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I might get one soon and there is a slight chance that we will travel together, but it scares me a little.
It's ranges from having a great time to wanting to break up with her very quickly. Being able to have drinks then go back to the hotel room and fuck like rabbits before heading back out it's comfy
>How does it feel to travel with a gf?
Depends on the country.
It sucks, especially if your gf isn’t fun and affectionate. It costs you a fortune just for her to complain the whole time and all you really get out of it is shitty starfish sex back at the hotel or she’s not this type of girl and is actually laid back and adventurous but then she, like all girls ends up spending more time taking photos and on social media than anything. Their whole lives revolve around photos and social media so it sucks no matter what you do or who the girl is.
This is an impossible question to answer, as it depends on what you’re (both) like, what you like to do, where you’re going.

But in my experience, as someone who traveled with a girlfriend I eventually married and with whom I now still travel with our kids, it can be great.

Most of the complaints people barf up on here about “women are always like X, women never want to do Y, they only like to Z” are either just angry dudes who’ve traveled once with a girlfriend they didn’t actually have a good relationship with, so they had a bad time, or even angrier dudes who may never have traveled with a woman at all but are preemptively resentful of women in general.

Things that make for good travel with anybody, romantic partner or not, include: Wanting to go to the same place, enjoying similar levels of comfort vs. thrift, and wanting to do/see at least some of the same things. It’s unlikely that any two people are ever precisely aligned on all of these points, which is where good, honest communication, willingness to compromise, flexibility, and some understanding of what the other expects from the outset are all essential.

I think many people, even people in good relationships, sometimes wind up regretting traveling with a girlfriend if a trip abroad is the first time, or nearly the first time, they’ve spent extended time alone together. By the time I first traveled abroad with my now-wife, we’d already lived together for a while, so we both knew a lot about what the other one was like—sleeping, eating, bathroom habits were familiar rather than new surprises. I don’t think having that level of intimacy already established is a requirement, by any means, but being in close quarters far from home, possibly somewhere alien or stressful, isn’t my idea of a good place for you to learn for the first time that she hates trying new food, or for her to suddenly find out you snore and were planning to hitchhike.
Yeah this, also depending on where you go she will be constantly jealous and will try to prove something. Meaning even more fucking. But dont let her plan anything, women are shitty at that and you will be blamed for her mistakes.
This all comes with the caveat that my gf is not european, so your experience may vary. I had european gfs in the past and they can be more bitchy.
Honestly it can be nice when the vibes are good but kinda stressful in my experience. Women want to stop every ten feet and take pics and try to force you out of bed at 7am after a night of drinking to go see some shit you don't care about.

How good it is depends on where you are, I think. Travelling in Europe with a gf was pretty nice. In SEA, not so much, since I can just get a woman there anytime I want for the fraction of the price of bringing some chick with me from home.
The jealousy fights had to be horrendous in SEA lmao. Atleast you get make up sex.
I went traveling with a girl many years ago, we'd just been together for a short time and left for India for 6 months. It was great, we went on awesome adventures, had epic sex every day, split the costs, she didn't take many photos. Trouble was she was too friendly to everyone, especially guys, the way she acted made it seem like they all had a chance to screw her, she was just like that with everyone, but she definitely liked the attention of other men, think it was cause her parents split up at a young age and she lived with her mom who had different guys coming and going.
Yeah she ended up cheating on me, not during our travels, but later.
IME it makes everything more coddle toddle and kinder surprise. I went to thailand twice, once with gf, once after breakup. The second time really gave me perspective on what I like to do as opposed to what I settle for with her. First trip was a lot more tourist traps, $$$ on stupid shit like 10$ coconut drinks, crowded beaches because lonely planet recommended them, doi suthep.. etc etc

Second trip I slept in temples and stayed with monks and witnessed a car accident. Way more rugged and fun.
My girl was a Filipina ofw and we were travelling in the Philippines together, so yes, it was rough hahaha. I couldn't even go to 7 eleven without being hit on there. But you know, we also travelled in Europe and UAE (one of the most gender imbalanced countries in the world where dudes will literally pay a thousand dollars in a night just to drink with average looking women) so it was nice for me to show her what life is like for a man most of the time. It honestly changed our relationship for the better.
I traveled with my now ex gf in 2023 through the US and it was so fun it prolonged our relationship I think. We had so much fun and a lot of sex. we went to NYC and were like rabbits. Eventually she refused to commit long term and didn’t want kids so we broke up. But the traveling together was so much fun, I miss it a lot.
If you pick one that you love being with and have the same lifestyle/energy then it's awesome.
If you just went for a random one because she's pretty there's a big chance it'll be hell.
Mine is a nature freak and hate spending money or any luxury. It's good and she pushes me out of my comfort zone constantly pic related.
if she's in a good mood it's heaven, if she's in a bad mood it's hell
she just didnt want kids with you anon, thats all. sad but at least you found out early.
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Depends on her personality. I went on 1 (one) roadtrip with a friend and have since decided to never ever ever take anyone with me. The trip was constantly detoured from what I wanted to do to random shit she wanted to see along the way. Ended up having to ditch a lot of stuff at the destination as a result, not to mention she protested a few things so we had to compromise throughout. To top it off she refused easy and fast to get and go food so we wasted many hours in "local" joints for lunch and dinner each day.

you have to watch them like a hawk. they WILL cheat and then your vacation is over. there is nothing worse than being in another city or country and everything going to hell like that.
Thats whatsup. Sounds hot
Yeah who cares if they cheat though, as long as she is still with me and loves me , she can suck ismeals penis.. whatever ... she alreadyy fucked 50 guys before i got inside of it... so whatever...
Naa whatever. Why does it matter if she cheats. Just dont leave me baby!
Is it really that easy to meet and smash them over there? And have good connections and vibes?
>Naa whatever. Why does it matter if she cheats. Just dont leave me baby!
You need to be 18 and older to post here
Traveling with a woman costs literally 4-5x as much as traveling as a solo male
How can that be true when you are eliminating cooming costs?
yeah it was awesome
she had such a nice, super wet and good smelling pussy too
half chinese half italian
good little freak
Women always, always, ALWAYS have to be doing something cute and fun and most women will expect their man to foot the bill. They won’t stay at a middling hotel, they’ll only want 4 star places and fancy meals and prime time flights. I fucking swear I can do a 5-day European vacation for under $1500 on my own but with a SO in tow it costs $6000 easy
That sounds expensive as shit for five days either way. Wtf are you doing?
Pay for everything, she stops being interesting two days into trip. She wants you to do everything. 100 photos everywhere. There is a reason I'm a chronic flirt.
Nice ad hominem bro. You must be 19 and not very smart
Try again and actually give me a good reason why it matters if my girl cheats on me.... no im not in highschool and scared of STDs (like most fags scared of stds that dont even matter)
so try again pal
Not him, but do you have a cuck fetish?
Sounds good, my wifes a latina but honestly I wouldnt take a pinay as gf, same like eastern european women they have too much of a reputation for me. Literally made for whoring around there. I can imagine she hated every thai womens guts, as she knows how they and her own people operate ?
Did you travel with her in the philipines ? I did with my wife in her homecountry before we married, and it was cool having a guide that spoke the language and knew many things.
thats a boy
Only do it if your gf is your twin personality wise. Any compromise and it just gets bitter
Even if she is close to you or very similar in personality shes still a woman. They all nag to a degree, they all are retarded in their decisions. You have to lead. Just hope you have a gf that accepts that instead of bitching all the time.
ITT: morons

Assume she is going to be a lot child because realistically that's about the exact mentality she will be at after .5 seconds after stepping off the plane.

Words of advice
>Have a schedule for EVERYTHING, 60-90-120 minute blocks don't skimp on this because it will be important to keep her moving
>Control the majority of the money because there is a 4 out of 5 chance she will splurdge on some stupid shit and be ripped off
>Always have some restaurants planned out for lunch/dinner, otherwise enjoy ending up at starbucks or american chain
>Book every hotel and handle the check in women will often fuck something up for an 'upgrade'
>be ready to take photos like seriously all the photos possible

Honestly having a schedule and attempting to stick to it will fix 90% of the problems that come up, and while it sounds boomerish it is almost always the sure fire way to make her start moving her ass out of some bullshit tourist trap.
>Have a schedule for EVERYTHING
Nice """vacation""" retard, enjoy your synced calendar and don't forget to do a sprint planning before boarding the plane

It depends on how chill you are as a man and how cortisolmaxxed your gf is.
I've traveled with 2 gfs. One was quite feminine/obedient and overall a very good girl, just like at home, and didn't argue and just followed me everywhere and my only concern was feeding her and showing where the bathroom is.
The other was a more an serious and independent woman and despite my best effort to comfort her and let me handle everything she still stressed and ended up arguing about various bullshit and ruining like 3 days out of a 2 week trip.

Both true.
I’m flying across the Atlantic. Shits expensive
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dont ever ask her what she wants to do/ eat, decide beforehand on a few options that are acceptable to you and let her pick from only those
Lmao why is this guy seething so much about the inane blabber of some dumb broads ? Are normalfaggots this buckbroken by cunts ?
Hes not in the wrong naturally, he just comes off as furious about something as natural and inconsequential like a wet fart.
Oh okay. Guess I should have realized you were counting your ticket, but the amount once you're there seems like the more useful number.
>Lmao why is this guy seething so much
He's an amerifag who's mad jelly about euro cities being a pleasant place to be at.
>why it matters if my girl cheats on me
You're trying way to hard lmao
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>$700 a day in Hawaii
Holy shit
Do straight men enjoy travel?
There is just something timelessly American about this man. This is the America the world should see. Not NIGS
He looks and talks like a retard
I think I might be the only one on earth.
Certified virgin

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