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Are motels (in america) worth staying out for the cheap costs or are you better off in a normal hotel? I rarely take advantage of stuff like hotel pool, fitness, or breakfast. I'm usually in late, and out early when traveling in order to do as much as I can in the area. Seems like the only real worry is bugs and break ins?
If it's on a booking site it should be ok, if not it could very likely be a horrible crack den
Motels are great for road trips.
the amount of losers you run into at cheap anything makes it actually kind of like a morale penalty to pay for it. They influence you in a negative way and then that negative influence is gonna ruin your day, so maybe the loss for 80-200 saving is gonna be couple grands at least.
Who cares if they're gonna say fuck this and fuck that and shit coz they get jealous at you during breakfast. Are these people winners. If not, you're the smartest guy in the room so you're in the wrong room.
it depends. check reviews. i've stayed at cheap motels that were absolutely fine and others with bedbugs and police breaking into the room next door (literally thought i was going to die)
Read the reviews, starting from the most recent ones. Having worked at a run down Americas Best in the past, I can tell you for certain that unhappy employees = shit property. And if the property is shit, the management doesn't give a fuck either and may be trying to sell the place anyway.

Find reviews about the bathrooms, especially. Improperly maintained/cleaned bathrooms are the canary in the coal mine. It means housekeeping doesn't care either and if housekeeping is having a bad time. Just keep looking and read more reviews.
What is a normal hotel?
You won't find many of them in the US except for big expensive business hotels like a Marriott in the center of major cities.
The vast majority of accomodations in the US are basically motels even if they're called something else like Holiday Inn.
The problem with motels are a lot are run by pajeets who do minimal cleaning/maintenance but collude to charge high prices and the breakfast is usually inedible.
Absolutely check reviews try to find a place with good reviews if it looks like regular white people hipsters own it instead of foreigners that's good and if the building smells like an Indian restaurant it means Indian owners who live in rooms in the motel and it's a huge red flag.
I've traveled the US extensively and found only one Indian motel owner that wasn't a huge dick.
why are "white" americans so lazy and incompetent that all the prosperous business owners are Indians?
They're probably just mad because they won't be hired there. Many Indian owned properties are staffed by the owners' relatives who reside there. I know of one place where they do round the clock housekeeping. Lodging work sucks anyway.
Never stay in a motel if you're in an area with a significant population of Hispanics or blacks. That's a good rule of thumb. In white America, motels are fine.
Foreign investment by massively wealthy Indians who buy up properties and have their family members or underling run them. Extreme racial nepotism is impenetrable for average deracinated indoctrinated Americans.

It's not all prosperous business owners, but Indians corner markets by buying out competition and colluding with each other to force out non Indians, before they deliberately lower the quality across the board once no completion exists.

Their behavior is criminal, but whenever they get caught a fall guy just goes back to India or wherever and they repeat the cycle.
That's useful advice
>like regular white people hipsters own it instead of foreigners that's good and if the building smells like an Indian restaurant it means Indian owners who live in rooms in the motel and it's a huge red flag.
the problem is, no one in their right mind wants to operate a shitty motel. Those smelly Indians probably get some type of immigration status working at the there. Their living conditions look entirely 3rd world, they must be very much bottom of the barrel with no skills or concept of how a clean motel should be run.

As someone said, read the reviews, although they can be deceptive and not show the fact that it is owned by Indians. Usually you get what you pay for, up to a certain price, above which you are in a different category. For a road trip, I would stick to the usual holiday inn, double tree, etc because they are consistent in the way they clean and present themselves. You don't get hit or miss independent motels where Patel is living in the room next to the front desk and everything reeks of onions and curry. God help you if you decide to look behind the bedside table.
i've stayed in many motels while on road trip or just to get drunk with buddies, they're cheap and effective
why not just sleep in your car
I agree to stick with chains. I have an AAA membership and will only stay at lodging that meets their basic approval standards, even if I book through someone else.
9 out of 10 times your fine simply look for red flags on reviews

If you're doing a motel stay a good few miles outside the city most major cities have satellite town or outskirt motel blocks that are worth it. Exended stays are often pretty good since police use them quiet often if shit happens they pop up fast.

Word of advice don't just look for the cheapest place.

NTA but many places stop that shit especially the lots that use to allow it like walmart, cops will gladly wake you up to make sure you didn't die of monoxide poisoning or are drunk, homeless will easily harass you, you're not getting a good night sleep, etc. 35-50 for a night in a decent motel >>> car and dealing with bullshit

"muh comfy time sleeping exploring the american south west in fall/winter was kino in my hatchback + sleeping bag!"
I stayed at a comfort inn with a shitty bathroom (lightbulbs were burned out, shower had dirt and debris in it, cleaning supplies were left on the sink etc) and they refunded me 50% of my booking costs because i complained twice
I stayed at a motel 6 in california recently. It was reasonably clean but the AC unit was broken and the front desk guy gave no fucks. Luckily it wasn't that hot, so I just took a cold shower and went to bed.
If you know what you're getting into and are just crashing for a single night while travelling, it's ok. For a longer stay, I'd never do it.
Depends on the side of town they are on. If they are a couple miles from tourist stuff then they should be fin. If they are in the ghetto then they are largely freespace for meth labs.

But either way, all a road motel is for is a single night then you are back on the road first thing the next morning. It's really just 4 walls, a bed, and a tv if you are bored.
Where are rooms that cheap? Everywhere Ive traveled it's 70-120+ a night.
>Everywhere Ive traveled it's 70-120+ a night.
Midwest much of the south, just look up hotels.com you're never staying in the city. IF say I am passing into OKC I will probably get something cheap in Moore, which is fine since it beats city traffic.

Again you need to be on the outskirts, plenty of motel6's or rodewayiins are dirt cheap
NTA but the only time i get hotels under $80 when I use my discount rate for Choice Hotels, and even THAT is too much honestly.
I pay $54 a night for a Quality Inn and its a piece of shit, I cant imagine paying full price for any Choice Hotel chain
I primarily travel in the midwest so it must just be BFE Oklahoma on a Monday.

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