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Is the Oregon coast worth visiting? What happens there?
Not OP but I like twin peaks and would love some cozy comfy towns to visit
Let’s turn this into PNW thread. Thanks. Im moving to Seattle so I want comparative similarities and differences between Seattle and Portland.

Both are crime-ridden, junkie-plagued shitholes. However, Seattle has a larger economy with more money floating around.
Oregon Coast is all time spectacular and definitely one of the most beautiful places in the world. The problem is the weather is good literally like 15 days a year. its also extremely economically depressed
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Quite a bit of it is simply empty. Timber land, national forest, state forest, or just uninhabited due to terrain. Also, Frank Herbert's conception of the desert planet Arrakis in 'Dune' was based on the Oregon dunes north of Coos Bay.
Gorgeous countryside, but full of leftards and gaycationers from commiefornia.
I’m gonna need more specific and nuanced details. I’m tired of hearing the generic slip about muh liberal city living. Who’s got better public transportation? Who’s got the kino parks? I’m not some pencil necked dork teckworker, I’ll let down any fuckin ape that accosts me and curbstomp any bum that does the same so crimefaggots can deepthroat my pecker
I went to Seaside and saw the coast where "The Goonies" was filmed. It was beautiful. I recommend it.
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Yeah, although it's not a short coast. Highway 101 (the main north-south coastal road) is over 350 miles (c. 560km) from the Washington border to the California border. Even in the summer, the weather can be moody and gray along the coast, despite areas a few miles inland being sunny and hot.
Anyone been to Silver Falls?

>Everyone, and I do mean everyone, is full of themselves
>More "I feel in danger" crime
>More expensive
>More rainy
>Also more iconic places, so it can feel more vibey
>The general design/topography is more interesting

>Homeless errywhere
>Boring layout
>Less iconic
>More areas that feel actually run down, with falling apart houses and crumbling streets
>Sliiiightly more varied and interesting people; it's not 100% hard leftists
>Downtown randomly has a kinda cool spooky vibe with some chill bars and shit
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it's nice, go down to Redwoods also if you can.
go in spring when the falls are really flowing. I was there in summer and it was kind of underwhelming. Lots of better waterfalls in Oregon though
Probably better music scene too in Portland? You think?
Seattle seems shit.

Seattle has nice parks, weather, and tech money. Fuck everything else about this mediocre at best city with absolute shit people with rainbows and BLM everywhere. STILL.
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>Good free camping
>Giant rocks and cliffs
>Overpriced small towns
>A bunch of RVs
>Beautiful Scenery
>Chill people for the most part
>White homeless people and/or backpackers
I went in the fall a couple years ago and I loved it. The weather was great when it wasn't raining and the fall foliage was a added bonus. Pic related was the general route I took I probably forgot a few stops

Probably comparable music scene, but Portland may edge it out if you get into the know with people. I'm assuming there are more house shows and shit like that.

Yeah Seattle is basically acting too big for its britches. It's a b-tier city, always has been, trying to act AAA and charge AAA prices.
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If you go hiking off-trail at all, bring a machete. The coast is a temperate rainforest environment. Extremely thick undergrowth in many areas, thorns and brambles, etc. You're not walking around those woods without a means of hacking through that stuff.

The main difference is size. The Seattle-Tacoma region has something like 5 million people. Portland-Vancouver (Washington, not BC) has closer to 2.5. Vancouver (BC) has around 3. Portland is the smallest of the 'big' west coast cities. Seattle kind of feels like a sprawling nightmare to me, especially if you have to travel north-south at all. Portland is easier to escape.
Its absolutely worth visiting, its one of the most gorgeous places in the country. There's nothing to do. Just bring a chair and a blanket and stare at the ocean for a few hours. Maybe take a small hike.
Not my pic, but a good pic.
There's nothing in any town except near Seaside there's Killer Tuna which makes tuna fish n' chips and they're great.
I wanna drift on those roads..
I've always wanted to drive along the coast, go hiking in some of the rainforest-esque areas, and go wine tasting in the Wilamette valley. I have never really heard too much about the cities, but I know multiple people who have done the things I mentioned and claimed it was one of the best US trips they have been on.
If you're visiting Newport, there are two different aquariums located near each other. The Oregon Coast Aquarium is the more famous one (it's where the Free Willy whale was located for a while), and costs $30 to enter. The other one is run by Oregon State University and only costs $5, despite having quite a bit of stuff. So if you're a poorfag, skip the OCA and go for the Marine Science Center nearby.
I just realize that I rarely ever leave the Willamette Valley mainly because I fucking hate driving. Hell, I think the last time I did was last year when I try to go to Silver Falls to see the Perseid Meteor shower and that ended up being a huge bust
I loved driving up the Oregon Coast. It was really beautiful, but you have to catch it in the late summer when the weather is good. There arent a lot of big towns, but it's awesome if you're into hiking, waterfalls, redwood trees, secluded beaches, etc. Canon Beach is amazing. With all that said, route 1 in California is better in literally every way for a road trip. Although, I think the road is fucked up again.
The California and Oregon coasts aren't that similar except close to the border. Coastal California quickly becomes a Mediterranean climate south of the lost coast area. By the time you get to Mendocino, it's getting significantly different from the coastal northwest. Oregon's coast is more like a rainy Bigfoot forest with densely-wooded hills and cliffs plunging dramatically into the ocean.

I should note that Washington's coast is much flatter due to a bunch of bays and inlets, and it is broken up by a big depressing Indian reservation. The coast doesn't get nice again until you get close to British Columbia.
I'm on a road trip up and down Oregon at this very moment. After seeing Crater Lake, the coastal leg of the trip was yesterday and today going to Florence, riding the dune buggies, then arriving in Cannon Beach. It's an absolutely gorgeous drive. Considering how it's pretty brisk for the middle of June I can't imagine there's many warm days a year. We're not outdoorsmen, so our activities have been limited to said dune buggies and staring out to sea from the beach but that's plenty enough for us.
We had dinner at Newport today (Georgie's) but didn't have time for the aquarium either there or at Seaside which bummed me out.
The Hood River Valley has some awesome waterfalls. Mt Hood is an awesome place to camp too.
Seattle feels like a big city. Portland does not. They’re not nearly as bad as the right wing chuds on 4chan tell you. Homeless problem is bad for sure, but it’s mostly contained to certain areas of town that you simply avoid. I’ve always preferred Portland to Seattle. It’s a cool town even with the decline of the last 5-6 years
Oregon coast is naturally gorgeous yet depressing at the same time. The average day is about 50 degrees, gray, windy, and wet. You get ~25 days a year where it’s sunny, warm, and the wind isn’t whipping sand in your eyes. There aren’t really extremes when it comes to weather. Even when the willamette valley is 100 degrees in summer, it’ll be 75 max on the coast.

There are very few people who live on the coast. The OR coastline is hundreds of miles long and there are maybe 150k total people living there. It’s mostly blue collar marine industry workers like fishermen. Lots of tourist trap shit in Newport, Lincoln city and seaside. It always felt grungy to me, like everyone is just barely scraping by with the tourist dollars they earn. Some of the best seafood you’ll ever have. Great clam chowder and fish & chips caught that morning.

Overall it’s a nice place to visit mid-summer but it would be horrible to live there. When I visit I usually get a beach rental in Waldport or Yachats, or even stay at the casino in Lincoln city if there’s cheap rooms available.

Seattle is gigabased if you know how to avoid the drug zombies and don't mind too muvh faggot shit. The scenery is godlike. Bainbridge Island is only a short ferry ride away from the city's problems and the big natural parks and San Juan Islands reasonably close too.
That was my impression also. It's not totally inhospitable but it's very bleak, and the locals are like mentally and physically worn out by it.

>Yeah Seattle is basically acting too big for its britches. It's a b-tier city, always has been, trying to act AAA and charge AAA prices.

You're being too generous by calling it b-tier. It's a c-tier city at best. I've noticed that the only people impressed by Seattle tend to be yokels and hicks from the surrounding region and small town Midwesterners. For people who have actually lived in large metropolitan global cities, Seattle is a provincial backwater.
>The average day is about 50 degrees, gray, windy, and wet. You get ~25 days a year where it’s sunny, warm,

Holy based. FUCK hot weather

If I live in Seattle is it just going to be perpetually overcast and kind of cold/rainy? That’s the most comfy weather

Go fuck one of your barnyard animals
Seattle is an A-list city in economic terms due to gigantic global firms like Microsoft and Amazon, but mostly second-rate as an actual city. It's mostly a lot of dull sprawl, and the non-sprawling areas are plagued by bums and junkies and thieves and the occasional carjacking/gangbanger shooting.

Overall, the city feels like a missed opportunity. It has a fantastic location in terms of its environment, but ends up being disappointing. And some of the outlying suburbs like Kent or Seatac or large chunks of Tacoma have become ghettos.
Seattle is absolutely gorgeous but too gray and expensive
>will Seattle be perpetually gray
Yes. Summers in the Seattle area are incredible, generally low 80s with 16 hours of sun. The other 8-9 months are in the 40s-50s, gray, foggy, raining lightly. The clouds are always low, it feels oppressive after a few weeks. In the winter it’s dark by 4pm.
Anyway, to correct a mis-impression that many people have, neither Seattle nor Portland are on 'the' coast. Seattle is on A coast - the coast of the Puget Sound - but if you cross the water due west from Seattle, you run into more land. Seattle is almost 100 miles from the actual Pacific Ocean. Portland is around 60 miles. Vancouver, BC faces a body of water called the Strait of Georgia rather than the ocean itself.
That sounds amazing ughhhh
Why do you think everyone there is depressed and suicidal
Dude I wasn’t kidding. That sounds amazing. Moody, overcast, foreboding, rainy, introspective, literary weather all year round, “””Seattle freeze””” so the protocol is don’t fucking bother me and being left the fuck alone

No obnoxious Normie faggot sweltering fun in the sun 90 degree shitbag weather making me unable to sleep and wanting to scream.
>average day is 50 degrees, gray, windy, wet
>~25 days a year where it's sunny, warm
>There are very few people who live on the coast
>mostly blue collar marine industry workers

That sounds amazing lmao.
it's fun to visit for a few days. extremely depressing beyond that

>Seattle is an A-list city in economic terms due to gigantic global firms like Microsoft and Amazon,

That's really the only thing that the city has going for it economically. Manufacturing and shipping also but to a lesser extent. That being said 90% of that industry is bullshit and is centered around grifting VC firms out of money.

Seattle's problem is the problem with the entirety of PNW. It's a place for washouts, dropouts, and losers. The region has always been a place where people go to give up on life and live the rest of their days in mediocrity. As my cousin's pothead husband from Jacksonville, FL keenly put it: Seattle is the place where dreams go to die. That's why it will never be a true global city to rival that of LA, Chicago, and NYC. People are what make cities; if most of a city's population is composed of bums and rejects it'll never be anything more than the sum of its parts. It's exactly the same reason why Las Vegas will never be a global city, because you can't class up a joint when most of the denizens are rejects who couldn't afford LA and shady hustlers looking for the next score.
You wouldn’t understand. Go to Miami Beach and shout with a bunch of normies in the sweltering heat.
>Seattle's problem is the problem with the entirety of PNW. It's a place for washouts, dropouts, and losers. The region has always been a place where people go to give up on life and live the rest of their days in mediocrity.

Right up my alley. With the kind of weather I’d love. I’m coming home bros

PNW is where young people go to retire from life.
Seattle will never be a global city because it’s too fucking snap and surrounded by water. Nowhere to expand
Sounds good. I’m 33 and an overnight security guard. I’ll fit right in
Oregon Coast is fantastic. One of the few places on earth that’s beautiful, accessible, but still feels remote. You’ll be the only person on most beaches.

There's plenty of places to expand. The problem is that it's difficult to get any projects off the ground in the region and by chance you do it takes forever to get done. The cause being that the locals are stupid and lazy. No one wants to work here.
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It's very beautiful but I agree with the others that the weather is mixed. Went in late May and got lucky with the weather as it cleared up in the afternoon while going up Mt. Neahkahnie, which is a easy hike. Spent three-ish days going along the coast, will post a few pictures. Also I never noticed that many asians until I went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory.
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Seattle is the peak example of a once-great city filled with exactly the right kind of people turning full distopian because those people all got ruined by too much time online.
Just wonderful
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I spent about 2 weeks from Redwoods all the way up the Oregon Coast last June and it was never foggy/rainy the whole day and only 3 or 4 days for even part of the day.
>Tillamook Cheese Factory.
I think this is the busiest place on the whole coast. free samples though
also not on the coast but the Evergreen Air and Space museum is great.
Didn't see this thread when I made mine so I'll just link mine here
*Grizzly Tuna
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I'd recommend the Cape Perpetua area. Not just the cape, but the whole area has a network of roads and trails that take you into the very lush coastal rainforest of the area. I've gone there in the late-winter/early-spring, and it feels like a Silent Hill game due to the intense fog and mist and the density of the trees.
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I'm currently visiting a friend in Seattle for 2 weeks. Not liking this place so far. Downtown it's all tech bros and asians, it feels absolutely soulless. It feels very fucked to me to have all these homeless people next to huge tech bro apartments.
All bathrooms have passwords cause they are scared homeless are going to go in.
You have some touristy places like Pikes Place Market and the Space Needle which are cool I guess. Even now in late June it's a lot of overcast for a couple of hours of sun, which doesn't fully go down until like 10 PM.
People are a bit stand offish and it's all leftists which is very boring, feels very PC. It's all indians. Everything is dead by like 8 PM and the homeless come out and swarm like 2 whole blocks near downtown, nobody goes there at night.
It is very clearly a work city. I'm sure you could get used to it but personally I would not move here, some pretty scenery or whatever is not worth how depressing it is here and that's saying something cause I'm from fucking Mexico.
I guess I see the appeal if you're from Minnesota or something where the weather sucks but idk. Obviously just the opinion of a tourist so don't take me too seriously.
Seattle is beautiful and absolutely based. You’re just a faggot chud right wing loser who spends too much time on /pol/

The solution is suicide. Please try it immediately.
bro thinks I'm right wing
any wildlife you need to be careful of there?

Its really not because of radically progressive faggots like yourself. Why dont you import another million beaners and and indians to fill your rentals you shitbag.

Its those "right wing" folks that had people masked up like dogs right? Locking everyone down, controling everyone? No, that was YOU people.
nothing happens in the pnw/oregon. maybe check out the california coast instead. If you really do, the drive along yachats to florence is OKAY i guess, be sure to checkout the spots along the way.. But it really is a whole lot of nothing. I wouldn't visit just for the coast personally, unless I'm nearby or driving down to california.
seattle is remarkable in that it's as expensive as nyc (food is moreso though) with 1/100 of the vibrancy. sterile, tech bros. spectacular scenery though a few hours away.
this looks like it'd be an album cover for a post-rock/post-metal band lol.

Spot on observations. It's a sterile and soulless city. No vibrancy or culture. Your average Seattlelite would rather spend Friday evenings at home jacking off to furry porn, rather than being out and about the town. Seattle used to have an excellent music scene, but that's more or less dead due to all of the musicians being priced out by the tech grifters.
Tech bros!
Am I doing it right /pol/?
>locking everyone down
Literally did not happen in America. At worst we had 3 weeks where we couldn’t eat in restaurants or go to the gym
You've never been in the PNW during covid. Everything closed. Everyone insane and self policing.
If you have to go north/south it sure as hell beats I-5 for scenery, but as mentioned ITT there's not a whole lot to do. Many quaint small towns that survive off of summer tourists, lots of hiking opportunities, tourist traps, etc.
An ideal itinerary would be no more than 3-4 days, something like:
> land in Portland, drive out to Rockaway Beach, spend the night
> pick 2-3 spots that you want to stop at along between Rockaway and Newport, spend the night near Newport
> pick 2-3 sports that you want to stop at between Newport and Reedsport, spend the night in Reedsport
> from there drive inland to get onto I-5 and fly out of Eugene or Portland (northbound) or Medford (southbound), about 3 hour drive either direction
^This full route takes around 5 hours if you're going nonstop, so it's less a matter of total distance and more stop-and-go "drive for 30 minutes, get out and do something, repeat 10x".
I like this guys energy. I’m moving there completely blind. I’m gonna make it happen. I’m gonna become a west coaster or I’ll die trying

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You can easily spend more than a day just hiking around Perpetua. The trails go back into the Siuslaw National Forest and have some great views from the hillsides, but it's going to be at least a 17-mile hike if you string together a couple of the main 'loops' to get to the best scenic areas.

There are also places which are somewhat inland from the coast, but still coast-related. Like Marys Peak outside of Corvallis. It's part of the Coast Range, and you get commanding views of the central Willamette Valley from the top, along with some of the Cascade Range mountains on the other side.

Fun fact about Oregon - most crayfish are invasive, and eat fish roe, so there is no license required to harvest them from streams or rivers. And a lot of the forest creeks are FULL of them. The bag limit is 100 per day, but you can have up to 3 bag limits in your possession. Bring a net, and you can catch them by the dozen and have a crawdad cookout by the stream.
I know two people who moved from TX/CO to Seattle and really struggled with the constant gray weather. One left after 3 years and one made it 6 before he went back to CO
I’m a neurotic, literary individual with lots of repressed trauma. I need to be enveloped in ominous, dreary weather to soothe my soul. Loud faggot sun weather oppresses me
That pic comes it up. It's meh 5/10 to most people but some like this guy think that's beautiful
You’ll fit right in in Seattle then. It’s full of neurotic weirdos who love 9 months of gray and light showers
The weather is just fine. It's the fucking people that do it for me. I'm increasingly considering moving out because the people are just such fucking trash. Passive aggressive losers who treat you with attitude just for no reason. All these faggots are the fucking white people too. Nonwhites are generally ok. But there's so many white people here like this it's fucking disgusting. And no I'm not non-white. I'm white, but I'm not a fucking mentally ill loser so I don't fit in at all. It's ridiculous how bad people here are.

I enjoyed the money and weather for a while, but there's more to life than money and rain. No matter how comfy it is.

I'm either going to build a nonwhite social circle or I might be out. I hate these faggots. As fun as it is to mog these losers I'm not sure it's worth it. I'll see how I feel after a couple more months.
Nah fuck it. I'll dig my heels in. Make friends with anyone and watch the white liberal losers pigeon hole themselves into their poverty bubble. Masses of people moving in aren't like these freaks and they'll be drowned out and increasingly displaced eventually.
It's because of Seattle's economy. It's all leftist service workers and code monkeys and engineers. At least 4/5 of them are ultra judgmental and passive aggressive while pretending they're open minded. I hate people like that and it's literally why I moved to the east coast from WA.

Sweetie shouldn't you been in reddit?
are the portlandia type hipsters still there?
they're ultra leftists now. no longer quirky beanie wearing coffee and music enthusiasts, now they're legit insane and want you to be insane with them

>Masses of people moving in aren't like these freaks and they'll be drowned out and increasingly displaced eventually.

You're hoping on a miracle, it's never going to happen. The PNW attracts these types of freaks and mutants like a corpse attracts flies. Most of the normies who come here leave after a couple of years when they realize how shit the region is for having a social life.

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