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>In 2023 there were 1.3 billion international tourists, with a growth of 33,4% compared to 2022 and growth of 112.2% compared to 2021

Will everyone be a tourist very soon?
Just about everyone I work with has or is going to Japan. Gen z is obsessed with Japanese culture. Unless Japan starts to limit tourist coming in. It’s only going to keep getting popular.
This 2010s boom was because of the growing Chinese middle class.
There are still at least a billion more pajeets and chinks that can travel. At least one billion more Africans too.
>entry restrictions in 2021 and parts of 2022
>no more relevant restrictions in 2023
>why is there such a steep increase?
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>Unless Japan starts to limit tourist coming in. It’s only going to keep getting popular
the government has a goal of 60 million per year by 2030
>be real japan traveller™
>everyone else is travelling to my super special secret destination
>reee inside every time I see whitey
I'm not even be sarcastic, just self aware, but its true, I fucking hate it
>the government has a goal of 60 million per year by 2030
This better be bait, I'm going for my first time here and was looking to get a digital nomad visa before transitioning to a citizen after finding a job out there. I worked hard to not stand out as 'just another tourist' and even had people complementing me last time for my understanding of the Japanese culture. I have an N5(soon N4 and probably get my N3 over there) tourist should be required to take some test to visit Japan so that every person visiting doesn't look like Johnny Somoli or some shitty vtube blogger.

60 million people puts 1 in 5 people not being Japanese which is a shame I almost feel guilting in my efforts to go since I've actually done a lot of work to integrate myself as what could be considered a local in speech and knowledge. I hope to go there and never return to boston, maybe I should look up other cities if tokyo is already lost, maybe somewhere comfy like Sapporo where foreigners are more rare.
Glad to see that you have not managed to leave the containment areas.
fresh copypasta
Of course I have, but I still like spending time in central Tokyo, and the vermin are all over the place.
>even had people complementing me last time for my understanding of the Japanese culture
When people compliment you for understanding Japanese things, it's because they're looking at you as a child. Those compliments disappear real fast once you're proficient in the language and quickly become "How could you not understand this basic thing? Are you a child?"
I hope this is just a case of covid blue balls, it is the first year that travel has been fully opened. If not we are fucked

it's because japan is now cheap. it used to be an expensive place to visit, now Japan has become a poor counrtry so there's no reason to go to SEA over Japan
>getting more tourist bux than ever
>yen still collapsing
I really don't understand how everyone is so overreacting about it like it's some giant tourism paradigm shift. It's literally just the yen turning into a rag. The moment their central bank seriously intervenes tourism will go back to previous levels.
>what is devaluing your currency to compete in a global market
>their central bank seriously intervenes

they won't though. this is the new normal
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