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>is worthless
>Get Amex card with gf for buyer protection, points and priority pass
>Take flight one day
>Decide to skip breakfast because I'll fill my boots in the lounge
>Get to lounge
>Show pass
>Umm this isn't your name
>Yeah it's my gf's name, I'm a cardholder on the account
>Yeah you can't come in
>Go back and forth for 15 minutes
>Eventually get told to fuck off and have to buy breakfast for £25

That stupid cunt on the door honestly thought she was guarding Studio54

Fuck Amex, fuck priority pass
Eh, I’ve gotten in without paying. Priority over non card holders. It’s free with my credit card.
I’m literally using it right now at the Las Vegas lounge and I’m on my 4th free drink with good snacks. Some airports have great lounges, most don’t tho.
thing is, lounges were made to give wealthy (first and business class passengers) a vip experience at airports, later it had been noticed to be profitable to enable lounge access for a fee or subscription for normies
later was the solution to keep the vip and normies seperated, by making multiple lounges with different access requirements, so you didn't get much actually
I have one of those and I’ve never even tried to use it.
I want to get to my gate and stay there.
I don’t want to hang out in a lounge on the other side of the airport.
What actually happened was the rich people all fly pt 135 now.

airlines and airports have pivoted their “premium” products to upper middle income earners ($85-200k / year) who want to feel like big shots. It’s all just conspicuous consumerism bullshit, not saying the lounges can’t be good experiences but it’s not for VIPs or whatever. Those people are at the other side of the airport in the FBO and you don’t even see them. Hell I use the FBO for most of my flying (I own my own plane and within the USA I fly that almost exclusively) and I barely see them, the car drops them off on the tarmac and off they go right into the Citation or Challenger or we
>>Umm this isn't your name
>>Yeah it's my gf's name, I'm a cardholder on the account
Did you show any proof of this? If not, you're a retard.
It's not worthless, but in order to find the good lounges you have to read the blog of every rootless homosexual travel blogger to separate the wheat from the chaff (One Mile At A Time is my recommendation) and actually be traveling there. I will say this though, many of the lounges aren't that "premium" but it has come though in a pinch on a couple of occasions, like when I was traveling for work and had a connection in Casablanca where the only food and power outlet I could find for four hours was in a Priority Pass lounge. I wouldn't pay a dime for it but if Amex Platinum and Venture X are gonna offer it I'm sure as shit gonna take it. I make that annual fee work for me in all sorts of other ways
It's not worthless at all. I've used it plenty of times to get free food. At this point I must have eaten more than $1000 worth of free food on this free pass I got with my credit card. I don't even know how the economics of this works it sounds insane to me that I get all this for free but that just the reality of it. I try to take advantage of it as much as possible before it will inevitably get taken away or massively scaled down.
I haven’t found it worthless at all, but I also (like most people here, apparently) haven’t ever paid for it. My credit card gives it to me for nothing. I’ve used it at least two or three times. That’s enough return on my investment of zero dollars (zero francs, in my case, so call it 113% of zero to get the USD equivalent).
You should never pay for it. Get it free with a credit card, especially if your home airport has lounge access. If you’re a frequent flier you could get easily $1000 of value a year on free booze and food
the customer service is dog shit if you have to go through all that hassle
>present a card without your name on it
>don't present any proof that you are also a cardholder
>wtf, the service is dogshit why won't they let me in
This is you.
>be wagie
>be presented card
>hmmmm name doesnt match
>ask customer
>story makes sense but i hate him for the effort
>need to assert the shred of power i have and deny him access
this is you, wagies overstepping their scope of work because they want to (ab)use the little power they have to feel better about themselves
you will always come of as some traffic warden trying to act like a police officer
This is such a stupid ridiculous cope that you are exactly the kind of person that should not be traveling. The employee probably doesn't give 2 shits one way or the other about you. You didn't have a card with your name on it and wouldn't show some kind of proof that you are a card holder. Wtf were they supposed to do?
>The employee probably doesn't give 2 shits one way or the other about you.
this is exactly the problem, i am the CUSTOMER, treat me like a GOD
The correct procedure for priority pass from any credit card issuer is if you want an extra card for anyone, you must add them as a credit card authorized user and request an additional priority pass in their name from the issuer. If the card issuer pays for it, the primary cardholder if present can also guest you into the participating lounge.

If the name doesn't match (and match wording pass), the lounge does not get paid the pittance of a rate they negotiated with priority pass. Given how much crowding in lounges happens nowadays because everyone and their dog has a priority pass, you're obviously not getting in and the lounge is happier that way.

If you want to use it, understand how it works. You got exactly what you deserved

You mean to say actual paying customers (by virtue of ticketing class, airline status) have priority over "priority pass" scum. When using the program, you are by definition bottom of the barrel

"The Club" at LAS or wherever they operate is a shitty lounge chain that somehow built their entire business model on credit card free lounge access. It's unimpressive at best.

Gate lice never change

There are lounges for those not flying commercial https://upgradedpoints.com/travel/airports/private-suite-at-lax-review/. Lounges exist at every price point

lounges sell excess capacity to reseller network (priority pass, lounge key, lounge buddy, etc.) for next to nothing, reseller resells access to credit card issuers for next to nothing on a per user basis (because not everyone uses these benefits), and voila the magic of an efficient market
But you weren't a customer, otherwise you'd have a card with your name on it.
From the perspective of the wagie you were no different to some rando trying his luck with a card he found on the ground somewhere.
>not arriving at the airport when boarding starts
If that's how you want to spend your time...
>lounges sell excess capacity to reseller network (priority pass, lounge key, lounge buddy, etc.) for next to nothing, reseller resells access to credit card issuers for next to nothing on a per user basis (because not everyone uses these benefits), and voila the magic of an efficient market
So the people that don't have the pass pay for my access. I certainly cost more to the lounge that whatever merchant fee my credit card company got from me buying my plane ticket (and I don't even need to use this card actually). At some point this will be known and nobody will pay for lounge access. If you can afford to pay regularly for one time access to a lounge, you can certainly get a credit card with a pass. As we see in this thread it seems that everyone has a pass now. We're probably only months away from a massive scale down of the program.
but what is the functional difference? theyre still going to get compensated by the credit card company
who cares really about the incidental abuse, its a non issue
with that mentality you very quickly steep down to complete cynical resentism
>nobody can ever have anything good

reminds me a lot of ticket inspection, switzerland has no station entrance gates yet it has zero effect on fare evasion
The functional difference is that this way Tyrone Washington and Shaniqua LaQueefa cannot enter with a card belonging to Samuel Goldstein and Thomas Smith.
It's called enforcing the rules.
You have to know that any rules to be enforced in customer service have to be clear and simple so that every wagie can stick to them without being outsmarted or threatened.
Same with baggage allowances: A single bag can only weigh 32kg. Even if your name is Pajeet Poobergstein and you're flying with your wife and 12 kids to Tel Aviv via Hyderabad, if one of your bags is 33kg, you'll have to repack it.

>fare evasion without ticket gates
It's because they randomly check tickets inside the trains. For what reason? To enforce the rules.
>he utters while pleading "wir haben es nicht gewüßt"
>it’s unimpressive at best
It’s no Centurion but it has a full bar and snacks for free. All I need.
You sound overly melanated.
i sound extremely white and fed up with capitalofascism
>Same with baggage allowances
I had a 24kg bag on a 23kg bag limit and they didn't make me repack, just slid it through.
No, credit cardholders who don't use the benefit pay for the benefit on behalf of cardholders who do use it.

Keep in mind these are 2nd rate lounges that participate in Priority Pass and no one is stupid enough to actually pay for Priority Pass themselves (by far their only customers are credit card issuers)

>At some point this will be known and nobody will pay for lounge access
Also wrong. People of means pay for lounges by virtue of ticketed class, frequent flyers pay with status, and if the lounge is very fancy they have paying customers who aren't scum like you and I looking for free handouts

There is a range of credit card from high to low-end, as there are lounges to that effect. Priority Pass is only a means of filling up space *where desired* that would have gone to waste.

>We're probably only months away from a massive scale down of the program
You're a few years too late for that statement, already happened multiple times and at airports like LAX Priority Pass is laughable. Plus, nowadays most card issuers only pay for a gimped version of Priority Pass that exclude restaurants, non-lounge spaces, etc.
I get one with my credit card but have never used it since I have access from frequent flyer status anyway.
>I'd rather sit at my gate for an hour than sit in a quiet, comfy lounge with free drinks and food
Pretty much. Lounge seats are comfortable, free wifi of okay quality, etc.
Try the centurion lounge at LAS, better food and wine
>treat me like a GOD
delusional moron
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nigga u a nyc boomer from the 70s? lol, but yeah prioritiy pass sucks dick now because they started handing it out like candy
lmao what a nigger, its amazing how dumb some people are
>youre a delusional moron if you want customer service
Still rarely see the melanin rich in the lounge but I guess I also don't go to niglocations

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