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Is there anything I can throw in that makes a 12 hour flight in economy feel okay? I can barely take 2 hour flights. Not being able to move much makes me almost go crazy even during such a short flight. I really want to go but can only afford economy. What about weed (never used)? Any input is appreciated.
My go to method is to arrive exhausted at your flight and sleep through most of it. Don't sleep the night before an early morning flight, or get tired during the day by exercising if you have a night flight.
You can only guarantee uninterrupted sleep if you're in a window seat though.
no. dont give anybody at the airport a reason to suspect that you're high and deny you your flight

if you have trouble staying still, then get an aisle seat where you can get up regularly. as mentioned already; the best thing you can do is sleep. as someone who has done 12hrs in economy on the regular; thats what I would recommend. throw in a movie or two and you're set
Noise cancelling headphones is a must. You'll get rid of the loud noise of the cabin and you'll be able to focus on the movie/show you're watching. Plus when that crying baby screams out for an hour, you'll barely hear it at all.
Yes you should absolutely do weed for the first time on a 12 hour flight. Alternatively, just fucking deal with. Or knock yourself out on sleep tablets I don't know.
You just need to deal with it. Flying now is more entertaining than ever before. You can pay $10-$20 for WiFi. There are a ton of movies and shows available. Some new releases. Games, music, etc. idk what seat you picked. Get an aisle seat for the future. You can get up whenever you want without disturbing other people. Window seat is overrated. maybe get a seat without anyone behind you if you care about that.

Some airlines provide ear plugs and eye masks.

Wear comfortable clothes. Sweatpants, loose fitting shirts. Whatever you feel comfortable in
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>noise canceling headphones
>window seat
Try to sleep as much as you can on the flight, ideally on the schedule of wherever it is you're traveling to.
Otherwise, just shell out the $15 for in flight wifi and watch some movies.
I am a KrisFlyer member with S(l)ingapore. I pay for the cheapest tickets, and then lose another $30 or so to make sure I get an aisle seat in the middle row. Free bottomless booze, cute stewardesses, one device with free wifi just for being a KrisFlyer member. Occasionally sit next to a qt or an interesting dude (last time was an Aussie, great fella) and chat to help the time go by. To be fair, I do get restless off and on, especially because I did not drink my last few times. But shit man how are people still having trouble passing the time at this rate.
theres no such thing as headphones that 'cancel noise' though, unless you turn the volume up so loud that the person next to you can clearly hear what youre listening to.
normies are so lame weve been saying rawdogging for years
whats next, theyll start using 'marathon' to describe watching one movie? e.g.
>just marathoned master and commander
Objectively and physically wrong, they're called "noise canceling" because the mic array samples the background noise to generate a counter-waveform that cancels out (some of) the noise waveform to reduce the actual sound pressure of the outside noise. The tech has been around for decades and over the past decade it's become cheap and effective enough to be pretty much ubiquitous in higher end wireless headsets.
>some of
heh heh, stopped reading there. You lose
I steal my grandmas sleeping medication and pass out it's like time traveling I get sleepy at the airport then I wake up in New Zealand it's cool
Be in an aisle seat. Just had an eleven hour flight and being able to stand up and stretch your legs and walk around and loiter by the bathrooms makes all the difference in the world. If you feel sleepy, stop looking at your phone or try to get some sleep, don't fight it. Watch a good movie you haven't seen in a while.
My lifelong membership in the Mile High Club does it for me
I take long haul (>10 hours) in cattle class every 1.5 months. My next one is in 3 days.
It’s not that bad, but I always, always, do the same thing.

First of all, get aisle seat. You can stretch your legs anytime, take a shit any time, or just hang out at the drinking station.
Get noiseless headphones like this guy said >>2678242 . It helps a LOT.
Then you have to set up a routine.
I usually start the flight with a small nap, I almost never remember my takeoffs. For some reason, I easily fall asleep during that moment. Sometimes I just read.
Meals are usually served soon after takeoff. That alone takes around 1-1.5 hour. Take your time eating. In the meantime, I put some random shitty show.

After the meal, you still have 9-7 hours to kill so I usually watch a movie, then fall asleep with headphones switched on.
Or read a book or play a video game. These alone, combining with sleep, should take around 5-6 hours.
The last meal is served usually 2 hours before landing so do the same thing, take your time and relax. By the time the meal is done, you’re almost there. Keep yourself relaxed and busy.

Optional: wear slippers. Especially those from hotels. Comfy as fuck.
>.T poor person who has never owned a good pair of headphones
if your headphones didnt cost you at LEAST $300 then wtf are you even doing with your life?
Free ear plugs work even better. And I prefer my hifi system at home. Big headphones are for trendy zoomie fags
Just get some points and fly business.
Can't watch a movie and then have ear plugs dumb ass
>no. dont give anybody at the airport a reason to suspect that you're high and deny you your flight

in what hellscape does this even happen short of getting stumbefucking drunk and calling the bag checker a nigger
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BASED dopamine detoxxers
United States, so hellscape is an apt name
not a thing that exist in reality only on tiktok
+1 for noise canceling headphones. I download a bunch of seasons of tv shows and movies and load that shit on a memory card. You should also get out of your seat and walk around every 2 hours. You'd be shocked at how many people die from blood clots on flights every year. We had an old person on a flight to Germany have a stroke on the plane 2 years ago. We had to divert the flight and I lost a day of my trip. A language app you can use offline is always a good time waster too. You can learn a lot of Italian in 12 in hours. I download video games I can play offline, new music to listen to, books.
For me it’s noise cancelling headphones and comfy loose fitting clothing, I usually watch a movie and eat the first meal, and zonk the fuck out.
one of those chinese handheld emulator things with an sd card full of thousands of games.
what do you put the memory card in?
>Random seat selection on 9 hour economy flight
>Window seat in the last row
I felt like a fucking god
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>random seat on flight is window seat on the side with the good view id like
>weather is good and clear
>plane altered route to every other flight with this flight number in the last couple of weeks so other side got the view
>I can barely take 2 hour flights
You're not ready for it then.
Are you even 24?
>insert 3M foam earplugs
>insert methocarbamol (into mouth)
>let it gel with the bacardi shooter I snagged in the duty free shop
>spend the entire flight in a coma
I’m such an autist I’ve been staring at the map for 10 hour flights way before this was a meme
>big headphones
There are in-ear noise cancelling headphones.
Stop posting.
This is exactly what I did before in flight WiFi and as a result I have a recurring dream that there are massive bodies of water in the middle of the US I keep forgetting about because they exaggerate rivers.
You can also do this with waxed cotton earplugs seated properly
I almost did this in Tokyo except I was sober. Leave it to the fucking leafs to find a subsaharan bag checker in Japan.
what happened to not being able to use electronic devices mid flight?
t. hasnt flown in over 10 years
I play a new switch game. Yeah some people might think an adult shouldn't be playing games in public but I don't know those people and they will never know the comfiness I experience.

If it kills a 10 hour flight why the fuck not. Thinking about taking my steam deck to play roms on my 15 hour flight to Europe soon.

I've got some fat rpgs to catch up on.
>new trend
No, it's just autism
Go to your doctor, tell him that you are afraid of flying and ask if you could be prescribed a couple of sleeping pills for the flight. Simple as
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>flick flick
feels like time traveling
it was basically a testing issue
when stuff like bluetooth headphones, mouses etc were new they had not been tested for interfering with aircraft systems so most airlines just outright said you can't use them
now they are commonplace so everything is tested and most airlines allow them at least during the main part of the flight
personally i wish that all stuff like that was still banned, i don't want to sit near some fucking zoomer yapping on whatsapp all through the flight
i would just tell him to be quiet, the inevitable fight we would have would be my in flight entertainment
just pack some Zyns and look out the window, get a drink or two maybe
I've done 20 hours flights. Only so many Adam Sandler movies that I could watch before opening the plane's door. Depends on your endurance. I know people that will choose a 3k first class ticket over an budget $800 one. Fuck that. 2Kk pays for a lot of hookers and booze. Suck it up and take the longer, cheaper flight.
I get Xanax
You’re looking at it as an either or but that isn’t the case for non poor people.
I've done a 12 hour the same way. Didn't know it was a meme. I like to be able to hear what's going on around me in case there's a chimpout or fight on the plane.
I accidentally did this and ended up sleeping right after the first meal for 9 hours on a 13 hour flight. I was disappointed I only got to watch a single movie.
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A380 has a live camera in the tail looking at the whole plane.
Rawdogged it from Sydney to London
This one, this is me. It's always completely random how the serve the drinks in my aus-sng flights with how liberal they are with the booze. Sometimes they start making weak cocktails after the second one and other times they try getting you hammered at 7am on bloody marys by constantly bringing you new cups every 20 minutes. But really I enjoy the flights and actually look forward to them now.
Thank your lucky stars you're not Australian
I've tried this and end up just not sleeping for 48 hours because it's impossible to sleep on a plane.

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