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File: IMG_3717.jpg (32 KB, 452x678)
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Leaf here in Australia. What’s the etiquette for using the urinal? Do you squeeze in the gaps? Wait for a comfortable amount of space? Do you stand on the piss grate?
stand on the grate. avoid eye contact. go in the gaps if the place is busy.
Just glance really inconspicuously to see if the other blokes tip is same as yours or fatter.
Yes step up on the grate / or some old ones have a tiled ledge.
These trough urinals are pretty rare though these days. Most are individual porcelain ones sometimes with privacy dividers.
If you feel self conscious or if the urinals are occupied it's also fine to use a toilet cubicle and you can leave the door open as you are standing and peeing into the toilet bowl.
At a pub or a club with a trough urinal where everyone is half drunk and pissing beer just wait and then step up when someone steps away. You don't need to wait for a "big" space.
Honestly Aussies are pretty laid back about pissing as long as you just do it and keep your eyes down.
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I've used urinals like this once, and the sink was placed like picrel, so basically you could see everyone's dick when you washed your hands.

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