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What are some of the worst places/cities in America
the worst place is this thread because you make it every fucking week
Yeah, idc
Any inner city in the northeastern quarter of the country.
Was going to say Detroit but looks like that has been annexed by Canada.
Detroit, Chicago, debatably Boston.
This. Trumptard states are the boring flat and filled with NPCs
The first thing that made me laugh today. Bravo.
The Mississippi Delta South. States like:
>Western Tennessee
>SE Missouri (or even all of MO)
Throw Oklahoma and Alabama too while you’re at it. It’s wild how the South is lumped all together when the Carolinas, 2/3 of Tennessee and Georgia are considerably better and distinct from the rest of the South
I've only travelled around the western states but so far it's Bakersfield, CA. Just a depressing place to be. There are plenty of towns that are worse than Bakersfield by some metrics, but nothing else has felt so culturally and socially devoid
Seattle is shit right now. Thanks to King county marxists. Enjoy the PNW. It's ripe dogshit.
All the cities in the Central Valley are like that. The only thing that keeps Fresno from the bottom of the trash heap is proximity to the Sierras, great /out/ potential.
St Louis

It's a complete shithole and largely empty. Most of the buildings in downtown are abandoned.
The sidewalks are almost entirely covered in broken glass. Years of glass buildup, wear thick boots if you plan on being on any sidewalk.
One out of every three people you will see is a drug addict that will bug you for money. No matter where you are, it does not have to be a street corner, in grocery stores, Target, and every single gas station, some asshole will walk up to you and beg for money.
Just the perfect latitude to be 100+ in the summer and below 0 in the winter.
Really really foul smelling river makes the entire east side of town smell like pure shit
There are no police, like at all. The town is abandoned by any form of law enforcement so nobody stops at any red light or stop sign. Wrecks happen almost hourly. Same issue when needing to cross a street, nobody stops when they are supposed to.
New Orleans
Just about every major city is rancid unless you're just passing through to see the skylines or exclusively staying in posh areas of them.
These two idiots hate the outdoors and likely are the same ghetto gang bangers in inner cities who think they are of mad culture.
pretty much this. Would also expand to the midwest.
In my experience
>Jackson, MS
>Birmingham, AL
>Baton Rouge, LA
>Most Major cities in the South really
>Orlando, FL
>Cleveland, OH
>Any town or city in West Virginia
>Midwest states
Cornfields and basedbean fields. The Midwest is the worst region in the U.S. for the outdoors. Minnesota and Michigan are decent, the rest are terrible. The west coast has basically every biome you can think of, the Rocky Mountains have some of the most untouched wilderness on the planet, the East coast has the Appalachian mountains and tons of non-built-up beaches, and the south has old growth forests, beaches, and swamps. Most of the Midwest is farmland. Officially you’ll see thin woods on the side of an interstate.
t. Grew up in Indiana and have spent time in every Midwest state but Nebraska
>the rest are terrible
Kill yourself retard. Western South Dakota have incredible outdoors. So do Wisconsin and Minnesota. Even some of the other states have incredible places if you know how to look and not just some car camper retard.
Realistically, places like Baltimore and Oakland and Minneapolis and Detroit where there is basically no rule of law and it is not uncommon for residents to be victims of property crime or violent crime at least once a year
>ACKSHUALLY this 0.1% of the Midwest has good outdoors so TAKE THAT!
The point is that the other regions have good nature everywhere you 70 IQ retard. Only in the Midwest do you have to go to a very specific location on the fringe edges of the region to find something that isn’t flat farmland or suburbia. In the Rockies, the coasts, and most of the south, you can walk blindfolded in any direction for 10 minutes and find something beautiful.
All the states circled in red could be wiped off the map and I wouldn't give a fuck
The worst I've been to are Memphis, Richmond Virginia, Philadelphia, St Louis, Oakland, and Portland.
Retarded take. Utah, Wyoming and Colorado are 3 of the best states in the country. Most of the top national parks are in those 3 states.
And there's fuck all else to do there. They're also hundreds of miles from any coast and full of standoffish, stuck-up white people (the ones from Idaho are also racist) whose entire personality is hiking and the outdoors because again, there's fuck all else to do. I don't need to find some gruesome way to die in Yellowstone, and if I felt like going a week without a cellphone connection I'd go to Yosemite instead
phoenix probably
>literally hell in terms of temperature, no human should live there
>just golf courses for retirees.
The only place I've ever been in St. Louis is the beer brewery and the World's Fair Park. Both seemed pretty nice, though driving to them we passed a lot of aging urban blocks that had nothing going on. Second-weirdest moment was driving to a fancy brand-new Starbucks next to the brewery on a completely empty street with empty parking lots on all sides. It was almost like the city was on holiday.
>Not white
That's your problem. Those are some of the best states if you're white or white-adjacent, like an Asian.
Stop, you're making the mountain west sound more based than it actually is.
The fact that you tell me these places are filled with whites who are racist against brown people only makes me want to go more.
Yosemite is cool for like the first week in June before the crowds get insane and it's not too hot. After that, it's a nightmare all summer. The best ski towns and resorts in the US are in Utah, Montana and Colorado. There are dozens of amazing small mountain towns in Colorado that are worth visiting all year. Vegas to Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of my all time favorite routes I've ever taken on a road trip. There are so many awesome towns in that part of the US that I love, Park City, Lava Hot Springs Idaho, Coeur d'Alene, Durango, Ouray, Telluride, Park City, Jackson Hole, Missoula. It's pretty obvious you've never been or you wouldn't be saying retarded shit.
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tell me about amarillo, why does he wear the mask
The only area of St Louis I've visited was between the Arch and the City Museum, and there were police cars every 100 feet.
Inner city like ghetto? They’re no worse in the Northeast than in the Midwest or South.
I don’t really like the South. A lot of America is fucking ugly and trashy, but in the South even the nice parts kinda rub me the wrong way because of the people. Southerners can just be kind of annoying.
>fuck all else to do there
lol, I swear to god this thread is filled with chinese tourist from Canada that have no idea what they are talking about.
So much this

No diversity so nuke em
I was there recently and would kinda agree? I mean there's endless shit to do in the outdoors but if you're not into that you're kinda fucked, unless you live in Denver or something.
Unless you’re an outdoors fanatic, denver is completely mid
I’m moving here at some point in the near future, literally going in blind. Drop a few inhabitable neighborhoods if you don’t mind. How’s the university district?
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read on Trv. Colorado has dozens of amazing beautiful resort towns in the mountains. You're either lying about having been to the mountains, or literally retarded.
New Mexico, New Jersey, the south, Detroilet, Gary Indiana, Memphis, St. Louis, Smell-A, all garbage pits.
why are you so angry over a pile of rocks, it ain't that serious lil nigga
>fuck all else
Obviously not American. Opinion discarded
Pittsburgh. The weather is horrible with 6 months of cold and 4 months of rain when warmer. You are lucky to have two good months of weather. Also the population is older, I think second only to Florida in old people. The wages are lower, which historicaly hasn't been a problem cause real estate was cheap. Then it became a big hub for flipping houses and the prices of houses and rentals climbed a lot.
There's probably a handful of people that actually travel in here. Otherwise, most of these suckers are drive thru, just looked around and kept going (or worse, sat on a plane). You would know Idaho/Arizona is basically owned by the Mormons of Utah, Montana priced people out (because they want to keep it the same cowboy culture as it should) ND is the cheapest and least taxed State in the country (modern day frontier) SD is on the rise. The whole overlooked Northern reach is very accepting country, the amount of faces and cultures calling it home. Made my fortune in these regions, now I've been able to go everywhere, all thanks to the great people of the North. ND, Montana, Minnesota gave people like me a chance, and now we're going to create something beautiful and true.
The Northeast, particularly Philly. Baltimore sucks ass, Trenton is dogshit, and Martha’s Vineyard is about as fun as grandmas yeast infected cunt 11 months out of the year. Texas is an overrated commercialized shithole, and Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa are the most boring places on this planet. Other than that, most states have something great to offer. Don’t listen to fags that say “Midwest, south, Cali, FL, WA, etc”. These are people who have either 1. Lived in those states and hate them because they’re losers in their respective state or 2. Have never been or just been once and had a poor experience/believe stereotypes.

>t. Has been to 49 states and spent considerable time in over 30
Can you elaborate? Northern Idaho and western Montana are very beautiful, Colorado and Wyoming have nearly everything an outdoors person would want (no beach though), the Dakotas have the badlands and Black Hills.
Very few people or niggers per square mile. You're bug brain wouldn't be able to cope without city life.

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