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It's 49 eur for 1 month of unlimited train travel in Germany.

I'm considering travelling around the country on this ticket. Anything I should know beforehand?
Firstly, this is regional trains only, so any intercity travel will take 3-4 times longer than with an express train like the ICE, secondly as it's currently Summer and the Euros are on I would avoid Germany, this goes until probably September too because of Oktoberfest. Mainly because they're rammed full and often delayed but also because it's Summer and the trains get unbearably hot.

But if you have lots of time it is fun to get the trains in pretty areas like the southwest of Germany. I took the train from where I lived near Munich all the way to Strasbourg (when it was still the 9 euro ticket) and it took over 12 hours with a lot of delays but it was a fun time and the scenery was amazing near the alps/black forest. I got into Strasbourg close to midnight and spent an hour or 2 looking for lodgings til I went to a late bar and managed to find a girl who let me sleep at her apartment (I should have been able to fuck but didn't lmao)

Another thing that might be fun would be to go from one end of the country, down south all the way to Sylt which is an island in the north, this is something a bunch of germans did when this ticket first came out, partly for the fun of the adventure and partly to spoil the rich snobby atmosphere of the island.

Last time I used the ticket outside of getting around locally was to visit Passau and Regensburg, both beautiful cities too so worth checking those out. You can get on the ALEX line to get there and the ALEX train goes to the Czech Republic but if you don't get a ticket for the part of the journey in there you might get into trouble for sneaking into Prague for example (haven't heard of it happen)
It's only regional trains no RE, EC, IR, IC and ICE so a journey from let's say Nürnberg to Berlin takes about 8h and you change trains like 4 or 5 times.
If you enjoy that kind of trip enjoy it while it lasts it's likely that it will get canned soon as regional public transport companies are losing over 300-600 Millions PER YEAR and company and the state has no idea how to fund it.
This price seems insanely low.
It's bread&circuses by the federal government, it will last as long as they need to distract the people from their gross incompetence.
Worst case they'll open another slush fund ("Sondervermögen") coupled with some highway investments to appease the car people.
It's not really unlimited train travel but rather unlimited regional travel including buses, trams and metros.
So even if you buy regular long-distance train tickets, it's still worth buying if you spend a week or more in Germany.
RE and other trains are the regional ones and theyre included in this ticket. Get used to a million delays and trains dont drive, and depending on where you travel trainstations and trains with majority brown travellers.
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Do you have more time or money? Are you visiting major cities that are near by, or up in the sticks? Anyway, go to the DB navigator website or app and when planning routes click on "local transport only", this will give you the actual options. Don't worry about "HSB","VIA" and other companies, as long as you're on "local transport only" mode. The app is somewhat reliable. I got a lot of last minute track changes, so check it frequently and use local information as well. Learn how to read the time tables at the station. Sometimes trains can split, the entire track is sectioned into ABCDE - depending on where the train stops - read the timetable and ground markings and enter where it says your destination. For example, 1 train composition arrives at track 6. This composition will split and cars that stop on markings A through D go to city Scheisskopfberg but E goes to Schweinburgerfeld. Wait on ground markings E if you want to go to Schweinburgerfeld.
My guy you had 1 job, RE stands for REGIO. Don't blame ya, though. When I first started reading about it, it also seemed unnecessarily confusing.
Yes, it's worth if you are doing 2 or more cities... Mannheim - Frankfurt - Heidelberg, the ticket pays for the RE train alone, not to mention the public transportation inside the cities and short, small town breaks that are definitely worth it. At $49 it's a steal, at $9 it was genuinely insane.
>not to mention the public transportation inside the cities
Spend 2 weeks in Germany and even without taking a single train ride for more than 10 minutes each, you'll be very likely to break even.
not much to see in germany. night in a basic hotel costs 50 to 100 euro, so traveling germany because of a cheap ticket is nonsensical. if you have to go: its a subscription, buy it until the 10th of every month to be able to cancel it at the end of that month. warning: germany is full of mystery meat and so are the trains. you will suffer.
t. has spent hundreds of hours in regional trains and buses since the introduction of the 9/49 euro ticket
Isn't that a four hour drive?
Every bordering country got at least 1 city (10 in case of netherlands) you can visit by 49€ ticket aswell.
to Strasbourg it would have been 4/5 hours driving yeah but I didn't have a car at the time and wanted to do something fun on a whim
Are you visiting major cities that are near by, or up in the sticks?
I want to visit places that are fairly close together, travelling maybe 2 hours at a time. E.g.
>Flensburg -> Hamburg -> Bremen -> Hannover -> ?
>Flensburg -> Kiel -> Lübeck -> Schwerin -> Rostock -> ?
Ffs forgot a > when quoting
The smartest here thing seems to hub and spoke it by basing yourself in Hamburg and doing day trips.
>Anything I should know beforehand?

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