travel. It ruins race relations worldwide.

You're a fucking dick anon.
Same. I feel inferior in the presence of Koreans. They have amazing fucking hair. Look like gods while I’m some misshapen balding horror. Fuck.
Yea I know I’m not really sure what precipitated me being such a little shit but I’ve simmered down, only working 52 hours a week instead of 60, and more on /lit/ lately
Japan is harder than the west now.
Then I could say the same for you guys and Blacks. Look at how many times Blacks are mentioned in this thread, despite it being about White-Asian relations.
By 'you guys' do you mean white men? because it's mostly gooks/ hapas constantly spamming "muh BBC".
Yes. It's about Whites. In every thread talking about sex or dating, you lot always bring us up. And no, it's not hapas. It's White men talking about how "niggers keep taking x women in y country!"
You are not that important to us, nigger.
Oh wow, some balding little mongrel wagecuck lashing out at White people online.

I am shocked.
Case in point.
What are passport bros? If you have a passport that makes you a passport bro or is it some code word for overseas child sex travelers?
Case in point what?
Can you read? The OP is talking about the bad things in Asian countries, not white people.
So... Asians.
>I feel inferior in the presence of Koreans. They have amazing fucking hair. Look like gods while I’m some misshapen balding horror. Fuck.
Christ, if Koreans make you feel inferior how bad are you? I'm no Chad, just a typical white guy, 6'1, builtfat, 220lbs, 20lbs of which is too much fat. I tower over Korean men, mog them to oblivion with my beard growing genetics (though I shave), my shoulders are half a foot wider and I'm bigger in every way except head size. Who gives a fuck if Min-ho has nice skin and hair? He looks like a girl.

Not that I hate Koreans, I just don't give a fuck.
>is it some code word for overseas child sex travelers?
Basically yes. They go to poorer countries and exploit girls much younger than them with their money
>just a typical white guy, 6'1, builtfat, 220lbs

Fat fuck. You're 30lbs overweight. Unless you're lifting, you're not "built fat' you fat nerd
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>lil peep

Your opinion is fucking lower than trash and you’re furious as fuck you aren’t white
220lbs is not builtfat either. If he went down to 200lbs while lifting he would be conventionally attractive frame.
Indian men are so covered in shit they think they are black
As foreigner most places in SEA you can purchase up to 40% of condos as foreigner without needing to be partnered with local. It's why condos are so common.
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Pic related, it's me at the gym with my big ugly mug cropped out. I have a huge barrel chest and was a semi-pro rugby player. All time 1RM on bench is 330lbs, though it's down to around 300lbs at the moment. I still lift but if I go too heavy my joints hurt and I don't want to end up a crippled old man. Just for references I was shredded at about 205lbs in my playing days. I've got a spare tyre now that's converted me into dad bod.

Again, I want to emphasise, I am not Chad but I am a typically masculine, rough looking white dude, not anything special. Why would any of us feel inferior to little pretty Asian twig men? Girls might like them more than they like me but I don't feel bad about that. Who cares. Good for them. As long as I can still find girls to be with me I'm happy, even if that other anon feels embarrassed for me based on the race/background of the girl. Not my problem what he thinks.
Oh man
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Thread like these are precisely the reason why we can't have nice things.

Everyone in this thread somehow assumed that JBW was a literal thing. It wasn't, and it never will.

Whatever few white people that came here 60 years ago did so because they were savvy. It takes a certain amount of social skills to thrive in an environment with no internet and no way to gather info besides physically asking people, most of whom didnt speak a lick of english yet.

Alternatively, you just were filthy rich and were only evolving in a more educated, upper class environment with many amenities, making any problem a moot point by throwing money -and obscene amounts of it- at it.

Were these people worshipped because they were white ? Fuck no. For most people, these guys were colonizers and the memory was still fresh. The money did help however, and so did the charisma of the few that had to wing it.

As every single country there modernized itself, it was easier to get there. Literal retards could just barge in without too much trouble.
The only thing they ever got was the benefit of the doubt -the second they showed they had nothing to offer, people moved on.

There is no "just be white" in a country where the middle class exists.
Wow you're built strong. I take it back, you look fine. Good job strong white guy.
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JBW was a thing during the 80s, 90s and early 2000s when the internet wasn't mainstream, China, SEA countries were still backwater port towns.

Nowadays whites are seen as dorks, begpackers, or fat like this guy >>2676172
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wagie, get back to the cagie.
You cant leave until you finish your duties
Hey faggot, am I fucking wrong? Answer me. Am I fucking wrong? My complaints are completely legitimate. Fuck off
Shhh wagie. Poor fags like you can't have an opinion on /tvr/ since you are too broke to travel.
Go back to your minimum wage job, wagecuck
Both you and the retards itt dont understand what jbw actually means. Its a PSL term meant to indicate that whites on average have features that overall make them more attractive on the global dating market (taller height, colored eyes, light skin) and are allowed to have flaws and still be deemed desirable. As an ethnic or non white you kind of need to have it all (tall height, mtn face, more emphasis on status/resources i.e. asian countries) to truly compensate. The disqualification factor due to race simply does not exist if you are white purely on your physical charastics (barring truceldom/sub4, but even then these can be negated if you have colored eyes or height). Attributing purely to status and media is ricecel cope, there is no media for your race and face. Kpop has only elevated the smv of asians who were already attractive to begin with, and even then you can see the colorism aspect of it with blue contacts, double eyelid surgeries, skin whitening, jaw shaving, etc. Whiteness is ingrained in many cultures even before colonialization and interaction with european cultures, this sense of light is right is ingrained.

The issue is polcels and the ricecopers take it too literally and think a white boomer can automatically be a chad. No, but it does mean an average white male with basic features simply has higher prospects purely on his looks than average males of other races. The status thing does play a role but its all encompassing and relating to jbw pill, its the CAUSE not the effect. Boomers being squeezed out of the global geocooming scene is not proof that jbw is in decline, if anything its only increasing hypergamy in countries that had no exposure to whites to begin with.
I know exactly what it means, it just doesn't exist, and any perception of it is due to confirmation bias.

>whites on average have features that overall make them more attractive on the global dating market (taller height, colored eyes, light skin)
People are naturally endogamous because their appearance make them attractive to each other. The traits taken in a vacuum doesnt make sense.
East Asian sex symbols and models may tend to have attributes that would typically be associated with white people (pale skin, big eyes, fine nose) but in their own very asian way, which is no one in their right mind would look at these people and say "wow, these celebrities look european/american".

You're like a black guy in a white neighborhood. You might fuck once in a while because a few girls fetishize you, and they might even be hot herself, but chances are they're fucking crazy and/or are in trouble with their families because they went to live with the black stranger.

Westerners in Asia form a fraction of all foreigners( let alone of the whole population) it is barely worth mentioning. Even if fetishizers are too a small fraction they'll always be more than enough for everyone, but it is almost always the same type. It is fine if you just want to bang though.
>People are naturally endogamous because their appearance make them attractive to each other. The traits taken in a vacuum doesnt make sense.
Yes this is true, but the sense of beauty is innate. This doesn't discount the fact that white men have a higher smv overall, this is from countless studies and patterns. Take a look at most thai pop stars, many of them are hapas. Many of the major surgeries asians undergo are for the sole purpose of looking more caucasian
>East Asian sex symbols and models may tend to have attributes that would typically be associated with white people (pale skin, big eyes, fine nose) but in their own very asian way, which is no one in their right mind would look at these people and say "wow, these celebrities look european/american".
Absolutely false, blue eyes are considered the most attractive by women of all races. Look at how jeets simp for white women, middle easterner traders importing white women, etc. Yes they have their own asian features but you can not deny the role eurocentrism plays into it and the white worship aspect of it.
>You're like a black guy in a white neighborhood. You might fuck once in a while because a few girls fetishize you, and they might even be hot herself,
There is truth to this but cope nonetheless. Again, there is a certain association with whiteness that transcends culture and media.
Yes the exoticism plays a role but the truth is alot of white men also have features that are universally deemed attractive in asian cultures like light skin, high nose bridge, etc. Again, you are coping and taking jbw way too literally. Yes, most people are going to date and mate with their own race. I am trying to say that being white does not have a disqualification factor that being any other race does. Denying the racepill is like denying the role that height, a good face, etc plays. shifting goal posts
>Westerners in Asia form a fraction of all foreigners( let alone of the whole population) it is barely worth mentioning. Even if fetishizers are too a small fraction they'll always be more than enough for everyone, but it is almost always the same type. It is fine if you just want to bang though.
I do agree with this but its more cultural barriers and language that validate it. Take a look at the United States. You can make the argument that its because its a muh white majority country but the sheer number of AMWF is truly crazy given the percentage of asian women. It shows that when given the choice and cultural similarities they do go for white men overwhelmingly. Are most couples same race overall? Sure, but when looking at cohabitation numbers rather than marriage figures you start to nootice the real blackpill. Honestly the fact that an average korean male has to go through several surgeries, looksmaxxing, etc to reach the level of an average white male says it all. Again, I am not suggesting that asian men are ricecels and other silly arguments that you will try to put in my mouth. Its just incredibly naive to deny the role that race can play in international and interracial dating.
In my experience every stereotype about sexpats has held true.
Stop whining like a little bitch, you are annoying.
>lil peep was the last stylish white guy and he was snuffed out

holy shit are you in high school?
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>whoremongering until they die
I’m tall, white, fit and well-dressed. These things mean nothing in the west because it’s 99% about “rizz” here but it takes me pretty far in the rest of the world.
So why should be an incel in Europe instead of going elsewhere?
This. Hollywood films don’t celebrate cool sexy things anymore so thirdies don’t fantasize about Americans anymore
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Hollywood pushes the narrative of whites being evil colonizers, trannies and dorks... which isn't too far from the truth
Jeets love that narrative.
Specialty pojeetas who hate jeets and see them as subhumans
Being 193cm hasn't failed me yet. Sorry you have to go through all of that.
You have autism and the language barrier masks it
i set my tinder to kampala, uganda just out curiosity and i've never had so many matches.
a lot of very beautiful nubian queens. dont seem to mind a bit of an age gap either.
That might be the case. So going abroad is the best option
kek this thread copemaxxing
passport bros are not real unless your a complete loser
> anon how was korea/thailand/monkey island?
> it was good, lots of *tourist thing here*
> no gf yet?
> ahahaha a couple but they didn't work out

literally making no progress in their lives and meanwhile not being able to speak the language in the country your living in means your constantly getting internet brainrot
This man dresses up in a suit to try to impress third worlders. Hilarious
>muh arbitrary rules
>making up dialogue in his head
Lol those 'chads' are banging the elephant pajama pant slut stacies, they're not there to bang 4/10 jungle monkeys
I never said they weren’t you dingbat
>giant paragraphs arguing about cooming and racial shit
> who gives a fuck if he has nice skin and hair
That’s what girls like. Girls aren’t into builtfat powerlifters like us.
JBW was a meme that non-whites pushed as a way to explain away their lack of success with women. That’s all. It was never real.
>Being short has zero impact on your success with women, heightism was never real!
shut up retard lol
go lift something up and put it down a few times
Kills me to see an AI generated posting get so many replies , it’s development is the worst thing to happen to the free internet in our time so far
>That’s what girls like. Girls aren’t into builtfat powerlifters like us.
Some are. My best friend is spiritually Korean. Can barely grow a beard, has beautiful hair, a six pack. Some women make puke sounds when they see him, they're so turned off by his unmanliness. He always gets laid sure but it's far from universal attraction. Over the years plenty of women have chosen big bear like me over him.
All the "men" and boyband members girls go batshit for look like lesbians. Only gay men like manly men. Which is why "big bears" are a thing in the gay community.
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lol this pathetic cope thread is still going
>JBW was a meme that non-whites pushed as a way to explain away their lack of success with women. That’s all. It was never real.

Being white is the world's minority. Even poojeets OUTBREED whites. The mental illness and incapacity to think for incels on this board never eased to amuse me.
You only get fat white women and gay men as a builtfat bear. Nobody wants a builtfat man who's on the cusp of being a fat shit. Kinda like a footballer who becomes obese.
The birthrate collapse for mudslime and 9000 godcels is going to be fucking brutal once female empowerment, she-conomy, and proliferation of social media truly hits them kek. Do you really think a 5/10 pooja and fatima want to be in an arranged marriage with 5'4 mahboob and read the quran together every night. JFL, you already see it happening in real time
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Say whatever mental gymnastic you like but its FACTUAL that whites are global MINORITY, POOJEETS ARE REPLACING WHITES in Canada, Australia. There's 1.4 BILLION POOJEETS that is more than white people combined. They're successful at breeding.
30+ in 8 years my fucking sides, I met 30 girls in eight weeks in Taiwan, you must be repulsive
They're leaving because "white nations" are going to shit because they're becoming less and less white. Why live in an eventual third world shithole and pay first world prices when you can live in a third world shithole and pay third world prices with first world money? Simple as
>only gay men like manly men
Then explain why when a blue collar looking fuck from Montana (me) who moved to Seattle for two years and then Portland for one year got next to unlimited 8/10 pussy while there? The women were fucking repulsed by the tech bros and femboy liberals so much all I put in my profile was "not a tech bro" and then the likes just rolled in.
Not successful at breeding, successful at raping.
>Not successful at breeding, successful at raping.

That's what white colonizers did ... but the poojeet still outraped the whitey. It's so over for whites.
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>muh colonizers
Keep dreaming jeet you are universally hated by everyone
can confirm
I am the reverse passport bro. Left my 3rd world country and came to yurop (frogland), I lift, do muay thai and participate in social events. Fucked 40 women in here till now (last 5 years). Women need masculine and hard men
Bait. Suck a dick
>with first world money
Far from everyone can work online and continue getting a first world income in the third world
kek loser white guys look at this and think its a prime asian girl
On Clouds are great, god forbid a functional athletic shoe doesn't look like gray canvas poverty sacks like New Balances. Sorry your bum-chic shit is 5 years out of fashion.
This thread is insane. None of this makes any sense.
Why do you guys care if not so attractive out of style guys get skinny young pinoy women?
Do you want those same men to improve their appearance, thus increasing the competition for you?
If asian women still go for white men regardless of how stylish and good looking they are, either they don't care because they seek financial gains from them, and that invokes shame on the women and not much on the men, OR they still find those guys physically appealing when compared to the local men, which makes the whining on this thread a futile thing.
>I'm Arab

This honestly explains a lot. A brown arab will always be rated lower in SEA than even a 1/10 white guy. Arabs are also some of the worst behaved tourists everywhere they go
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>Sex & prostitution discussion - The Thread is still up
Is mod new or just using this as a container thread?
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Anon, the "White dork" poster is a pajeet that works as a security guard.
He is too frustrated about being a faggot that is not able to leave burgerland.
Ahh okay. I have witnessed the brown boi misery in SEA first hand though. They think they're hot shit because they bang British and German roasties back home but get absolutely mogged by all their white friends in SEA and get butthurt about it.
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Now this is shitposting.

>making no progress
>internet brainrot
Only issue I ever took with the passport bro phenomena is that it is cancerous.
Divorce is already after coming in with the tide of passport bros in Philippines, in a similar manner to how the AoC and customs declarations have become more politically weighted in the past 15years. There is a connection to the increase in foreign men into countries along with crime and moral quandries. Like posting a foreign military within national borders inevitable leads to issues. Or in the case of America - massive increases in rapes and bike thefts.
Philippines has crime because of Filipinos and drugs. They need to get rid of Marcos and get Duterte's kid in power soon because from what I hear it's getting pretty dangerous again. The only problem with that is that the Duterte's are whores for the Chinese so long term you end up getting cucked. But something has to be done about the fucking meth heads, robbers, and corrupt police. The only way you stop it is by putting the fear of god in them the way RDD did.
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There you go thinking about regime change again, like a good little spook. Like they shouldn't have the autonomy to make their own socio-political mistakes.

Nah mate, the mass influx of degenerates - without containment, inevitably leads to a categorical shift in how society accommodates degenerates. If the money is good enough, any economy adapts to the market force of degenerates, until the degeneracy breaks everywhere. Globalisation really is a cancer.
One of the more intelligent posts in this godawful thread.

This board is one of the weird ones that happens to be both slow and cancerous at the same time, likely because the subject matter attracts certain types of people. Jannie positions are already a revolving door on this site, so it isn't unlikely that the jannies just decided to give up.
My experience at a club in bali was basically that. Some girls go for jeets or black, but 70-80% wouldnt. Apparently I was scary as hell, even to the other foreigners there
>got multiple gfs again
you'd think this would be fun, but its stressful
Take one for the team and kill a couple niggers in bangkok. I think with enough baht you wouldn't do any time. Just make sure to dress really fancy and hiso when you do it, perhaps rent a sports car as well. Claim it was self defense and the niggers attacked you.
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I’m white stfu, the rest is true though
These chimps need to be squad wiped. 3 cancerous grifters setting up shop in Thailand. Sports betting, whatever the fuck else. All fucking Jamal LBHs
You are pissed you aren’t white… but you are totally fucking spot on about this.
>incel willing to risk a ban
>he has that picture saved on his computer

How insecure are you?
Its over for whites. Whites live in the yesteryears of 1980s, 1990s. Say no to white dorks.
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The type of white people who treat asia as their personal whorehouse do disgust me. And I say that as a white guy with yellow fever. Its kinda made me feel ashamed at the prospect of travelling to asia, if I get mistaken for a sex tourist.
bumping for truth. passport bros are delusional idiots. the grifters they follow on social media are just pushing this lifestyle for followers and money. its all a fucking scam. there was some truth to this lifestyle before COVID, about 5-10 years ago, even I had a Thai girlfriend I was dating at one point, but now its all just simps, niggers, prostitutes, e-whores and vloggers. The worst of the absolute worst. Dating overseas is fucking over.
I agree, problem is its being replaced by KPop shit, which is almost just as bad. Of all countries, why fucking Korea? It's the worst, least interesting country in Asia by far.
>Their idea of fun travel is carrying their wive's purse and shopping bags and taking pictures of her in front of whatever. They do it in groups also, like personal assistants. I swear I could just take one of their wives to the toilet as they eating, fuck her and drop her back off with hubby and he wouldn't say anything.

This is literally what Asian couples do, word for word. They're even more social media and status obsessed than Westerners.
>Because white women are the most spoiled women on the planet. The 2s think they’re 10s. At least in Asia the 2s know they’re 2s, and the 5s also think they’re 2s

Not anymore, not with the army of simps flocking to Thailand and the Philippines in droves after COVID. These chicks are way more stuck up in Asia than in the West these days. My only issue with Western women these days is that they are fatter and uglier than Asian women, but their attitudes and demands have actually improved a lot over the years compared to Asian women who are getting more and more spoiled and stuck up.
That's a former bar manager from Soi 6.

He was very cool, had a few drinks with him on Soi 6 back in 2016 when Soi 6 actually used to be a great place and his bar was a laid back, closed off bar with an actual interior with couches and AC, before it was renovated to be a typical copy/paste outdoor clone bar with loud shit music like the rest of the garbage, ovepriced NWG bars on Soi 6 these days. Man I miss the old Pattaya, it sucks so bad now, so so bad.
>Is Thailand even viable anymore?

No it's not. Bangkok especially is becoming a wannabe mini-Dubai/mini-Miami where hoards of chads and social media influencers go to flex their new luxurious lifestyles by leveraging the purchasing power of the US Dollar. It is bourgie as fuck these days. I say this as someone who used to have a girlfriend in Bangkok a few years ago too (she was a nurse, not a bar girl), no way I could date these girls now, they have become super spoiled, demanding and high maintenance, it wouldn't even be fun anymore.
Good god, it is so fucking over...


The whole Asian continent is completely cooked now...
Niggers shouldn’t be allowed to leave the continental United States
Fuck, is my only option for intimacy as a white male to chop off my dick and become a tranny?
>n Bangkok a few years ago too (she was a nurse, not a bar girl), no way I could date these girls now, they have become super spoiled, demanding and high maintenance, it wouldn't even be fun anymore.
while you could probably eek out a girlfriend in bangkok still (I did, but she's muslim lol), let's figure out the next spot

Also possible to fly to a smaller town witin thailand and it's back to ez mode. old military guys getting hot gfs

Where do you anons suggest?
>, if I get mistaken for a sex tourist.
>caring about what other people think
holy shit you beta cuck
where are you sourcing yellow pussy these days? domestic only?
I have a Korean gf and I'm incredibly worried I'll get attacked by some hapa in public eventually
where is an unironically good spot to date as an expat?

let's do a rapid fire yes/no

Hong kong
[fill in your pick] thailand
northern vietnam
southern vietnam
[fill in your pick] japan
Doesn't have to be remote work techcel dorks. Think about gubment pensions for workers who only put in 20 years. Lots of military fags retired at 38 to the developing world and carry out the rest of their lives like neet kings. That, or pick up seasonal or contract work and move abroad after their contracts are up (yours truly)
how can someone complain about degens have such wide experience with women? living a degenerate lifestyle you will meet other degens
Well I’ll throw you an anecdote.

I knew how to be a good looking guy and get pussy all the way from high school to college but I failed to get a real white collar career that is required to maintain a Normie adult lifestyle post college.

I withdrew and became bitter but the entitlement lingered from my days of “showing up at the house party with a purple/green flannel and groping a girl to the upstairs bedroom to fuck,” so I went to Thailand and subliminated my old life with abundant pussy from hookers

The “wide experience” lies in the spectrum of ability to synchronize and juxtapose the life experiences. If you’ve always been a fucking loser who women were never attracted to, even the hookers will treat you mechanically and with the indifference of a visceral transaction.

Hope that makes sense. Blessed are the coomers. Fuck normies and dorkers

NTA but cope. AMWF is the future and white women are literally going to Changs cuntry in droves

The Chang is right on this. You just gotta see it to believe it, why the fuck does this board not have flags?
>Just a small hint, she used to date asian dicklets only before being my gf.
kek, used goods
I feel very bad for the future sons of all these racebaiters, whom I presume are white disc*rd users. You know your son will be half Asian right? Making fun of Asian men is literally just reinforcing a harmful stereotype and culture against your future hapas. Reminds me of those Asian roasties who also partake in that and want white kids but are completely oblivious to the fact that half asians are fully asian passing 90% of the time.

Wish this board didn't have so much race war shit.
see what anon said here
I seriously don't understand how none of these racebait posters see the end result of their shit, they will have, essentially, Asian sons. Your lineage is fucked with this mindset towards a whole race
Virgin cope. White BVLLS will keep taking and ruining asian girls from asian bois and you cant do shit.
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> Poor ricel you can only dream. You will always be a virgin.
>Asian girls will always prefer White BVLLS.
Asian "men" can only become ladyboys like Thai and Filipino do
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Nigga, you are a PORN ADDICT. I'm not even Asian. Take a step back and imagine yourself saying all of the stuff you've posted in this thread to your hapa son. Your own progeny and future of the family. Doesn't that sicken you? You have better things to be working towards instead of masturbatory shitposts, it's not good for your soul.

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