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What's going on with Paris? People are hating on it like fuck, but every time I go there, I find it quite pleasant? Am I just getting lucky? It's quite busy, but not any more than in other cities. I keep expecting riots or packs of angry Stealers, but I hardly see any. I might go back next week. Probably not the best time for it to be fair.
Those "people hating" are mostly just racist.
Zambia is my favorite country. There are good and bad people of every race. The bad ones have a tendency to congregate in the toilet of Europe: Paris
I’m-group preference shouldn’t be the sin that is.
* In-group preference
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In-group preference is literally the way EVERYONE on Earth thinks except white people. White people are just traitorous to each other. Don't blame blacks, chinks, pajeets etc because whites are gleeful to stab each other in the back and screw each other over to get ahead.
Honestly I watch watching some Chinese language travel videos about Vietnam to study Mandarin, the Chinese just hear other people speaking Chinese, and find out they are from Malaysia, not even China. Instant best friends. Whereas I as a white person know there's atleast a 50% chance of another white being a leftist that wants me to be killed for being a colonizer racist bigot.
A better question is why would you pick Paris? The crime rate is among the highest in Europe. It's three of four times the cost to eat and stay in a hotel in Paris than any other place in France. It's not convenient to drive if you plan of taking a road trip. The people are infamously rude and cold. Hookup culture is infinitely better in other countries. The only places you can get to fast on the high speed trains also suck. I'll pass on Brussels and London too, thanks. If you want to see some gorgeous French towns without all the bullshite, Fly into Frankfurt Germany and take a train ride or car down the Rhine River. Go to Strasbourg, Sélestat, and Colmar. There's also Heidelberg Germany, Freiburg, Basil and Lucerne Switzerland on that route. You can fly out of Zurich. That's a good 2 week trip. Paris can suck it.
It's funny i just stumbled upon this thread while I was listening to the most unhinged hate spergout about Paris from an english woman who described it as some kind of dystopian shithole and saying the most clearly false bullshit I've ever heard about it

clearly there is a psychanalytical aspect to it.
Paris must represent the "old world" or the "old order" symbolically, and lashing out at it is a progressive thing I guess.
>If you want to see some gorgeous French towns without all the bullshite, Fly into Frankfurt Germany and take a train ride or car down the Rhine River. Go to Strasbourg, Sélestat, and Colmar. There's also Heidelberg Germany, Freiburg, Basil and Lucerne Switzerland on that route. You can fly out of Zurich. That's a good 2 week trip. Paris can suck it.
those are not french cities
It's a cool city to visit if you're not severely autistic or >>2681025. It's 4chan groupthink. They think they're cooler because they dislike something that is widely popular
I've lived in Paris for more than twenty years (moved away a few years ago)
The memes about it are mostly overblown and the city is well compartimentalized, what I mean by this is that if you stick to classy places, you won't see many (if any) trashy people or events. The notable exception is the Champs Élysées. But to really see the shithole side of Paris, you have to want to see it and go out of your way to visit the 18th district for example.
I've actually never liked Paris, but I have to admit that the beautiful parts of the city are indeed beautiful and that it's not a warzone filled with nafri thugs
come to Marseille
I actually live in Marseille now lmao
Vienna is like a smaller comfy Paris were you don't have to deal with the aspects of a giant city that everyone hates
Vienna is bigger than Paris
lol no
Paris is about 4 times vienna
>It's quite busy, but not any more than in other cities.
This is factually false. It is literally the most visited city in the world. I live in London and even I'm appalled by just how crowded Paris is and the worst part about it that it hardly even seems worth it wading through the crowds.

I like walking along the river and browsing the stalls and I love the Musee d'orsey but I don't think Paris as a whole is really any better than any other major city.
Paris is 105.4 km2
Vienna is 414.6 km2
Not racist, I just don't like lots of blacks and arabs all over the place.
is that what we're calling them now

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