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I thought Venezuela was the dirtiest, stinkiest, shithole the world has ever seen but this guy keeps releasing videos about Venezuela every other month. How good is Venezuela to travel more than one or two days? Say a full week of staying there.
>kurt kringe
You're just jealous because you're not a VIP Man.
Most of the places he visits look horrible.
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>Most of the places he visits look horrible
The Norminator
All LATAM countries are the same shit. Beaches, sunny, good food, chill people, that kinda thing. Venezuela is no exception, just don't be retarded and you probably won't get robbed.
t. Mexican
That's what I thought until I saw India and other Asian countries.
> I thought Venezuela was the dirtiest, stinkiest, shithole the world has ever seen
It is, it’s why it’s the birthplace of demons on earth
>greatest oil supply in the world
>still fuck up your country
It wasn't the shithole of South America. It was legit a very nice vacation spot before the fucked up dictatorship.
It was poor but nit overtly dangerous like now.
Thank God , Venezuelan are based enough not to accept disguting pajeets that work as security guards, keeping their homeland pajeet free
Your money means nothing if there is nothing to buy with it. Or when you get shot and robbed.
LATAM is nice but venacos are complete monkeys that even other latinos despise. Unless you know what youre doing I wouldnt go there. If you want to go to latin america, mexico, panama or costa rica are beginner friendly.
I dated a Venezuelan girl in Miami who had been shot before in an armed robbery back in Caracas.

She said the men there are absolute animals
where was she shot taht she survived
>Good food
>below average income
Like a security guard or..?
All of SA is pajeet-free
Nice cope veneco

well now they are all in Colombia. makes it more exciting.
LATAM food is very good, yes.
Digits have spoken
The economy has gotten a lot better and shortages have ended but yeah the country sucks. Cuba is much worse off.
Nice try but Mexico is your heavy hitter
some places are kino but most of the country is a shithole and women are all whores

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