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Hi everyone, I've been admitted to a summer program and I'm going to visit Poland for two weeks. I'm planning to arrive one week earlier to my program so I can travel a bit. This is my first solo travel outside Latin America. I'm also single but not tall.

- Are there any one-night hostels in Warsaw? Are they safe?
- What's the art scene like? I'm interested in museums, art galleries and exhibitions. Please nothing on war crimes museums lol
- How is the transportation? (I've never used a metro or train.)
- Is three weeks enough to find a cute wife/gf?
- What are the top activities in Poland?
- Are there any good bookstores?
- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin, Ukraine or other cities in general?
- As you can see, I have zero sense of fun other than walk and read. Is there anything else I should be doing? I'm from Latin America, so I don't mind going to ugly parts of the cities, drugs, parties or whores.
>- Are there any one-night hostels in Warsaw? Are they safe?
Warsaw is a first class Euro city by now, you'll be ok.
>- What's the art scene like? I'm interested in museums, art galleries and exhibitions. Please nothing on war crimes museums lol
Just open Google Maps or something and pick places with cool names.
>- How is the transportation? (I've never used a metro or train.)
Clean, safe, mostly on time.
>- Is three weeks enough to find a cute wife/gf?
Wake up.
>- Are there any good bookstores?
Bookstores still exist?
>- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin, Ukraine or other cities in general?
Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest are all within your reach. Why the fuck would you go to Ukraine? kek
>- What's the art scene like? I'm interested in museums, art galleries and exhibitions. Please nothing on war crimes museums lol
WW2 has had profound impact on their people. To ignore that defeats the purpose of learning about Poland and its people.
>- How is the transportation? (I've never used a metro or train.)
Train is a good mode of transport there.
>- Is three weeks enough to find a cute wife/gf?
Sure if you go out of your way to be around the beautiful women and are not an absolute EL GOBLINO DE MONSTRO. Don't go to mafia-run brothel or stripclub unless you want to get drugged and then kidnapped or extorted for money.
>- What are the top activities in Poland?
WW2 memorial and historical areas. Literal areas of significant history.
>- Are there any good bookstores?
Many bookstores there- many are not in your language though.
>- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin, Ukraine or other cities in general?
Sure but you won't be able to stay long enough to see everything
Visit the National Museum built by interwar Fascist Poland it's near
>- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin
Theoretically doable, but why would you? It'll take you six or seven hours to get there by bus/train from Warsaw. That's more than a day, realistically two, completely wasted in transit and you've only got seven of these to spare. If you're going to do that, plan to see cities on the way and around as a full-week trip.
Forget about it. The border is an absolute hellhole nowadays. You're basically gambling on whether you'll be stuck there for a day each way and none of it will be a pleasant experience.
>or other cities in general?
>2 weeks in Poland
>doesn't mention anything except Warsaw
Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk - that's where you really want to go.
>first time in Europe
>go straight into a war zone
are you nuts m8? it was trash before the war, and it's even worse now.
>inb4 western Ukraine is not so bad
it's still a country at war.

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