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American here, didn't know the French routinely shake down drivers with speeding cameras for driving a normal and safe speed and in a normal and safe manner, ended up with three speeding tickets.

What happens when I go back if I don't pay?
With your own car that you have brought back?
With a car of a friend who lives in France?
they'll get the tickets
With a car of a friend who lives somewhere else in Europe?
50/50 depending on the country
With a rental car?
your credit card will be charged + tip
Rental agency will get the ticket, often charging you X fee for speed related fine.
First of all yes the French state is in A LOT of debt and (automated) speeding tickets have been a good steady source of income to pay the debt. It is very common to find automated speed cameras hidden at the bottom of a hill right when the speed limit changes from 90 to 50kmh, like 5m after the sign boom.

Anyways, no, customs wont stop you for not paying your fine, you won’t have any issue. I really advise you to not pay the fine and let it slide.

French people are absolutely fed up with this bullshit and it is common, especially in Brittany to find automated speed cameras completely torched. We also all use Waze and Coyote, I’m talking 95% of drivers use these.
>your credit card will be charged + tip

Just in case you think this is a joke, they really will charge you the fine then stick a fuck off huge processing fee on top of it.
>It is very common to find automated speed cameras hidden at the bottom of a hill right when the speed limit changes from 90 to 50kmh, like 5m after the sign boom.
Yep that's how they got me the second and third time, no idea why they reduce the speed limit in 40km/hr intervals
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And to think this is the same country that allows hitting other cars if it makes parallel parking easier.
France is a fascist shithole, it has both the autoritarism of dictatorship and zero security.
Worst regime in Europe.
Couldn't you just call up the bank and say "don't pay these charges"
Sure you can, the rental company will then show them the rental agreement you signed that makes you liable for these charges.

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