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best /trv/ shit to do while violently hungover that isn’t drinking and also isn’t losing a day in (city)
Take a train to the end of the line and back and look out the window

Browse bookstores and second hand record stores or vintage clothing stores

Sit in cafe and watch people go by
try a restaurant you wouldnt normally go to and order something you wouldnt normally eat, something hot thatll replenish you energy and raise your morale
and post pics here
did already this didn’t get any pictures because i demolished that fucker now im just overstaying my welcome in the cafe feeling like a corpse that’s been laid in the sun to dry. cheers /trv/
Have one (1) beer to help ease the hangover
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i ended up vegetating in different cafes every few hours only moving cafes cuz i felt cringe by the staff

got on a ferry to get to next guest house, threw up immediately

Light hangovers are eased with water and fatty food, but when you did some real nigger shit the only solution is a cold one
killing yourself

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