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I am a homosexual Jewish city slicker from Toronto, Canada and will be spending two nights in Charleston, West Virginia on my way to Kentucky and Tennessee. Any recommendations on what to do?
Look out for mothman if he targets you it can take days for him to leave you alone
The WV Museum near the capitol building is pretty great. Outside of that I liked exploring the nicer part (it's like one street, I forget what its called)
>I am a homosexual Jewish city slicker from Toronto
get and stay get
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At least you're not french canadian
>I am a homosexual Jewish city slicker from Toronto, Canada
>going to a place where the majority of the populace are of German white descent
>where traditionalism is appreciated
Just go to Los Angeles or New York with your ilk
Go to Huntington instead. Charleston is prettier but Huntington has Bahnhof and you can do gay Jewish stuff at Stonewall after you’ve had some good beers.
Also, definitely go to Red River Gorge in KY if you can.
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>2678093 (OP)
Also beware of the fag-bumming-bums
They will threaten to pipe you
If you're driving, in the town of Weston is a fuck huge abandoned insane asylum that they give tours of. It's fun.

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