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I have two week vacation coming up at the end of July, likely going to end up traveling somewhere alone which I've never done before... I've been meaning to do a lot more but just haven't. Every time I've gone somewhere in the past its been with family. I am 26 years old. There are four trips I've always wanted to take
>New England
>Northwest, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, etc.
>Lastly Japan
What do you guys recommend I do and where do I start for a first time solo traveler? I currently live in the rust belt.
New England is cool, but not that cool to be honest with you. Acadia is fun, but the rest of New England is unremarkable as a solo traveler. If it were me, I’d go to Europe and check out various historical sites (I’m actually doing this for 6 weeks this Fall) or I’d go hiking in the Rockies (but I’m an experienced hiker).

Why don’t you want to go anywhere beachy? One of the best solo trips I’ve ever done was Miami with a fishing charter into the Caribbean. If was expensive as hell but fishing and partying was a blast.
I would love to go to Florida but heading to the Caribbean during high summer would cause me to melt. I went to Cancun during the summer many years ago with family and got sun poisoning and second degree burns from the sun. Europe is on my list and I have family living over there but don't think two weeks will be enough for me.
What do you guys think of activities to do as a solo traveler?
Damn you're ultra white
Anyway you could try west coast mexican beaches during fall, the water in Mazatlan is actually a bit cold during that time.
Mazatlan is extremely loud tho, they have bands playing on he beaches pretty much all day, so if you don't like this there's Puerto Vallarta or smaller Sayulita. Sinaloa has peak nature so there's stuff for you to see.
Yosemite in July is not a great idea. It's too hot, too crowded, too expensive and the waterfalls are starting to trickle out.

I'd say go for a beach trip somewhere. Not Florida.
When is the best time to go to Yosemite and Yellowstone then?
Alright well you sound kinda retarded so let me explain: the islands and coast are actually nice in the summer because you get an oceanic wind. The sun is hotter in Jamaica than it is in West Virginia, but the summer is more pleasant in Jamaica because of the winds and coastal activities. So all you have to do is protect from the sun. You can do that by using sunscreen, wearing clothing that covers more of your skin, and preferring low UV (early morning and evening) to midday. That’s all you have to do. So even if you’re a pasty motherfucker, all you have to do is do the above to acclimate to the sun and then you can do whatever you want. You should still avoid high UV after you acclimate though.

Personally, I get not wanting to go somewhere hot in the peak of summer but the thing is basically everywhere but far northern latitudes suck in the peak of summer. Even Europe and North America is miserable in July and August and there are no upsides. No sailing. No boating. No fishing. No laying on the beach, drinking and eating fruit. No girls in bikinis. No ocean sports. No diving. None of that fun stuff.
When I solo travel, I spend most of my time partying, taking photographs, and geeking out over history. I really want to start doing top gear type stuff, like coming up with challenges.
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Partying by yourself?
Well I usually try to meet a girl but yeah, I go to bars and clubs by myself. It’s no problem.
Solo is travel is nice, and there's zero debate what to see and when to see it. Go to the best restaurants, or hotel restaurants, and dine at the bar w/the business travelers. Enjoy your museums. I'd highly3 suggest walking tours, organized pub and food tours to add interesting people to activities.

It is doable,if you rent a car, as is Vancouver nd the weather is nice. Seattle is a shithole of drug user/homeless liberal types in a shocking way to visitors, as is Portland.

>Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, etc.
need 9-12mo of planning. Nat'l Parks are full of people with advanced reservations since covid and massive amounts of ppl in the hotels, RVers, and such.

ideally shoulder season when the kiddos go back to school, so mid-September you'll find more bargains. For a newcomer, stop through Reykjavik if they still do the free layover idea.
It seems like such a foreign concept to me, how do you do it and bond with strangers like that? How did you get started doing it?
just throw a dice instead of shitting up the catalog

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