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What is the most disgusting thing you've eaten abroad? For me, it was definitely 童子蛋 (tong zi dan), aka Virgin Boy Egg in China. In Zhejiang, it's essentially a delicacy to eat eggs that have been hard-boiled in the urine of young boys. Disgusting I know, but hey, 'When in Rome...' as they say, lol. I also ate bugs and bats (average chinese cuisine) in 中国, but the piss eggs had to be the most vile.
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Literally anything in India. The country is so extremely dirty that it affects everything. Cows and dog piss and shit on the street, open sewage, trash everywhere, designated shitting streets, dust from the roads cause the government refuses to clean anything. All these things get mixed up together and as cars and tuktuks driver over it it goes into the air. in some areas its so bad that it looks like a dust storm. This is all because the government refuses to clean the streets. These little mini dust storms can move shit and trash particles hundreds of meters away. Any street vendor be selling food that literally has this dust on it. Whats worse is that to the local indians think this is completely normal to them. I can't think of a country dirtier than this shithole. Villages in Thailand, Vietnam and China come off looking like Switzerland compared to Indias capital. To make matters worse the food they'll be selling will likely be expired, touched by their shitstained hands and unwashed.

I've eaten street food in literal dozens of third world countries. In India its the only place I didn't because it may kill me.
Oh look its this thread for the 99th time now. Enjoy your 50 cents.
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>Oh look its this thread for the 99th time now. Enjoy your 50 cents
I don't believe you actually ate the boy eggs. If you did, then I applaud your bravery, but you should have remembered "pics or it didn't happen" while you were doing it. Faggot.
why would I take a picture? it looks like an average tea egg
so just avoid street food. I did when I was in India. I didn't have any issues except the one time everything was closed and I needed breakfast before a flight so I chanced it with street food and got delhi belly. restraunts are fine to eat at in my experience
I haven't eaten anything disgusting abroad. I guess the thing that would be most disgusting to most people is balut, but it's actually tasty so I don't count it.
you should count it because it's disgusting
Serious question. Why has this exact same thread been posted every 2 months for at least 2 years now?
Is it a bot?
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>Serious question. Why has this exact same thread been posted every 2 months for at least 2 years now?
Is it a bot?
undercooked chicken cordon bleu in a classy restaurant in Lanzarote that gave me food poisoning from two bites
Have you tried it unironically? Or have you tried it ironically, even?
no it's gross
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>not eating rocks
street food is getting crazy these days
oh look this post again, stop projecting your banality faggot
next time you do something foul remember to take a picture! Underage as fuck
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>oh look this post again, stop projecting your banality faggot
usually someone else takes the picture
lmao I send pics like this to my chinese friend on wechat all the time, she always says "chinese men aren't manly" and is googling flights to my city rn
Feels good knowing I'll get to fuck her soon.
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Can you believe this spammer is actually a pajeet? Many such cases
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Just avoid the street food in India saar everything else is alright maderchod
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>Not eating cow poo
>Not recognizing India #1 superpower
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>chinese men aren't manly
this is the number one reason the White Man thrives in china. I've heard numerous chinese women say that, call them weak, say they are mommy's boy, etc. it's hilarious how fragile and undesirable chinese men are
I don't likee dis thread
I got food poisoning from a burger king in France
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chinese food is on a whole different level
The last dim sim in the reheating tray at the only Asian food vendor open at 6am or whatever at Hong Kong airport.
That's fucking disgusting. Why do Chinese people digest young boy's urine?
a 60-something homeless woman living at the Hong Kong airport offered to suck my peepee when I was in my mid-twenties
Goes back to Traditional Chinese Medicine. They will eat things like moon bear bile and snake penis lmao. absolutely disgusting. you don't even see this kind of savage behavior in Africa.

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