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Why normoids fear this one?
Please learn English.
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this board has gone down the shitter

It's a CCP puppet state whose entire purpose is for China to intimidate the United States and allies by proxy. Especially S. Korea and Japan because China does not want any country near Beijing to thrive and want them in a constant state of fear and paranoia, just like they do their own citizens so they stay in line. North Korea cannot sustain itself on its own. It's a penal colony that keeps its citizens poor so it can push nork women into being trafficked to Chinese businessmen. Remember there are hundreds of millions of Chinese men who will not have a wife due to the systematic killing of female babies.

Therefore, any tourist from an adversarial nation has a chance of being detained randomly. This is another tactic to instill fear just like Kim's missile tests. It's not friendly to tourists and that is just objectively true regardless of propaganda.
>Therefore, any tourist from an adversarial nation who does something illegal has a chance of being detained randomly.
FTFY, they're very selective enforcers since they do not need people for hostage diplomacy that often.
nice state dept briefing you pasted as a response.
So you must be american
Any time there's a missile test, there's a preceding US and/or SK military exercise in the area, so who's trying to intimidate who? NK's response is entirely justified, lest the Americans get any funny ideas.
US & vassals eternally seething NK got nukes and they won't take any of their shit; how are they going to glass them like Iraq and Libya? NK will unironically improve in the coming years, since China and Russia will be able to trade with them more, now that they're decoupling from Western economies. What will the US do at the same time? Keep declining while both parties support dementia patients as candidate presidents.
TLDR: cope and seethe mutt
>CCP puppet state
NK never was and never will a puppet, be unlike SK which was literally set up by MacArthur
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Where can I find the best cheeseburger in Pyongyang?
sounds like a conspiracy theory, take your meds
Because of american retards making it seem so unsafe to be a tourist. If you don't fuck about and are respectul you can have a great trip.
the risk of arbitrary detention for political purposes
when other countries might deport, fine, and exit ban you, NK will lock you up and use you as a hostage for prisoner swaps/negotation like Iran does

in other countries being disrespectful will get you in hot water, in NK it could cost you your life (see: Otto Warmbier)
sure, you could be fine, but the extent of potential consequences is very high
You should go OP, and definitely steal some kind of propaganda as a souvenir
least indoctrinated amerishit
usa does arbitrary detentions also. you don't even have to be in the us itself to be carried off to a cia black site. still millions of people visit every year.
The tourists:arbitrarily detained people ratio is much higher in north Korea than the US I'd imagine
And it won't happen for stealing a poster/insulting the president
How many people are still imprisoned for sightseeing on 6th of January?
Personally I don’t want to be sent to a coal mine for the rest of my days bc I took a picture incorrectly on a tour or they just wanted to lock up as a political prisoner
muh detentions


Find me somebody who wasnt:
>a gook
>a thief
>illegally fucking entering the country
>a religious retard
or, my favourite:
>[travelling] to North Korea intending to get arrested
>After returning to the U.S., Miller told reporters he went to North Korea intending to get arrested, stating that "My main fear was that they would not arrest me when I arrived". Initially North Korean authorities had refused to arrest him and sought to return him on the next flight, but Miller refused. Miller had brought a notebook into North Korea incorrectly claiming he was a computer hacker involved with WikiLeaks and having attempted to access files at U.S. military bases in South Korea.[2][5] He later assessed that this material was never taken seriously by the North Korean authorities, prompting them to ask him the real reasons behind his visit.[5]

>"My main fear was that they would not arrest me when I arrived"
kekekek. What a fucking madlad.
>yes goy you need to hire a (((travel agency)))
>dont forget to tip your guide, good goy.
Yeah no thanks, I dont like having a gook baby sitter. I prefer to travel to countries that I can go to wherever I want without paying to (((tourist guides)))
>a religious retard
not a retard but a spy who is using religion to subvert the country
religion itself isn't banned, there is even an Orthodox church in North Korea
> yes goy only the party ((( approved christianity))) is allowed
> yes goy, you can come to our godless, satanic churches
>no goy, you cant teach real Christian doctrine, that's subversive
Fuck off bunker tranny .
Christ is King!
You need to fuck off back to /pol/, we dont like your kind here shitting up the threads.
You are the one that needs to go back to bunker chan, faggot.
Nobody wants to hear you shilling about a godless shithole
>Christ is King!
Of the jews? That's what INRI says, right. Iesus Nazerene Rex Iudei. Because there was a Jewish prophecy that a Jewish guy will be born and become the new Jewish king, so the old Jewish king got paranoid about every random Jew teaching reformed Judaism? Same Yeshua bar Maryam, right?
are you a gaygan anon?
or a bunker tranny that doesnt know that it has to leave 4chan right now
The christian is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a refugee importer, a weakling lover, a pedophilia-enabler, a race mixer, it all runs off him like water off rain coat. But call him a Jew-worshipper and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks: "I have been found out!"
stay mad satanic kike
you and your satanic communist ideology wont be able to stop Jesus
satan is a semitic word meaning enemy, you are a semite worshipper
It means accuser, not enemy and that anon is still a fag and a /pol/goloid
Shut up Troon freak.
Go back to bunker Chan and keep complaining on how oppressive Christianity is
Countries like North Korea are considered no go zones specifically because the state is headed by kleptocratic thug dictators and terrorist. The moment you step foot in their country, you become a possible bargaining chip, doesnt matter if you are American, Canadian, German ect.

If The Norks are having any sort of issue with any state, they can just arrest you on made up charges and then ransom you like pirates. They dont just fuck around either, that kid Otto Warmbier was sent to the Gulag and when they did finally release him, he was basically comatose from blunt injuries and died shorty after he returned home.
just don't be retarded christcuck tring to steal shit then. also nice bargaining chip when you kill the guy
I have the theory that guy was killed just because, they needed to prove they have bite and not just bark so why not just imprison a random tard and make some bogus reason for the detention
I didn't realize that the country is still closed from Corona, wonder for how long they'll keep using it as an excuse to not open up to the few tourist tours they were allowing before.
Potato pride and their love to Kim dynasty whether fake or not

they reopened flights to/from Vladivostok IIRC
Troon on Twitter says north korea good
Religion is opium of the masses. All proselytizing should be banned. The total number of religious buildings and organizations in a socialist society should be zero. These people introduce nothing good in there lives just lies and superstition that justifies untold and tremendous amounts of suffering the world over. It is a mistake for North Korea to allow a single church to operate. Individuals deluded by them should be psychiatrically treated because the metaphysical beliefs are delusions that are incongruent with reality.

Contrast this with Cuba which has slackened it's attitude and allowed religion since 1987. Like a virus, it festered and 95% of Cubans report belief in religion and spirituality. Despite their "faithfulness" it does not act as a bulwark against social ills. In point of fact, it introduced them and allowed them to fester. Thanks to missionaries, the moralizing and righteous and idealist attitudes affected the population and the state to the point Rainbow flags fly in Havana and pride is celebrated.

Missionaries are the worst people on the face of this planet. They are a human plague that is seeking their own social acclaim and praise at the expense of the people they "help" by making them obedient submissive dogs that believe in fairy tales to just accept their shitty life the way it is because God said so. They go home and neglect to help their own people and view themselves and wealthy positions as ordained by God and by spending a trivial amount of dollars on building a hut for someone they actually don't care about, their guilt over their privileged position is discharged. In an ideal world these people would be charged with crimes against humanity and punished.
>t. troon freak
According to your Christian nonsense, homosexuals (troons) have souls and are made by God and have innate right to life and all they need to do is "repent" and you would let them in your church and your made up heaven. There is no reason to tolerate them in an atheistic society. That's why there isn't any troons in the best korea.
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> troon satanic screeching
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Orthodox Christianity is the original, real Christianity, not "godless or satanic"
>implies real christianity had a man tell people to worship him
christcucks are insane
I don't. I want to go but those fuckers closed the country for tourists back during corona and still didn't open yet.
Kim Jong Il invented the cheeseburger so you will find plenty. I've heard that the Koryo Air cheeseburger is particularly notable.
>The true purpose, Miller insists, was to simply learn for himself what North Korea was all about.
>“I was not there to give secret information or anything like that. I just wanted to speak to an ordinary North Korean person about normal things,” he said.
Well I’m an American and technically they are still at war with my country, and they are pumped to the brim with Anti-America propaganda. Not only that, tourists have been arbitrarily detained for years, the laws there are confusing and simple offenses are punishable with years in a gulag. Most of all the US has basically said they won’t help you if you go there and something bad happens. I also don’t have a visa and don’t think I can even get one.
>tourists have been arbitrarily detained for years
no they haven't, see above

>the laws there are confusing
nothing confusing if you're aren't a total retard. and if you are, you can always ask your tour guide wherever something is allowed or not
>There’s one example of a guy who tried and failed to be detained
Wow that totally discounts the dozens of people who have been detained for little reason

And yes their laws are confusing. Simply walking around without a passport can get you sent to the gulag. Also doesn’t discount the extreme anti-American sentiment the country holds and the fact that the US doesn’t have an embassy there and they can’t help you if you’re in trouble.
hello there, new shilling shift started and you missed previous posts? >>2676157

>Simply walking around without a passport can get you sent to the gulag
no since you will be walking with your tour guide
Have you been to North Korea as an American citizen? There’s a fucking reason the US has stopped letting people go there.
>Trespassing a federal building housing our nation’s leaders while congress was in session
Also I’m pretty sure no one that was arrested was a tourist
>Simply walking around without a passport can get you sent to the gulag.
Why do you post lies on the internet? You will not even have your passport with you, they will keep it for the duration of your stay. Now go back to >>>/pol/ and take your low IQ basement-dwelling NEET armchair traveler knowledge with you.
They literally shot an unarmed domestic tourist for sightseeing.
Of course they dressed it up with some flimsy excuse, just like the North Koreans.
Funny the same link has been used for """both sides""", kek.

You made the socialists mad, anon>>2673625
how do I just KNOW you support israel?
That's the thing. I don't

I'm neither for or against whatever is happening in that wasteland.
Because its an anomaly to the neoliberal worldview. NK should not exists, yet it does.

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