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I lived through a long hiatus and now am back healthy and doing my boating and GMDSS license. After I finish I wanna go on a long as holiday and do some hands on boating.

Here is the thing though, where do I find friends/a group of people to go on an adventure with me. I left my old friends behind because of my hiatus and they aren't into sea adventures. Join a local club?

What else can I do? If I go to a hostel, are the people there usually smart and enthusiastic or are they normies wanting to get drunk?
You can buy ads on google. You target the the demographics you're looking for and write a textual ad along these lines : "Looking For New Friends Into Sailing After a Hiatus. Call Me If You Want To Meet Me". And you add your phone number. Then you target searches such as "How to make friends that are into sailing", or "where do I meet people to sail with".
Best place is the sailing schools/clubs you go to for learning. The one I go to has afternoon sails for members. I'm usually the youngest there among retirees or folks close to that age looking for a new hobby. You would want to ask the skipper/instructors about finding folks in your area.

I don't hear about many people doing long trips in my area, unless it's for some sort of delivery or several experts getting away for the week. Enter races and you can network from there. If you do good the you can build a reputation and people will probably invite you to join them and their rich friend on his yacht in Sausalito.
Thanks, that sounds good.
lmao even

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