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I need a new liver and kidney. What are the best countries to get organ transplants very quickly and cheaply. I’ve heard organs are cheap and easy to acquire in the Philippines. But are those sea monkeys competent surgeons?
China. They have a thriving organ trade, mostly from the Uyghurs and Falun Gong. It'll come at a price, though
do americans actually believe this shit?
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>do americans actually believe this shit?
China is the right answer regardless of conspiracy theories about wiggers and FLG being true or not. Although idk if you can just show up as a tourist and get a new organ. Probably need to be at least a resident or married to a citizen.
Yeah I’m aware of all of this. That’s why I asked for suggestions for medical tourism. What you are proposing is not that. Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing. You literal shit for brains retard with zero reading comprehension.
>What are the best countries to get organ transplants very quickly and cheaply
I answered appropriately, you ungrateful nigger
No gratitude is deserved. You and your response have as much value as a fly covered pile of dogshit.
Iran or Syria
Maybe Turkey.
They are world champion organ harvesters.
i hope you die
OP here. I found a broker in the Philippines. They guarantee fresh organs within 24 hours of payment. And the hospital has western doctors. Only going to cost me around $10k US
Nta but I know the answer to your question and was going to post details until I saw what an obnoxious cunt you are. Enjoy getting scammed
More dogshit straight from the dog’s asshole.
He's right, you're a huge faggot prick and you're going to die from a shit transplant.
Is this legit? I'd be scared of getting scammed, your remaining organs stolen, botched surgery, etc.

you can do it in China but you have to bring a Falun Gong with you. they will remove and transplant the organ for you, but it's on you to bring the organ
It's better to get Uyghur organs in China. They'll be cleaner. I'm not sure if there is a price difference between the two groups though.

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