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Why is so difficult to go there? What is their problem?
Paranoia state, they don’t get along with Morocco at all.
They don't get along with anyone.
desert inbreds ran by slightly less paranoid inbreds who have beef with all their neighbors on who gets to most amount of sand with splotches of dirty watering holes in the North African Server.
It's the biggest country in Africa yet everyone lives on the coast, too hard to keep track of everything and everyone.
They fought against France and they're not aligned with Western Colonial Interests when it comes to shit like Israel so Western Powers try to punish Algeria by making tourist travel more difficult and Algeria responds in kind by making VISA application fucking retarded for Westerners. You can go there on Cruise ship without a VISA but you're pretty limited to the capital Algiers. Sucks because it looks like a beautiful country.
They don't want anyone coming there by the looks of it which is strange because it seems like tourism is all they would have going for it.
and saying "they fought France" when like 10% of France is now Algerian seems a bit hypocritical. What exactly is their problem?
because they get mad when whiteboys steal their wimmin
White men only have to take other groups women because black men took theirs. It's sad really.
This is what /pol/ chuds actually believe.
>the biggest country in Africa
95% of its area is total nothingness though
you only have to keep track of what's happening on that strip of land along the sea
You could say that about nearly all countries in Africa
Not really, they have the highest HDI in Africa without giving a shit about tourism.
They get by just fine as it is.
I don't give two shits what blacks fuck as it's usually fat pigs anyways. I'm always fucking nice black, Indian or Asian girls.
>What is their problem?

Being the grandsons of colonizing french soldiers.
Having small mutilated dicks.
Being a fake country.
Being good for nothing individually and collectively.
Not even being able to profit from huge natural ressources because of how dumb they are.
Ugly women.
Still having victim mentality despite being the third generation since independence.
>Still having victim mentality despite being the third generation since independence.
Not making any excuses but even by most independence wars standards the Algerian War was pretty nasty, if I was French or Algerian I’d probably seethe about it too.
I would really like to visit Algeria seems like a much cooler version of Morocco with less hassle. Guess I'll just have to settle for their colony, France :(
There's nothing worthwhile here


Not even water


Take your meds
>seems like a much cooler version of Morocco
That's Tunisia
Malaysia is the standout exception.
French soldiers committed mass rape on Algerian girls during the 1962 war, resulting in rape babies like Mohamed Garne.
And before the French it was the Turks and before them the Spaniards and before them the Arabs
It is just a wasteland with zero identity or culture of its own.
Staggering amount of butthurt in this thread. I imagine from French and Moroccans who have an axe to grind.

The country is lovely form what I've heard, I'm interested to hear about experiences.
>The country is lovely form what I've heard
It isn't
>tourist travel more difficult
How ?
By being a shithole
They got top tier free infrastructure from the French and not only failed to maintain them but deliberately sabotaged them
Not a problem per se, but algeria just doesn't want you here. It is an isolationist country that relies on oil and the extremely developed french colonial infrastructure to make its country function. Granted, it is barely afloat and relies heavily on imports, but that allowed it to be relatively independent when it came to foreign policy and influences.

Historically speaking, Algeria and Morocco are not unlike North and South Korea respectively if both were fucking retarded and full of towelheads, never to be freed of corruption. Morocco followed a, pro-US approach which helped them take control of the Western Sahara region, whereas Algeria adopted a more socialist position like a few other arab countries.

As a result, Morocco got fully hit by globohomo, but, while initially poorer, has managed to fully bridge the gap economically at least, at the cost of a drug riddled economy and overall moral degeneracy, Algeria on the other hand, managed to retain some semblance of moral integrity at the cost of having to import dried milk every year and praying to Allah that their oil reserve never gets depleted.

The shitshow you are currently witnessing is a combination of Moroccans thinking their country is better when it had exactly the same problem of being backed by a non-limited natural resource (phosphates), and Algerians being too proud to admit that their country is basicallyand had always been a post-chavez Venezuela.

Oh and their president was literally the Corpse Emperor from Warhammer 40k for a while.

The sentence was : algeria was punished by foreign powers by making its travel to there more difficult.

Were you the person i responded to ?
I meant has. Granted, that is only 5% of moroccan gdp compared to the whopping 30% algeria makes on oil.
>Were you the person i responded to ?
Algeria was on the verge of bankruptcy before the russian invasion of ukraine
The foreign reserves went from 200 billion usd in 2014 to 67 billion usd in 2019. It has risen now to 80 billion thanks to the rise in energy prices but instead of trying to diversify, they doubled down on the retardation
That's not what bankruptcy means retard, $200B in reserves is way more than normal for an economy that size. Currently that would put Algeria in the top 15 of countries in the world, while 80B puts it in the top 30.
Reread what I wrote retard
They were burning through their reserves because they import almost everything and energy prices were very low which accounts for 90% of their foreign currency
>puts it in the top 30.
not when you need it to buy everything that isn't hydrocarbon
>not when you need it to buy everything that isn't hydrocarbon
Funny that you say that because they buy fuels as they can't refine it at home
They only sell raw materials
>I'm interested to hear about experiences.

That's the point of the thread, nobody has experiences from there because they won't let anyone in. Some anons have used France colonizing them 100 years ago as the reason even though 99% of the world isn't France.
We told you algerians have mental issues, that's not a random statement.
They hate all westerners because they are the rape children of French soldiers for a good third of the population, they hate Morrocans because they want to take morocan territory (they are also DEEPLY jealous of Morocco's economical success), they hate the rest of Africa because they are very racist against blacks (they are probably the most racist people left), and so on.
It's pretty much "Daddy Issues" the country.
I had prepared a very hateful post about Algeria. And yet I realized it was pointless, and there is enough hate in this world. I think what they need is compassion, like when you're compassionate with anyone living with a deeply seated inferiority complex. I'm becoming wiser guys. I only wish for Algerians that they fix their issues, accept who they are and join back the international community as worthy members. We're all humans after all.
>I only wish for Algerians that they fix their issues, accept who they are and join back the international community as worthy members.
Will never happen but I appreciate the sentiment
Of what was said in this thread, what was true and what was not true?
He's not Algerian, and I can't think of a single thing from this thread that is accurate.
t. actual Algerian
Everything was true except the two posts I adviced to take their meds here

Emchi t9awad
There's an entire community called Koloughli descended from Ottoman Turkish men and North African women (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya). Their women have been fucked by their occupiers for centuries.
Ok but in all seriousness, to those who have been here, where and how did you apply for a visa? I kinda want to travel the country independently but something tells me I have to rely on a travel agent to do that.
I've done it and there's no magic involved, I'm baffles that people think it's difficult nowadays, it's a bit of a hassle to fill in the paperwork but the procedure itself is straightforward.
Just apply to the embassy in your country and provide the requested documents, if the paperwork checks out they have no reason to deny your visa, you don't need a travel agent at all.
>ugly women
wrong as fuck


Ignore the retards on this thread. Algeria isn't opening up easily because:

1. The last time they tried this ''democracy'' thing in the 1990s the islamists took power and the army had to step in to cancel the elections, causing an all out civil war with rampant terrorism that lasted until about 2002. About 150,000 people were killed. Since then the country has been very aggressive in controlling migration flows so they don't let people in easily by fear of having al qaeda members in the maghreb region entering to commit other crimes. The risks mainly come from niger and mali.

2. The beef with Morocco is about the western sahara part which both countries want. Also keep in mind Morocco tried to invade Algeria twice in the past so it didn't help their relations either. Politically relations are tense but people get along very well, in the border regions it's common to see moroccans and algerians chilling together.

3. Due to the war against terrorism there the investments in tourism stalled a lot so they couldn't develop much of the sector until very recently. Now things are changing with many european groups trying to expand in algeria.

4. Getting visas is difficult still but it's getting better, it used to take almost 2 years for a foreigner to get a visa and now it takes only a few months. They used to be paranoid about visas because abductions by terrorist cells were common back then and they didn't want the bad press of a foreigner being abducted while backpacking in the mountains for example. But things will get smoother with time as the tourism industry develops, especially now that terrorists have been wiped out basically.

5. Algerians are actually pretty chill folks, most are welcoming and unless you walk into absolute ghetto areas with drug addicts no one will bother you. The migrants you see in europe doing bad shit are exactly the types of criminals and parasite scum the country wants to get rid of to begin with.
>t. seething algerian

Im italian you nigger lover, visited algeria in 2019.
>The migrants you see in europe doing bad shit are exactly the types of criminals and parasite scum the country wants to get rid of to begin with.
If only. A lot of them are average guys who end up trapped in either debt, shitty slave labor or acquiring a a drug addiction on the trip over. either that or traumatized from the trip over, more so if it was an alt desert route.
Actual good take in this thread filled with seething Moroccans and Frenchmen?
>Actual good take
Not that good
>this thread filled with seething Moroccans and Frenchmen
why would they seethe about your shithole?
Morocco gets 14mil tourists every year and France gets close to 90mil
It is the last country in earth to ban leaded gasoline so it's still dangerous

>Algeria became the last country on earth to halt the use of leaded gasoline, marking a step forward for global health and safety.
>The toxic fuel has contaminated air, soil and water for almost a century. It can cause heart disease, cancer and strokes, and it has been linked to problems with brain development in children.
>Many countries banned the fuel by the 1980s, but it was only in July 2021 that Algeria became the last country to ban it.
>The capital Algiers is one of the worst cities alongside Damascus, Syria and Tripoli, Libya

how does it compare to Libya? how much spillover is there
>mo9ran is still spamming the thread in hopes anyone will quote him
>Oh and their president was literally the Corpse Emperor from Warhammer 40k for a while.

Ok, I am going to need you to elaborate a bit more on this.



People think biden is too old when this guy hasn't even spoken a word for over 12 years in his "term"
>Algerians are actually pretty chill folks
>The migrants you see in europe doing bad shit are exactly the types of criminals and parasite scum the country wants to get rid of to begin with.
U sure about that??

My company does a decent amount of work in Algeria so I have several co-workers who have been. The consensus is that it fucking sucks.
Any stories?

That the equivalent of going to compton in LA and then saying white americans are violent degenerates

Are you retarded ?
>Are you retarded ?
Are you??
That's different race and different culture from the average white American, those people in the vid are the same ones in Europe (same culture)
And that city "Oran" is a large metropolitan area
Why go to Algeria when Tunisia is right there?
Not OP, but Algeria seems like you could get the RealTraveller™ experience. Tunisia looks cool though too. I did Morocco, and while it was great, I constantly felt I was being ripped off (spoiler: I was). Touts were obnoxious as fuck.

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