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File: Flag_of_Norway.svg.png (4 KB, 1200x873)
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Wtf is the best thing to do in norway

I will be there june 8th-june 18th, I fly into oslo
Get out of Oslo and visit the western fjords or Lofoten up north. If you decided to fly to this expensive shithole without making any plans just to stay in Oslo you deserve the disappointment.
>i want to go to ((place))
>i have no idea why
The best thing to do in Norway is to piss and jump on ishowspeed
Best thing about Oslo is leaving Oslo
i want to change cash into nok, is it useful ? i've heard that they used more credit cards than cash, but i don't want to use it and pay taxes... i'm just staying for like 5 hours in a big city, but if i want to grab a snack or go to museum do they accept cash ?
The best thing to do in Norway is blow a migrant. Just ask any Norwegian woman.
Drive to Svinesund or Töcksfors and buy 10 days of food.
What interests you? My idea of a good time could be vastly different from yours. Oslo can be pretty grim, but it is the capital and largest city and you can enjoy it there if you want.
There are some "cash-free establishments", but it's usually small niche shops and clothing stores. Every grocery store, kiosk and museum will accept cash.
Buying shit in Sweden hasn't paid off since before the pandemic. Fuel, tobacco and alcohol are the only things still cheaper there than here.
>small businesses don't accept cash, but major businesses do
What kind of backwards country is this? Normally it's the opposite in other countries.
>What kind of backwards country is this?
Mate you have no idea
I loved Tromso and Bergen. Also took the Bergen-Oslo train which was awesome
Typically speaking, small businesses want to pay as little tax as possible, and encourage cash payments to mask their trails. Are Norwegians just a bunch of boot-lickers? Do the Scandinavians have a genetic inclination for cuckoldry?
Rip neeseblod
Go to the Munch Museum if you're into art. God-tier painter.
Are you non-binary and from Australia OP?
I want to visit in December is this retarded
Depends on your mindset and what you want to do. You can have nice experiences at any time of the year, but some parts of the year demand more of your mindset.
Not really, but it depends on what you want to do. It's colder and darker than you realize, the sun sets at 3 pm and even coastal areas can have -20 degrees celsius. -40 regularly happens in inland areas. Hiking in the woods and especially mountains become something only for the experienced, while it's paradise for skiers and snowboarders. The cities look nice in Christmas decorations, but our christmas markets are soulless and consumerist, mogged by literally every other christmas market on the continent.
I'm from a country that is like 30c year round. I just want to see some snow, some northern lights, roleplay as a polar explorer, ride a boat in cold water that kinda thing.

I'm down to try some skiing but that's a bummer about the christmas markets, are even the Oslo ones like that?
>even the Oslo ones
Oslo's are the absolute worst.
Just a bunch of romanians selling churros, for some reason.
Don't stay in Oslo.
Go see Geirangerfjorden, Prekestolen, Trolltunga, Lofoten, etc.
Visit some actually nice cities, like Bergen and Ålesund. Just get the fuck out of Oslo as soon as you can, or you'll just be wasting your time.
I know you're home op but for any one else:
>Never ever go to oslo. It's a shithole. Imagine Paris or another nigger hellhole but with the ugliest architecture you've ever seen
>The only decent Norwegian city is Ålesund or Bergen.
>The west coast on general is worth seeing, but you don't need to bother with the touristy places.
> Try rafting while you're there, Norway has the best whitewater in the world.
>Don't bother trying to meet Norwegians, no one wants to talk to you. It's not personal, were just reserved.
>You won't typically see the northern lights in the south. Go to Tromsø if you want to see it,and only in the winter
>Don't fucking bother coming if you're in a RV. Not only do we hate RV tourists, but some of the roads in the west are too narrow to comfortably drive RVs in unless you're local
>If you're going skiing in the backcountry, try to find a guide or a local. People die here every year because they're too dumb to read the terrain
it can be -20 degrees. You should go skiing at that time of year, everything else is so grey.
Go hiking, Oslo is cancer for the most part.
fpbp. The western side of Norway is amazing with the fjords and waterfalls. Make Bergen your home base and you can thank me later.
Cash cost too much money to handle as a business in scandinavia, most banks dont handle cash anymore which means you cant go to your local bank and refill the change for your register but instead have to order from the central depo which costs a lot of money also insurance companies require very expensive safes compared to the amount of money stored if you want insurance. If a card transaction cost you 0.5% and the cash one 2-5% its easy to understand cash only also no employees stealing cash.
eat shwarma and practice your arabic with the locals
I've just been through Norway, went to Geiranger, Stranda, Alesund, Bergen, Forde and Oslo with a group of friends

Cross Oslo off your list, just drive past it or fly straight West. It's absolute garbage.
The rest? Gorgeous, just wondrous. Even Bergen is enough of a "city" to satisfy your city needs without going to Oslo while still being wonderful to stroll around and close to a lot of things.

You NEED a car though.
Can confirm. I ended up in East Oslo, its like 5% Norweigian
Id try to get out of Oslo because it fucking sucks

However If you like hiking youre in for some amazing experiences
There are mountain refugees you can rent in the mountains for doing a multi-day trek.
Particularily check out St. Olavs road, which is a pilgrimage that ends at a historical church, Nidarosdomen in Trondheim, its fantastic
Fuck Oslo. Go see everything else, Bergen has some of the coolest people you'll meet
How about Norway in the fall?
I have two weeks coming up in October flying in and out of Stockholm but kinda wanted to try to see some of Norway as well.
Norway in the autumn is very nice, and the weather isn’t normally bad enough to disrupt plans. As everyone else said the capital area is bleak and shit but anywhere on the west or northern coasts is beautiful.

If you want to do that then you’re either going to have to fly within Scandinavia or do a lot of driving. If you’re getting your drive on then the area at the north of Sweden before you turn left and end up in Lofoten is very nice too (Abisko etc).

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