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i want to escape the rat race
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lol ai has gone too far
>i want to escape the rat race
if there's one thing that japan is famous for worldwide, it's its fucking rat race
It's like asking how to move to Africa to escape black people
What are these fucking faggots even working for? Isn’t the yen basically worthless and jap qts aren’t giving up the box?
I make 500k usd a year and live there remotely with my gf
What country is best then if I have low work ethic and want to escape the rat race and live a slow paced life?
Only possible if you're already loaded.
No you don’t shut the fuck up
Excellent question, Japan has terrible productivity, there was case during COVID when remote work became a thing and a lot of salary men had no idea what to do because they didn't actually tasks related to productivity in the corp.

A lot of it is still entrenched bugman behavior.
Yeah someone doing better than you must be larping right it's impossible that anyone is better than you
Faggot crab in a bucket I guess this delusion is probably keeping you from realizing the truth of how pathetic you are and killing yourself
>Isn’t the yen basically worthless and jap qts aren’t giving up the box?
A weak yen doesn't mean shit /biz/tard, yeah it absolutely sucks for the average lower income people but for the economy it can be a good thing as investors now have reason to weigh the weak WON vs YEN.

The average Japanese has 0 chance of leaving Japan unless they have a great grasp on English and a degree that's worth anything in abroad, most Japanese degrees are worthless. The one thing that keeps people okay is how strict Japan is regarding rent increases which is basically been saving Japan form a complete depression and mulling it through a recession.
> Japan has terrible productivity
This is probably what will make you hate Japanese culture more than anything. They are focused 1000% on the perception of being NIPPON STRONGU when in reality they hire 3x the people needed then use their shit 'hierarchy' to make the fresh blood do all the work until that person makes the new guy do it all.

>b-but that happens all over
Not on the scale you think or in the absurd 'willing to shoot the business in the foot just to prove a point' levels of management.

What job or position are you bringing to the table, Japan is in a recession right now so what do you have over a local who needs a job?
Post paystub and MyNumber card.
>so what do you have over a local who needs a job?
>>2680628 "has" that he isn't a bugman. that's an amazing start even in Japan HR or founders can't recognize it
Japan is import dependent and now imports are doubled in price. This affects anything that uses petroleum, wheat, manufactured goods, etc. Prices for foods have doubled, even for locally produced things. Everyone who earns in yen is affected, you fucking retard.
>Everyone who earns in yen is affected, you fucking retard.
No shit everyone is affected by it's more complex than I SEE EXCHANGE RATE THAT MUST BE WHAT THE ECONOMY IS.
Your takes are retarded. It affects much more than just lower income people, and now you're pathetically trying to backtrack. The yen collapse has effectively cut everyone's income in half. That's a huge change. And rent is increasing and rapidly. You don't live here and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The average pack of ramen or carton of milk has barely gone up, how about you go shop at actual grocery stores rather than tourist shops where they have inflated their prices.
Have sex.
Prices have literally doubled on those products. You weren't here pre-Covid or you're one of those dumb fags who don't look at prices and let your girlfriend buy everything.
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>escape the rat race
Stop watching your animes and take a single trip to Japan.
Japan is an eternal corporate ret-race
I don't think I will
I worked in Japan pre-covid anon so yeah I know what I am talking about. yen waivered between 110-125, now it's 150-160 and people are losing their shit.

Things have gone up sure, I am not denying that however they haven't doubled or tripled like they did at grocery stores in LA or whatever shithole city you are typing from. Import goods have gone up a fuck ton so if you're just looking at that sure I 100% agree they've gone up stupidly high. Though your normal items you need to cook at home or a quick bowl of ramen has really only gone up from maybe 580 yen to 650-700. Sure it's gone up but not that bad, hell even the Doner stands only really went up 100 yen on average.
My only plan is to win the lottery, lmao. I think I'm stuck living in my state with a basic accounting job unless I can figure out what my true passion is. I don't think I can go through college or a trade. I'm just too lazy for that.
dont move to japan. money's shit, people are neurotic weirdos, and everything in life's a pain in the ass from taxes to work/life admin. stuff. nothing's streamlined or convenient
I too want to move to japan, I'm done meeting in niggermerica, how can I neet in japan? I haven't ever had a job but I'm white so I should be able to go there since they have niggers and pajeets there
>I don't think I can
While some companies will hire a foreigner just because they won't fall for most Japanese social BS (ie tell the boss that he's bankrupting the company without being mentally strangled by the Japanese social rule drummed into them since childhood that they're never to question a superior no matter how wrong they are) that's relatively rare and most companies won't appreciate it.
i'm british and i worked in japan for a bit, but i have some pretty niche skills and the company already knew me from another project anyway. they probably did resent me but i was leading a team so their upbringing meant they were still respectful
inevitably there are also tons of pajeets working for multinationals in japan. most of the locals really do hate them
I've lived in Japan since 2018 an you're fucking retarded. You're only looking at the price and not the quantity in the package. That pack of ramen noodles that was 120g for for 180yen is now 80g for 200yen. Yeah the price itself hasnt gone up much but the amount has reduced by 3%, stupid blind fucking faggot
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I hope your mother gets raped with a cactus
Moving to japan will mean you left the rat race? How stupid are you? Being honest, how stupid are you, OP?
How old are you?
>it's all le douled
>no it hasn't
>okay well it hasn't but uhh like IT DID BECASUE IT JUST DID OKAY!?!?
Seething JETfags make me laugh go eat a burger fatty or are you too poor

Also I know the packs you are probably referring to and they only go to 100g lowest lmao
what do you do for werk
Infosec in an extremely niche area
Most of the pajeets I've encountered don't speak Japanese and always hang out in groups of themselves, but I've met one or two who speak pretty good Japanese and seemed chill. Same with black guys, every black person I've met in Japan is cool. I actually think meeting them made me less racist.
>want to escape the rat race
>move to the country with the most oppressive work culture on the planet except for like North Korea or Chinese sweatshops.
>5 year period of stay
Fucking racist MOJ giving me a 1 year visa.
Mine is an HSP you fucking retard, the fact that they gave you a 1 year visa alone when you can't read and the only thing you are good at is mouth breathing is enough of a blessing for you
Holy told
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>move to Japan for some work
>think it will be great to be out of the USA
>after about 3 months shit starts to sink in
>realize Japanese are often dumb as bricks if not told exactly what to do/say/think/react sure americans are dumb but at least they can form an opinion albeit stupid, still an opinion they made rather than waiting for want kenji-san thinks
>food is probably less healthy than back home lost a ton of muscle mass and it was costly to keep it on no fish and rice is shit after the 4th time this week you had it
>doing anything escapism wise is incredibly expensive if you aren't bankrolled on a US/foreign salary even with "muh hekkin trains" shit adds up
>breaking into social circles is impossible, sure you're "in" but you aren't every truly "in" word of mouth is basically how everything gets done or twitter
>quality of goods is DOGSHIT compared to what you get in the USA everything from suits, to shoes, to furnishings unless you pay for what is basically "american brand" or "american style" you are fucked
>healthcare is a fucking joke don't even get me started people in Japan basically would rather die than admit they got so sick they needed a doctor visit
>moving up in a company is basically "I hope the guy above me dies" most the time, skilled as shit? sorry bud kenji kun is above you and takes the credit, oh you want to leave because of that!??!?! we won't accept resignation here
t. Poorfag wagie seethe
The companies that do this are mostly ones that deal with foreign markets a lot anyway so they'll just ask American/European/Ect. employees if calling their product "white power" is a good idea or not.
All these anons can't recognize obvious irony

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