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Laiya Beachside Edition

Discuss your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.

Philippine Travel Guides:

Philippine e-Travel requirement before Arrival:
Any areas that have good air quality? I'm talking PM2.5 below 5 µg/m3, like where I'm from. I don't see the point in moving to some place that's cheaper to live, if I just die early from breathing in poison.
Calamba is the best choice for you.
Thanks chat GPT, but I know how to use a search engine. Plus, I don't care to be in or near a big city.
Moving to Baguio is a life changer for me. It’s so calm and peaceful here compared to BGC. And fresh fruits and berries all day long.
Interesting. Are there many expats or travellers coming through? What are they like?
How is the dating scene?
>Are there many expats or travellers coming through?
Yes. Mostly the backpackers and retirees.
>What are they like?
They’re pleasant. There’s this one guy who came all the way from Madrid. He wanted to explore all of SEA.
How is the dating scene?
I honestly don’t know. I’m not interested to be in a relationship at the moment. Although I’m seeing a lot of couples here in Baguio.
Those Angie and Tommy videos on tiktok made me never want a Flip girlfriend. Here's the hottest Flip girl I could find lip synching one of them:


She's a fucking smoke show, does all the vids.

Anyway. What do you boys think?
>How is the dating scene?
isn't there several good universities there? lots of women.
I'm looking to visit for the 30 day visa free period. Into nature. I'd stay in hostels mostly. What would you recommend? Flying in Manila and flying out of there back to mainland SEA.
>Into nature
>I’d stay in hotels mostly
I’d recommend Batangas or Tagaytay then. Both are 1hr 30min drive from Manila.
My personal picks are:
The Farm at San Benito https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6vrnbAfIk

Acua Verde Beach Resort

Nurture Wellness Village Tagaytay
>Pink nipples
Maybe with paint and a brush
Thanks for that, appreciate it
>fake michael jackson nose
why is this so popular these days?
just stick with your fuckin monkey nose
>Does their media not represent the actual Filipino race?
That's right.
It does represent the actual Filipino race.
that's the same everywhere in third world
celebrities don't look like 90% of population
Cope. Flips are brownoids but most of their celebrities are half white or half non jungle asian.
It does exist
>Moving to Baguio is a life changer for me. It’s so calm and peaceful here compared to BGC. And fresh fruits and berries all day long.
Baguio is one of my #1 picks for making a life in PH work
>How is the dating scene?
Not one of the best in PH for your standard white boi.
24/7 coffee shop at foam has richer girls, but they don't seem too accessible. Basically feel like upper middle class+ BGC gals in some parts of baguio.

Lots of colleges in town tho, so girls will swing more college-aged

Has an SM mall unlike la union down the mountain
has a craft
pine trees
cool air
martial arts gyms
>white bois
>craft beer
>pine trees
>martial arts gyms
I'm a 260lb brown security guard faggot. Wtf am I gonna do with this white dork information? I'm asking how the slum rats are
>martial arts
Is there any places in PH to watch decent fighting and/or Muay Thai events?
>Is there any places in PH to watch decent fighting and/or Muay Thai events?
not sure about watching fights as an event. I've just trained in over 3 gyms at this point.

Manila is obviously a default answer for something in the events category in PH, but idk for sure. I feel like Baguio should have a certain level of amateur+ competition. younger teenage guys I knew competed there at least once

Would need research to really know the best spots for fights
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Lmao the only “pro” fights I’ve ever seen are at the cockpit arena!
And they take this shit really serious
Assuming I'm a dual citizen US/PH, if I'm staying in the Philippines for longer than 2 months, do I just show my PH passport upon landing at immigration?

I was thinking I'd be able to go to the much shorter US passport line and then just show them my PH passport.
>do I just show my PH passport upon landing at immigration?
Yes. Don't tell the officer that you're a dual citizen, they'll ask for more questions.
>And they take this shit really serious
>I'm a 260lb brown security guard faggot. Wtf am I gonna do with this white dork information? I'm asking how the slum rats are
Lol. Obese brown security guard. Post fat piggy hand with Cheeto dust
>how did you deal with it?
Kick her out of your condo
interesting Doc, thanks. Def a side of PH most people don't think about or see.
I saw a poster advertising a cockfight and asked Filipina gf about it and she said it happens sometimes. I had no idea it was that huge and widespread and legal.
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This is the person making these comments
Makes you wonder what else she is lying about?
Wtf are you talking about, you brown wagie slob?
what if she keeps coming back?
You need to go on TRT
>I had no idea it was that huge and widespread and legal.
And you can bet, enter your own rooster, and be part of it too. Completely legal.
Report her to the admin department of your condo.
the thing is I love her and I find it impossible to be slightly mean to her. She's an innocent, pure girl, and has never done anything wrong. I just don't want a relationship with her because I want to see other women. 2 years of this... Even after catching me with another girl when I was ignoring her, all she wants is to be with me. It's crazy, and I just can't say no to her. She's like a daughter to me
>She's like a daughter to me
What's the age difference?
I'm 28 and she's 7 but she's really mature for her age
Nice. 7 year old cunny is amazing
Only a year, but I've taught her a lot of basic things. Opening a tin can with a can opener, how to clean a fridge, writing coherently in English (still a wip), and consistently explain words to her because her native native language is not English.

It makes me feel very alone, stuck with this all the and cant meet new English speaking people.
Not him, but let's think about it for a sec.
What are her negatives / red flags?
I'm about to try and convince you to stay with her but let's see the flip side of the coin
>unable to communicate clearly. Its been kinda embarrassing when I've introduced her to friends
>doesnt have many opinions of things (yes, there is good and bad to this)
>doesnt have citizenship
>has a below average paying job
>has no idea what she wants to do, so shes going to pay 60k USD for a meme degree to stay in the country

I just know I could do better than this.
>Chubby girl is just attached to me because I talk to her
>Convinced her to work out so she can join me in doing stuff
Wait, are you in the west or in the Philippines?
in the west
>I just know I could do better than this.
To elaborate on this, I've been on dates (behind her back) with multiple women just as good looking, who speak english, and are studying medicine.

This guilty conscience I have undermines my success in life
Cut her loose, she holds all the upside in the power dynamics - that's why she is gritting her teeth and pushing through to get PR through you.
You don't seem particularly enamored by her either.
If she was in the Philippines, different story.
>innocent, pure girl, and has never done anything wrong.
>Even after catching me with another girl when I was ignoring her, all she wants is to be with me.
You could probably have negotiated a relationship where she takes care of you, and you provide for her and your kids + you get to see other women too
> Its been kinda embarrassing when I've introduced her to friends
Who cares what they think, it's your happiness that is priority. People will always be judgemental, it's who they are
>doesnt have many opinions of things
Fantastic, she's there to cook / clean / suck your dick
>doesnt have citizenship
Biggest red flag
>has a below average paying job
This otherwise would have been ok, shows she is industrious rather than relying on handouts
>has no idea what she wants to do, so shes going to pay 60k USD for a meme degree to stay in the country
She or her family could secretly be rich back home

>I've been on dates (behind her back) with multiple women just as good looking, who speak english, and are studying medicine
If you've got options, go play the field.
Filipinas in the west are a totally different proposition to Filipinas from the Philippines.

Depending on how old you are, too much choice / freedom could be your undoing. You'll never be happy if you are always thinking "I can do better". It may be the case, but where do you stop?
Thanks for the mature response. I don't know who else to talk to about this. My friend is gay and doesn't seem to understand dating women, Chatgpt spits out normie therapy maxxed responses, it wouldn't be proper to talk to random women about this, guys I meet at the bar wouldn't give a fuck, and my family isn't educated enough to give me helpful feedback like this. So thank you.

You're right, and I've never been particularly enamored by her since the start. She was just there when I was ignored by everyone else. Even she ignored me at the beginning until we bumping into each other online in another site.

I've mentioned doctors showing some interest in me, but I still want to say I'm not some type of freak. Women like me when we finally meet, which can take 1 to 12 weeks from the first "hey hows it going?" message on a dating app. My despair builds during the fishing phase of the relationship cycle and I plunge too deep too quickly. Because of this, I cheer for the lowest ranking underdogs of r9k to one day make it, to get what they want. This race is a difficult one to contend in.

Anyway, I'm not even 30 yet. And I know I want a sporty mommy type, not much like her, but I just don't know how to get away from her. I've not answered my door before. She left after 2 hours. I've broken up with her 8 times, and it never ends. Yes it's at least 40% my fault, but other women I've known just let it go the first time.
How did you break up with her?
And yes, you are super young.
If you aren't 30, you should be quite easily getting into fresh 18/19yos in the Philippines
via text once or twice, and via dropping her off at her place and telling her multiples times. Usually gotta sit in the car for an hour or two while she asks me why and cries.
I'm going to impregnate her and leave her to teach her a lesson
Probably a good idea because your kid will likely be as retarded and shitty as she is. There is something about these people that is just way off.
>these people
You mean all flips? I've noticed it in the west. They usually come off as ill mannered, and unprofessional. They often gossip, say weird stuff without filtering themselves, and produce suboptimal meals and tacky products.
Yep. Flips. I’ve been living among them for a year now. The Philippines is the closest thing to hell that I can imagine. Every situation you find yourself dealing with a flip is a shitshow. Everything from buying a new car to a hospital visit is a lesson in patience and a reminder that they have a hard limit of 70IQ points but they think they are masters of business; finance, and medicine
I wonder if the guy with the nurse gf who steals biologics from the pharmacy to give to him is still lurking here kek
They probably got arrested.
That reminds me of something else. Has anyone currently living in the Philippines noticed the way flips try to hide their time wasting phone addiction at work?
If you ever see a flip in an awkward position, staring at their phone, they are trying to waste company time while hiding from the security cameras. I have noticed them in Alfamart hunched behind a shelf pretending to stock shelves. I’ve seen a pharmacist at Mercury Drugs pretending to stock aspirin. All while watching some retarded garbage on TikTok. I guess when you earn less than $1 an hour you slack off as much as you can.
>Maybe with paint and a brush
are you an autist who could only get paid hookers? High society pale-skinned chicks in PH go international anyway and wouldn't get caught with a smelly old foreigner kek
>Is this not the reality of the Philippines?
it is- just the boujie families obviously. They can afford the skin treatments and live a wholly less stress life. The business owner's daughters, the overseas working family daughter, the congressman's niece. You don't meet them on the street or the basic public colleges. If you couldn't meet those level girls in the US, what makes you think you could in PH too lol
Probably a tranny
Is there anything you can get or do in Philippines that you can't in America?
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>that you can't in America?
buy a modest, newly-built, 3-bedroom, two-story home for around $10-15,000USD in a gated community. Easily start a business with little in terms of legal paperwork. Go to remote island beaches that dwarfs anything in the US or Hawaii or Puerto Rico in general. Eat good food/drink at affordable rates. Rent a seaside apartment with all the modern amenities for <$500USD/month or ones near a major metropolitan area. Avail in easily-accessible degen adult sexual activities if you are into that shit. Attend an internationally-accredited college for a degree at an affordable rate. Do medical-tourism for surgery or treatment at an affordable rate (what I did for some skin treatment and was pretty comfy). Meet interesting expats or fellow travelers in the boujie locations you would otherwise not meet in the US. Attend US artist concerts you otherwise would pay absurd prices for a ticket in the US. Meet foreigner tourists you would not be able to interact with in the US commonly (Japanese, Korean, Indo, Singaporean, Micronesian, Australian, New Zealander, etc who frequently visit). Purchase custom-tailored clothing like custom made leather brogue shoes or suits of a quality that would be expensive in the USA. So many things man
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>Is there anything you can get or do in Philippines that you can't in America?
Finding true happiness
>buy a modest, newly-built, 3-bedroom, two-story home for around $10-15,000USD in a gated community.

Please point me in the right direction anon. I swear these houses are around the 60k - 70k mark these days
$40 cum in pussy sex with 18 year olds with no questions asked and no fuss
obviously not in the middle of a tier 1 city
such homes are available in smaller towns and in development zones
the tricky part is foreign land/home ownership laws, basically you cannot own a house or land, so you either jump through numerous expensive legal loopholes to acquire the property through a trust, or you accept your pet pinay will own it and can kick you out and take it any time she decides is right

As a foreigner you CAN own a condo and even duplex/fourplex type townhouses, but you cannot own the land they are built on, which are only sold as multi year leases.

There are a vast array of scams designed to fuck foreign property buyers over in PH, that I personally ran afoul of while trying to put down roots here. The place I eventually wound up buying the land title was not authentic and the land owner showed up demanding payment for having built on his land, and all the co-owners of the building were fucked over. A year of private investigative work unraveled the scheme, and the land owner had deliberately sought somebody to illegally acquire the title so they could eventually sue whoever built on it. It's still in court, but I consider the $10k I put into the apartment flushed down the drain.
>has a woman ever straight up refused to let you break up with her? like denied the idea you broke up with her and still acted like everything was normal? how did you deal with it?
lmao YES, I have been in that situation
she went catatonic when I told her she had to move out, and refused to acknowledge anything I told her
I packed up her stuff myself and put it by the door and told her to leave again but she just laid in the bed and looked at her phone
I had to call the police and then pay them 5000php to come over and remove her from condo, because otherwise they said it was a barangay issue and I had to go to them (lol)

of course as soon as the police arrived she said I was hitting her and abusing her (it was the opposite, and I had the bruises to prove it), but she was escorted out with her bag

she went on to show back up at my apartment the next day and the next, waiting outside the gate like a lost puppy and just milling around waiting for me to appear, while blowing up my phone with messages, telling me she had nowhere to go and was homeless and her family wouldn't take her
Based and walker-groups pilled.

What a headache, all the best with it and thanks for the heads up. I might just go with avida or SMDC slop to minimize headaches. I will love in my box, own nothing, and I will like it kek.
White dorks get what they deserve!
>White dorks get what they deserve!
Why do ypu keep telegraphing that your brown? Surely that's something you wouldn't want to tell everyone on here
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I keep seeing this security guard on here. I don't get it
>only travels every 2 years
>only goes to Pattaya
Why is he even on /trv/?
>>only goes to Pattaya
this explains his behavior. the expats there are nutcases.
Holy shit stfu retard, talk about the Philippines.
mental illness
Absolutely mindbroken
>Holy shit stfu retard, talk about the Philippines.
>mental illness
>Absolutely mindbroken
Schizo melty
Ugly stuff
Reminder that this schizo cuck isn’t even capable of driving a car and rides around in stinking jeepneys and tricycles while bragging about his white supremacy. Utterly dependent on everyone around him.
and if you're a mildly successful, tall and white 7/10 32 year old
>this schizo cuck isn’t even capable of driving a car and rides around in stinking jeepneys and tricycles while bragging about his white supremacy
Sounds like the typical white dork that you would find in a bar in Angeles
>the typical white
Not the cuckshed guy but why do you keep telegraphing that you're brown? Brown people are kinda gross
How do you feel about being brown? Seems like you have some issues
>Brown people are kinda gross
Brown people are wonderful

The color of my skin is irrelevant. What matters is on the inside.
Brown people are disgusting freaks.
Just stay in india with other jeets.
Nobody likes your kind
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>this is the type of white doek who flies to the philippines for sex and can only reply “but you’re brown”
>t. pic rel
You seem very insecure about your skin color. I must see "white dork" written about 20 times every day across /trv/.
Can you post your hand for us? I will tell you if you can be an honorary white or not
I literally just wrote:
>t. pic rel
Because some faggot wrote "white dork". How does that have anything to do with having a faggot wagie loser job?
>this is the type of schizo who thinks everyone is indian or a security guard
White people don't say "white dork" 20x a day you brown subhuman genetic trash. You'd know that if you were white or had any white friends
if you werent a white dork it wouldn’t bother you.
but you are the type of guy who flies to the Philippines to eacape being called “incel” so white dork really gets under your skin, huh?
If you were not a jeet abomination you wouldn't get mad if someone called you a brownoid creature.
Keep being mad at White dudes, you can't change the fact that you are a miserable pajeet subhuman.
You will always be sexless, mocked by everyone else and a low skilled wagie
What type of brown are you?
I think it is awful to see you suffering every day, envy posting "white dorks". I just imagine your little brown fingers tapping on the keyboard and it honestly makes me emotional.
My name is Randy Stevens. I am Chairman of The Council of Whites, Ohio Chapter. Please post hand and I will initiate proceedings to admit you as an honorary white, dependent on tone. Let's end this psychological nightmare today.
>mwah! Someone in the Philippines is bullying me!
Firstly, stop being a little crybaby, you brown slob
Secondly, lower your tone when talking to whites
Thirdly, answer the fucking question posted 5 times:
Fourthly, Mr Stevens has very kindly invited you to submit an application to become an honorary white, so post your fucking hand, you wagie slob
What type?
Post hand
What type?
Post hand
>no u
High IQ response there. You are a true ambassador for security guard wagies
im 28, 189cm, ottermode, slightly blonde, dress alri and am reasonably sociable, can i get laid in PH? little bit suicidal so I plan on taking a fat loan and travelling around SEA
Also, can i see that brown wagie slob's hand? ty
You trolling?
im just tryin to change the topic so people stop askin about my hand desu
ive also had trouble staying in relationships here, got a somewhat deep voice, can make alot of silly jokes but I have this deep thoughtful side to me that might scare women away yknow
also the fact that my nose and jawline are alright, combined with the fact that Im not a mouth breather and shower regularly might make people think Im arrogant
This is a tard guard hate thread sir
He wants to fuck your hand, anon.
We need to see the hand the "white dorks" guy
I’m white but my hand is brown because I’ve spent the last week on Laiya beach with my Latvian girlfriend
That guard only exists in your schizophrenic delusions, loser
>That guard only exists in your schizophrenic delusions, loser
What type?
Post hand
Is this nigger gonna post his hand or what?
Who? You mean the schizophrenic individual arguing with himself?
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>the security guard left the thread and only his passionate defender remains
Show us on the doll where the security guard touched you
So has the security guard finally given up on overpriced Thailand? Is he now looking at the Philippines?
>heh heh the tard guard is not in the thread. Just me defending him. So he can't show you how brown his hand is heh heh
What type of brown are you?
Show hand
Or do you have another tired cliche way to dodge the question and the pic?
How about
>is the security guard in the room with you now lmao kek roll
Show us your hand, brown wagie slob.
This is a good question:
Just show your hand anon
Nope. Keep seething white dork
Typical pajeet, claims to be White but its too afraid to show its disgusting brown hand.
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Keep seething white dork
At this rate you will probably an hero by sunrise!
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>Keep seething white dork
>At this rate you will probably an hero by sunrise!
T. pic related
imagine you are an incel who discovered 4chan vis /pol/ in 2016. you became a radicalized anti-semitic white supremacist, but you have never had success with white women and you viciously bullied your entire life. Then imagine find a desperate filipina who finally makes you feel special. Now imagine how tortured you are as a racisy nazi who is paypigging daily in a foreign country full of SEA monkies.
imagine the mental illness he suffers. then imagine when your beloved 4chan, your safe zone starts moking you when you reveal you rent your shed from your inlaws and you cant drive. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. now cuckshed shits up every thread because his butt still hurts from being mindbroken and humiliated
>racist Nazis are bullying me!
Ok. Everybody is cuckshed. And you're too much of a crybaby faggot to post your hand and you don't want to say what disgusting mutant hybrid race you are. You hate "white dorks" and definitely don't want to be white.
Can you answer this question though:
Why tf are you on here? This is a board for travellers not brown wagie subhumans who got to Pattaya every 2 years.
>inb4 I'm on here to piss off white dorks rofl lmao
You are despised because you're an annoying brown wagie with an IQ so low you can't make anyone laugh. We'll always know you are an insecure, self-loathing brown but you think you mask it. Again, low IQ issue.
Actually, no. What type of brown are you? Kek
What's the cosplay scene like in Manila?
How is this cunt the janny? Absolutely unhinged, the most off-topic posts
>What's the cosplay scene like in Manila?
pretty good- nothing too different from the USA. They follow the same things. Last I was there was a convention that spilled into the Mall of Asia. Tripped me out seeing Chainsaw Man cosplayers out of nowhere.
Except I'm not cuckshed and there's lots of people who don't like you on here. Because you're an anti-white brown faggot wagie who never travels and shits up this board screeching KEKSHED.
If you only travel once every 2 years to Pattaya gtfo our board. Literally every one I know travels more than you
We're all white on here and you constantly write "whitoids" "westoids" and "white dorks". Get the fuck out of here.
>What's the cosplay scene like in Manila?
Surprisingly huge.
What is something expensive I can buy in this country? I'm going there soon I might have exchanged a bit too much cash and I might as well spend this monopoly money while I'm there.
Is it just expensive dinners?
Three ladyboys. Unironically.
I wonder if there's any dedicated nerd places so I can plap plap some cosplayer
Not really. There is a cosplay culture but it's reserved for cons and meetups, it's not a constant thing.
Yeah it's a shame since so many are weaboos.
>I wonder if there's any dedicated nerd places
The nearest Internet cafe
>What is something expensive I can buy in this country?
Pick your poison
Honestly low key based id love to hang out with some monkeys at internet cafe
>Yeah it's a shame since so many are weaboos.
Even in non-anime related competitions there are cosplayers.
Anons. I am not a cosplayer and ain't dressing up as that shot but want a cosplay gf. How do I get one without dressing up like a faggot?
This is what schizophrenia looks like.
What kind of brown are you?
Post hand
Why you so shy, babygirl? Why you never answer the question?
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>pic rel tard guard when someone asks what type of brown he is
so is this cuckshed guy seriously not able to drive? whats the qrd?
Also, is that security guard guy really a racist pajeet? Why won't he just answer the question?
Cuckshed is a guy living a boring life in rural phillipiness. He lives with his GFs family and doesn't have a car.
The security guard is an snti-white little cunt who constantly posts "westoids" "whitoids" "white dorks" on here and refuses to say exactly what type of mudslime creature he is.
And if he keeps making posts pretending he's other anons instead of answeing the fucking question, a bad man will escalate all the way to his doorstep.
Find him. Extinguish him. He's laughing at you.
If we're gonna get him we have to be smart and patient about this. I've seen people discussing this on discord. Best to keep it off 4chan
White dorks seething is definitely the funniest sight. Imagine letting /pol/ froth you into a sputtering rage and all you have around you is your retard flip landlords and their daughter you pay to play with your pathetic little pecker. Everyone around him is brown so he is obsessed with brown. He’s not living his nazi /pol/ fantasy of a European tradswife giving him white kids. It’s cognitive dissonance dialed up to 1000
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>T. smelly pajeet animal.
Come and find me white dorks. Your race is going extinct. Your sons and daughters will be brown. We will kill your women in the streets. I'll be waiting for you.
I dare 4chan to find me. White cowards playing with your peckers all day. Do it. I dare you.
>doesn't have a car.

Is this your new cope way of admitting you don’t know how to drive a car? You used to argue that your father never taught you. Then you would say you “never had a need to learn” which was still a cope for never having the courage to learn.
I wish one of you white dorks will show up on my doorstep because security guards always have guns. And I am close friends with all of the cops where I live.
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>SAAAAAAARRRR come to my house
> SAAAAAR Me and other jeets have guns
Don’t forget that jeets can also drive. Something you can’t do.
4chan autists are weak white cowards. Hitler was a disgusting degenerate faggot. You are too weak and stupid to find me. Deep down you have accepted your race has lost. We will replace. We already have. Kek
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> SAAAAAAR I am a brown subhuman
>SAAAAR I am still angry that Brits raped my mom
Cope brown subhuman, Muslims are taking pajeetas and you cant do shit
I am not cuckshed, jeet faggot.
I live in Vietnam and I have a motorbike
I don’t believe you
Post your hand on your motorbike
He thinks everyone is the cuckshed guy. He has no idea how many people he is pissing off
Do something about it white dork. Do something.
Bro is gonna have a hangover lol
I can’t tell if cuckshed is a drunk or just a schizo. He is definitely replying to himself and pretending to be multiple people.
tsk tsk
Just finishing your shift "anon"? Get some rest.
Your whole family are white dorks. But I will breed your children whether they like it or not. Your grandchildren will be brown and hate you.
White coward.
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relax jeet you need to eat some beef.
nope I woke up about 1 pm and took my fortuner to jolibee with my wife’s niece. I got the 2pc spicy and she got a jolliee spaghetti. I am going to take her to SM Fairview to buy some school clothes. He will probably contibue arguing with himself until he blacks out. Im going to watch a 14 year old beauty try in clothes.
Indians are the most successful and wealthiest immigrants. You'll be serving me soon.
That's not the ethnicity you registered with bsis
just checking in to let you know i am at SM Fairview if any of you faggots want to try something. look for the 6’1 fit white guy in his thirties with the Filipina teenager. I will be looking for any comical looking white dorks who cant maintain eye containt
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Finally you admitted that you are a stinky pajeet.
> SAAAAR you will work for me SAAAAR
I am a business owner, a successful one so no need to work for anyone.
Besides where I live killing cows and eating beef is part of our tradition. I dont think jeets can tolerate such an environment
thats just you repkying to yourself, schizo.
here I am>>2683005 cone to SM Fairview if you want to have a look at my hands. We can meet at the Datablitz because im going to go there alone to buy an SSD.
>suddenly a white guy
How'd you turn white so fast anon? I want to turn my GF's nipples pink
i was always white but not a white dork like you.
Anyway, I am going to Bonchon at 5pm. None of you white dorks are stepping up. Come see me cuckshed. i will wait for your jeepney ride.
Wow. So desperate. You surely didn't think this would work. You're scared now. Very scared.
Look at all his previous posts. I've never before heard a white guy say he's gonna rape white children to make them brown
Don't let him get away with this anon. We've all had enough
come on schizo. Im calling you out in public. im at the Bonchon at SM fairview right now
>im at the Bonchon at SM fairview right now
Pic with time stamp
no i dont answer to a cuck. bring your faggot ass here pusu little bitch.
They know who you are and where you are
no more schizo posting. be a man.
stop. discord
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I want to beachmaxx. I don't want to have bareback sex with prostitutes, I don't want to swim through Manila slums for pig guts and fertilized chicken eggs. I want to sit on a beach for a week. Where should I go? I don't need a fancy hotel just indoor plumbing and cheap coconuts.
OP has your answer >>2679636
If you are American there is no need to fly all the way the the Philippines if you aren’t trying to pick up underage prostitutes. You have the Caribbean. You have Hawaii and Guam. The only reason to fly all the way to the ghetto islands of SEA is the prostitution for the dorkiest of white incel sexpests.
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Insecurity guard is TTT from thailand generals. He is white and has a recognizable syntax to his writing. He is not the one posting 'whiteoid' or 'white dorker'.

The dorker poster is probably a flip. Possibly fil-am. Possibly the same obsessed idiot who is either actually this guy, https://www.youtube.com/@vikagene/videos

or posing as him for some reason. He identified himself as the anti-white filipino spamming these threads before, but I haven't actually confirmed the channel is actually him or just some guy trying to get him harassed.
lmao jeetjanny triggered
you can see this type of thing as the supermarket butcher, retard
Imagine coconutmaxxing
He was posting about raping white kids to make brown kids. White genocide stuff.
Scroll up
Not posting anymore. Don't need help identifying him
>I'm definitely not the insecurity guard. He's definitely white.
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God I wish mods were real; this back and forth shitposting is worse when polfags invaded during covid
That was just cuckshed schizoposting.
I'm not. It's just an established fact. We've already been over this many times, insecurity guard barely posts here but a certain schizo attributes many shitposts to him, because he is obsessed.

This whole thing isn't complicated man. It's literally just one maniac shitting up these threads and inventing and continuing a fantasy, while other people beg him to shut the fuck up.
How brown?
Post your hand
>That was just cuckshed schizoposting
You're not fooling anyone schizo.
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you know that was you faggot i was sitting there at the SM mall challenging you but you were too cowardly. you dont want me snapping pictures of you and confirming that you and your flip monkey look exactly like your meme.
>come on schizo. Im calling you out in public. im at the Bonchon at SM fairview right now
>Pic with time stamp
>no i dont answer to a cuck. bring your faggot ass here pusu little bitch
Not gonna need those 70% disability payments soon
He had so many opportunities to change. But he kept being a cunt.
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your schizo posts are so cringe and pathetic. you are ao far off the mark for everything you say. but i would expect this level of cringe from a white dork who never got the courage to learn how to drive. that is just so lame bruh.
Is this the Philippines general or the schizo general?
it might go back to being the Philippines general soon. Cuckshed has humiliated himself in seceral threads. Plus he threatened an influential Filipino and his Jewish wife. That shit doesn’t fly here. Cuckie is desperately trying to cover his tracks and avoid deportation because I reported him to the NBI. The NBI will be looking through his post history and they will determine if his past antisemitism is a real threat to Eugene, Vika, and their child.
Imagine finally settling in the Philippines but you are such an insufferable /pol/cel chud that you can’t refrain from harassing a Jewish mother and you end up in a Filipino prison before being deported!

Cuckshed better book a flight home back ASAP! I don’t think he will do well in the Pinoy legal system. His post history will likely be national news!
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welcome bruh!
philippines is off da hook!
You gotta get away from the cities, live in some forgotten village. Every jeepney and motorbike on the street is spewing fumes, so even if the AQI looks decent, the city air is always polluted by western standards. After a while, your nose becomes numb to the smells, and you forget what it's like to breathe pure First World air perfumed only with natural smells.
You must be staying away from the snarled downtown streets if you think of Baguio as "calm". A lot of hilly neighborhoods have little through traffic.
imagine believing that Filipinos are more "ghetto" than Caribbean mulattos
a low-value white guy doesn't get respect in the places you mentioned, but in the Philippines, respect is their way of life.
I'm planning on flying Denver to Cebu City on my next trip to Asia.
Every SEA thread is a white being tricked into flinging shit with a non-white. If you’re flinging shit with a Pajeet, your skin might be white but you have a nigger’s upbringing either way.

I just want a Pinay wife so bad bros. :(((

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