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Best places for this feel that isn't the Alps? I don't just mean mountains, I mean beautiful mountain/valley towns
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Christ the fact that people get to live here is mind boggling to me. I have to live in faggot ass dc with all the spooks and watch some nigger overdose while you're watching a blissful mountain valley. Fuck the USA multiculturalism killed it. Save europe before its too late.
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Japan has a few old mountain towns and there’s Leavenworth in Washington of course.

You have to appreciate however that in the rest of the world mountains = underdevelopment. It’s rural as rural can get.
It's looks so perfect and Comfy bros...what's the catch? Life in this area has to suck in some way

My whole life I used to go to a neighbouring village there during summer. Yes it was pure bliss. Only non-European tourists were Japanese or the good kind Americans.
Now it's getting overrun with tiktokkers, dubai arabs, and so many, I mean holy shit so many obnoxious Indians.

For life there: summer is amazing. Winter is nice if you like skiing, everything else is meh. The sun sets quickly behind the mountains. The tourists get annoying. Housing prices are absurd, yet the only decent jobs are in tourism. Getting out of there takes a long time on one single road. The glaciers are melting before your eyes, every year a bit less.
Views are amazing and never stop being so but aside thst it's like living in a theme park.
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Peru andes
Yeah, it’s the same as anywhere else that’s nice. There are no jobs and the only people that can afford to live there are ultra-wealthy boomers.
>My whole life I used to go to a neighbouring village there during summer
Where at? Would love to spend a summer in Gimmelwald
Don't cannibals live up there? Nice try ghoul
Not just boomers, remote tech workers/code monkeys can as well
Albania although I havent been there myself
what a weird take
Northern CA Mt. Shasta area if you're lucky enough to visit when there isn't a forest fire going on.
Nothing weird about it. Not worth the risk
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BC/alberta. you have the mountains but the only nice urban place between mountains is probably hope. so it's really just nature, and you can't take beautiful mountain trains like in switzerland (OK there is one and it's like $2500).
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Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan. Pic I took the other day in the Fan Mountains. Youll share it with very few tourists, locals will stop what they're doing to wave and shout "Salam!" as you pass by.
That's doesn't look like anything too crazy. Just go out in the woods or to a small town
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Which of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, are the most tourists friendly? Tajikistan is a dictatorship right? Does that affect tourists at all negatively? Don't really hear of people going to Turkmenistan
>Fuck the USA multiculturalism killed it
nah there are lots of great places left. I live in canada, it's even worse. natural beauty abounds but everything else is fake and gay
No wonder Sheslay Free Mike left Alaska for BC.
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Kazakhstan has the best infrastructure but is massive and in my opinion doesn't have the same wow factor. Tajikistan is the most challenging of those 3 - minimal organised public transport, lowest level of English, soviet era beaurocracy, but that just filters out the normies. It's 100% worth it for the insane nature and interesting culture and traditions. Kyrgyzstan I'm in the midst of travelling now but it feels a little easier than Tajikistan in terms of beaurocracy and language barrier but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who's never travelled a developing country before. It's also incredible.
There are a lot of spots in the Sierra mountains like this.
Heading there in three weeks. What do in eastern Kyrgyzstan? Recommend renting a car?
Where do you sleep in the Fann mountains? Homestays? Can you show up unannounced?
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I stayed in guest houses in Artuch, Sarytag and Iskanderkul. Based on my experience you can show up and find a room without a reservation. Camping is also popular.
It's not that great, it's cold, it's depressing at night, usually there's nothing around, you need the car for everything.
Cool thanks. Did you do any serious hikes in those mountains? Chimtarga pass etc.?
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NW Montana
Sounds like living in the states
>you need the car for everything.
That's a good thing. Go back to your inner city shithole if you want a melting pot experience
I fucking will, motherfucker.

The thing you don't understand about "inner city shitholes" is that they are only shitholes if you're dirt poor.
If you have a nice appartment located 20mn walking distance from your workplace, an upper floor with a great view of the city, if you can afford the groceries and so on, it's actually a nice place.
Also great if you like to travel and be at an international airport in 30mn max.
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>Top: what it looks like we're I live
>Bottom: where you live
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That's purely an american dichotomy, there's MANY civilized choices between these two pictures.
Some people live in picrel.
So somewhere walkable? Retard look at what I'm replying to
Anyone have a 3 day itinerary for Glacier National Park in Montana? I have a long weekend coming up and thinking about taking a flight up to Kalispell, Montana and renting a car. Looking to hike and take photos mostly. Would it be worth trying to drive up a to Calgary and Banff National Park in Canada too?
What time of year? Where would you be staying? Driving back and forth from the east side to Kalispell every day would be pretty long days. I wouldn't bother trying to fit in Banff on the same trip, it's 6 hours away and there's plenty to do around Glaicer for 3 days. The main thing is you need entry permits for the Going to the Sun Road and Many Glaicer so the night before at 7 pm you have to log on and get a permit.
Northern Spain, aka green Spain.
This. Picos de europa
678669 #
>What time of year?
Probably in the next 2 months
>Where would you be staying?
Not sure, open to suggestions. Traveling solo, money isn't really an issue
> I wouldn't bother trying to fit in Banff on the same trip, it's 6 hours away and there's plenty to do around Glaicer for 3 days. The main thing is you need entry permits for the Going to the Sun Road and Many Glaicer so the night before at 7 pm you have to log on and get a permit.
Thanks for the advice man.
if you're talking about a small swiss village, they probably have more amenities, things within walking distance and public transit connections than most mid sized US cities.
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Next two months is peak tourist season but the weather will be the best unless there are fires. It'll be mid 80s during the day with zero humidity and cooler nights. I'd recommend staying in the Hungry Horse/Coram/ West Glacier area, it's close to the Going to the Sun road, there are tourist amenities and its only two hours to Many Glacier. If you wanna stay on the reservation in East Glacier for shorter driving days you can, but its a bit of a shithole without reseturaunts (besides Serrano's).

With the permit process you need to get an entry permit the night before you plan to do something, the permits become available at 7 pm for the next day so make sure you have service. So I'll recommend you plan some hikes where you don't need an entry permit in case you don't get one.

>If you get a Going to the Sun road permit
Start driving up the road past Lake McDonald, do not stop at the pull offs until you see Heaven's Peak. Park at 'The Loop' and take the shuttle to Logan Pass (Parking at the visitor center is always a shit show). You can do the Hidden Lake trail if you wanna see goats and the occasional griz. One of my favorite hikes in the park is the Highline trail, it goes above the Going-to-the-Sun road through the valley for 15 miles with 2k elevation lost back to The Loop. If you do the Highline you can take the Grinnell Glacier spur to the top of the garden wall and get a good look at the glacier from above.

>If you get a Many Glacier pass
The picture you posted is from the Grinnell Glacier hike, I've done it but its one of the most popular hikes in the park. If you're set on seeing a large glacier and you didn't look at it from the top of the Garden Wall I recommend it. Other hikes in the area include Iceberg lake and Ptarmigan tunnel, if you go in August there probably wont be icebergs left. The two hikes share the same trail until about 3 miles in, then you can split off to go to the tunnel first (more vertical) then go to Iceberg lake.
>If you don't get an entry permit
You can still go to the Two Medicine entrance, the hike to Cobalt lake is a good one, if you wanna keep going to the Continental Divide you can go up Two Medicine pass as far as you want. Upper Two Medicine lake is another good hike from the area. If you didn't see goats at Logan Pass you can go to the Goat Lick trailhead at the southern end of the park off of highway 2.

Driving to Polebridge to get a huckleberry bearclaw is a good day trip if you wanna beat the shit outta your rental car. If you wanna go into the park from the North Fork you need an entry permit but those permits don't go as fast. If you go into the park, the Bowman lake trail is a good out and back.

If you still want to go into Canada you can cross the border at Chief Mountain to get to Waterton Park. You can stay at a hotel a night and do some hikes in the area for something different.
China or the Big Island
Chile BC Canada rockies are god damn stunning if you wanna be true madlad go north REALLY north like yellowknife tier north a bunch of countries in the stepps if you want to be really exotic sketch as fuck but god damn do they have some amazing untamed&touched nature and like obviously Nepal like need I say why
I want to live in that Alpine village, in the summer. I doubt that’s possible.
I mean, in terms of renting a place for 2 or 3 months.
This looks good in the video but I'm sure actually living somewhere like this sucks
>if you're talking about a small swiss village, they probably have more amenities, things within walking distance and public transit connections than most mid sized US cities.

Sort of true; most Swiss villages are built in compact and comparatively dense ways, so there are many hundreds, even up in the mountains, organized around little central squares with bus connections, if not train stations. More isolated/lonely hillside farms exist, of course, but there aren’t that many of them left. The places in Switzerland where you’re most likely to need/want a car daily are more often posh towns in the center of the country where people have big houses and don’t like having neighbors, and suburban residential/farming/light-industrial/box store villages on the perimeters of “big cities” (Switzerland has no big cities; Zürich pretends to have a population of 1.4M, but that’s actually the total for the whole canton; the city itself is barely over 400K), not up in the mountains. You can still get a bus from just about any of these sorts of places, too, if not a tram or a ferry, but you might have to walk a long way to the bus stop and wait 40 minutes for the next bus. And amenities may limited to two bakeries, one bad pizza place, and a small supermarket that’s only open five and a half days per week. Also, your neighbors hate you and it somehow costs as much as Manhattan.

This place is a mixed bag, anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world. But it’s undeniably among the best countries on the planet in terms of nationwide transit coverage and network quality.
There are a lot of mountain or mountain-adjacent towns in California that I will always love; I used to spend part of every summer in rural Mendocino County, in a cabin in the woods above the weird but charming little foothill town of Willits, which is a fascinating amalgamation of sort of hippyish people and rednecks, that hasn’t been as twisted by money as hilltowns in Napa, or Sonoma, or with ski resorts. I will also always be fond of Nevada City, which has a nicely preserved Gold Rush center and isn’t excessively posh. Truckee, too, threads the needle for me between laid-back/down to earth/hicksville and fancy. It’s a little too dominated by the I80, but the river and lake are very pretty in winter.

Oh, and it’s less mountain town than greater Sacramento suburb in a lot of ways, but the tiny historic central bit of Auburn, which I used to pass through frequently on trips to parts North, is surprisingly nice.
The climate is totally different. He’s more likely to find similarities in the Cascades and PNW generally: Idaho, Washington, British Columbia.
Believe it or not, we have a lot of physically walkable places here in America too. The problem is that they’re walked by non-white people also, making them effectively unwalkable.
Not in flyovers rho
Georgia (the country) has the safest and most diverse environment. Rent a 4x4, and travel from the capitol and all around, and don't forget to bring a tend. Craziest environment in the world, you'll literally go from essentially the alps to the Nevada desert with scorpions and all literally 1 hour away from each other.
Southern Serbia is rather underappreciated as a mountain area. You won't get quite the same sheer peaks as Switzerland, but you do get interesting geological features (picrel, meanders of the Uvac river), nice vistas and lots of great hiking routes. Perfect for outdoors sports if you're into that. It's also much cheaper than switzerland.
>I don't just mean mountains, I mean beautiful mountain/valley towns
Nova Varoš and Novi Pazar are the only big towns in the area and I would call neither of them beautiful, but there are plenty of wonderful medieval orthodox monasteries like Mileševa and Crna Reka,
Definitely the Black Forest in Germany, particularly an area called Schauinsland. Idk if it counts tho because those are basically the foothills of the alps lol
>what's the catch?
Are you joking? Look at it
It's an awesome place to spend a few weeks, but it would get boring if you're used to a city. They're are less than 20 restaurants, all serving the same kind of boring Swiss cuisine. The weather is brutal in the winter and the summers are short. I was in Swiss 2 winters ago and it was fucking freezing. My ex lives in Lucerne and she likes it, but she married a banker and they take a lot of trips to other, warmer places in Europe. The Swiss are pretty docile and boring. I don't know how you would make friends socially. I never had a conversation with a single Swiss person in the 2 weeks I was there. It's a very safe, but the Swiss let in too many immigrants into the country and now the cities are suffering for it with a lot more petty crime and even some violent crime which was insanely rare in the past. You won't see them in places like Lauterbrunnen or Zermatt, but it's noticeable in Geneva. The big problem is the price. It's super fucking expensive for everything. Trains were triple, food is triple, hotels are triple for less space. I wouldn't live there, but I'm happy to visit anytime again. It's the most gorgeous place I've ever been.
meds now
>Europeans think people live on highway strips
lmao you guys are so fucking dumb and desperate. It's so funny when I show my euro friends my suburbs home and they all gush at how much land and room we get. Meanwhile cucks online cry about having to drive a car.
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Nah. Bad neighborhood. There must be some hajis hiding with their dragunovs uphill in the woods
Same pictures, same arguments, same people from the same countries thinking what they say is novel
>Stop pointing out that I have no culture
You'll always be called out kid
You participating in American culture and promoting American cultural hegemony by posting here. The meme you posted was likewise also likely made by Americans for Americans.
Is that how you cope with living like this?
Would be comfy if it was whites only.
Amalfi coast, Italy. Sadly shitalians have a habit of dumping their trash everywhere but up in the mountains it’s suprisingly clean with lots of cool caves and rock formations
I wouldn’t worry about it
>I want to live in that Alpine village, in the summer. I doubt that’s possible.
I mean, in terms of renting a place for 2 or 3 months.
It’s definitely possible; a lot of alpine villages are full of skiing holiday apartment complexes that are unoccupied by their owners apart from a few weeks at a time, and generally more crowded in winter than summer, so short-term rentals are relatively easy to find. But in Swiss villages they’re usually quite expensive. Austria is similar and quite a bit cheaper, Italy even more affordable (although Italians are usually on holiday in August, so available rental housing stock is lower in summer than in neighboring countries).
That's actually an exit in rural Pennsylvania near Breezewood. Some anon made a collage of the surrounding area and it looks like a nice place. Someone should post it. There were waterfalls, lakes, ski resorts, old train tunnels with bike paths going through them.
No it's not its a bunch of chain restaurants on a bunch of asphalt
Looks comfy
The Julian Alps :)

homogenized paradise
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kek i moved away from a place like this (Austria / German border)
my parents still run an inn

unless you're very young or very old, it sucks to live there

honestly there is not a single place in the world like this

>Nepal or Bhutan
the closest I can think of
>like pic (not mine)
been there like a decade ago
Bhutan is quite similar
could imagine India and Pakistan have similar corners, but never been there

>China can be "similar"
but it's always super touristy and never authentic

beautiful on it's own, but it definitely doesn't have the same vibe

>maybe Japan
but haven't hiked a lot there

again, it's impossible to find something similar outside
the alps, especially the Austrian / German / Swiss / Italian parts have been densely populated and wealthy for 100s of years with rather few wars / destruction in between
that's VERY unique on a global scale
>you need the car for everything.

Better than public transport
>Fatty can't conceive of walking
The little crumb of alps slovenia gets might be your best bet, but even that is starting to inflate in price in the last decade. Small apartment in a town will cost around 200k these days.

Can't say I ever minded living in the alps while I did though, it's peaceful and cities aren't far.
Slovenia at least lets you but houses
Austria blocked foreign (sometimes even regional outsiders) from purchasing in most places

>it's peaceful and cities aren't far.
depends of course heavily where you live

my home town has a bus that comes once every hour and needs ~45min to the next big(ish) town (more during vacations though, but I wouldn't count ski buses as advantage)
and way faster with a car
sucked as a teenager and even as adult when your life does not center around the few villages in the vicinity

i wanna move to Innsbruck after University (if I can get a job)
mountains near but still a city - just perfect
Europe is actually even more dead. Try going somewhere out west in the US if you want white people and scenery
4chan always hates this while they're busy jerking each other off with their come home white man fantasy, but it's true. Alpine villages make for great photos but they're full of elderly germanic types and the vibe is absolutely frigid. New Zealand is a much better example of what people like OP want even if the aesthetics are different
First comment meant for >>2677514
>what's the catch
It looks boring?

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