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> host gril
> 23 years old, cute, from latin america
> hit it off on day 1, she throws her leg over mine on the couch, start kissing
> she asks to sleep in my bed with me
> day 3, make out hard in the morning
> start going for 3rd base, go too far, she says "wait wait!" while laughing and i stop
> days 4-5 she leaves super early in the morning, no kiss, barely a word, comes back late at night
> day 6 spends night at the hostel without telling me, her stuff is still at my place
> returns with her friend "to help pack" (she barely has any stuff)

damn how did i fumble so bad. thinking about sending a "sorry" text. she's already left and i'm still processing how it felt to go from intimate to uncomfortable around me in less than a week. the rejection hurts so bad even though we didn't know each other that well.

cs general i guess
She "asked" to sleep in your bed and you didn't fuck her?
This isn't a couchsurfing thread, it's a turboautist thread.
>thinking about sending a "sorry" text
you mean "hope u had a good stay, pls leave a good rating, xoxo"?
>> start going for 3rd base, go too far, she says "wait wait!" while laughing and i stop

lmao she wasnt laughing and you escaped a rape accusation lmao

sure, sure, she still a whore and clownworld is at its peak but you dodged a bullet
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Imagine making this thread on /trv/ of all places. Anon, you gave her the ick, game over, who knows why. Women are very emotional compared to men, ESPECIALLY Latin women. They don't logic thing out constantly. Maybe some hotter guy flirted with her the next day and that was that, you were out. Maybe you didn't play it cool enough when she was fighting you escalating in bed. Maybe you got too needy, too focused on her reactions and her liking you. Who knows. All we know is you gave her the ick somehow and all you're going to do is give her a bigger ick if you text her some approval seeking beta shit like sorry. Women do not respect your apologies, your weakness. All that does is create the mental frame between both of you that you're guilty of something. Is that something the man you'd want to be, the man you'd look up to, would do? Of course not. He'd be laughing it off thinking bitches be crazy and after the next one, not taking it deep to the heart like there was something unworthy about him.

Anon, there's nothing unworthy about you, just the fact she made out with you in the first place puts you leagues beyond most guys on this website. You've gotta get out of the mindset that failure in any way makes you worthless. Failure is essential, essential, to success. It's part of the journey. You hear me? Fucking up is part of the journey. Open yourself to it, embrace it, expect it to happen again because it's going to, in every aspect of life. Only when you aren't afraid of failing, aren't trying to control women's feelings and every outcome, will you truly be able to succeed.
don't bother apologizing. Women are like cats. One second you cuddle and she purrs, the next second she hisses and scratches you because you did something minor wrong. For her making out might be the same as hugging, and you escalating was too much. Not really any of your fault.
Ohh man I'm happy I'm not the only one hopeless with women lmao

My last sexual encounter while travelling was in a hostel and I came in 20 seconds

She literally laughed and said already
Still think back in embarrassment
sounds like a failure to launch, and no I'm not using that as a euphemism for you not be able to get an erection. just didn't work, she was into you and then she wasn't. who fucking knows.

onto the next, its not a big deal. the worst thing that can happen here is she leaves you a shitty rating and fucks up your profile. I really do not recommend couchsurfing/couchers as a dating app in the [current year]. people are not as free and uninhibited as they used to be.

I've slept with more than a dozen of the women I've either hosted/surfed with, but I've had vastly more fun hosting guys (mainly Irish and Aussies) who want to go out to the bars and pick up women. yeah you wind up getting pasted and only get laid about a third of the time, but usually you find somebody you can genuinely connect with and be open to about what's going on in your life. women just don't fucking understand anything and just want to be validated on their feelings. its exhausting.

people uncomfortable with male connection (leftists, women mostly) will think this is gay, but they just don't get it. of course.

whatever, I went off the rails with this one. point I'm making is you should move on.
Imagine fucking a spic

yeah. i think because she was legit catholic (went to mass etc.)

wow this is exactly what i needed to hear. why does 4chan consistently give better advice than reddit? anyway it was funny how she kept acting cordial through text over the next few days. just zero physical contact after that. when she picked up her stuff, she left me a gift (hat from her country which i thought was cool). we hugged, i tried to kiss her one last time and she kinda turned her head to make it a semi cheek kiss. oh well, ya i need to move on.
> people are not as free and uninhibited as they used to be

ain't that the truth. im an oldfag (been on 4chan almost 20 yrs). i remember college girls on craigslist offering sex for their summer apartment sublets. whole internet felt like echoes sex positivity burning man culture. not today.
I can’t believe coucshurfing is still alive after the greedy leftists destroyed original cs, is the new alternative as good as the original?

as for the girl, just charge that one to the game, who knows what went through the whores mind, you did nothing wrong
if she wanted to sleep in bed with you she wanted to have sex with you
don't believe the catholic story, many catholic girls have one night stands and go to confession later
you fumbled it
did you spoon her? did you get her sexually pent up and frustrated by being near her, breathing on her neck, holding your hand against her tummy but not making a move? pushing into her, feeling your large and rock solid erection magnetized to her buttocks but still not doing anything "wrong"?
you gotta get them so frustrated and pent up but act like nothing is going on and that you don't care at all about sex until they literally jump on your dick with their soaking wet, swollen and red hot pussy
>why does 4chan consistently give better advice than reddit?
4chan selects for people who value truth over conformity. Most humans have that herd instinct to conform to the loudest, most powerful voice. But that usually belongs to a moron because most humans are morons. Those of us who are low conformity have to hide because the herd is always more powerful than the lone individual even if he's right. Cancel culture is this in action. Dare speak the truth? We'll destroy you!

>she kept acting cordial through text over the next few days. just zero physical contact after that. when she picked up her stuff, she left me a gift (hat from her country which i thought was cool). we hugged, i tried to kiss her one last time and she kinda turned her head to make it a semi cheek kiss.

Women have friendship receptors just like we do, nice people who you like. Then they have attraction receptors that look for different personality traits because unlike men, a huge portion of their attraction is based on behaviour. From the quoted lines, you've inadvertently hit more friendship receptors than attraction receptors. That's all, nothing wrong with it, with you, you've just gotta learn that her liking you has nothing - NOTHING - ZERO CROSSOVER - with her being attracted to you.

Attraction receptors are hit by things like confidence, height, dominance, power, fearlessness, muscles, assertion, status, strength, etc. Ultra masculine traits. Hence why deadbeat criminals always get laid. Whether women like them or not, deadbeats set off attraction receptors and attraction is the most powerful force when it comes to dating.

But you can't just have attraction traits, you need a balance. Too much ultra-masculine is also a turn off. For most of us that's not an issue, the issue is not enough ultra-masculine, we're already nice guys. But nice guy = pussy like the sahara desert. So you need to balance it up and risk being disliked if you want her to be wet for you.
>why does 4chan consistently give better advice than reddit?
Because on leddit you aren't anonymous and there is a culture of McCarthyism. Advice is based on how much upvotes you might get, and the reality that people will look up your post history so people will stay clear of most current mainstream no-no opinions also mods are just gonna delete you for small mistakes. If you find an anon who isn't some incel or chud with acutal life experience here, then you will get better advice on most topics since they can just be blunt and unfiltered.
I can smell the reddit advice already.
>Anon abused his power as the host and sexually assaulted the girl. She clearly didn't consent to sex and wanted just to kiss and feel safe. Apologize right now to her! (Insert 500 more words)...402 upvotes
it is easier to understand the path of a leaf in the winds of a hurricane than the inner machinations of a young woman
yeah that's why i didn't bother posting on reddit. 90% would be calling me a rapist and say i should turn myself in, 10% would be PUA retardism
that could be possible lol. i saw her instagram and noticed she had beach pics but none of them showed her clearly in a bikini. like she'd be obscured by the water or it'd be a silhouette. on insta-thot scale it was like 2/10.

i really want to write her a neutral reference on couchers mentioning how she ditched me for the majority of her stay, since couchers isn't supposed to be a free hotel, but then i'm afraid she'll leave me a negative reference saying that i made her uncomfortable. if there's even a whiff of assault in a reference, i'd probably have to delete my account. best case would be a positive reference from a woman to get more women to try to request me as a host.

thanks. copy n saved to my life advice notes.
BTW, she gave a reason for wanting to sleep in my bed. i have cats and she said she didn't want them jumping on her at night on the couch. so clearly the best answer is to jump into bed with a guy you've known 6 hours lmao
>start going for 3rd base, go too far, she says "wait wait!" while laughing

She saw your microdick.
(S)He had a bigger dick than you bro.
>didn't open the door
>didn't get on the floor
>didn't wall the dinosaur
That's where you fucked up
You'll be fine anon. I can feel your good energy through here. Just keep what I said in mind about the difference between friendship and attraction receptors and it will explain a lot about women's behaviour from here on out. In the future if you're having trouble with a girl's attraction up the ultra-masculine stuff. On the other hand if you're hurting her all the time tone the ultra-masculine stuff down and be more of a nice guy. That's literally all there is to managing women. Nowhere near the rocket science modern onions men have made it out to be.
haha this is TOTALLY a travel thread and not just a fag-tier /r9k/ thread!
Great post
>i really want to write her a neutral reference on couchers mentioning how she ditched me for the majority of her stay,
don't be salty, leave a positive review and say she was clean, courteous and fun
probably right. i just found out that people don't see each others' references until they're both written, so we can't retaliate. but yeah it'd look bad on me if i'm bitching, since anyone can look up references that i've left from my profile.
its still going, nowhere near as strong as it was 2015-2020 and obviously even then vibe in those "decent" years was was way shittier than when couchsurfing was pre-VC money. I pay the three bucks a month and I still get people coming through.

couchers struggled but its starting to gain some real steam, its been four years (over four years) since CS started charging and Couchers is by far the best, and to my mind only, viable replacemnt. but theyre still in beta for some reason and its full of weird non binary types. its hard to find normal people on couchers.

I still get more requests from couchsurfing but couchers is catching up.
ya what's the deal enbies on couchers. they're like 0.001% of the population but 20% of couchers users.

it does seem to be picking up. in the past month, i've gotten 3 requests. normally i get that many requests in like 6 months.
I nut in 20 seconds but then i eat the pussy and ass and stuff and get hard again and last a decent while. And then i will usually Bust a third nut too and then hit it once or twice in the morning
Hopefully OP stole couchgirls panties
Ill try that strategy next time im in a similar situation. Thx. You got any other tip? Cold approach or escalating flirtin into a successful number grab? But then also a success to get her to meet after the numbers obtained..
Latinas prefer BBC
I hate AI
Probably someone promoting it in their safe space of the internet to get free lodging because they do it for free on Reddit
I never host them, I want nothing to do with any of it and getting doxxed on Reddit for some microaggression is not my idea of what couchsurfing should be. So I’ve never really had any chance to actually suss these people and figure out what’s going on, but I would imagine it’s a weird sex thing. Couchsurfing had a lot of that, a lot of guys back in the day would request to stay with me and it was clearly some weird gay thing. I had to put in my profile that I wasn’t gay and even that did not make it stop.

Idk whatever, people use these things as dating apps half the time anyways.
>what's the deal enbies on couchers
if I had to guess, lots of "my parents abuse me!!!!! (read: won't pay for gender surgery)" failed fundraisers so they couchsurf as an alternative
In my experience when you sleep in the same bed as a woman and don't fuck her she looses all interest in you.

Should have tried harder maybe? Or asked her out and shown her a good time, then back to your place.
Yeah I remember on CS in LA, there was one major host who said he liked doing nude photography and that he may ask you to model for him. WTF. I posted on the forum about this and some CS admin flagged me for harassment and I think they were friends
Alright help an autist out. What's the move to start making out? Say we both get in bed she's on her side and opens the covers for you, you think she's keen what do you do?
It's only gay if you are taking it, if you are giving it you're still straight
T. Homolord
You're both in bed? Nudge her to get her interest or playfully poke/tickle to get her interested. Or you can defuse awkwardness by saying something like "Come here often?" And use that to hit the "we are in a sexual place together"
i just re-signed up for couchsurfing, paid the $2.99 to get back into my account. registered in 2006. wow, still a lot of hosts in my city. like 30 or so active vs. 4 active on couchers. checked out a few and they're mostly guys who only host women. never change.
This shit never happened
Also I can't even imagine wanting to immediately have sex with a 3rd worlder that is relying on couch surfing lmao It's like you want HIV

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