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File: syd-suburb.jpg (152 KB, 800x450)
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What are your honest thoughts on Australian cities?
i live in a suburb just like that in south east melbourne
>low crime
>boring place to live

as for actual cities, theyre just full of foreigners, mostly chinese, indians and arabs, and theyre depressing places to live and work. you walk around looking at everything thinking "this is not the way its supposed to be"
>Surrounded by foreigners
>Wiped out in your own lands
The Australian Aborigines would like a word with you.
It's about a word called KARMA
its just corporate greed more than anything, import hundreds of thousands of migrants from countries with lower gdps = make huge profits
Major cities are full of third worlders and gooks smuggling their money out of the hands of the CCP.

No one can afford to live in the major cities see above. I'm just sitting here waiting for the inevitable vegas collapse for housing.
What I'm about to say might sound crazy, but colonizing was hugely profitable for the british as well.
>inevitable vegas collapse
This. It's just endless suburban sprawl driven by land speculators, nobody actually wants to live in these places they just want to live "in Australia".

Rural Australia doesn't want more urbanities, there are no jobs in rural areas and those with urban educations take the high paid civil service jobs the community relies on. 9/10 foreign migrants want to live in the cities as well, so there's a 400,000 migrant stack up in Melbourne and Sydney EVERY YEAR.

These suburbs become like Egypt, mixed urban living/ domestic service/haji retail, no productive incomes, and every morning 400,000 of them commute hours to anywhere they can find work, fucking up the cities infrastructure
>as for actual cities, theyre just full of foreigners, mostly chinese, indians and arabs, and theyre depressing places to live and work. you walk around looking at everything thinking "this is not the way its supposed to be"

Now you know how the aborginal Indians feel.
Are there white people in major Australian cities? Or do they hide in the suburb?
Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne all pretty much the same on harbour or river. Mix of nineteenth century buildings and skyscrapers. Adelaide doesn't have the high-rise. Darwin and Hobart very localised atmosphere. Canberra still feels like a designed city, and is less busy than the bigger cities with their sprawl.
I've lived in Sydney Adelaide Canberra and made work trips to the rest (lots of trips to Melbourne Brisbane).
Tbh they all pretty much the same. Sydney of course has the most beautiful harbour in the world.
I don't know how to really describe it except to say that yes there are white people in the cities and the suburbs. Even though the bigger cities have a "Chinatown" it's like in NYC just a section downtown with restaurants etc. for example in Sydney a lot of Chinese people live in Chatswood which is a fairly well off shopping and transport hub on Sydney north shore.
Being Greek Lebanese Italian background is so normal it isn't even noticeable.
Many of the best rugby players are Aboriginal Australian and pacific islanders (Tonga etc). My point is that the Pacific culture is also prevalent and normal here.
agreed i got the fuck out of sydney in the late 2010's moved out far west. Commute once a week to the CBD, the only shit skins i see are tourists.

based local gov gave the middle figure to high rise housing so i get to live in a leafy green suburb with no fucking third worlders. All my neighbors are white or hippy and so far away i have peace and quiet.

The few inner city blows in that can afford to buy, get the shits with the lack of "culture" and fuck off or adapt and end up hating the poojets and gooks.

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