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I’m thinking of relocating to Belarus as a westerner.

Are there ways to get jobs there, such as English teaching or IT stuff?

Is it possible to obtain residency through business establishment or investing in real estate?

What are some vital things to know about the country?
I have relatives that used to travel regularly to Belarus and known some people from Belarus, its among the worst shitholes in Europe and everyone there will assume you're either a schizo or a CIA spy because to every local Belarussian it will be unimaginable for a westerner to come there willingly, on top of that there will be tons of bureaucracy (only in local language, good luck trying to navigate through their paperwork without knowing russian or belorussian)
corruption everywhere, you wont be able to get anything done without a bribe
women will want you but only because they will hope you will get them out of there
everything is 20 years behind rest of Europe, cars, electronics, internet etc. and not in a good way, their currency is worthless outside and possession of US dollars is restricted
contrary to what /pol/ will tell you women generally tend to be more slutty and materialistic the further east you go
public services are ok and Minsk city used to be relatively safe and clean until they started importing migrants from Middle East
For what purpose, wtf? That country's only purpose is to help Russians that can't leave Russia legally leave it anyway because there were no border patrol checkpoints on roads that cross the border between Russia and Belarus + immigration control in the Minsk airport didn't use to check Russian no-fly databases
A Westerner moving there is like getting a first class plane seat and asking to be downgraded to sit in economy. What kind of retarded nonsense is this?
Back in the days you needed a visa to get into Belarus, before the war, me and some mates had a plan to sign up to the Minsk Marathon to get the 'free sportsman visa'. We were then just going to run straight into the closest pub.

Wish we did it ;(

Do young Belarusians even speak English? I know the older 35-40+ year olds probably wouldn’t but what about the zoomers?
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>everyone there will assume you're either a schizo or a CIA spy because to every local Belarussian it will be unimaginable for a westerner to come there willingly
Is this what Russians would think about Westerners who come to Russia?
Only shitlibs think like that
I personally wouldn't, but I would think you're retarded if you intend to live here
>more slutty

No. Western women are so slutty and lack any real morals or principles. They have no real religion, tattoos everywhere. Go anywhere in the middle east, India and come back and get a huge slap with with reality in regards to how utterly embarrassing Western women are. They are humiliating. I consider All Europeans to be Western, thus people in Belarus are Western to me, just from the Eastern part of the continent.
Middle Easterners/Indians view all foreign women as some sort of free prostitutes, that's not news to anyone.
I was thinking of Eastern Europe, I have no experience of Middle East
as an Eastern European myself I always find it comical how warped image of this region westerners, especially from USA, have. People here, especially in former USSR, are not religious, not conservative, much more greedy and selifsh than you'd think based on 4chan memes. You'd have much more luck finding a trad virgin wife in Paris than in Moscow.
I am Belarusian. The vital thing to know is, keep out, at least for the time being.
I'm not sure what your reasons for moving here are, be it le based homogeneous white EVROPEAN society or whatever, but you will run. Mostly because what
>>2672839 said, and the government will do its utmost to fuck you over, you will be taxed, your taxes will be taxed, and then you will be thrown into jail for tax avoidance.

It's still visa-free for everyone except ameribros, but good luck finding a flight into this shithole (no, seriously, don't come here)

Yeah, we do. But after 2020 everyone smart moved abroad and those that remained are mostly kolkhoz bydlo.
Nigga they're going to think you're a spy
Well all reliable polling agencies consistently show that public opinion in most Eastern European countries is pretty conservative.
russia has more abortions and AIDS per 1000 people than any other country in Europe and as you look at the map those statistics go worse farther east you go
Not sure what it has to do with conservatism.
Georgia has more than double HIV prevalence rate than Finland, but you can't say with a straight face that Finland is more conservative.
You can barely find women in the Middle East and India because they hide them under blankets or don't let them leave the home without permission.
this is empirically false the number of virgins both male and female has doubled since the 2010s
Why the fuck would you want to move to Belarus?
>Yeah bro, I just love their culture, like uhhhhhhhhhhh
>Oh, and don't forget the amazing food, like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk beets?
It's barely even a real country, it's just a puppet state for Russia.
I read in the news that Ukraine is amassing their troops along the border of Belarus.

Is this something to be worried about? Is there any talk of Belarus getting dragged into the war there? Well I know if WWIII runs hot they’ll be forced anyway. But how about in the immediate future?
Being Sigma is moving to Belarus for the low rent and beet and not realising that there was a war.
To state the obvious, it's an especially bad time to try to relocate to Belarus
Russian and ukrainian women are the biggest whores I've met. Except russians ones are gonna lie and pretend they're trad. Then cheat on you just because.
fuck off we're full
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This doesn't make you an interesting person. It makes you look like a fucking weirdo and depending on your home country could put you on many lists.

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