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/trv/ - Travel

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is this movie responsible for the travel meme?
No. Youtube and dirt cheap air travel is
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No it was Rick Steves.
This smug boomer has been pushing the travel meme for 50 fucking years.
/trv/ niggas won’t admit it but his comfy show is baby duck’s first travel guide.
Wow the original white dork traveler
It’s social media and YouTube. Traveling has exploded the past 8-10 years. Everyone wants to fucking travel now. Dumb fuck people see something on social media and they want to recreate what they saw. It was never this bad. Social media is awful.
I would like this boomer if he didn’t try to ram down your throat how bad fascism was in every episode.
< 10% of people travelling travel because they actually want to see the world. Most are just travelling to wage social status wars on social media through travel photos or get cheaper prostitutes as you can see on this board.
Coworker of mine went to Barcelona. She visited the La Sagrada Familia. She showed me pictures and she has no idea wtf she saw. Couldn’t even name the place.
I enjoyed when my neurons activated and I screamed "KONTOL" at a dude waving around an inflated dick advertising a shop in Bali. Had learned that word from dota 2 ages ago.
Most people enjoy travelling lmao. I swear this website is full of holier than thought autists who think their experience is somehow more valid than everyone else's.
You really sound like a disgusting Mormon NPC with main character syndrome.
/trv/'s own
You should be thankful he talks of fascism instead of right wing extremism or something
Monkey see, monkey do.
for Europe only though
Going on vacation has always been a normal thing all over Europe. My parents already went on vacation every year with my grand parents when they were children.

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