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I want to go to comiket and /a/ directed me here, do people here go to comiket in summer? It seems hot (+20C) how do I not die I really want some comics and stuff.

Is JAL as good as they say? I don't speak Japanese so might stick with british airways. Do they care about white guys there or did americans like johnny somoli ruin foreigners appearence. I dont know much japanese so can I order food easily? Is 3 weeks enough for Akihabara and tokyo? It's the worlds largest city so I am not sure.
Also how do I bring my comics back into the UK I hear they are strict about drawings for some stupid reason
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>bumping a thread within 5mins on one of the slowest boards on this hellsite
Look at the Japan general thread, retard
not asking a general question, I am asking a specific question about comiket and for my holiday I don't care about generalizations
unless you're gunning for comiket exclusives, it's cheaper and simpler to just order the same books online.

questions about how to dress for weather, airline reviews, and trip length are better off googled. if you're the type to plan your first trip to japan a month out, without knowing the language, and without knowing local laws on what you can bring back, it will be difficult for both you and any locals you interact with.
Please read the following carefully.
I also recommend that you read the Japanese version carefully.
It's a good idea to check the catalogue in advance.
The biggest problem is buying tickets. There are only a few places where you can buy them.
>I dont know much japanese so can I order food easily?
You will likely have problems using the toilet, so we do not recommend eating much, even breakfast, and instead drink fluids frequently.

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