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Anons born in the USA who get to travel perpetually or live abroad, how did you do it? Was it worth it? The wage cage is draining my soul
What kind of travel you thinking? Backpacking? Relaxing vacation? The former is affordable but not for everyone, the latter is someone everyone can enjoy but not necessarily the most affordable.
If the crux of your trip isn’t getting your pecker played with, I can see why it might not be worth it
>Anons born in the USA who get to travel perpetually or live abroad, how did you do it?
A lot of those guys are on VA disability.
I assume most Americans living abroad, such as myself, are just wagies with overseas employment. I've been living in the Middle East for two years now. I started off working as administrative staff for a university (I don't think this is common but I also don't bother to browse job listings for universities because they're bottom of the barrel opportunities). Fortunately, it only required a high school diploma (although I have some college). The pay was only about 35k USD, which is pretty mediocre even there. Housing was free. But it was legitamtely the worst working environment I've ever been in. It had an incredibly toxic culture and the owner fucked around with our visas, vacation, and pay - among other stupid day-to-day shit. Now I'm working as a government contractor, which is much better. The hours are long (I work 72 hours a week), but the pay is good, I make about 120k a year, and get a month off every year. I recommend it as a relatively easy way to get employed overseas. There's a lot of different roles to fill (I'm most familiar with security work - not mercenary shit, more like being a mall cop) and standards are minimal, provided you're able to maintain a security clearance. I eventually hope to get a 9-5 in regular industry (ideally in Asia but more than likely Dubai).

I've worked with a retired Army guy that makes like 100k from all his military retirement and medical disability. Not exactly worth 20ish years of your life and combat deployments but having that "passive" income is insane.
Literally, married fag here.

I have the time and resources to travel on my own this year (wife is busy visiting her mother in Korea) and am thinking of not travelling. Like, what's the point?

If I was single I'd 100% get Tinder and go to Mumbai for a week or two just to download Tinder, fuck and see some exotic shit.

But take the fuck out of it and the whole thing becomes less compelling.
>born in the USA

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