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I am from London and I want to go somewhere far and tropical. I have only ever been to Europe, talking Spain, Cyprus, France, and so on. I have been deciding to go to an island far away where I can go on my own and celebrate a birthday somewhere nice.

It has come down to a choice between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

I've heard Bermuda is more expensive and there isn't as much nightlife. I kinda like the Bahamas idea because of Nassau and all the pirate stories I read when I was a kid. I am looking for a nice, relaxed holiday with tons of sun, beaches, pretty women and palm trees.

What could you, my fellow misfits and outliers, tell me about those two places, which would you recommend and tell me about some fun experiences you had in those places if possible.

youll get used to the beach, blue skies and palm trees on day 1 and the rest of the time youll be thinking "what am i doing here this is so boring"
Mate I live in England it's better to be used to the beach and palm trees for a week than the gloom, grey, damp shithole full of depressed, miserable people. I'd rather be bored at the beach
im from england too, just telling you, grass is greener on the other side and youll be bored shitless
Wrong mentality man
how? ive been to the bahamas and its boring and theres fuck all to do there
i dont care how stressed you are, or how much you think youll enjoy 'just relaxing', youll be bored shitless and will have wished you went somewhere fun
>It has come down to a choice between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

How did you manage to do that? Maybe the two worst places that fit what you're looking for. St Lucia or Barbados for ease of getting there and the rest of your criteria if caribbean is a must. North part of Mauritius too, areas of Thailand/Philippines further afield.
Idk that either of those are that interesting if you're after nightlife. I sorta agree with the other dude that going for ONLY the beach is gonna get boring, I'd say you head to some of the quieter beaches in Mexico: Puerto Escondido, Playa Aventura , Cabo Pulmo, etc. All nice, calm beaches within close distance to mexican cities with super active nightlife. Mazatlán is a perso al favorite but they party very hard, very loud over there. Might be too chaotic for what you want.
I like to relax at the beach and escape my life. I will probably do all the other things too like snorkeling, sightseeing, caves, pirate shit, bars, eat some nice food, swim in a pool, read a book, just do shit. I have fun anywhere I go. Also looking at those two because I like the look of them and they don't take forever to fly from the UK which is a major factor to me I am not spending 20 hours flying to an island if I can go to the Bahamas in 9. Waste of time

Was also considering St Lucia or Barbados tbf, always wanted to visit Barbados.
Go to Miami, man. People need to understand that Miami is the capital of the South Atlantic and Caribbean.
Bahamas is right next to Miami, plus you could go to some of the theme parks there. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks but don't want to go to Miami or the US.
>30th birthday
it's over
It's literally just the beginning

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