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what's a fun trip to romania?
Get robbed and murdered by gypsies

let me rephrase my question: what's a fun trip to romania where I am not literally assaulted and robbed? I've accepted that I'll be scammed, but I want to see what romania has to offer like roman ruins, sports, good whores, etc
>tfw no Thracian gf
why even live bros
Half of that is Hungary by Italians larping as Slavic Vampires
>see what romania has to offer like roman ruins,
There's absolutely fuck all Roman ruins of note, have you at least done any Google prep? Give us something to work with.
>where I am not literally assaulted and robbed?
Literally anywhere
>I've accepted that I'll be scammed
You won't. Nobody even tried to scam or extort me. They will on occasion scam their employer/IRS by not giving you a receipt and likely pocketing the money, but no one will try to charge you more than the actual price.
>good whores
Most of them are busy working in Germany, although I did fuck a hot and civilized acting gypsy girl in Cluj, no scamming unlike most gypsies, but she didn't have AC in her apartment in the middle of summer so it was an oven
Tell me about Romanian culture.

If you want to see Roman ruins go to Bulgaria
Romania is one of the worst countries I've visited. Sibiu was the only place that I liked. At least the Carpathians look nice.

why does romania have such a bad reputation? it's name is literally "rome"
I fell for the Brasov meme. The city is very dull and small. Outside of the Old Town, it's quite ugly. Airbnb was a dump. Host was an absolute psychopath. Bucharest probably takes first place for my least favorite major city in Europe. It's a dirty shithole. There are gypsies, but there are also Romanians. I can't explain why, but something about Romanians just seems 'off' to me. They are weird. I was there for two months and couldn't wait to gtfo
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>what's a fun trip to romania?
Last I was there was in Constanta. There is a spot there where its just bars, hotels, nightclubs on the beach, overlooking the Black Sea. There's something for everyone, the cheapie chill vibes bars on the sand and then there's also the high-end nightclubs/gambling dens where you can see the local gangsters drive up with their gold-wrapped AMG. You can go to Bucharest and wander around the nightlife and question the legality of many things because it seems so free. People there are so happy to be able to party and enjoy life- but you can also see their struggle. You'll see gypsies with smartphones riding on a wood cart being pulled by a small horse in front of some executive Mercedes on the street. It's a playground of hustlers and the wealthy. To me, it feels like your stereotypical villain hometown where evil happens all around you- you just don't see or experience it unless you go out of your way to. Many of my buddies sought after the easy brothels and prostitution nearby as Romanian women are very beautiful.

where's bulgaria? I don't know european geography outside of the roman empire

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