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I want to cheap out and inly get one bed for me and my gf. Browsing all the redditfag threads they just all moralfagged about it as I expected. Anyone do this? I assume you’d only get caught if some faggotron in the room complained to management?
Just get a private room retard. It's not even that expensive.
>Pay pay pay pay pay pay waaa
No thanks fag i make six figures remote but im not paying 200 a night
What fucking hostel charges 200 a night for a private room? Every single one I've been to is max 60 euro a night.
>I make 6 figures
Then stop acting like a Jew in front of your girl. You'll both appreciate the peacefulness and less worry than cheating out, assuming your 6 figures aren't counted in Argentine pesos lol.
>bro just pay more money bro
Tell me youre american without telling me
>why do i have to pay for service
tell me you are a jew without telling me
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She'll fuck some std ridden chad in the bathroom. You clearly have no experience with hostels and what the pheromones of such places do to women upon contact.
>i make six figures remote
lmao no you don't, you can't even afford two fucking hostel beds in a 4 bed room, simply eating out for a day will cost more in most places
>Oh my be a decent person and follow the heckin rules!
Reddit now
I also had a 220$ dinner last night with her and tipped ZERO. Cope and seethe
What kind of discussion are you even expecting? You've asked your question on another site, and you got answers you didn't like. You're asking it again here. Did you just want an echo chamber of anons to assure you that everything will be fine and pat you on the back?

Let me just cut to the chase: You will not easily get away with it. Regardless of how much money you make or how little you're willing to spend, there is a high chance that you will be caught. I will not judge you based on your frugality, I am just answering honestly.
learn English streetshitter
How is everyone making 6 figure remote? Is this a millennial thing?
is that a pic of the infamous delta p?
I almost make 6 figures remotely
t. zoolennial

If you start having sex in a shared space that other people payed for, i would make your lives hell. I would start by inturrupting, kindly at first, but i would stop the interaction nontheless. If you refused to stop, i would tell you to go to the bathroom, if you refused to stop again, i would turn on the lights. If you refused to stop again, i would hit and run, turn on the lights run, watch you from the open door with the lights on, make it as uncomfortable as possible. In other words, dont have sex in shared spaces like a decent human.

If you continued to have sex in our room after all this, i would fight you.

Confirmed indian.
most fun times i had during my 20s. bareback backpacker girls in hostel. would fuck them in the washroom, or the lower bunk. put a bedsheet on the lower bunk for privacy.
>If you continued to have sex in our room after all this, i would fight you.

fight me faggot. i'm 6'0, 180 lbs trained in muay thai.i will not stop having sex in the shared hostel dorm.
Brown hands typed this post. Not because you shit on them, mind you.
brownie detected
How much is a six-figure amount in jeet currency when converted to USD?
Lel. Why are people so neurotic about hostels these days anyway? You just check in, leave your shit and go out and explore.
I suppose the worst that can happen is they kick you out OP.
in hostal right now
>mutt waddling in
>can hear his breathing tries to tip the check in person
>waddles to his room assume he went to sleep and back to sipping on a proper beer
>30 minutes later half way done sipping my drink debating what to do tonight burger plops heard coming this way
>sits down
>pipe up clearing my throat to tell him here in europe we don't care for such things
>visibly mad and taken back
>looks at the girls staying in the commons area
>(yelling again)s-so do you guys like video games
>Tell him this is a place for adults and if he wants to be a child there is an arcade down the street to play at
>all begin laughing
>waddles out in a bit of rage
This did not fucking happen lol
>person over 25 shows up in hostel
creep alarm... hang up the towel old man
What's the point of traveling with a woman if you don't even have the privacy to fuck her after the day's activities?
Worst mentality ever,I'm 40 and was just at a hostel for a night and it was fun. The hostels that only have 18 year old Germans and French are the worst examples of hostels and will make anyone hate them.
>what the pheromones of such places do to women upon contact.
Hi, newfag here who stayed at a hostel once for a night and awkwardly ran away from everyone who tried talking to me, what do those places do to women? Asking for a friend.

Then you will die.
You probably do make 6 figures and have 0 dollars to show for it you're a cheap mother fucker honestly. Act like you have class faggots. Surprised your girl hasn't left a poor fag like you

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