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Sell me on a destination /trv/.

This is a high quality thread, one that promotes travel, is focused on travel, is of interest to travellers.
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Go to Laos, it's the new Vietnam, no idea about the cooming tho
usually high quality threads start with the OP putting in some fucking effort themselves

coom for years
come to Ghana, yo will be coomed
Belize is the hidden gem of South America
kek, OP is an eternal bundle of sticks, as usual
I enjoyed Laos a lot back in 2000,I think it was always a better Thailand. Even back then people were saying the glory days were over. Myanmar was where it was at and I still wouldn't discount Myanmar under the junta because the junta always ran the place.

I'm wondering about the indopacific. Lots of islands.
Oman is great. It's the only genuine arabic country that is also safe and accessible.
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>This is a high quality thread

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