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shortly i will travel to nz/australia, what should i wear? how do I pack lightly?
phone, wallet, passport.
toothbrush in your jacket pocket.
just buy shit if you need it there.
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>asinine, low effort questions
>bumping a thread an hour later on one of the slowest boards on this hellsite
wow. genuinely needed it. ive lost my mind for a bit, thx.
do you seriously need help about suitcases? KEK
A hat and sun screen
sunscreen spf50 always no matter the weather on face ears neck arms, its winter here rn so if youre coming soon you dont need only shorts, good hiking boots that youve broken in.
how long
activities planned
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go on plebbit to learn about packing.
/trv/ was for sx tourism recommendations, now that is against the rules. so this place is good for nothing other than laughing at autistic people complaining about japan
If güerito = wear brownface
Seriously as anon says if you're not used to the sun you'll get sunburn so buy some sunscreen ( you can do it when you get here -- can be bought anywhere but if you ask in a pharmacy / "chemist" (drugstore) they'll help you choose.
Sunglasses. Cap or hat. The weather's generally pretty mild heading out of winter into spring. A denim jacket, zip up wind jacket or similar is useful. Just dress as you would in California

One pair of pants, no undies and 2 shirts. Socks are over rated wear thongs only.

Take one puffer jacket you'll fit right in, buy a hat from bunnings to wear everywhere.
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Footy shorts
Hi vis polo shirt
the fuck I know? you know

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