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>last night
>100 degrees in hostel dorm, even with windows open
>food poisoning
>spend an hour puking
>some fat fucking indian is in my bed when i get back and i wake him up to move
>guy on my left snoring loud enough to wake up an entire zipcode
>someone is watching porn on the other side of the dorm
>finally go to sleep at 5am
>checkout is 10am

why like this?

post hostel stories
I've been the guy puking in a hostel
bed bugs, fungus in shower, snoring, cocks cockeling in the morning, no AC, dirty hippies, sketchy weirdos. Never again...
>check into dorm by myself
>Relaxing chilling and recharging
>Whole group of girls come in
I've had this happen multiple times. Kinda hot because they're always changing but they also take up the bathroom a ton. A
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>arrive at hostel after 12 hour flight
>room has 4 bunk beds
>lock the door from the inside and go to sleep
>later hear somebody try and open the door
>ignore it and pass out again
>get up early in the morning to take a shower and then left
seen this one before

it’s still funny tho kek
I unintentionally booked a hotel once that had the check in desk in a hostel down the road. I got to the town early so couldnt go to my room yet. They said i could store my bag in the hostel but after seeing and smelling the filth and trash that hostel scum live in, i opted to pay to store it elsewhere. Next time a hotel asks me to go into a hostel to check in im just cancelling
I was in washington dc back in nov and had a pleasant exp. here were my 3 roomates:

>japanese political studies masters grad who was trying to be a assistant for a congressman
>south african chef who was on his way to florida for a new job
>account manager for australia opera house

all were friendly and went to sleep early. the chef was a good storyteller. 10/10 experience.
DESU the only negative hostel experience I've had was a maid trying to steal my jacket by throwing it in the trash. I don't like them because I don't like communal living and the chances for getting laid aren't that great because most men are circling the relatively few girls like hungry sharks which doesn't really put them in the mood.
idk i will never go to a hostel because im socially awkward
The hostel in dc was decent for a cheap room in DC only small issue was it also allowed family/student groups.
Lad on holiday hostels are always the worse. I keep trying the popular/wild ones but it just never works out.
I can't imagine sleeping in a communal room.I'd rather pay extra just to have a restful sleep.
>why like this?
Sounds like you booked the cheapest thing to get to. Just use hostelworld, check reviews, boom done. Yeah often paying 5-10 bucks more than the cheapest 8 dollar listing in SEA is a world of difference between absolute dogshit and livable spaces
painful to imagine what kind of tramp is paying "Yeah often paying 5-10 bucks more than the cheapest 8 dollar listing in SEA" when you can stay in some 4 star hotel with a swimming pool and breakfast included for 20-30$
probably shouldn't be travelling if your situation is that dire
>when you can stay in some 4 star hotel with a swimming pool and breakfast included for 20-30$
Great, usually checking sites like booking/hotels/airbnb and so on I don't see those. When I do they are often in some shit part of town that I don't want to be in as a gym, attractions, and things to do are often far away and using grab day in and day out just ups the cost even more.

Usually the only places for 4 start+pool+breakfast are in shitholes like Vietnam or Thailand
>be freshly of drinking age
>go to city known for partying and party hostels
>me and 4 friends get a full dorm
>one random pajeet in there and hes sleeping under me
>go out and get absolutely plastered
>come back and spew in bed off the top bunk onto the floor whilst hes under me
>get off the bunk and attempt to clean my vomit in front of him whilst just spreading it across the floor
>all friends laughing whilst I do this
>pajeet packs up in the middle of the night and leaves

Not proud of myself but its a pretty funny story, now I am an adult I would never do it again I probably deserved a punch

story from recently
>check into 2 day ferry which has dorm rooms all throughout it
(huge ferry)
>there are expensive cabins full of old people so no one is staying in the bunks except myself
>all dorms rooms are empty except for me which was eery I was keen to party on a boat desu
>pretty much have a whole level on a ship to myself
>check into Rome hostel
>worker tells me I'm lucky and my 12 person mixed dorm is full of nice Chileans
>later discover I'm the only young female in a room of 11 fat, old brown men

They were kind of chill and didn't rape me or anything but I still don't like being in the presence of men
IDK what hostels you are staying in but most my hostels are this
>check in
>get behind some european who basically fumbling through english or shocked they don't take their pay via phone and need a physical card or cash
>finally check in
>4PM some dude snoring a few bunks over just know his alarm is set for some stupid time like 11PM and will 100% let that shit ring
>that one asian person who is going to be glued to his bed every time you walk by playing gatcha or watching twitch
>guy who's bunk is closest to the window shuts it in summer or opens it in winter making the place just a little too uncomfortable but not enough to do anything
>common room has 2 digital nomads trying to do phone calls the best they can without giving away the fact they are in a hostel
>those couples who come in are cooking some rank shit at the kitchen to "save money" and it always always REEKS
>Fridge is full to the brim EVERYTIME with unmarked shit
>French retard trying to start a conversation with everyone so he can talk about his travels but speaks such terrible english it's hard to understand anything
>Try to sleep people coming in forgetting it's 2AM and drunk until they pass out half way dressed
>5:45 AM Asian chicks staying in the hostel somehow have 100% of plastic bags as luggage they need to rustle for 30 minutes
>drunk anons phones going off 7AM
>that one faggot taking the shower for 45 minutes trying to whack it
>go down stairs to wake up and eat breakfast
>every space taken because people want to "hang out" till thier flight or trainwith all 100% of their luggage using any free space
>repeat the next day
nah it was €24 in a nice part of pt with good reviews and shit. L. fucking jeet tourists ruining it for me
I had some cunt the other day cook his dinner at 11pm and left his supplies in the dorm room, came to the room like no lie 10 times over the next 2 hours to grab cooking supplies.

just take the bag with you dickhead
>be me
>no one is at hostel front desk
>no one in lobby
>no one on street
>room code doesn’t work
guess i’m sleeping in the lobby tonight boys
I got some general Hostel questions if you guys don't mind.
So I plan on solo traveling soon, and I'll be looking for ways to meet people. I've thought about hostels but I'm concerned I'm too old for them (I'm 40). I also have plenty of money, So could I just rent a private room in them and still use the common space to meet/hang out with people? Is there any other good ways to people travelers, ladies, or locals in SEA? I have pretty good social skills, I'm just mostly concerned about being too old and sleeping in a loud shitty dorm. I'm just trying to figure out what my options are. Thanks.
>ski hostel
>comfy bed even though rooms are cramped
>regular drinks with other hostel goers
>hook up with chicks there, eat their tits and fuck them, didn’t catch anything either
>8/10 would recommend
Party boats sound fun but really cruises are the only ones that manage that
Had that happen because my transportation took way longer. Thankfully no mosquitos and they had half decent giant chair
Hostels if you're older might not be the best, unless it's a hippy/relaxed style one. Homestays might also be decent.
no real women would stay in a mixed dorm willing, female dorm only and then if you want to root just hang out in the lobby.
where? I've been thinking about a ski trip in yurop. are lift tickets $1000000 like in the US?
bros what place has the most optimal hostel experience for actually meeting people. I don't have any friends in my cunt and my 20s are running out and I want to experience life before its too late :'(
Party hostels in any major city. Even if you're weird most people will let you tag along for bar crawls and you'll still meet a lot of other weirdos to befriend
>first time
Make a bunch of friends, go out drinking together, make plans to visit popular sights, have great memories and new friends for life
>last time
Can't sleep because 19 year old children are drunk and carrying on at 2am in the common area, make no friends because you're a decade too old for the people around you, get sick of having to share your space with people and needing to micromanage your luggage all the time so no one steals anything
To be honest just buy the winter season passes. Sure, you'll pay $1500 to $2k but it's worth if it you're staying longer than a week and want to go to multiple parks.
No, not party hostels.

The best places are those that are "social, but not party", that's the sweet spot.
If you are bothered about check out being at 10am, you're a worthless degenerate. True men ask when the earliest check out time is. If you can't check out with a human at around 06:00, the place is probably shit.
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>drunk anglo in the common area
>always trying to pick a fight or argument with the americans

Why you all gotta do this shit?
Lads on holidays are the worst.
>shitholes like Vietnam
What kind of nigger you are, calling paradise a shithole
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>>go out and get absolutely plastered
>>come back and spew in bed off the top bunk onto the floor whilst hes under me
Shit like this is EXACTLY why I'd never go to a hostel.

I couldn't imagine having to be around a band of white niggers whose definition of fun is getting drunk, contracting hepatitis from the nearest whores, holding up their hands in loud places, making chimp noises and going "WOOOOOOO".

Only Westerners think behaving like oafish idiots :partying" is a great experience.
I don't mind dancing at a good club, but party hostels are essentially captive bars where they overcharge for the experience.
>only westerners
Found the pajeet who ran away from >>2681284
I was 18 my guy, I’m sure you did stupid shit at that age, as I said definitely feel bad for old bud now.

Or maybe you are were of the kids on the brink of shooting up the school
you're too old for that crowd mate, see >>2681787, I'm already beginning to feel that in late 20s, though I should be good for a few more years. the golden age for hostels is 20-25 years old.
at the very least, get a private room in the hostel if you must

he's a jeet his opinion doesn't matter

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