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When did it lose its charm and die for you?
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Found a picture of OP
>When did it lose its charm and die for you?
The first time (and for sure as shit the second) I went to Japan.

I stayed a long time my first time in Japan so the "wow filter" of JAPAN THING wore off a bit by the end. I realized how much generalization and repeating reddit mindset posts. While his videos aren't harmful to anyone, because holy fuck some people should not be allowed travel, they somehow get into a weird area of "almost not correct".

Now his channel is just dumbshit force fed tourism shit
>it's another food video of the most garbage anglo takes ever
>it's a Can I live off <massive budget here> going to BRAND NAME places totally not as a sales pitch
>it's a random video about re enforcing plebbit meme's about HEKKIN AWESOME JAPAN!
worst ones are always
>Wow Japans WORST <thing> here, by which the video is 10 minutes praising japan for some stupid shit

Having that girl help out his channel was the first red flag but the death blow was him signing up with the Tourism of Japan department to create content and promote tourism.

>Toddles out one wacky drunk nipon cunt

Waah japan so crazy, look at my crazy friend so fun...

Travels half way around the world to date a cuck Canadian divorcee.
wild idea: how about you stop being a reprehensible loser that women only touch out of desperation for money?
He lost me shortly after he quit being a normal everyday guy teaching English and talking about his short cheap excursions to get away from daily life. That was well grounded and pretty fun to watch because it was largely informative about common things you'll deal with or do for cheap and easy stuff. I liked his videos because he wasn't just walking around with a selfie stick talking to himself looking like a total faggot and wasn't some fatty coomer otaku talking stupid shit.

Now all his shit is funded by some tourist agency and has virtually nothing of value compared to the 10000's other similar bloggers.
go back to making the same video over and over, Chris.
maybe this time you won't put a clickbait thumbnail on it, who are we kidding ofc you will
who are you talking about?
When it started feeling over-produced with 4 editors he lugs around everywhere and it obviously being paid by japanese tourism.

That being said; he's still better than 90% of youtubers. I appreciate a cynical tired view of japan more over these other youtubers that treat their audience like toddlers who has never heard of japan or think we want to see them go to cafes every video.
He's the easiest of the japan youtubers to watch. Done well for himself so that's a big success, getting to go to a buckingham palace state banquet with the king and emperor is pretty insane to be said. The last video on the yamanote line was lovely since it wasn't too highly produced, just not a fan of the trips where there are 2 editors in a van and 3 camera guys.
This fag started imitating Mr Beast, which is why all his videos suck now
When did he start digging a hundred wells in african villages?
His channel went to absolute dogshit when he started associating with Pete Donaldson and then the Trash Taste retards.
Also getting together with Sharla the roast is just pure humiliation ritual st this point.
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>Also getting together with Sharla the roast is just pure humiliation ritual at this point.
Sharla is divorced, knocking on middle age and looks like she's slowly melting every time she appears on camera. As soon as they started dating, it was immediately obvious she had exhausted all other options and now was ready to settle for a guy who is reasonably bankable and completely unthreatening.
I don't really see what the appeal is for Chris. It's obvious he's not gotten tons of Japanese pussy or anything but you would think with his money and popularity that he would make a different choice. Makes him look like a pushover now they are engaged. Didn't they mention they're not even going to have kids? How much comfort are those expired Canadian pissflaps going to bring him as he gets older?
Also yeah Abroad in Japan treads the same topics over and over again, devolving into over-produced, uninformative shite more often than not. There's obviously money in it, but leaving Japan like Chris has talked about is probably a big mistake.
>He's the easiest of the japan youtubers to watch.
For me he's just the best to recommend to my friends who may be going to Japan once in their life of for only 1-2 weeks. What he says isn't *wrong* per se but it's very very situational on things and often surface level at best. He has some videos that to someone who is the normal mouth breathing tourist would be good to know when visiting.

He's basically what Linus Tech Tips is to computers, but to Japan.
I suppose if chris leaves japan he and sharla would become a generic travel husband/wife travel channel. Can't imagine anything worse.

I like Chris and Connor's weird weekends but I feel like he doesn't have a strong enough chemistry with the other two Trash Taste guys.
Probably because the other 2 guys are gayer and more retarded.
Joey dating an overweight flip with a weak onlyfans
Connor is apparently dating nobody but gets shipped with an immuno-compromised screeching puerto rican
Gigguk is the only one punching up, and he's arguably the most pathetic of the three
How did they fuck this up so much? Moving to Japan guarantees, if anything, you will never get any Japanese pussy.
>Moving to Japan guarantees, if anything, you will never get any Japanese pussy.
Maybe if you remain a JET, active service soldier military for US, or some stupid BS like that.

I can guarantee you if you're a foreigner who is pulling over 10M a year working IT and willing to get a drivers license+car there is 0 issue with getting a trad Japanese waifu. Assuming you know Japanese
Connor should probaly at least try to tap Kaho.
The whole of Japan lost its charm to me around 2020 and the olympics.

>DID YA KNOW that Walmarts in Japan are called COMIBINI?? WOooo WHAAAAAAT
like fuck off, everything Japan has become tiring
>>DID YA KNOW that Walmarts in Japan are called COMIBINI?? WOooo WHAAAAAAT
They are called Seiyu, Walmart is literally Seiyu
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You know way too much about these fucks lives. Pathetic.
I think Connor wouldn't have the balls to try and Kaho wouldn't fuck him, let alone date him. You're right though, a mega titty JAV legend would be better than what the other TT guys + Chris have and she's certainly not any more annoying.
I've seen clips in passing on YT over the years, don't exactly have to be an expert to know who someone is dating and hear a few weak takes.
>trad Japanese waifu
why the hell would anyone want a trad japanese wife? they want your entire paycheck to manage and if you ever get divorce jap courts would always side with them. japan is also extremely shit place to raise mixed children if half of those hafus say true.
Connor is fine as he seems to act the most genuine on those trips.
I just hate it when he goes full twitch streamer retard on his own videos. Regardless Chris needs to find more friends.
is this all you got or are you really so retarded that you think chris from abroad in japan posts on 4channel?
being a shizophrenic incel must be tiring
I can't think of an exact point, but videos started to be overproduced, obvious promotions or product placements and I never particularly enjoyed his collaboration videos.

I still watch some of them though. The recent one on the Yamanote line was really comfy. Showing small neat things he obviously cares about and not much planning so not being allowed to film places.

But he's done really well so good for him.
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Chris Abroad married a fat, mid 30s white woman. He didn't marry a 22 year old trad Japanese wife. Let that sink in.
Good on him. Not a perfect choice, but at least he isn't miscegenating.
u just know gigguk gets that hawk tuah on the regular
>Now all his shit is funded by some tourist agency and has virtually nothing of value compared to the 10000's other similar bloggers.

for the most part, I agree, but only because its so obvious it's sponsored and they have to give a good review.
>oh look, a roadside rest stop that specialises in apples, yes let's travel here specifically for this one reason.

I kinda preferred the little cultural tips and general advice for getting around by a sarcastic brit. problem is the podcast covers these things now, but only just brushes over them.
the rest is very 'eh' touristy stuff where enjoyment seems feigned (like the NHK train journey shows where everything is 'eeeehhhhh sugoiiii')
Plenty of awesome things to do in Japan, had an absolute blast when I moved away from the usual well-travelled and documented cities, but in a way i'm glad these aren't documented.
she seems chill. her content is dogshit, but she seems alright
definition of "She's mid but I like her"
>it's so obvious
Anon he literally says its out loud
that faggot english cuck abroad. He trots out that nip fuck who's a drunk when his channel is struggling.

Admittedly the nip is fucking hilarious.
>Sharla is divorced, knocking on middle age and looks like she's slowly melting every time she appears on camera.
Well, she's 38 years old while Chris is 34. Of course she's melting down, she's fucking old.

>I think Connor wouldn't have the balls to try and Kaho wouldn't fuck him, let alone date him. You're right though, a mega titty JAV legend would be better than what the other TT guys + Chris have
Kaho is a Japanese whore who's been ran through by niggers on camera, in no way shape or form she exists on the sexual market as a "catch".
Connor wouldn't do anything serious with her because he's not stupid.
see the confusion comes from the disingenuous description and your weird cuck projection
its almost like you're talking about somebody else and projecting it onto a person you barely know of
stop clicking on threads that make you mad
>in no way shape or form she exists on the sexual market as a "catch".
I don't disagree, I'm just saying there's advantages to a girl who will do literally anything and is built like Kaho. Maybe it's fallacious thinking but if your choices are all varying degrees of "ran through", wouldn't you rather have much more ran through but more fun to fuck and hang around with?
Connor doesn't strike me as someone who is anywhere near having a family, if he ever starts one. Do you really need a girl that's chaste and dignified if you're eschewing fatherhood in favor of a 24/7 sloppy titfuck bonanza?
Something tells me Kaho wouldn't date him because he's not Japanese, even after what she's done, I bet she still probably thinks like this. It's such obvious whore logic, it has to be true.
>if your choices are all varying degrees of "ran through", wouldn't you rather have much more ran through but more fun to fuck and hang around with?
I would rather have someone who didn't record fucking niggers on video and wouldn't bring shame to my name.
I can't control somebody's image and choices, but I can control mine.
Sharla is divorced AND she's 38? Oh god have mercy on Chris Board the dork. Despite his riches and fame, he can't get a 22 year old Japanese (or white) wife ... what a dork.
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>/trv/ - Eceleb Gossip & Sneed
They're in the right not dating or marrying Japanese women. It just will not work. The consequences for a breakup or divorce are way worse as well.
As hot as I find them it just wasn't meant to be.
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stay mad cuckold
My plan for when I go to Japan is to just get drunk and hit on local girls at bars that are in close proximity to love hotels. I don't speak a lick of Japanese but I'm sure I'll do fine.
Their relationship won't last
Screenshot this.
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I despise the british, so his channel never had any charm in the first place
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Chris abroad married a fat white, MIDDLE AGED pig. What happened to Just Be White? Shouldn't he marry a early 20s Jap trad wife with his fame and money?
Chris gave up speaking good Japanese, is extremely social awkward and pretty miserable. How is anyone surprised or mad at him? He has said multiple times in all formats that he is a loser when it comes to girls. Let him and Sharla get fat together. Its in their genetics
yeah i agree
one little disagreement and its all going to come tumbling down
Chris Abroad is a disenfranchised Anglo. He's a loser back home, found success financial in Japan, but he's still a loser when it comes to being a charming human being. How the FUCK is how Youtube channel popular is beyond me. His audience are dreg weebs?
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>"if only you knew how bad it is"
I mean the production value is good and he is one of the OGs when it comes to Japanese YouTubers.
If you have any knowledge of Japan his stuff is pretty bland/gimmicky after a while but for a normie its 10/10. It's always an appeal to normie taste. "DUDE KONBINI FOOD!!!!"
I don't know much about Japan, and although I am curious and would like to learn a bit before I go, I'm hesitant to watch YouTubers like him because I hate seeing people have a good time. It makes me jealous.
Anyone insulting appearances or age must show themselves and their partner.
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i like this
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>Anyone insulting appearances or age must show themselves and their partner.
Something tells me Chris is just really bored with Japan or I feel like the novelty has worn off for him. Hasn't he talked about other countries like Spain or Canada? I see him living somewhere else briefly for a little bit
he should leave it all behind but it's a big career risk.
he'll probably never start a family if he stays in japan.
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>tfw a damn flip can get a Japanese wife, but not whitey
I’ve got a really bad feeling you’re talking about this guy >>2678473

If that’s true, and that “person” is somehow British, then let’s just say I’m a little more than peeved. The physiognomy of his face doesn’t say “Anglo” what the fuck so ever. I’d have to guess he’s some kind of asiatic mutt.

I really don’t like the fact that he’s British and looks like that. I really really don’t fucking like it, and this is coming from someone who trawls this board daily to scream and shout at anyone who can earn money remotely
I really like his videos but admittedly the quality has fallen off. The new journey across japan felt lifeless and forced compared to the previous series. Im also confused on why he hasnt had success with japanese women. I think chris is really good looking, hes a succesful youtuber, and speaks better japanese than me and I didnt find it difficult with women. It would have made for some good content, I would have loved a series on his dating life. Maybe he really is a social retard though, thats not a problem I have.
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Joey looks like a smelly poojeet. He'll never get a beautiful japanese gf

picrel its joey arrested
The monkey looking flip has a cute trad Japanese wife. Chris Abroad married a stinky vagina, MIDDLE AGED white woman. JBW, right??! Right....
>good looking
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this entire thread. the whole thing.
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>the insufferable wojack basedboy face

Jesus christ.
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Honestly his mom still looks young
stop reading comments that make you mad
35 year old and he already has the middle aged fat Uncle body. Chris is a fat piece of shit who refuses to exercise.
so what?
does judging e-celebs for being completely normal make you feel less of an abject failure?or do you really think you pwnd this guy? because you do just come off as mentally ill.
>hawk tuah
he gets spat on?
welcome to 4chan, I guess.
Bud, im being realistic and honest. Im not saying hes objectively a giga chad. Im bi and not attracted to chads so personally I think hes attractive and certainly attractive enough to pull. Especially considering theres millions of girls in tokyo and millions that would be into his type and thats not even considering his success. It honestly should be cake for him to get a date with a nip.
he has a really photogenic face, you could take a photo of him from any angle and he wouldnt look bad, whats wrong with you
he might be kinda out of shape but he did those bike charity streams with connor and that is a lot more exercise than most people on this site get in a year.
why does he need to be in perfect shape though?
>does judging e-celebs for being completely normal make you feel less of an abject failure?

Don't self project, retard. I'm physically fit and fuck hotter, younger women than him. I have relationships with younger, hotter women than him. He mogs me financially. But I wouldn't trade my Chad life with his sad dweeb life.
stopped reading there, please be respectful or leave the thread, thank you
Shut up Chris. Apologize to Daniel from hiding in my room
One thing I do like is he has an eye for good cinematography sometimes and shoots some gorgeous shots in video. Or maybe that's camera man. But I think Chris decides a lot of that too
crazy that I started watching this guy when he had like 10k subs now he's massive
last I watched any of his videos though was that first time he rode a bike around japan
he feels a bit to commercial now, less personal
I'd do the same if I were in his position though so I can't really blame him
Holy shit get the fuck off this milquetoast losers dick. Are you kidding me. The entire thread has devolved into babbling about his YouTube channel.

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wonder why, retard
kill yourself
>he feels a bit to commercial now, less personal
Anon during the olympic hype train the Tourism department of Japan literally hired him to promote tourism. Most people generally agree this is where the channel began to sink in quality
>watch all his videos
>feel like ive seen everything in japan
>no longer want to go to japan
great for tourism
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>When did it lose its charm and die for you?
Same as other people ITT have already said; when he started getting production crews involved. I remember watching him back in 2014 and genuinely enjoying it, his cynical attitude seemed genuine and I liked that his videos induced butthurt among Davido-kuns worldwide. I give the guy the benefit of the doubt for his online persona as everybody acts up for the camera, and also as a young teenager I would have slammed the fuck out of pre-2010 Sharla with the force of a thousand suns, regardless of how out of shape she is now. Chris is an unhealthy fuck too, so whatever. I do still listen to his podcasts every now and then; I know Pete Donaldson is a woke basedboy but he does make me laugh. Chris is much more down to earth and like he used to be in his old videos on the podcast
>TLDR; the channel is churning out 95% clickbait shit non stop nowadays, but if you aren't obsessed with eceleb drama and enjoyed Chris' early content, listen to the podcast for a similar vibe
nice ad bro, not listening to your gay podcast tho
Oh wait fuck it’s a YouTube channel shit I’m such a dumbass
Please anon, youtube money isn't as good as people make it out to be. Subscribe to my patreon so I can afford Sharla's cat food, I'm begging you. I pocketed the scones at the royal party because I can't afford conbini chicken anymore. I'll do another cycle across Japan soon, I swear
Still going
>desperation for money
most hookers are not desperate for money, they are making a choice to make more money selling their body than they'd get in a regular job of their experience level or intelligence level. desperate whores are the drug addicts. letting a guy fuck you so you can afford better consumption levels is not desperation, it is a choice.
why do people feel the need to get bored of a channel after like 2-3 years and then just gossip about it endlessly
kinda subhuman behavior
When he started collabing with the trash taste guys who also collab with Hasan and are more or less one big group of current thing pushing faggots.
It is overproduced and obviously paid for by the Japanese Tourist Association now. And of course the trash taste guys are pretty shit.
Every once in a while he still releases a good video like the last good one was the one where he rode the Yamanote all the way around and got off at every stop.
ask people who still talk about friends, the office, the soprano's, breaking bad, etc..
I used to like his stuff and he still produces good videos, I think it’s because they’re too professional and calculated now. Before he had an “everyday man” kind of vibe, but he’s gotten bigger now figuratively and literally so it’s not the same
Watched him when he first started out and the quality indeed went downhill. Nowadays I prefer tokyo lens.
Wealthy men can wait until they're in their 50s to start a family with a woman in her 20s.

Inb4 expired sperm means a sligthly increased risk of producing an autismo. That just means the kid will love Japan just like his father
>Their relationship won't last
>Screenshot this.
no shit, like every other cuck YouTuber showing the world their wife- and marriage- which should be kept private.
>Implying women in their 20s want anything to do with boomers
Unlike Abroad in Japan, Tokyo Lens actually puts in the effort to get outside the foreigner bubble in Japan. However, my main complaint is that Tokyo Lens seems to be too obsessed with small things in Japan, like the smallest apartment and the smallest female truck driver, etc. I wonder if small things are just his fetish.
Paolo remains fit even though he drinks more alcohol and eats more food than Chris. Paolo even has a sweet tooth. Yet despite such gluttony, Paolo has no beer belly and he even did a Japanese hospital video where he allowed his viewers the opportunity to watch his doctor use a scope to see the insides of his throat and stomach.
Apparently, the main reason why Sharla's Korean husband divorced her was because she had an extremely strict vegan phase in Japan, which continued even after she moved to South Korea and Sharla's Korean husband and his Korean family could no longer tolerate a 24/7 vegan lifestyle.
lmao what a cunt
its gonna be over sooner than expected
/sci/ posters seem to have the most success at finding Japanese brides while attending graduate school in Japan at the University of Tsukuba. Some of them even have expressed regret at rejecting the job offer of working at a Japanese national laboratory to go back home while the ones who remained in Japan, ended up marrying their female classmate from the same graduate school. In short, STEM majors appear to have the easiest path toward marrying a Japanese women while liberal arts majors are not so lucky.
Sorry to say this but I genuinely believe Connor is gay and my gaydar is usually accurate. Connor just gives off this homo vibe.
He doesn't, but fat fucks are insufferable doublenigger subhuman scum and should be eradicated. You don't need to fucking exercise to lose weight, just stop eating at a caloric surplus for a few months fucking retard cocksucker fucker
>he doesnt
ok so shut the fuck up then
No matter where you go in the world, there are always women in their 20s who'll latch onto your cock if you have a lot of money, no matter how old you are
They are called whores and starting a family with one is very low iq
>I can guarantee you if you're a foreigner who is pulling over 10M a year working IT and willing to get a drivers license+car there is 0 issue with getting a trad Japanese waifu. Assuming you know Japanese

what if you shave your head bald? i heard bald is even more of a kryptonite for japs than white women

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