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>Last Thread: >>2671711

>Florida edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When visiting parks in the hot season, go for rope drop, take an afternoon nap back at the hotel, and go back to the park during sunset. Avoid crowds and heat.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

Disney Park News:
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Is this true?
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only 2 months away from moving across the country by myself to be in the center of the theme park hub.
Going to work from home during the day, and pick a park to hang out at every night...
(stars are the parks, heart is where I plan to live)
For Disney, maybe...
For every other chain, parks have just gotten better and better over the years.

Some accommodations may have gotten worse (mainly from so many more people attending), but rides and attractions are in a golden age, getting better each decade.
Are you actually going to pay for an annual pass for every park?
Top tier universal pass - about $1k/yr
Top tier SW/BG pass - about $400/yr
bottom tier Disney pass - about $500/yr

comes out to around $150 a month, which is not too bad for a full lifestyle. cheaper than spending 5k+ on a 2 week trip
huh, guess that's good value if you expect to visit the parks at least a couple times a week.
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Would you ever consider paying for this?
I wouldn't mind doing every Disney but I'd split it up between holidays. That tour is way to regimented and you'd just get burnt out.

The comfiness of 90s Disney is something that'll never return and is something I'll miss. You used to be able to chill in Disney Parks and people watch, that's very difficult now. They've removed most of the random entertainment, fewer wandering characters and every part of the park was always open and had stuff in (unlike now where bits get closed off or deserted, repurposed former ride buildings filled with 'stop gap' character meet and greets etc).

Although I like the move towards themed novelty foods in recent years, I'll still miss the smaller cafes that had a wider range of hand baked cakes and desserts that were still made in small batches rather than in there thousands on a production line. RIP Fountain View.
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I miss Innoventions a ton, such cool demonstrations of tech.

Drayton Manors new family launch does indeed look like it will have a randomised layout. Testing shows the lift hill being used both normally and for a shuttle style drop. Was lots of speculation that this would be the case after people noticed it had more switch tracks than it should need. Pretty neat a 'smaller' park gets something that could be game changing.
>You used to be able to chill in Disney Parks and people watch, that's very difficult now.
How exactly does people watching become "difficult"? Too crowded?
Even disregarding price, I just can't stand being on someone else's schedule or plan.
I miss it too but I just don't think this sort of thing really "works" anymore because of how prevalent insane technology is in our society. When virtually every single guest is walking around with a super computer in their pocket, how do you keep something like this fresh? Seems like even with proper investment most of the tech stuff would get dated almost instantly.
Very few places where you can physically do it. Most of the indoor eateries have few or no windows, most of the outdoor eateries are in secluded areas that (deliberately?) don't have views of pathways. The tables near Casey's Corners are one of the very few places left and they're always full as a result.
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We need something that uses all our current tech for cool experiences, like a current DisneyQuest.
The Void seemed like the closest thing but I didn't get a chance to check it out before Covid caused the company to go under.
But that wouldn't really work at Epcot either, that would be more of a Disney Springs type of attraction
well they put Innoventions in Disneyland too.
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I wish I didn't take such terrible photos...
It's Dead: https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kent-business/county-news/is-this-the-end-london-resort-site-now-up-for-sale-308959/

(Not the Universal one)
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Yeah I'm pretty sure the London Resort was cancelled a while ago but now it's for sure over.
As for "Universal Studios United Kingdom" apparently the planning submission was supposed to be finalized by the end of this month and if approved construction will begin next January.
I've suspected it's been dead for years but there was an office full of people still drawing a wage from investors cash so they needed to look busy.

At least with Universal pretty much everyone seems supportive, including the locals. No sign of any NIMBYs
The concerns of people who already live around where something is to be built matter more than your need to consoom
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>Six Flags/Cedar Fair merger concludes effective tomorrow
Apparently CF will be the ones primarily in charge despite the new company inheriting the Six Flags branding, which makes me more optimistic than if it were the other way around. Holding out hope for the lesser parks from both chains to end up benefitting from this the most, especially as someone who lives about a half hour away from SFA which hasn't received a ground-up addition coaster-wise in over two decades.
I just want a theme park with the amenities of Disney, the Coasters of Great Adventure, and the price of Universal
If companies actually thought it would be a good investment, there's still enough cutting edge tech that's out of reach of the general public or not in the mind of the general public.

OpenAI sponsored Imagination, Lab grown meat in The Land, Meta showing off Quest in Innoventions, I'd fucking love a Stripe/Collisons sponsored Spaceship Earth, Figure or Boston Dynamics in Innoventions, etc.

But except for GM companies don't think it's worth their ad spend anymore
not him but looking at the documents for Universal UK it seems like they have taken those concerns well into consideration, or at least more than London Resort ever did.
This country is fucking paralysed by a tiny number of people endlessly objecting to any project with even the slightest perceived impact.
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>Meta showing off Quest in Innoventions
They actually did briefly use the closed NBA Experience area to promote Quest 2 and Tales From The Galaxy's Edge.
>Lab grown meat in The Land
Actually that makes me curious, has any theme park started selling impossible meat/beyond meat products yet?
t. councilnigger
>OpenAI sponsored Imagination, Lab grown meat in The Land, Meta showing off Quest in Innoventions
I would kill myself
If Disney want to ensure their new developments of Disneyland Paris Studios are popular they need to get the direct eurostar line from London back up somehow, the UK is probably DLP’s biggest market.
I think it could return in 2025 but I’m not completely sure.
Disney's had beyond and impossible burgers at various restaraunts
>Disney made both the Star Wars Milks plant-based
I don't get why they didn't make blue regular and green plant based
maybe they were worried about a drink using actual milk going bad in the hot sun.
Nice photo, OP
Based. Keep us updated. Don't get burnt out like a retard, or end up out-spending your budget. Sand Lake apartments seem nice.
What are the amenities of Disney?
Completed today and they changed the Six Flags logo to the Cedar Fair font. Basically, Cedar Fair is running the merged company but it’s just too many parks. Good for Six Flags parks, bad for Cedar Fair parks.
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Do you guys think parks will ever start staying open later into the night?
I think parks are 10x better at night. A lot of parks look amazing with their lights in the dark, and the temperature is always way more comfortable.

There are 2 main issues with staying open later.
1. Staffing. Parks take insane amounts of staff, and getting enough people to work nights would be hard. Also gives less time for maintenance.
2. Noise ordinances. This is only relevant for some parks that are near neighborhoods...

With the staffing issue, I wonder if we will ever have AI take over a lot of grunt work jobs. If robots really can replace workers, imagine a 24/7 park...
animal kingdom doesn't stay open late enough to see pandora at night for half of the year
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Killing Rivers of Light with no actual replacement beyond the shortlived daytime Andrew Dobson Jetski Adventure will do that.
Anyone ever been to Hurricane Harbor? Is it mostly for kids and families or are the drops and slides genuinely thrilling?
in retrospect attempting a night-time show at a park full of animals is probably a bad idea in general.
I think most businesses in general are closed late at night in part because they don't get a whole lot of activity during those hours.

If parks stayed open until 2 or 3 AM, most of the "family" crowd might be gone by 11 or 12. In all likelihood, this is the core demographic spending the most money on the overpriced shitty souvenirs and junk food in the park.

Being a nocturnal person myself with a graveyard shift job, I'd like to go to a park open until crack of dawn too. And I have seen plenty of adults with strollers and fuck trophies running around Disneyland well into the midnight closing time pouring into the trams.
Parks used to close at 10pm weeknights and midnight on weekends. Most do not stay open that l ate anymore. They weren't ever staying open until 3am though except during special events
>Hurricane Harbor
Which one? Many of the Six Flags and Cedar Fair (now also Six Flags) water parks are pretty good and for all ages.
Busch Gardens Tampa has fireworks and lasers at night. The animals get used to these things. I watched the elephants give zero fucks about the loud compressed air noises coming from the screamin' swing.

The problem with Animal Kingdom is there is nothing to do there. Even if you wait in long standby lines for their top attractions, you will still finish the park by mid day. Not only was that show playing to empty crowds but the show itself was boring.
>imagine a 24/7 park
I can't imagine a 24/7 park. All amusement parks have a third shift to clean the place up and also a third shift maintenance. The maintenance is really important. Parks like Kings Island have a carpentry staff to maintain the wooden coasters and they often work on them nightly. Disney and Universal have more maintenance staff than regional parks with groups walking the rides every night. Even if robots someday did this, they would still have to close the rides for it.
Disney World has After Hours, seemingly hasn't been an option for Animal Kingdom in years and everything but Wednesday nights at hollywood studios is sold out for this year.

Also this is just me but I still prefer parks during the day. Busch Gardens tampa had poor lighting. Even Magic Kingdom suffers once you leave Main Street/castle hub.

But last I was there I booked the latest possible dinner at the castle restaurant and the experience of walking out as the only guests was worth it so I get what you're saying. The main benefit for me would be reduced crowds but that doesn't make any sense for parks to keep the parks open longer to make less money. So either it wouldn't be less crowded or the park ticket would be too expensive.

Not even Walmart is open 24 hours anymore which is a real shame especially since all the registers are fucking automated nowadays so there isn't even a staffing excuse.
Yeah, if the rides were running non-stop they would require refurbs way more frequently.
I don't think stores made money when they were open 24 hours. When I was a kid I worked at an independent grocery store that switched to 24 hours only because a Kroger opened nearby that was 24 hours. They didn't make any money, they just did it for competitive reasons.
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I really wish Disney would put out a collection of all their old interactive games from the parks (Epcot pavilion and Innoventions exhibits, DisneyQuest, etc).
They must have all that software archived away somewhere, right?
The Magic Mountain Hurricane Harbor
Pre chink flu Magic Kingdom stayed open for a full 24 hours a few times. I didn't get to go but I heard it was surreal riding Splash Mountain at 4 in the morning.
not just disney either. parks all across the industry have cuts hours and operating days.

this is a pretty good sign we are in or are heading into a recession despite what shills say
>Pre chink flu Magic Kingdom stayed open for a full 24 hours a few times
Seems like the last time that happened was in 2015.
A 24 hour Magic Kingdom experience sounds like kino. The park was beautiful at night.
Parks cutting hours has been going on for a little while now. It was happening before covid. I think fewer people go to parks now, with exceptions like Disney, Universal, and Cedar Point. I attribute that to an overall lack of quality more than anything else.
They didn't. And after Covid forced most of them to close late hours they realized they saved money. Even the diners around me that used to be 24-7 realized they didn't make enough money off of the few stoners and drunks that stumbled in at 3am to make up for paying a night staff.
I do wish parks stayed open a little later because I don't do well in heat. And I wish we got rid of daylight saving time so it would get dark sooner.
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Damn that's a gorgeous pic. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to coasters, but I'm willing to put my anxiety aside to ride this one day
Because it was a gimmick the park was still pretty packed despite being super late into the am… including lots of parents pushing sleeping kids in strollers. It was anything but kino. The old 2am closures on new years and 4th of July were way better as were the after hours events before they caught on and jacked up the price more than admission

Haunted Mansion is possibly getting DEI'd in the future. Just like what happened with Jungle Cruise, PotC, Splash, and other attractions, HM will be removing possible problematic(?) elements from the ride. But at least we're getting the digital hitchhiking ghosts in return. right?
[spoiler]I'm so tired of this stupid, fucking company.
I'm glad I'm not a Disney adult. None of that bothers me
>HM will be removing possible problematic(?) elements from the ride
What the FUCK!
I'm never going back there. Imagine having all these perfect rides in your possession and saying "Hmm, I'll just make it a little worse." I hate these people.
since the fag that wrote this post is so cryptic on whatever the DEI crap is, they are rumored to be removing the hanged body in the stretching room jumpscare (replaced with flying bats)
That one seems the most likely. Not sure what else would be on the chopping block. Is the mummy appropriating Egyptian culture? kek
>The only thing Disney will be opening at the same time as Epic Universe is the replacement of a single HM element.
Has anyone been on Hyperia yet? Looks fun but about 1500 feet too short
>Has anyone been on Hyperia yet?
I live in the UK but recently moved to Cornwall so Thorpe Park is a 5 hour drive and Alton Towers is 6 hours.
Long shot, but did you ever ride The Ultimate?
Nah I've only been to Alton and Thorpe before.
I'd like to hit UK parks sometime just to see what they and the people attending are like
I went to LWV as a kid, was before The Ultimate though. Got to ride The Rat which apparently I loved. Sadly the park's ruined now and if American Adventure is anything to go by, it's on its last legs.

UK has a solid range of parks but generally they're all hampered by space or planning restrictions which mean you don't often get massive scale rides.

Thorpe Park: White knuckle park, very few family rides, big problems with chavs and roadmen

Alton Towers: park in the grounds of a manor home with beautiful gardens that would be an attraction in their own right. Probably the best all around park in the country for a balance of family and white knuckle. Gets a wide mix of visitors but as it's in the middle of nowhere is a big drive for most of the country. Do not go on Easter Weekend

Chessington World of Adventures: All family rides, notable for a swinging inverted family with a neat layout, possibly the only genuine family coaster with an inversion I know of and a decent attempt at keeping its zoo heritage.

Blackpool Pleasure beach: historical rides and unique rides. Insane ride density, one of the best water rides in the world and a trippy as fuck Alice in Wonderland clone.
They've lost their way. Epcot used to be educational. Now they turned the Norway ride into a Frozen ride and the France section has a ratatouille ride. That stuff was supposed to be for the other parks not Epcot.

Although...I think the Star Wars additions were pretty amazing.
Sounds kinda exhausting. Would be better if you can take a couple of days off to go or go in the evenings on Friday Sat and Sunday. I used to live near the parks and my job was too much work to have fun anywhere else.
I'd do it
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and they replaced universe of energy with a GOTG coaster and half of Innoventions with a Moana water trail.
They would have updated Spaceship Earth to be about the history of storytelling instead of communication (so they could shove in disney references like Moana) but thankfully the covid closures caused that to be canned.
If they ruined Spaceship Earth I'd kms
I'm kinda excited about the GOTG coaster. Thats my favorite movie. I have fond memories of the dinosaurs at the energy ride. It was magical.
It's a good coaster but it just doesn't fit the park.
Those types of things really sound like they belong in the Magic Kingdom. Really any movie themed ride needs to be there. But Epcot always had a problem of being considered the worst place to take kids, that kids are the most bored there so I can see the planning in mind to make some of the most wanted attractions for kids there.

But it really just means it's still a boring park for kids, that have 203 incredibly overcrowded, long wait time rides that they all want to go on.
I can't think of anything in the Haunted Mansion that is problematic though.
Yes its sad. I remember when Disney respected the intelligence of the guests
I think the water trail is a good idea for toddlers and families but not at Epcot
they should just put it in a water park
Social media is ruining theme parks. The experience is supposed to be all about the customer, not the "ohh look at these Karens" bullshit.
I found the ride before they added Ellen.

If there is something nice, people will destroy it. I remember when Silmulation liberals could not stand that Disney made families happy and provided clean fun.
I've actually been hearing good things about the Test Track remodel AND the impending Spaceship Earth update as well. Like as in Disney might actually not completely fuck them up. They fired two of the incompetent retards that were behind a lot of the fuck ups so there's a faint glimmer of hope on the horizon.
It still scares me. I just watched that link I posted about Martin's tribute to Horizons. It was such an amazing ride. Its a shame they never updated it. The imagination and intelligence is inspiring for kids.
I cannot see Starship Earth getting much worse. That really was one of the most boring rides in the parks.
Its history and I like that its not overwhelmingly DEI revisionist history. It recognized what our white culture has done.
I agree. They need an updated, futuristic DisneyQuest. I used to think it would be great for Elon Musk to work with them and Kanye is good at futuristic designs and music. Would have been an amazing collab for them to do a Horizons ride. Disney pissed off Elon though.
Lab grown meat is banned in Florida.
Meta is owned by Communist Zuckerberg. No thanks
Its crazy how there are so many amazing ways these rich talented liberals could help the world and they waste it trying to poison the world instead.
>robots really can replace workers, imagine a 24/7 park...
You think like me. It would be an introvert paradise.
I rode splash at midnight on a date and the fireworks were going off. It was thrillingly romantic.
Idk why you guys don't get that its not about that. We had a safe clean comfortable culture before the China virus
>Kanye is good at futuristic designs and music
I don't want Vultures-era Kanye on it though
That looks fun, like other anon said I'm a coaster pussy but being inverted over water seems really fun.

>literally the only actually scary thing in the whole ride
>they're removing it
They don’t seem to care about their waterparks. Only one is open at a time and it’s usually Typhoon Lagoon, the only one of the two to receive new investments in the past 20 years. Blizzard Beach hasn’t gotten anything except kids area overhaul and it looks straight out of the 90s which is kinda cool for 90s nostalgia but as a waterpark they both suck have have been surpassed by most regional parks. They’re outdated and the people who put them toward the top of “best waterparks” have probably never been to another waterpark.
Children are the only people who are scared of roller coasters
Typhoon Lagoon is fine, was never a big fan of Blizzard Beach because I don't like the concrete snow look. Out of the two BB definitely aged worse.
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>the intelligence of the guests
lol. lmao even.
Typhoon Lagoon is still outdated. No trap door slides. No racing slides. Family raft slides are weak and 80s-esque... even the new one. Body slides and tube slides are tame 80s designs. No rapids river or action river. The kids section is extremely outdated compared to any kids section at a modern water park. They got rid of shark reef. It's basically wave pool: the park and it still does have one of the best wave pools out there but it could really use some updates. They should bulldoze the slide complex and kiddie area and replace them both with something modern and encircle it with a rapids river.

I never liked the fake snow in Blizzard Beach. It doesn't look real and just looks cheap even thought it was probably very expensive.
>Typhoon Lagoon is still outdated
In terms of rides definitely, I was just referring to the look and theming of the park as a whole.
At least they're white which is better than all the other races.
A water park needs to install a shoot-the-chutes water ride because people actually want to get soaking wet at water parks
Yeah the look and theming is fine. Just the attractions are outdated. Water attractions aren't that expensive, they could easily fix this during one of its seasonal closures.. but they probably never will.
I know the point of water rides at dry parks is to cool off, but last year I got completely drenched on one at Silver Dollar city when it was almost 100 degrees. Which sounded good in theory but my clothes just got hot and damp and never really dried off. Much better suited for a water park. Throw in some dark ride elements and animatronics to the slides like I hear Water World in Colorado has.
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>I know the point of water rides at dry parks is to cool off, but last year I got completely drenched on one at Silver Dollar city when it was almost 100 degrees. Which sounded good in theory but my clothes just got hot and damp and never really dried off
That was an issue Splash Mountain experienced before opening, due to the Disney execs testing the ride getting soaked rather than lightly sprayed. They had to delay the ride by a couple months and redo the boats (making them lighter and holding only 7 people instead of 8) as well as adding an underwater scoop in order to achieve a lower splash level.
I still got almost completely soaked on the DL version sitting in the front. Barely get splashed sitting anywhere on the Florida version. Meanwhile Journey to Atlantis will completely soak you on minor dips.
who's White? not anyone in the fights, and certainly not in Disney anymore.
and why did you not capitalize it?
In Japan they actively control the level of wetness in Splash. I went in May on an overcast, mild day with intermittent rain. They pretty much turned the splash off. I didn't get more than a few drops on me, but apparently in the summer they crank that shit up and soak you.
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I heard they had a summer event in 2022 where they specifically cracked it to the max.
Does the Oriental Land Company have any plans to make this version BLACKED?
I've noticed these threads always turn into 90% Disney / Universal now. is everyone just tired of six flags / cedar fair parks?

I took a CP/KI trip last month, and I found myself just not really enjoying it the same way I enjoy the Florida parks.
Yes, there are lots of big coasters, but they all start to feel the same after a while. Universal has you waiting in air conditioned, well themed lines. SF has you standing in a cattle pen in the hot sun for hours. It drains you... I can understand now why people can call IoA (with 3 coasters) a better park than parks with 10+
For me, both Cedar Point and Kings Island are better than any of the parks in Florida. IoA is a good park if you've never been there but it can get boring after a while and there aren't that many attractions. Most consider it one of the best overall well-rounded parks.

But as this is a coaster and now theme park thread that leans Florida, I find it strange that nobody has mentioned Penguin Trek is doing previews. Yeah it's a family coaster but it starts out in the old dark ride section and has a couple launches, looks like a fun ride
Speaking of Cedar Point, there is no sign of life at Top Thrill 2. No activity this past week. Not looking good
>Yes, there are lots of big coasters, but they all start to feel the same after a whil
My experience with American parks is limited to Florida but I felt that way about Sea World and Busch Gardens, any coaster can pull some Gs, but that's a cheap thrill that gets tired fast, every coaster ends up feeling the same.
I disagree but that logic also applies to dark rides. People marathon coasters. People don't marathon dark rides (if you do, that's an exception and not the rule). If you ride a bunch of mediocre coasters they can feel samey, especially if they're made by the same manufacture. For example, most B&M loopers are similar. Same applies to a lot of Universal rides. They feature screens, loud soundtracks, sprinkle water on you, shoot fire, etc. Three recent Disney attractions all feature the same ride vehicles in a screen-filled warehouse. All of Sea World Orlando's coasters are unique and feel different to me despite mostly being from B&M
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It's about time SeaWorld did something new with that Antarctica area after they closed the trackless dark ride back in 2020.
I do think it's kinda odd SeaWorld and Busch Gardens are now trying to be the Six Flags of Florida though. Attempting to compete with Disney and Universal through sheer thrills instead of themed rides.
>these threads always turn into 90% Disney / Universal now. is everyone just tired of six flags / cedar fair parks?
No, Disney fans are just sad sacks that only complain and commiserate.
They can't afford attractions that cost $100s of millions and there is definitely a thrill coaster void so it's a pretty good move IMO. Both of them are nice-looking parks with some theming and they're very nicely landscaped. This is the 2nd dark ride that the company replaced with a coaster so coasters must be cheaper to operate but then it takes something away from the non-coaster riders. That's what the shows are for I guess but still.
I doubt it. Splash is very popular in Japan, and black people aren't. I can't imagine them shutting down "Cute Animals: the Ride," considering they don't have to bow to screeching liberals and rioting blacks, and they probably have 5 guests a week who even know what Song of the South is. There's also the fact that they'd have to re-theme a large restaurant and the surrounding area since Splash is practically its own mini-land there.
Part of it is that it is just easier to talk about Disney/Universal. Far more people visit (or have visited) these parks than any local parks, so far more people will be able to discuss them. Not to mention, they have more news than your average park.

Dorney is my home park, but what was there to even talk about there for the last decade? They finally got a new coaster, but for years there was absolutely nothing. I could mention my enjoyment of the park, but most people in this thread have probably never even been there. It gets even more troublesome outside the US. I just went to Fuji Q, but again, most people here have no experience with that park and no plans to make it there. I can still mention how great the coasters there are, but it is rarely going to start a dialogue.
>Three recent Disney attractions all feature the same ride vehicles in a screen-filled warehouse.
You talking about the trackless dark rides? Any screen filled dark ride is trash. Ratatouille is a straight up atrocious ride, Mickey and Minnie is decent and Resistance is great. A good dark ride will stand on it's own legs just like a good rollercoaster can, regardless of whether or not it's marathoned.
Yeah, the floorless trio. Which are all screen-based even Rise. Even the stormtroopers on the Rise are screens. I do like a good dark ride but they're usually one and done. The person I was replying to said all coasters feel the same and get tired fast but that's not true for most people
Rise does have a lot of screens but I think the sets are done to such a high standard it helps you forget them, with two spaced out Kylo Ren animatronics and a surprise drop, I think Disney disguised their laziness quite well with that ride.
They did indeed. And that's why people don't think of it as a screen ride even though it is. Good use of screens
Lots of water rides do that. They have adjustable rams on some rides, tweak water levels, turn off or lower frequency of sprays.
My understanding with the Spaceship earth is that there won't be any animatronic removals (may possibly upgrade them) and that they will have the narrator travel with you as a special effect through the ride.

They just need to keep it comfy make the finale less awful. The ride is great past 4PM when you're getting knackered and it's a great way to spend 20 minutes sitting down in the AC.
Worldwide board, most non Americans haven't ever been to one. Also you split up discussion between people's "home parks" which makes a conversation hard.

>"Hey I've just ridden Zanzibart's Zoom, it was great, what does everyone else think of it?"
>"It looks great, I hope I can get to Six Flags Amazing Alaska one day..."
Speaking of water rides, is it me or are the log flume and river rapids at Island of Adventure absolutely merciless? The only other water ride I can think of that can get you as soaked is Valhalla at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
Sounds like a waste. They should work on any structural issues and gut the whole thing, put something different in its place. Although be careful what you wish for, it will no doubt be something IP-based. Assuming there are structural issues that is, that was the reason they didn't go with the time racers concept although maybe that had to do with coaster supports outside the structure as it was a coaster (which evolved into the Big Bang coaster which was IP-itized into Cosmic Rewind).

Like World of Motion, Spaceship Earth just doesn't have the same timelessness or iconicness that Mansion and Pirates have. It has its fans because of nostalgia but it's long past its shelf life. These kinds of minor upgrades are just kicking the can down the road. Circling the bowl.
Bluto's is a bit cheap with how it gets you, especially with the unavoidable sprays on the lift hill (I'm sure these weren't there when the ride first opened and you just got dripped on). It's not as fun if everyone gets completely soaked, you want some people to be soaked and some people who maybe get splashed once.

Although you also have the extreme of the pre-rework Kali rapids where everyone came off bone dry except for the person who was at the front for the drop who gets soaked.
If they want to improve it they can but I'm tired of Disney only making new rides when they remove another.
Jurassic Park, in my experience, is basically not even a water ride. You rarely get wet at all. Dudley is a medium-tier soaker. You might get it bad, or you might get lucky and stay relatively dry (it is a major shoe soaker though). Popeye's truly has no mercy. Remaining dry is not an option, and I love it. It's just a non-stop cycle of schadenfreude and karma for everyone from start to finish.
>Zanzibart's Zoom
>Six Flags Amazing Alaska
super interesting vid, with interviews of both people who worked on the initial project and who taught at the school.
>Just destroy the only remaining original attraction besides Living with the Land.

Epcot has been so continually downgraded since before it was even built that it's now a completely inconsistent mess of lower-mid scraps from its golden era mixed with low effort IP based garbage and now the most aesthetically soulless empty spaces ever seen at a major theme park. Spaceship Earth might be boring and outdated to some, but at least its something that still exists from when this park made any sense, and a reminder of the sort of effort Disney once put into their attractions. Let's just try and preserve at least one thing that has cultural and legacy-relevant purpose at a park that was built as a showcase for things of that sort.
The anti-preservationist angle that I'm seeing from so many so called enthusiasts these days is alarming considering the new stuff that keeps getting built in its place is almost always a downgrade. Why doesnt anyone just have the will to hang on to some things, if they are significant attractions the likes of which we will never see built again?
We're lucky that it would be too costly and difficult to replace Spaceship Earth, because it would have already been gone long ago of it weren't.
Watching you boomers berate Epcot for using IP as a hook for it's rides is cringe and hilarious. If you think Test Track wouldn't be an absolute banger with a Cars retheme you're kidding yourselves. Your childhood is drab and colorless, Disney are putting life into these dull rides that are falling apart.
>drab and colorless
Communicore Hall and Plaza look like a damn hospital food court and college campus.
World Nature is like a children's science center.
World Discovery is like something you see at those parks in China that were built to hide money laundering and went closed and abandoned.
Re-theming Test Track to Cars is a gay idea and the layout and location would make it a lesser version of Radiator Springs Racers. Go suck Bob Iger's dick because your stupid idea of IPs replacing every original concept would probably get him hard. And yes, the parks were infinitely better in the 80s and 90s. Cope harder that your favorite company is driving it's properties into the ground with shit that people lose interest in four years.
>If you think Test Track wouldn't be an absolute banger with a Cars retheme you're kidding yourselves.
No matter what they do it would still be worse than the DCA one which was built for that purpose
The original Epcot is dead so they might as well finish the job.
For someone who hasn't been in Yidsney World how long is the minimum stay to experience almost everything?

Looks like I have to paypigmaxxx so I can skip most of the lines but the forums and Jewtuber idea of being glued to one's mobile phone sounds absolutely dreadful.
They seem to think they’re at or near peak operations. Universal does this too, difference being Universal is adding a new park but the 5th gate Disney rumors are back now too.
Me personally? 6 days, no park hopping
>2 at Magic Kingdom
>2 at Hollywood Studios
>1 at Epcot
>1 at Animal Kingdom
>2 at Hollywood Studios
Why? There's only Nu Wars there
>"Hey I've just ridden Zanzibart's Zoom, it was great, what does everyone else think of it?"
>"It looks great, I hope I can get to Six Flags Amazing Alaska one day..."
I laughed
3 days with parkhopping or 4 days without.
>3 days
will be burnt out by day 1 especially if he's a newb/noob
since disney is buttexpensive just splurge for a vip pass and skip all the lines
except for animal kangdom since shit is empty
it's """worth it""" for magic kangdom and epchud
for studios it depends
>just splurge for a vip pass
The one that's like $600 an hour?
You're insane. I had a temporary placement in Winter Park and it was awful. Florida bucks but Orlando is its own brand of shit. Driving sucks there in a big way.
I'm guessing the rail system still sucks despite the developments
It all depends on how exhaustive you want to do the park, how much you want re-rides and the pace you want to take it. I'd say 1.5 days a park to do everything at a brisk pace. Relaxed at-your-own-pace with regular beaks, an another half day to each park. With small kids that want to do princess meet and greets, another half day per park. Peak holiday seasons, another half day per park.

If you're staying on Disney property, do the extra magic hours. You can get the top 2-3 rides in each park done in the first hour, it's extremely worth it, especially if you've any interest in the meh rides that get insane queues (7 dwarves, slinky dog, Peter Pan, Frozen Ever After, Ratatouille)
>this place hasn't seen the Little mermaid show casting call yet
Crazy that Magic Kingdom now has less total rides than when it first opened.
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>less total rides
sorry, the lack of education at Epcot has made my brain less gooder
Quit with the obnoxious buzzword spam. 5 days is a decent length for a relaxed trip seeing all the parks, maybe a waterpark, and the shopping center. MK is the only full-day park.
>Looks like I have to paypigmaxxx so I can skip most of the lines but the forums and Jewtuber idea of being glued to one's mobile phone sounds absolutely dreadful.
That's a total meme unless you're going on a packed day. On a typical day at most you would lurk the wait times page. You don't have to pay for anything with the exception of maybe paying to ride the snow white ride in under 80 minutes.
Yeah you really aren't on your phone that much unless you're a retarded zoomer (which he obviously is judging by his post). The whole fastpass shit is obnoxious but I've found with Genie+ at least I would only ever look at my phone when I was trying to book another ride, that's it. The biggest annoyance of anything is the virtual que by far. The silver lining is that Disney has been so monumentally retarded lately that crowds are incredibly light at the moment and I'm not sure you really even need to pay for the fastpass right now. When I went in April Genie+ really was mostly a waste, except for maybe Big Thunder and Space Mountain.
Disney and Universal parks have multiple locations around the world and are the most popular theme parks. Of course they're going to be the bulk of discussion.
I'm tired of people complaining about it instead of discussing stuff they want to discuss. I want to learn about other parks ITT but the loud minority of contrarians don't actually have anything to add, they just want to diminish the disney/universal normies.

There's also a split between people who prioritize thrills and people who prioritize theming. It's /rcg/ & /tpg/ after all. Anyone who prefers thrills is 'an elitist sperg who rides parking lot six flags coasters over and over'. Anyone who prioritizes theming is 'a disney adult manbaby who is scared of 6ft drops'.

We just need to all get along!!
Idc about people talking/asking about Disney but when it become a circlejerk about how bad those parks are now it's tiresome and doesn't add anything interesting
>That's a total meme unless you're going on a packed day.
So everyday you mean except during tropical storms hitting near Orlando

If he wants to ride Guardians, Frozen, TRON, Rato, Seven Midgets, RotR, Tiana, etc. he's not getting in unless he forks over an extra $20-$30+

If he's staying inside WDW he's already spending $500/night on average, twice or triple that if he's with a group in a moderate/deluxe resort

Even on upper-mid crowd days if you rope drop and stay until close, you can do everything that matters at each park in one day per park. The important thing is what you do first and last, and you MUST rope drop to shave off those 70+ minute waits. But there are specific orders that always seem to work for me:
(disclaimer- obviously virtual queues can mess this up but if youre lucky it won't)
>Magic Kingdom
Peter Pan and Space Mountain first
Big Thunder immediately following afternoon parade
Adventureland and Tomorrowland attractions in the evening
Fantasyland dark rides before fireworks and Seven Dwarfs during
Finish the day with re-rides on Haunted Mansion and/or Pirates
>Hollywood Studios
Tower of Terror and RnR Coaster first
Runaway Railway around lunch time
Shows and Star Tours in the afternoon
Slinky Dash around dinner time
Galaxy's Edge attractions last
Test Track and Soarin first
Remy's around noon
World Showcase east afternoon
Spaceship Earth, Seas, Living with the Land & Figment evening
World Showcase west rides (Fiesta Tour and Frozen) last
>Animal Kingdom
Everest first
Rapids, Kilimanjaro and Dinosaur afternoon
Flight of Passage and Navi evening
>Universal Studios Florida
Gringott's first
Mummy and Rip Ride Rock-it afternoon
Horror Make Up Show, Bourne, ET and Simpsons evening
Men in Black and Transformers last
>Islands of Adventure
Hagrid's & Velocicoaster single rider first
Toon Lagoon rides afternoon
Spider-man and Hulk early evening
Jurassic River Adventure, Forbidden Journey and single rider re-ride on Velocicoaster and/or Hagrid's last
I'm not even complaining that its all Disney/Universal. I literally said I am tired of the regional parks, and wondered if everyone else is too.
These threads only exist because jannies won't let people talk about Disney/Universal parks on tv/ and /co/
>I am tired of the regional parks, and wondered if everyone else is too.
>Galaxy's Edge attractions last
I thought they're always full especially after 1PM
longer waits and crowds because Nu Wars
I remember 98-2005 when none of this shit was necessary. If your mom read one of those "unofficial guides", you were already a leg-up and could experience a lot.
Even 2011-2019, you could still have fun with only minimal planning and strategizing.
Now it's absolute cancer.
i watched all those disney jewtubers and i find that planning a trip is convoluted as fuck
>watch all of DFBGuide's videos
>there are actual parents out there who meticulously plan a Disney vacation down to the minute
Is there any way out of this? Increasing the prices won't work, because even "undesirables" can scrape together enough money for a single day ticket and ruin your trip with their melanin essence. And I don't know if South America is stable enough for Disney/Universal to want to build a park there and absorb all the fucking Brazilians.

I'm skeptical that a park in "flyover" US is viable either. It would be nice to have a Texas resort to add to existing Six Flags and Sea World and make it a bustling vacation destination, but I don't know if it would be enough to noticeably reduce the crowds on either coast.
Half of the park goers are AP holders, even if you remove all of them there will always be hordes of Brazilian and Asian tour groups.
You plan at least an hour and a half before close and you do whichever has the shortest standby queue first (usually smugglers run) then you go straight to the other queue before they close it off.

My method of doing everything in specific order doesn't require you to get lightning lanes. You can do it all on standby, at least so far in most of 2024 not including holiday weeks and spring break. Next year will probably be the same or less crowds with EU opening.
Over-planning is for schmucks who have no park sense. The only planning you need is what time you want to arrive at the parks, what you want to beeline first at park opening, an approximate time or ride threshold you want to leave the park if park-hopping, and possibly where you want to eat (also virtual queues if applicable). Being flexible is far more important to a successful and less stressful trip than being some spreadsheet autist whose entire plan will crumble because Space Mountain broke down for a half hour. It's also important to be willing to flat out skip certain rides. If a ride is at 2 hours plus all day, just don't fucking do it unless you've done everything else. People will waste a quarter of their park time in line for some overrated garbage like Seven Dwarves because it's on their schedule, when their kids would have far more fun running around Tom Sawyer Island for an hour then hopping on BTM.
From my experience Frozen and Ratoutille always had the worst lines, feel like Ratoutille should be the other ride to take advantage of via rope drop. Test Track's queue is a cake walk compared to Frozen / Rat, especially if the single rider line is short, which it has been for me.
There is no ride on Earth worth waiting 2 hours for
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>Half of the park goers are AP holders
And did you not read? You restating the Brazilian presence as a problem doesn't add to the discussion.
I'd wait 2 hours to ride your mom.
The problem is Ratatouille is the furthest away attraction from the entrance and everything in (former) Future World. By the time you walk to it, do the ride and then either walk back from the right side of world showcase or go the whole way around to do Frozen the queues are already filling up for everything. The best strategy is to hit Test Track and Soarin first especially if you have an early virtual queue for Cosmic Rewind. Most people have their meals in World Showcase so hit Ratatouille during lunch time. Most people are either waiting for Frozen around that time because they go West to East around World Showcase or they're having lunch. Ignore the wait times for that time because they are typically inaccurate. Do the rest of World Showcase later because thats when everyone is in the East half queueing for Ratatouille and waiting for Luminous.
Queue for Frozen before close.
Not worth it
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I guess italy has weak copyright laws

What did you dislike about Orlando? besides traffic
This park is insane

>3 day pass for universal will only give you one day of Epic Universe

Ouch. Guessing they won't do that for the international tickets.
Gotta make sure it doesn't cannibalize the other two parks
Although I'm not in support of this, and I think it's a risky move, I can sort of understand the rationale behind why.
First of all, I'm sure they are anticipating that the park could potentially be over capacity in the first month or two. In which case, it makes sense to incentivise people to go to the other parks and spread out the crowds and keep them shopping and dining where there's space available to do so. This also discourages people from just going to EU for a day and using the other days of their vacation to go to Disney.
I'm actually hearing rumors that only ticket packages will be available at first and no single one day tickets for EU will be available at all. If true, then I think my theory about them wanting to keep people away from going to Disney is true because thats the only rational reason why they would do that other than pricing out undesirables who could potentially cause an incident and give the park bad publicity. Even a small scale chimp out fight could look really bad on social media if the park is already looking uncomfortably busy.
Speaking of which, the security system is going to be authoritarian dystopia unfortunately with facial recognition and tracking on each guest. Which I would be fine with, if I believed the correct people would be the ones getting profiled. But I wouldn't be surprised of thats not the case and black & brown families will be ignored while single rider white men will be watched and tracked like a hawk.
Universal have never offered 1 day tickets to the UK (same with Disney) because they want people to have 2 week holidays.

I'd imagine there's a bit of a complete unknown with Epic Universe. They probably suspect some rides will get insane queues (I'm betting on Wolfman and Donkey Kong) but can't know for sure. Most of the E-Tickets are ultra high capacity (MoM, Universal Monsters, HTTYD Coaster, Stardust Racers)
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>Universal have never offered 1 day tickets to the UK (same with Disney)
Seaworld is the same, the closest you can get is a "2-Visit Ticket" i.e. one day at SeaWorld Orlando and one day at either Aquatica or Busch Gardens.
The past couple times my family visited Orlando from the UK we always went with one of those ticket bundles that have 14 days for Disney, Universal, and SeaWorld.
I read on one of the forums that this is just one of the initial ticketing plans and not going to be the only one at launch. It was just got some reason leaked out early. No idea if that's true or not, but who knows. Universal could really fuck up Disney here if they completely fumble this by being greedy and retarded.
>of thats not the case and black & brown families will be ignored while single rider white men will be watched and tracked like a hawk.
Makes zero sense since whites don't cause havoc outside of their little children throwing a tantrum

Only blacks are profiled because they start fights, you don't see browns causing fights in Universal/Disney since they're mostly tourists and are deathly afraid of being profiled and snooped in further by police
I think all these ticket leaks are spreading fear over nothing...

So many people saying no AP for 1-2 years. I would be genuinely shocked if they have no AP option for epic... I can't imagine they would shaft their biggest fans with this.

They will likely do AP previews, months before it opens officially.
almost seems like a shiny new park grabbing all the attention means it's the best time to go to the other parks since lines will be smaller and less wait times for everything.
of course it makes zero sense, but people aren't really aware that Universal is run by and employs the same insane leftists at Disney, they just aren't as out in the open about it. it definitely wouldn't surprise me if their security is training to prioritize looking out for the "white male incel shooters" and teaching to avoid racial profiling. it wouldn't even surprise me if the whole backend is run by AI and it automatically filters high risk identities with your facial profile. like as soon as they take your photo at security the system references its database of criminal profiles and guess what? if the guy who programmed the system and/or engineered it just happened to only choose a specific type of person he has a bias against or the opposite of whatever social class he wishes to protect, then if you're looking like chud whitey, you are followed around all day especially if you're alone or with another similar profile person. i mean sure the software might be able to match the other faces to great apes of the jungle and know that wild behavior is possible, but the frontend user is who can simply wait for gorillian behavior while they stalk chuds all day and just send out the gestapo to swiftly escort apemen off the property before making any sort of arrest vs putting the crosshairs on you if youre cis white male doing anything slightly against park policy. pull out your phone on a ride? trespassed for life like adam the woo.
i just cannot imagine in this current clown world corporate climate, that any tech being used that people could accuse of being used for racial profiling (and they will) would be anything but turned on its head and used as reverse racism against whitey per usual. trust me, the facial recognition tech is bad news and will be used against the people they claim it will be protecting. you really think theres any chance it would be used properly when it would reveal who the problem was, if it worked they way it was supposed to..
The biggest problem with facial recognition tech and where it's headed is that physiognomy in practice, is real enough that utilizing it would have so much statistical efficacy in a facial recognition security system that theres no way it wouldnt evolve to that, if it hasnt already.
If it matches the way you look with mug shots of convicts and stuff like that it would be very unfortunate for the 10/100 people who look like a potential criminal but really arent to be targeted by these systems especially when we dont know what the basis for the recognition is or what types of person it would be flagging. If the system were unjustly skewed which ks likely, this could be used to shadow segregate white goyim or economic classes etc. by spying on and specifically targeting certain guests without them ever even knowing. What if you say the N word accidentally when you stub your toe when no one was around, or called your wife a bitch in private etc.? You think Jaquarius is getting trespassed for shouting F-whitey in front of everyone or smacking his family up side the head in the middle of a ride queue?
With Disney it's ultimately a moot point because they're looking to price out the lower-income families anyway.
If you have fewer people going to the resorts but paying more each, the revenue evens out and you have less capacity issues to worry about.
All the more reason to implement a system to torment whitey. DEI get paid a hefty salary to find problems that don't even exist.
whitey's going to be the only people at the park eventually
yeah and don't wear a maga hat or say anything that's politically unsavory to the left, or you will be the new targeted minority at the parks.
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this is turning into that nightmare cartman had once
I did the Ultimate a bunch as Lightwater/Flamingo was my local, what did you wanna know?
>whitey's going to be the only people at the park eventually
if only
How many rich or even middle-class black people do you know
More like Chinks, Jeets and Brazilians
Nothing in particular, it was just one of those weird coasters that despite being the longest in the world wasn't really well known (maybe for good reason). Always captured my interest because it was a terrain coaster in idyllic Britain. Did you like it? I always read that it was rough.

Anyone tired of being harassed by liberals? Esp liberal mods making me wait to post? Its a form of harassment and abuse. They never did this before. They want to discourage me. Well they won't. I've got all the NEET time in the world this summer
The way Asians & Indians look at everything is through money. For being critics of capitalism, to them everything boils down to the dollar. They don't understand the beauty of the Disney culture we had. Maybe Japan and Korea ...but it will never replicate what we had.
I never see black people at Disney. Its all Hispanic scammers and upper middle class whites.

Someone sent this to me to insult me and say its me but facts are that they have ruined everything for our culture
Dumbest block of text I read in a long time
Explain what he's wrong about then.
It wouldn't surprise me if they did use it to determine someone's potential to cause trouble through matching their facial structure to photos of convicted criminals. If libs caught wind of such a system, there's no way they wouldn't exclude protected demographics, and we all know which one it would mainly be.
>It wouldn't surprise me if they did use it to determine someone's potential to cause trouble through matching their facial structure to photos of convicted criminals
Convicted and proven guilty?
Just overly negative you sound Chinese
Immoral country. Not as bad as China but lacking Anglo politeness and morals
Good tips
They're rude bitches at Universal too
Its cheaper and smarter. They've always been more popular among teens while Disney has always been a kiddie place. Disney adults are an anomaly that rose out of Millenials.
>screeching liberals and rioting blacks, and vulture Hispanics

Its crazy how an Asian country can beat a white country just because they don't have to deal with these three things
Its not about money. Its about the culture we used to have before liberals and foreigners.
Bidenflation has had us in a recession for four years
>four years
So trump is to blame for some of that?
That ride is the only thing Iger did well
Good video. This one was recommended after and its good too:
You lack vision. Disney wasn't just about $$$$$$ it was about Americana culture, leisure, joy, and recreation for American children
Epcot is not supposed to be Magic Kingdom. Its supposed to make education fun or expose the fun of education.
Winter Park is a rich liberal area...Basically hell on earth. Orlando is fun though if you have a bit of $. The only thing bad is all the Puerto Ricans
>liberals and foreigners
We haven't progressed, we've regressed.
I agree.
Of course, for it to work correctly in a world with a justice system where minorities are actually charged for their crimes..
But we don't live in that world. So who is it going to flag? Trailer trash whites. If you just by coincidence have a similar face to one of them, its going to put you in the watch list.
Pretty sure the whole thing would be 90% automated. As in, it scans your face and identifies exactly who you are and pulls all public information it can on your identity. If you have any sort of criminal record then you are put on the highest risk level. Thats definitely the initial primary function. But if they took it further the system could match your facial profile to the highest risk individuals and if it matches in any way, you are put on the next risk tier down or something.
The tracking system then automatically collects data on every move the person makes in the park throughout the day using cameras placed in every corner of the park. That data is then highly valuable to outside interests and Universal makes billions spying on guests.
I don't mean to be the negative nancy ITT, I know it's hard for some white pilled theme park nerds who are high on EU hype to accept this, but everyone needs to understand how bad of a thing this is and that our current climate of social and political affairs is not going to make any of this any better. It's actually a recipe for the worst you can imagine. Like I said, they clearly want to implement this tech in places and if you really think they would get away with using it to keep minorities in check and not have it be flipped on us like every other backwards thing the globalists do, then you're naive and willfully ignorant.
I'm excited about EU myself, but when I caught wind of this surveillance tech they are implementing I started wondering if that could be one of the motivating factors of a $1b dollar ground up park being built. All of these entertainment conglomerates are run by evil
This is true. The internet made it accessible to people from the worse shitholes imaginable so they come here and know the same stuff we do.
Universal has a bunch of Hispanics who harass you if you're a white woman with white children. They need to go back to Puerto Rico
No? Are you retarded? The day Trump left gas was 1.48.
what was gas at the end of biden's first year?
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>How many rich or even middle-class black people do you know
Irrelevant, on multiple grounds.
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>$160k median income
>rich enough for disney
I did like it, first half was fun and floaty, second half was where it was rough around the tunnel parts, you had to ride with it or it'd beat you up
I don't know what point you're trying to make here. It seems like a complete non-sequitur.
all the good rides break down, you need 1 week minimum if you want to ride everything and not miss out and perhaps ride them twice for posterity

building yer trip on these top rides is a recipe for disaster, hence the week long stay

if your wallet is still filtered by pop century and the all-star resorts then skip doing disney
"rich" black people still can't afford disney vacations now
It's not so much filtered by the price alone, which is admittedly ridiculous post-2019, but not wanting to reward Disney for such a lazy, annoying experience. I'd rather pay for parking daily and miss Magic Hours than deal with the dead aesthetics and service, youth groups, and the people who stay at the "budget" tier resort hotels.
Apparently they can, based on the nonsense you now see in the parks. Cry "anecdotal" all you want, but it's a reality. I don't want to even catch a whiff of that buffoonery, but it happens all too often now.
>Cry "anecdotal" all you want, but it's a reality
Financially it literally isn't
Those "budget" hotels really are budget hotels through in through in every area other than price. On some days you can get something like the Ritz Carlton Orlando for less than Art of Animation or Pop Century. And on many days you can get a 2-bedroom villa nearby for less than the price of All Stars. You also get a lot more amenities at the Universal equivalent in something like Cabana Bay, which was sometimes cheaper before the recent Disney hotel discounts. Even their summer discounts aren't enough and their occupancy rate is the lowest it's been since the aftermath of 9/11 despite them. The hotels are where they make most of their money and they haven't had a problem trying to fill them even when absurdly overpriced until now. It's a much bigger problem than the lower crowds in the parks
I've only done Epcot in recent years but didn't see very many of them this time (early this year). After covid, I was seeing a lot of them in unusual places where I never saw them before. Like in traditional white vacation spots you wouldn't expect like the Outer Banks or family hotels and vacation spots like Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge. They were also in restaurants not in black areas. Vegas had a real problem with them destroying rooms. It was a combination of lower prices and gibs. They were getting pandemic EBT all the way until last year and you can trade this in for things like Visa gift cards and restaurant gift cards. Now that the gibs are gone, I'm not really seeing them anymore. Hopefully that means the bed bug problems will go down but Indians are also a major contributor. But they have been a problem in recent weeks at the SeaWorld parks organizing rowdy 'takeover' gangs.
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Hello my friends! It appears that some of you have accidentally gotten your /pol/ and /rcg/ tabs mixed up!
This thread is intended for the discussion of theme parks, theme park news, and how to enjoy theme parks more efficiently. Political discourse is meant for our /pol/ board and should not be discussed in depth elsewhere.
Please refrain from discussing /pol/ related topics outside of the designated politics imageboard, unless it is about our collective hatred of Brazilian tour groups.

Thank you and have a nice day ha ha ha ha!
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>on many days you can get a 2-bedroom villa nearby for less than the price of All Stars
Yeah my family's first trip to Orlando was in a cramped All-Star Music room and after that we decided to stay in off-site villas each time we returned (since my mom prefers being able to cook in the evening if she wanted instead of having to eat out every night).
>second/fifth trip was at lake buena vista resort and spa (and we only did universe/seaworld that time)
>third trip was at a privately owned rental villa in Silver Creek called rainbow's end
>fourth trip was at some rental villa organised by Virgin Holidays
>sixth trip (last September) was at Sonesta ES Suites I-Drive which is literally right across the street from ICON Park
I don't think we'll be returning to Orlando for a long while but my parents are considering a short boston stay next year to watch my brother run the marathon and we could take a trip to Six Flags New England during.
That was me as a kid too. My parents crammed 5 of us into that tiny All Stars room (using an air mattress the reduced the space even more). After that they went back once but got 2 rooms. As an adult I always do villas because Orlando has so many of them that they're decently priced. Having that kitchen is a good way to save some money on food. Or if you do eat out and have leftovers you can throw them under the broiler to reheat them.

I did spend a night at the All Stars as an adult years ago because we were meeting friends that stayed the night there. So we could easily hang out for the night before sharing a 3-bedroom villa the rest of the week. It was just as bad and tacky as I remembered it. Plus a cast member in the parking lot doing at least 50 or 60 mph almost killed us walking to the room.
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>I did spend a night at the All Stars as an adult years ago
Was that before they redid the rooms?
I miss 90s Disney so so bad.

What villas do you stay at
Shot up to almost $5
This reminds me of when Indians brag about being rich or Asians brag about high IQs. Nothing is better than culture.
Humans have evolved the ability to pick out criminal faces it’s something I never hear talked about I guess this is an inconvenient fact since it strongly hints at a genetic basis of criminality
I think they don't like being trapped surrounded by whitey. I remember there was these loud black women with thier kids one time and they looked angrier and angrier whenever people wanted to see a white princess.
You're talking about California and Virginia and Georgia not Magic Kingdom
I don't miss Honey I Shrunk The Kids stuff because it led to the removal of the original Journey into Imagination ride.
Long before that. But the rooms are the same size.
Stayed at a few but prefer Orange Lake since they're the largest and usually the cheapest (probably cause they have so much inventory). As a renter, not a buyer. Plus they got a lot of amenities.
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>the rooms are the same size.
At least the new refurbs make better use of the space (table with unfolding murphy bed, room for storing luggage underneath both beds) and I've heard the Family Suites are now better than the ones at Art of Animation.
It's an improvement but I would still rather stay in a 1000+ sq ft 2-bedroom villa with a kitchen, patio, washer&dryer, and 2 bathrooms for almost the same price. We're just a family of four but all that space is nice even if you don't spend that much time in the room. These All Star and Pop/Art rooms (the converted Pop phase 2 ones anyways) are too small. Not as bad as your typical cruise cabin but small compared to almost every single other hotel out there.

On a related side note, I noticed the trend toward minimalism in a lot of hotels. Most don't have Murphy beds that pull down from the wall (at most maybe a sleeper couch) but the furniture is all rather simple like in these pics making it easier and quicker to clean and cheaper to replace when it breaks.
How so?
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>It's an improvement but I would still rather stay in a villa
Yeah I agree. Disney don't offer enough resort benefits to make staying on-site worth it (especially after they restricted extra magic hours to just the Deluxe resorts and Swan/Dolphin). At least with Universal staying at a deluxe resort gives you Express Unlimited as well which is a huge plus.
>the furniture is all rather simple like in these pics making it easier and quicker to clean and cheaper to replace when it breaks.
They also took out carpets to cut down on cleaning time.
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After "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" opened at Epcot the Disney execs wanted to update the whole Imagination pavilion for synergy, so they deliberately made the footpaths leading there confusing in order to reduce rider numbers so that Kodak were convinced the area needing revamping.
At the same time though, they weren't entirely opposed to doing something different for the ride overhaul since "Journey into some celebrity's imagination, possibly Michael Jordan" and "Replace Figment and Dreamfinder with Wallace and Gromit" were allegedly also on the table. Whatever excuse they could make to kill the expensive to maintain turntable preshow on the ride, they'd take it.
All-Star Movies was our go-to as a kid. Fond memories.
Also, they're going to include admission to a waterpark for on-site guests which is very nice IMHO.
Isn't that deal just a "First day of your visit so good luck having enough time getting over there after you check in" thing or are they actually making it more fair?
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this looks amazing, wtf.
>They also took out carpets to cut down on cleaning time.
Seems to be the trend everywhere. Carpet replaced with luxury vinyl plank flooring. Easier to clean, cheaper to replace. Plus I think it looks nice even it's basically plastic fake wood.
It's almost a worthless perk. A lot of their guests don't have cars so they rely on the transportation that can wind up taking over an hour each way. It's day of check-in only, like the worst time especially since your room isn't ready and they have to hold your luggage. Then you gotta get changed and probably need to get in your luggage unless you pre-pack a waterpark bag (which is what I would do but I'm not most people). You probably need a locker when you get there. And you're not going to be there long. I would rather go to the hotel pool than deal with that headache. Also they only open 1 at a time in recent years.
It's just a check in day deal, it's not more fair. And they won't have many takers because it's a hassle for most people, especially groups and families.
looks pretty comfy ngl

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