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I go on vacation in august and I have never been to Croatia or Spain. Which country would you most recommend? I feel like I like both countries equally much.
Go to Spain. It is a very good country. Croatia is cold and very ugly. It had bad architecture, and it is culturally poorer. Spain also has a very intricate history.
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>Croatia is cold and very ugly
lmao what
as a croatian I think Spain would be a better choice between the two as it is a larger country and has more stuff to see/do, the regions are probably more diverse
Greece and italy are indefinitely better than those two

But if I had to pick one it would be Croatia it's much more authentic and more has more bearable heat, Spain is the worst European Mediterranean country imo it's full of retarded anglos and Germans and every coastal region is just pondering to those retards
As if Croatia isn’t full of cruise tourists looking for le kings landing
Croatia. Zagreb is one of the most kino capitals in all of Europe. Zadar is the Monaco of the Balkans, and all the islands along the coast put the Balaerics to shame. Just rent a yacht for a couple of hundred bucks, and cruise around for weeks getting laid by easy Croatian girls who are huge Anglophiles.
At least fucking try to make it believable
>in august
I've traveled extensively in both, but will put as much effort into this post, as the OP did in his.
Should be minimum word count on OPs to get rid of trash like this. How the fuck can we recommend something if we have no idea what you're looking for? Cunt.

>never been
>like them both
Travelling is for the retarded, invest money in the stock market or bitcoin.
spain is great
some places will be too hot in august
both will have less touristy spots available still but locals will travel to those places in august
to bait someone making an earnest response to then call their recommendations shit or gay is an old pasttime of 4chan

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