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Should I travel to Carson City, Nevada?
They don’t have an airport, only a balloon port.
Which is fine unless it’s a rainy day, when your balloon would be cancelled.
Go to NM if you want to ride a balloon
Wrong. There's KCXP in Carson and KMEV in Minden.
uh idk why you would want to visit? It's close to Tahoe and Reno is always fun and there's lot to do outdoors if you look around the area. Just weird that you are asking about Carson City of all places cuz idk what's so special about it. It's not a bad town, I enjoy going to visit my grandparents. Just a really specific place to be asking about and idk why
Nope. But you should definitely go to Lake Tahoe. It's amazing in the summer. The bike and hiking trails are really good. There was a lot of snow this year, so the waterfalls will be running into the late summer. I was living in Marin County for 2 years for work and I went to Tahoe 7 or 8 times at least. Cabins are really reasonable in the summer. Definitely bring bikes. Here's the good stuff off the top of my head

Eagle Falls
Cascade Falls
Horsetail Falls
Glen Alpine Falls
Kiva Beach
Fallen Leaf Campground (camp in the Yurts)
Pope Baldwin Bike Path
The Hangar
Pretty Odd Wieners

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