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My current idea is to travel during the winter to germany, austria, czechia, and possibly poland for a couple weeks, possibly longer. The upcoming winter break will be my last break as a university student before entering the workforce, so I wanted to do something cool.

I have never travelled solo before. Invited my best friend, he can't/doesn't want to go. Gf seems like she wants to go, but can't. No problem. Doing whatever I want whenever I want sounds nice. Also kind of want the alone time.

So, I had some concerns. Wondering if anyone has some personal experiences they wanted to share.
>Language barrier
I speak english natively, portuguese and spanish relatively fluently, and some basic german. May possibly be hopeless in czechia/poland.
Going solo. However, I thought I could just make some short term friends for company at hostels. Talk to random guys while cooking or something like that.
Is it actually fun traveling solo?
I like cold weather, but is there much to do in the cold? Will the hostels be ghost towns?

Also, any suggestions for things to do? While traveling, I like looking at old buildings, buying old coins at flea markets, and riding/walking downtown. I also like taking transit and WW2 shit. Hiking would be cool, not sure how feasible it is during winter. I'd probably try to just take a single bag with me. I heard the christmas markets in prague and vienna are super nice. I don't drink.
Vienna, Prague, Krakow, Wroclaw, Munich, Dresden
>I like looking at old buildings, buying old coins at flea markets, and riding/walking downtown.
Seems like you can skip Berlin and Warsaw this time.
There are safe places for first timers, why would you go to the most boring places in europe.
Sounds like a nice plan
language barrier won't be much of a problem.
that's nice places to go, easy and interesting. forget about hiking though.
Czech here, it's safe around here, just avoid dark-skinned peoples (Roma) and various eastern scammers (Armenians etc.). The latter are mostly found in Prague.
Sorry for broken english, I'm not native speaker.
During winter in Poland usually is near or above 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) but on some colder days it might be much colder (usually some homeless die due exposure), and it gets dark early so I would not advise long hikes.

There should be some old buildings in Wrocław (Breslau before war) which is close to germany and czechia border.
If you have more time consider visiting:
1) Kraków/Cracow - old buildings survived all wars mostly intact, so you buildings like castle from 1309, slightly rebuilded every 100 years. There is also Wieliczka salt mine near.
Additionally there is depressing camp in Oświęcim/Auschwitz the other direction.
2) Toruń - small city in the middle of poland, going around old buildings in old city would take half of day, there are many museums etc.
3) Zamość - another small city, but on east fringes of poland. One rich aristocrat in 1500s hired italian architect to build city from scratch, so it is kind of unique.
If you have +4 weeks you can make a roundtrip starting/finishing in Berlin, as it is the main hub in those said countries. From there you can go down to Dresden/Leipzig, than Prague, than Krakow (at least 1 day for the salt mine and another for Auschwitz), than to Warsaw (in a shorter stay than in Krakow - if you are a WWII freak than I do recommend you the museum of Warsaw Uprising) and also going to Gdansk, which should be more known (and it was also where WWII started).
If you want to go to Austria than I recommend extend your trip to Bratislava (a weekend is enough) and Budapest (which is a hot springs city btw).
Fun fact: WW2 started in Gliwice when germans had fun idea of dressing some prisoners as polish soldiers and ordering them to attack german radio station, so they have justification for war. Gliwice is near Kraków.
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It's 49 eur for 1 month of unlimited train travel in Germany.

I'm considering travelling around the country on this ticket. Anything I should know beforehand?
Oops meant to make a thread
It's only regional trains no RE, EC, IR, IC and ICE so a journey from let's say Nürnberg to Berlin takes about 8h and you change trains like 4 or 5 times.
If you enjoy that kind of trip enjoy it while it lasts it's likely that it will get canned soon as regional public transport companies are losing over 300-600 Millions PER YEAR and company and the state has no idea how to fund it.
Eastern Europeans' consistent hate for gypsies is funny as fuck. I've had one Polish and another Romanian colleague just randomly go on a rant about gypsies and how they stink and steal.
Stay the fuck out of the EU, it's boring as fuck, expensive beyond reason at random times because "events" and over-crowded to hell.

My one exception is Malta in the off-season for the Italian experience, but it's a tiny Island, so you can experience it all super quick.

For sure check out Cambodia. It's the highest IQ country in SEA, and the people are beyond amazing. Stay the fuck out of Thailand, it sucks and is full of gross, disgusting western sex pests.

You should also visit Tbilisi, Georgia, where you should should splurge on some of the high-end (michelin-worthy) restaurants near the Rustaveli metro station in Vera, visit Bassiani after picking up some drugs from matanga.cm, and maybe do some road trips or hikes around the city (you'll get this included if you pick up drugs, as they usually place the dead-drops in the forests).

You could do Sweden if you're really set on Europe. Visit Stockholm, rent a car and slowly head down to Gothenburg, meeting people in parks and villages on the way. Finally end your trip with a day or two in Ystad, for the true "old Swedish" experience.
>Stay the fuck out of the EU, it's boring as fuck
>Visit Stockholm
lmao, shits on EU because it's supposedly boring, but recommends one of the most boring places in there. stick with your cambodian trannies and georgian krokodil.
>europe is one country
It pretty much is. I was born in a non-EU European country, and traveled all of Europe slightly before and then during covid. It's all the same buildings, all the same garbage restaurants, garbage, low-quality food (no matter how much you pay), terrible people and awful day to day service. It's a soul-destroying terrible, over-regulated, over-crowded, nigger-filled hell hole that exists nowhere else in the entire world. Some exceptions exist to this rule, but they're few and far between.
Name one place in the world with a better and more drug-fueled night-life, if you were bored you were doing all the wrong things, and are the most anti-social person ever.
Oh sorry, I thought you meant Tbilisi, yeah Sweden is boring, but at least you'll meet people to talk to if you follow my instructions. And it's by far one of the better EU countries.
>Name one place in the world with a better and more drug-fueled night-life
I admit, I can't. I am not a lowlife, and don't use drugs. but on my trips to Spain and Portugal I've been approached by brownies offering drugs all the time, so you would probably like it there.
Lmao fucking spain and portugal. Tell me you're new to this without telling me you're new to this.

Also >>2681394 if you didn't see it.
I've been to Stockholm (boring af) and am not interested in your crack den shit hole country.
Again, my advice was to start in stockholm (to buy clothes at NK, etc), then rent a car and travel real sweden with some main waypoints on the way. You're a noobie and probably a wagie cuck who does this when your employer grants you free time.
congrats on being unemployed wandering druggie. do you turn tricks on the way to fuel your habit and pay for hotels? or just leech off your parents?
I run a large company, and have had top membership tier at every global hotel chain for years, with instant top-suite upgrades every time I check in, but thanks for thinking I'm one of you. It's exhilarating to think I'm a brokie sometimes. Eventually I think I wanna spend a year or so surviving in the woods so I can feel like a little of what your life is like.
>with instant top-suite upgrades every time I check in
damn, you almost had me with this larp until this.
lay off that crap dude. it's gonna kill you one day.
This is literally the case lmao. Why do you think they price their suites at $1500/night? No one's going to book that for a shitty room that is effectively the same as the basic ones, but 5x larger and with a good view, when they can get airbnb.

The suites are reserved for top-tier members at $150/night, with instant upgrades (look up the programs if you want), and then poorons can book them for $1-2000 if they wanna splurge for a special occasion.
just stop. the gig is up. tone it down a notch next time.
What am I lying about, euro-nigger?
OP here, great responses, thank you.

Dude fuck you. I'm excited for my first solo trip, I didn't ask for some douchebag to shit all over what I think is cool. You're also suggesting drug fueled nightlife to someone who doesn't drink and has a girlfriend? The fuck

I'll check out what people suggested here now. I haven't had much time to look up cool places, but here is what I had so far before opening the thread:
>Wuppertaler Schwebebahn Kaiserwagen
I’ve decided to travel to Czechia to see the towns surrounding Kingdom come Deliverance
Any tips to have a good time ?
>It's all the same buildings
stopped reading right there holy kek lmao
Add the Hanseatic north and Heidelberg to that list
what a shit post
I traveled solo there last summer and it was a blast. Not sure about traveling in winter, you should make sure you get as much sunshine/daylight as possible cuz those 4 pm sunsets are a mindfuck. Go to museums, visit shops, walk around town squares and parks. Hostels are a good way to meet people, especially if they have bars or lounges. Basically everyone in their 20s can speak some English so you should be fine.
>anon shows you can travel the world despite being blind
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What are you even doing anon?
if you're gonna visit Munich consider checking out the Deutches Museum and its lesser known Flugwerft, both are mainly tech/airplane museums but lots of rare historic stuff there like a complete uboot sawn in half, v1/v2 or the only x series plane burgers build in coop with another country

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